ࡱ> xzw @ p%bjbj5*5* +LW@W@N!ppppppp ( ( (8D($h(t:g,((" ) ) ) ) ) )fffffff$fhRj\fp= ) )==fpp ) )fAAA=p )p )fA=fAAj9^0ppd )( vs (n@^id2=e| g0:gd2k@oddppppopdp )z/A$47 ) ) )ffhxAhSymposium on Telecommunications to Commemorate the 10th Anniversary of the Fourth Protocol to the GATS 20-21 February 2008, Geneva, Switzerland biographies Panel D: Positive network effects of expanding telecommunications services and networks: economic opportunity, growth and social benefits Moderator: Ms. Shaista Sohail, Economic Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Pakistan to the ϲʹ Mrs. Harriet Berg, Vice President Governmental Relations; Head of Brussels Office, Telenor Harriet E. Berg has been Vice President Governmental Relations and head of Telenors Brussels office since 2001. Prior to joining Telenor she was state secretary (deputy minister) for the Norwegian Ministry of Trade and Industry from 1997 2000. She has also held several positions in the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (joining the MFA in 1991). Mrs. Berg holds a Master of International Affairs from Columbia University, New York. Mr. Tobby Simon, CEO, Synergia, Bangalore, India Tobby Simon is the Founder, President and CEO of Synergia Consultants Pvt Ltd, a company headquartered in Bangalore, India. Synergia provides strategic business consulting to global companies in the verticals of Information Technology, Telecommunications, Infrastructure and Health Care. Synergia Technologies, a wholly owned subsidiary of Synergia Consultants, works in cutting edge technologies in the following domains: RFID integrated enterprise solutions Supply Chain Management and Logistics solutions Solutions for the Healthcare domain Telecom (Enterprise solutions running on PDAs) Unified Communications In the recent past, Synergia Technologies has closely worked with companies such as NTT Communications and NTT DoCoMo, world leaders in telecommunications, in facilitating an entry strategy for India. Tobby is graduate MBA and an alumni of Harvard Business School. He is currently the: Regional Vice President, Harvard University South Asia Director, Harvard Business Schools Life Sciences Industry Alumni Initiative in India Research Associate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Member, International Council, J.F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University Member, Deans International Council, Harris School of Public Policy Studies, University of Chicago. Tobby is part of the visiting faculty at several prestigious institutions and delivers lectures to students of the J.F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University and the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore. Mr. Tony Warren, Executive Director for Regulatory Affairs, Telstra, Australia Dr Tony Warren is Executive Director Regulatory Affairs for Telstra based in Canberra. In this role, Dr Warren leads a team of professionals with primary responsibility for managing Telstras regulatory issues and public policy positioning. He has held this position since September 2005 and has been in Telstra since November 2001. Prior to moving to Telstra, Dr Warren was a Director of the Network Economics Consulting Group (NECG). Dr Warren joined NECG in 1997 and helped build it into Australias premier regulatory economics consulting firm, working closely with companys such as Telstra on all economic aspects of regulation, competition policy, trade practices, intellectual property and related issues. During his time at NECG, DrWarren spent four months on secondment at the Oxford Economic Research Associates in the United Kingdom working on a series of projects. Before joining NECG Dr Warren was a post-doctoral fellow in the Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies at the Australian National University, where he led a team of researchers developing methodologies for quantifying barriers to trade and investment in services. This project, which built upon Dr Warrens PhD dissertation on The Political Economy of Services Trade and Investment, has, for the first time, allowed for the systematic modelling of the economic effects of services liberalisation, including telecommunications. Ms. Zainab Hussain Siddiqui, Senior Project Manager,Ministry of Information Technology, Pakistan Ms. Zainab Hussain Siddiqui is the Senior Project Manager, IT & Telecom Division at the Ministry of IT, Government of Pakistan. She holds an MSc. in Development Administration and Planning from University College London and an MBA from Pakistan. She has been working with the development sector since 7 years and specializes in ICT for Development initiatives. Professional ExperienceApr 2007 to date Ministry of IT (IT & Telecom Division) Coordination & International Liaison Unit, Islamabad Senior Project Manager Dec 2006 Apr 2007 Commission on Science & Technology for Sustainable Development in the South (COMSATS) Headquarters, Islamabad Senior Assistant Director Programmes; Oct 2002 Dec 2006 Commission on Science & Technology for Sustainable Development in the South (COMSATS) Headquarters, Islamabad Feb 2002 Sept 2002 National Productivity Organization, Islamabad Liaison Office of the Asian Productivity Organization (Japan) Research Officer ProjectsInternational Telecommunication Unions (ITU) Establishment of Multipurpose Community Telecentres (MCTs) Project under the Action for Pakistan Programme 2007 French Online Distance Learning Programme ICTs for the Development of Remote and Mountainous Areas of Northern Pakistan Industrial Information Network (IIN) Project RESEARCH REPORTS "Structural Issues in Poverty Reduction" "Study of Overseas Employment of Pakistani Manpower" (an ILO funded study) '"astures of Prosperity - Development & Progress of Rural & Island Women in Pakistan"Training coursesAdvanced Personal & Professional Management Skills, University College London, UK Project Management: Techniques and Software, Pakistan Institute of Management, Karachi PublicationsSiddiqui Z.H., 2007, "Is Industrial Privatization a viable Economic Policy for Development? An Analysis of the Privatization of Public Sector Manufacturing Industries in Pakistan", Working Paper no. 130, ISSN 1474-3280, Development Planning Unit, University College London, London Siddiqui Z.H., 2006, "Sharing the Benefits of World Trade and Globalization", daily Dawn, March 06, 2006, Islamabad Malik S. and Siddiqui Z.H., 2005, "Reforming Basic/Primary Education in Pakistan ROBOGEN: A Practical & Innovative Approach", National Policy Dialogue Series Winning Article, Virtual Think Tank of Pakistan, Islamabad RESEARCH papers"Extending Telecommunication Services & ICT Applications to Under/Un-served Areas" - paper presented at the ITU Regional Workshop on ICT Applications for Rural Communication Development, Bali Indonesia, 28-30th November, 2007 "Gendered Opportunities for e-Business and Entrepreneurship in Pakistan A Policy Perspective" paper presented at the International Workshop in Entrepreneurship and e-Business Development for Women: APEC Womens e-Biz Training 2007, organized by International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Seoul - Republic of Korea, 16-21 July, 2007 "Learning French Online - The Case of a Unique e-learning Platform in Pakistan" paper presented at the Smart School International Conference, organized by the Ministry of Education, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia, 16 18th April 2007 "Promoting e-Learning in Pakistan: Strategies and Challenges" paper presented at the e-Asia 2007 Conference and Exhibition, Putrajaya - Malaysia, 6-8th February, 2007 PAGE  -PAGE 3- . /. !68ij 0 1 2 = > R raPI h=h= h hH/5B*nH phtH  h h=5B*nH phtH h=h=B*nH phtH h=hH/hAh" h=56h3Rh=56 h=5hh=5hTVh=5 hX*5hX*hX*hX*5 hhX*h?~hX*;CJhhX*5CJH*aJhhX*5CJaJhX*hX*5CJaJ!Mij1 2 gd=gd$Mgd^gd""gdX*$a$gdX*N%o% ^ deff󲭲xtm hnrvh h h=B*phhnrvh=B*ph hnrvh=h h=mH sH hh=mH sH  h 5 h=5hh=5hn th=5 h_h= hH/5!h h=B*OJQJ^Jphh h=OJQJ^J h h=h=h$h=5( .Ef8#yz $Ifgdew$a$gd=gd^gd gd="#pqyWX_ !ŸŜŕŕwŕŕŕŕŕŕŕh=6@]h=h=@h=h=6@] h=h=h=h=5h=5mH sH h h=mH sH hth=0J8mH sH h= hnrvh= h=5 h h=h h=mH sH h=h=5mH sH hh=5mH sH -! $Ifgd= $Ifgd= $Ifgdewckd$$If406!!!622 l4af4p!"#k}}}}}} $Ifgdewxkd$$IfF !6    22 l4apUVX}}}}} $Ifgdewxkdd$$IfF !6    22 l4apXYZ}}}}}} $Ifgdewxkd#$$IfF !6    22 l4ap}t $Ifgdew $Ifgd=xkd$$IfaF !6    22 l4apDEVW"$ $Ifgdewckd$$If40X ! h622 l4af4p $%68}t $Ifgdew $Ifgd=xkdF$$If| F !6    22 l4ap89I@ $IfgdewHkd$$If!,"622 l4ap $Ifgdewckd$$If4h06!!!622 l4af4p  QR% & < \ d h !!4!_!`!a!d!t!&#'#$$$$8%:%M%N%O%U%V%W%Y%Z%[%a%b%c%d%f%n%o%p%Ҽh h 0J7mHnHuhZ hZ0J7jhZ0J7Uh=h=H*hewh=h=5 h=hewh=h=6]h= h=h=h=hew6]7 `!a!c! $Ifgdew &$Ifgd=ckd$$If4/06!!!622 l4af4pc!d!t!v! $Ifgdewvkd$$IfF !6    22 l4apv!w!x!\"#$J%L% $Ifgdewckdu$$If406!!!622 l4af4pL%M%N%W%X%Y%f%g%h%m%n%o%p%wuswuskss4$a$gdA4 4&`#$gdAgd^vkd$$IfF !6    22 l4ap ) 0:pA. 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