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Economic implications of mode 4 trade This session will address the economic implications of liberalising mode 4 trade, drawing upon economic theory and existing empirical research. It will discuss the potential effects of greater mode 4 opening, globally as well as in sending and receiving countries. Measurement issues related to mode 4 trade will also be tackled. Mina Mashayekhi, Head, Trade Negotiations and Commercial Diplomacy Branch, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Joy Kategekwa, Policy Advisor, Trade and Investment, OXFAM International Massimiliano Cal, Research Officer, Overseas Development Institute Aaditya Mattoo, Lead Economist, Development Research Group, World Bank Q&A  15h00-15h30Session 2. (continued) Joscelyn Magdeleine, Statistical Officer, Economic Research and Statistics Division, ϲʹ Secretariat Q&A 15h30-18h00Session 3. Mode 4 in practice Perspectives from the private sector Business representatives in home and host countries will discuss actual experiences with mode 4 trade and practical impediments to the movement of persons. Home country perspective Roelof van Tonder, Chief Executive Officer, Built Environment Professions Export Council Jobit P George, Officer, Talent Engagement, Infosys Technologies Limited Magda Shahin, Director, Trade-Related Assistance Centre, American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt Q&A Host country perspective Goran Hultin, Chief Executive Officer, Caden Corporation Pascal Kerneis, Managing Director, European Services Forum Jolanta Jaworska, Governmental Programs Executive, IBM Poland Q&A  Tuesday, 23 September 2008 10h00-13h00Session 4. Mode 4 in practice Perspectives from immigration, labour and trade Home and host country views on mode 4 will be presented from an immigration, labour and trade angle. Immigration Linda Mortensen, Regional Director Europe, Counsellor (Immigration), Australian Embassy, Berlin Jacqueline R Bart, Founder and Managing Lawyer, Bart & Associates Ellen G Yost, Partner, Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy, LLP Q&A Labour Sumanta Chaudhuri, Chief Executive Officer, Government of West Bengal Peter Waldorff, General Secretary, Public Services International Shin-yi Peng, Professor and Director, Institute of Law for Science and Technology, Tsing Hua University, Chinese Taipei Q&A Trade Ramesh Chaitoo, Head, Services Trade Unit, Caribbean Regional Negotiating Machinery Alejandro Buvinic, Director-General, Legal Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chile Q&A 15h00-16h00Session 5. Beyond market access Domestic regulation and Mutual Recognition Agreements This session will discuss how to make mode 4 market access operationally meaningful, focusing on the role of Mutual Recognition Agreements and the interplay with domestic regulatory regimes. Rupa Chanda, Professor, Economic and Social Sciences Area, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore David Benton, Chief Executive Officer Designate, International Council of Nurses Q&A 16h00-17h00Session 6. Ensuring temporariness Lessons from existing practices This session will examine the features and relative success of mechanisms put in place to prevent overstaying and promote return, in an attempt to draw useful lessons for mode 4. Michele Klein-Solomon, Director, Migration Policy, Research and Communications Department, International Organization for Migration Rupa Chanda, Professor, Economic and Social Sciences Area, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore Q&A 17h00-18h00Session 7. Final panel Moving forward Moderator - Hamid Mamdouh, Director, Trade in Services Division, ϲʹ Secretariat Jose Victor V Chan-Gonzaga, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of the Philippines to the World Trade Organization Jan Bailey, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of New Zealand to the World Trade Organization Daniel C Crosby, Partner, Budin & Partners Aaditya Mattoo, Lead Economist, Development Research Group, World Bank __________     ϲʹ OMC Page  PAGE 2  World Trade Organization Organisation Mondiale du Commerce Organizacin Mundial del Comercio Centre William Rappard Rue de Lausanne 154 Case postale CH - 1211 Genve 21 Tlphone: (+41 22) 739 51 11 Fax: (+41 22) 731 42 06 Internet: http://www.wto.org  EMBED Word.Picture.8  FGdefopwy¾xndZdPIPIPI h5aJh88h5aJh}~hf5aJh}~h5aJh}~hK|l5aJh88haJh)@h5CJaJh hN hb/6hK|lhK|l6hCh5CJaJhChPd5CJaJhK|lhhK|lhaJh8haJh5;CJ hK|lhN;aJ h;aJhK|lh;aJ hN;aJ&FGdefp $$Ifa$gd^N$ $Ifa$gd^Ngdgd  7]gd$ 7]a$gdl  *kd$$IflC0($ 0$4 l` ap $$Ifa$gd^N$ & F L$If]^L`a$gd}~$ 7$If]a$gd^N   # % ) * + , z {    @ J ɿ|uqu_#hCh0CJOJQJ]^JaJh{~ hCh0 hChPdhW< hChhChaJhCh5aJh}~hC5aJh}~hf5aJh}~h5aJh}~hK|l5aJh88haJh88hk#5aJh|h6h} h6 hh h>'h h6 , 7 { } ~ $ & F L$If]^L`a$gdK|l$ $7$8$H$Ifa$gd^N$ Y$Ifa$gd^N $$Ifa$gd^N J ~   4 5 R S c e  , . _ ǽyrnrfffffhChN6hW< hCh0hCh0aJhCh5aJh}~h5aJh}~hf5aJh}~hC5aJh}~hK|l5aJhChaJhChk#5aJhCh5hChC5hCh6 hh hCh#hChCJOJQJ]^JaJ(  S T l````A$ 7nY$If]^Y`a$gd^N $$Ifa$gd^Nkd$$Ifl0($ 0$4 l` apT  _ $$Ifa$gdC $$Ifa$gd^N$ & F L$If]^L`a$gdK|l_ m o 89=mfmf^YT^LhCh85 hK 6 h{~6hChf6 hChf#hChfCJOJQJ]^JaJhChf56aJhChf5aJh}~h85aJh}~hC5aJh}~hk#5aJh}~hf5aJh\h88haJh)@hk#5aJ hC5hChC5hChaJhCh6 hh hCh 8lj^R3$ & F L$If]^L`a$gdf $$Ifa$gdf $$Ifa$gd^Nkd$$Ifl0($ 0$4 l` ap89=>?KVI= $$Ifa$gd^Nkd$$Ifl0(# 0$4 l` ap $$Ifa$gdC$ Ln@$If]a$gd^N=>?BCDJK#*+,-EFWYGLMefrtоyqyyiby hChk#hChC5hChPd6 hh hChhCh6>*hChC6>*hCh6 hW<aJ haJ hc'aJhChaJhCh5h}~hk#5aJh}~h5aJh}~hC5aJh}~hK|l5aJhCh8aJhChk#5$V,-FGHLMf$ & F L$If]^L`a$gdx5 $$Ifa$gdC$ & F L$If]^L`a$gdK|l$ n$If]a$gd^N$ Ln@$If]a$gd^N   !"#>?BDJKlysj^TJ@Jh}~hk#5aJh}~h5aJh}~hK|l5aJhCh5CJaJhChaJ hW<aJ haJhChaJhCh5aJhChC5hCh5\aJhChx5aJ hy$76aJhx5hx56aJhy$7OJQJ^JaJmH sH hy$7hy$76aJhy$7hx5aJhx5hx5aJhy$7haJhCh6aJ $$Ifa$gd^N $$Ifa$gdC$$If]a$gd^N$ & F L$If]^L`a$gdy$7 !"#>?Kl___R_I $Ifgd^N h^h`gd  h^h`gdkdT$$Ifl0(# 0$4 l` apKWoC  $$Ifa$gdC$ & F L$If]^L`a$gdK|l$ 7Ln@$If]a$gd^N $$Ifa$gd^NlmoCQS ]p峬Χijγγ΃xijγpphCh L6 hChK hhChC5 h}~5 hVhVhVhV6hx5hV h6 hh hChhCh6aJhCh6>*hCh6hChW7aJ hW7aJhChaJhCh)aJhCh5, ]$ Ln@$If]a$gd^N $$Ifa$gdC$$If]a$gd^N$ & F L$If]^L`a$gdK|l J[FRTP\&ƼƼ}xphCh6 h6%hhB*CJOJQJ^Jph hh hCh hCh) h{~5hCh5h}~hk#5aJh}~h5aJh}~hK|l5aJh88haJhCh5aJhChC5hCh5\aJhCh6, lcCC $ 7Ln@n$If]^n`a$gd^N $Ifgd^Nkd($$Ifl0($ 0$4 l` ap F $$Ifa$gdC $$Ifa$gd^N$ & F L$If]^L`a$gd8$ 7n$If]a$gd^NlcNN: Ln@$If]gd^N 7Ln@$If]gd^N $Ifgd^Nkd$$Ifl0($ 0$4 l` ap& 7O $If]gd^N $$Ifa$gdC $$Ifa$gd^N$ & F L$If]^L`a$gd8 7n$If]gd^N&13$&35F#%[\Żűũꤠytmf^hCh66 hh6 hCh6 h66hb/h66hs;bh66hh66h6hb/ hs;bh6hs;b h6hCh5h}~hk#5aJh}~hK|l5aJh}~h5aJh88haJhChC5hCh5aJhCh6 hh hCh$lcII2 7O $If]gd^N 7LnO @$If]gd^N $Ifgd^Nkd$$Ifl0($ 0$4 l` ap\]^_j$ L $If]^a$gd6$ L $If]^a$gd6$ & F L L$If]^La$gd6$ 7O $If]a$gd}~ \]ijklmoprsuvx|neYhR~hR~:mH sH hR~:mH sH h]|hR~:@mH sH h]|hR~:@mH sH h]|hR~:@hR~jhR~UmHnHsH uh*hb/mHnHujhD0fUhD0fhD0f5:CJhD0f5:CJ h`jh`Uh#5CJaJh88haJ hs;bh6h6hs;bjklnoqrtuwxldbbbbbbbb$a$gd^!kd$$Ifl0($ 0$4 l` ap xK$a$gd^!gdR~$ >'d:$dN]a$gd}~^gdR~^gd#$ 0"&dPa$gdD0fh#5CJaJh:AjxhR~U$jG8 hR~CJUVmHnHuhR~jhR~Uh`h*hIhD0fCJaJmH sH hIhICJaJmH sH hqhICJmH sH  8 0 0&P 1h:p\. 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