Proposals in the services negotiations

During the course of the services negotiations, °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ members tabled various proposals regarding both the structure and the contents of negotiations.

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List of services proposals

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Proposals for the new negotiations documents use the code S/CSS/W/* or TN/S/W/* (where * takes additional values).
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Sectoral proposals: 
  • Accountancy services (Document code S/CSS/W/* or TN/S/W/* and Title “Accounting service”)   > search
  • Advertising and related services (Document code S/CSS/W/* or TN/S/W/* and Title “Advertising”)   > search
  • Architectural services (Document code S/CSS/W/* or TN/S/W/* and Title “Architectural”)   > search
  • Audiovisual and related services (Document code S/CSS/W/* or TN/S/W/* and Title “Audiovisual”)   > search
  • Business services (Document code S/CSS/W/* or TN/S/W/* and Title “Business services”)   > search
  • Computer and related services (Document code S/CSS/W/* or TN/S/W/* and Title “Computer”)   > search
  • Construction and related engineering services (Document code S/CSS/W/* or TN/S/W/* and Title “Construction or engineering”)   > search
  • Consulting services (Document code S/CSS/W/* or TN/S/W/* and Title “Consulting services”)   > search
  • Distribution services (Document code S/CSS/W/* or TN/S/W/* and Title “Distribution”)   > search
  • Education services (Document code S/CSS/W/* or TN/S/W/* and Title “Education”)  > search
  • Energy services (Document code S/CSS/W/* or TN/S/W/* and Title “Energy”)   > search
    • Oil and gas services (Document code S/CSS/W/* or TN/S/W/* and Title “Oil and gas”)   > search
  • Environmental services (Document code S/CSS/W/* or TN/S/W/* and Title “Environmental”)   > search
  • Financial services (Document code S/CSS/W/* or TN/S/W/* and Title “Financial”)   > search
  • Legal services (Document code S/CSS/W/* or TN/S/W/* and Title “Legal services”)   > search
  • Logistics and related services (Document code S/CSS/W/* or TN/S/W/* and Title “Logistics”)   > search
  • Movement of natural persons (Document code S/CSS/W/* or TN/S/W/* and Title “Movement”)   > search
  • Postal and courier services (Document code S/CSS/W/* or TN/S/W/* and Title “Postal or courier”)   > search
    • Express delivery services (Document code S/CSS/W/* or TN/S/W/* and Title “Express delivery”)   > search
  • Professional services (Document code S/CSS/W/* or TN/S/W/* and Title “Professional”)   > search
  • Sporting services (Document code S/CSS/W/* or TN/S/W/* and Title “Sporting services”)   > search
  • Telecommunication services (Document code S/CSS/W/* or TN/S/W/* and Title “Telecommunication”)   > search
  • Tourism services (Document code S/CSS/W/* or TN/S/W/* and Title “Tourism”)   > search
  • Transport services (Document code S/CSS/W/* or TN/S/W/* and Title “Transport”)   > search
    • Air Transport services (Document code S/CSS/W/* or TN/S/W/* and Title “Air transport services”)   > search
      • Aircraft Repair and Maintenance Services (Document code S/CSS/W/* or TN/S/W/* and Title “Aircraft Repair and Maintenance Services”)   > search
    • Maritime Transport services (Document code S/CSS/W/* or TN/S/W/* and Title “Maritime transport services”)   > search
    • Services auxiliary to all modes of transport (Document code S/CSS/W/* or TN/S/W/* and Title “Services auxiliary to all modes of transport”)   > search

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