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I`ll focus on work permit questions and on questions concerning temporary admission to the German labour market. In my opinion the aim of this seminar could be to contribute - by the exchange of national experiences - to the transparency of such regulations. B. German regulations concerning the admission of third country nationals (at present) To understand Germany`s Gats commitments it is necessary to give a short summary of the German migration policy. To some extent the German experiences and the different approaches of the German migration law may be exemplary for the experiences of other European countries. I. Main features The Admission of third country nationals is regulated through the Aliens Act and several work permit ordinances. Several institutions are responsible for the admission of foreign employees. The aliens office (Auslфnderbehіrde) is responsible for residence permits, labour offices (Arbeitsфmter) for granting work permits. II. Residence authorisation Not within the scope of GATS III. Work Authorisation 1. Principles Since 1973 the admisson of third-country nationals has been restricted. In the future the approach will be more flexible especially concerning the admittance of highly qualified employees. The granting of work authorisations is regulated by the Social Code, Book III (act on employment promotion). The details are regulated in several ordinances. 2. Work permit ordinance Most important is the work permit ordinance. According to this ordinance German migration law differentiates between temporary presence of foreign national persons and permanent presence. I`ll focus here on the temporary presence because the other is not in the scope of the GATS. a) Requirements The granting of a work permit (Arbeitserlaubnis) is an act of discretion. The labour offices are required to consider the capacity of the Labour market (a general consideration) examine if domestic or EU workers are available for the job b) Exemtions from the work permit requirement There are seventeen different professions exemted from the work permit requirement. For example lorry drivers, specialised workers, artists, scientific researchers, students who work temporarily during the holidays, teachers, professors, embassy and consulate personel. 3. Permanent presence of foreign national persons (not in the scope of Gats) Unlimited access to the German labour market (the so called work permission) will be given only in certain cases. A third-country national has the legal right to obtain a work permit if he holds a residence authorisation, has worked in Germany legally for five years and is covered by social insurance or has been in Germany for six uninterrupted years. III. „Privileged“ foreigners so called Green Card for IT-Experts The admission of up to 20.000 IT-experts on the basis on a new regulation in 2000 promoted a new point of view concerning the occupation of foreign workers in Germany. Something similar happened probably in other European countries. Regarding the IT sector, it became clear that a further implementation of the ban of recruitment dating from 1973 leads to a competitive disadvantage, if an urgent demand for experts exists and if this can only be covered by foreign workers. In the meantime nearly 11.000 employees were admitted. The admission is limited to foreigners with a university deagree or a degree of a polytechnical university. If foreign applicants do not have a relevant higher education they can obtain a work permit on the basis of their outstanding specialist knowledge if an annual salary of at least Ќ 50000 (gross) is guaranteed. bilateral agreements Germany is committed to several bilateral agreements and concluded with several central and eastern european States agreements relating to guest workers, border commuters and contractual workers. - guest workers (employee exchanges for the purposes of improving their language skills up to 18 months) - contract workers (mostly construction workers), work authorisation for temporary employment if their salary comparable to salaries set out in German tariff treaties. - work permit usually granted for two years - seasonal workers. The number of seasonal workers increased to a number of nearly 287.000 per year in 2001 (especially in the agricultural, hotel and restaurant sector). The current legal regulations provide an occupation of max. three months per year. C. German regulations concerning the admission of third country nationals (future) I. Not enforced Up to now the new migration law is not in force. II. Essentials of the new migration law (Zuwanderungsgesetz) New approach. Germany wants to be more flexible concerning labour market needs. The intention of the new law is to direct the admission of third country nationals. The main principles are: „one-stop-shop procedure“ This one-stop government shall guarantee a quicker and more transparent procedure. The two fold approval procedure that was required for limited employment stays (work permission and residence permission) is replaced by an internal procedure of consent. only two residence titles from „migration -stop“ to „regulation“ New approach concerning labour migration. priviliged admission for highly qualified employees The details will be regulated in future ordinances. details in future ordinances The new ordinances will guarantee the standards. D. GATS-Implications Gats framework „Mode 4“ is the provision of services through the temporary presence of foreign nationals. The Agreement shall not apply to measures affecting natural persons seeking access to the employment market of a Member, nor shall it apply to measures regarding citizenship, residence or employment on a permanent basis. I. Gats clause The Gast agreements are explicitely mentioned in the German work permit ordinance. Therefore all Gats commitments are guaranteed. II. Committments The EC and its Member States have made certain commitments which allow some foreign nationals to temporarily enter the European Union for the purpose of the provision of services. These committments relate to three categories of international service providers. Intra-corporate transferees (ICTs), Business Visitors (BVs) and Contractual Service Providers (CSS). Intra-corporate transferees: Commitments are limited to senior and specialised („persons possessing uncommon knowledge“) personnel. Entry is permitted without compliance with an economic needs test although all other requirements concerning entry, stay, work and social security measures continue to apply. Intra-corporate transferees must have worked within the company for at least one year prior to transfer. top management This Committment is fulfilled concerning to GATS-Clause. Concerning to the German work permit ordinance managers of an enterprise don`t need a work permit for a period of up to five years if they are employed on a top management level if the employment is based on an intra-corporate transferee programme (Ї 9 Nr. 2 work permit ordinance) Business visitors: Entry is permitted without compliance with an economic needs test, although all other requirements concerning entry, stay, work and social security measures continue to apply. Insofar the access to the German labour market is not restricted. Contractual service providers: The length of the service contract must not exceed 3 months and must be obtained in one of a relatively limited list of activities. Examples of service sectors where Germany has made commitments on Contractual Service Providers: . Legal advice on home country law and public international law. Exemtion: No market access related to activities reserved to „Rechtsanwalt“ (lawyer) Accounting services. Exemtion: No commitments related to activities reserved to „Wirtschaftsprќfer“ Taxation advisory services Managers and senior consultants working in management consulting services and in services related to management consulting technical testing and analysis services limited range of services of site investigation work tour managers of travel agencies and tour operators service providers E. Suggestions/Future Developments Concerning future developments the following can be said at the moment. high unemployment (about 4,1 Mio.) Liberalising barriers to the movement of persons under the GATS is a difficult target if 4, 1 millionen people are unemployed in Germany. expected labour migration from Eastern European Countries Concerning to research studies a significant labour migration from Eastern European Countries will be expected in connection with the enlargement of the EU. As a consequence it is quite important for Germany that potential new Gats arrangements shall not apply to measures affecting natural persons seeking access to the employment market. areas for Reflection I refer to the communication from the European Communities and their member states dated March 14, 2001. Harmonisation of the definitions and/or descriptions of the Mode 4 categories including the context of intra-corporate transferees. A discussion could be launched on the opportunity to ensure that GATS Members agree on common terms and definitions for intra-corporate transferees, executives, managers specialists and contractual service providers. This harmonisation effort could take into account, as far as relevant, the work already carried out by other international organisations. Common definitions could potentially form the basis of a model schedule. The specification of unspecified labour market tests from future commitments so as to ensure effective application of mode 4 liberalisation. The elaboration of a common code of practice for economic needs tests with the objective to render them more specific and transparent, define their application criteria, make them non-discriminatory and impose a due process procedure could be highly desirable. Building on GATS article 4 with a view to achieving greater transparency the conditions under which service providers may temporarily enter and stay in the territory of Members should be regulated appropriately and clearly, setting out their rights and obligations and ensuring that they have access to this information and that there are mechanisms in place to see that it is applied fairly. This could imply, amongst others, provisions to faciliate the swift adoption of decisions on individual applications to temporarily enter and stay as service provider both in the interest of the enterprise delivering the service and the person concerned, on the basis of objective and verifiable criteria and the development of clear, simple and predictable application procedures. General policies on access to information would greatly enhance transparency. For example national information points (e.g. websites) could be created and maintained which could contain a complete set of information relating to the admission of natural persons providing services and giving contact details of national authorities competent to receive applications for relevant permits/applications. F. Further Informations residence authorization ( HYPERLINK http://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/www/de/willkommen/einreisebestimmungen/index_html www.auswaertiges-amt.de/willkommen/einreisebestimmungen/index_html) work permits (www. arbeitsamt.de) -  SEITE 12 - WENN SEITE 12 < ANZSEITEN 12 "- = SEITE 7+18 - WENN SEITE 1 < ANZSEITEN 12 "- = SEITE 1+12 -- = SEITE 1+12 - нsЫпя‹ ™ љ  p € - > 5 ? ‹ Г rР$C(5‘ЁgweЙЉФ@ H Њ"Л"а"и"В#а#ь&'.*:*N,[,.%.W.c.x2’2Ћ2Ќ23 3 3L3M3r3t3u3|3}33€3‚3„3…3Š3‹3‘3’3”3•3˜3™3ћјћјћјћјћјћјћјћјћјћјћјћјћјћјћјђјћјћјћјћјћјћјћјћјћјћјыјсыйыјвЯвЪвЯУРУРУРУРУmH jUmH0JmH0J j0JU0J>*B*CJ jCJ U jCJ U 5>*CJ CJ 5CJ L4jƒ„ЙКопя№rsЪЫоп№ё4 5 R S p q Š љљљљљљљєяъъъъєъъъъъъъъяъъъяdhdhdh$dhq3r3ƒ3„3С34ўќўўљќ  Š ‹ ™ š X Y ј љ   - . > ? 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