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Dr Ahmad Hiasat, CEO, Chairman of the Board of Commissioners, Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Jordan Dr. Ahmad Hiasat is the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners / CEO of the Jordanian Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC). Prior to that, Dr. Hiasat worked as the Dean of the King Abdullah II of Electrical Engineering - Princess Sumaya University for Technology (PSUT) since 2004 until he was appointed as the Chairman and CEO of TRC in March 2006. In addition he worked as Part-Time Consultant to the Minister/Ministry of Education of Jordan for the "Education Reform for Knowledge Economy" (ERfKE) project. Earlier, he worked as Communications/ Computer Engineer Head of Communications & Data Processing Sections, The Telecommunications Directorate, Royal Jordanian Air Force. Dr. Hiasat holds a Ph. D. in Systems Engineering from Oakland University, Rochester, MI, USA, M. Sc. in Communications Engineering and B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Jordan. Mr. Jos Alfredo Rizek Vidal, Executive Director, INDOTEL, Dominican Republic Obtained his Juris Doctor "Cum Laude" from "Pontificia Universidad Catlica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM)" in 1994, in Santo Domingo. Also holds a Masters Degree in Economic Regulation of Utilities from the "Warrington College of Business Administration", University of Florida, in Gainesville, FL. Mr. Rizek has participated as a panelist and speaker in several seminars and workshops around the World in the areas of telecommunications, regulation of public entities, anti trust, judicial reform and governance. In the Dominican Republic, he serves both as a mediator and as an arbitrator of the Arbitration Council of the Chamber of Commerce of Santo Domingo, Inc., and as professor of the subjects Telecommunications Law and Contract Law in the two most prestigious private universities in the country: "Pontificia Universidad Catlica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM)" and "Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE)". He has been visiting lecturer in the International Arbitration class of the University of Miamis School Of Law. He has also authored numerous articles and publications in the areas of telecommunications infrastructure, market competition, contract dispute, alternative dispute resolution. Mr. Rizek has been involved in the telecommunications sector since 1994, holding leadership positions both in the private and public sector. Since October 1, 2004, he serves as Executive Director of INDOTEL, the Dominican Republics telecommunications regulator, and is also of counsel of Shutts & Bowen, LLP. a Florida based law firm. Dr. Dinesh Sharma, Executive, Telecommunications Regulatory Authority, Nepal Professor Dinesh Sharma holds the position of Chairperson of Nepal Telecommunications Authority (NTA), the Telecommunications Regulatory Agency of Nepal on a five-year assignment from February 2006. Dr. Sharma, after completing a Ph.D. in Communications System Engineering in 1985, started his career as Assistant Professor at the Tribhuvan University. During his professional carrer to date he served as The Head of Department, Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering; Member of Board of Directors, Nepal Telecommunications Corporation; Founding Member, Nepal Telecommunications Auhtority and many other key assignments. Mr. Po-Chou LIANG, Senior Engineer, NCC, Chinese Taipei Mr. Liang was born in 1969. He received master degrees in both "Computer Engineering and Science" from Yuan-Ze University in Taiwan, and in "MSc in Operational Telecommunications Programme" from Coventry University in the UK. Mr. Liang was first employed in 1990 as an advanced technician at the Northern Administration of Telecommunications, Directorate General of Telecommunications (DGT). To date, he has been working in the telecommunications sector for more than 18 years with much experience in telecommunications networks, high-speed network systems, computer engineering, telecom regulatory affairs and APEC Telecommunications and Information Working Group (TEL) activities. Besides, he was also an experienced lecturer in teaching C and C++ programming languages at DGTs Telecommunications Training Institute. Due to the reorganization of DGT in July 1996, he was transferred to the Department of Planning of DGT, responsible for drafting telecommunications regulations and policies. During 2003 to 2006, he served as Section Chief of the international affairs in DGT. Meanwhile, he served in succession as Deputy Convenor of the Development Cooperation Steering Group (DCSG) and of the ICT Development Steering Group (DSG) in the APEC TEL Working Group. Now Mr. Liang is a Senior Engineer in the newborn converged regulator, the National Communications Commission (NCC), dealing with international affairs. 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