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In 1992 was appointed for the same position in IBM Espaa and from 1995 to 2001 he worked as General Counsel and General Secretary of Airtel, which later became Vodafone Espaa. From 2002 to 2004 he held the post of Secretary of State for Telecommunications and Information Society in the Spanish Government. From 2004 to 2007 he was the Chairman of Enter, Centre for the Analysis of the Information Society and Telecommunications of Instituto de Empresa, and a member of the Board of Directors of Ericsson Espaa and Ydilo Advanced Voice Solutions, as well as member of the Advisory Board of INDRA. On July 2007 Mr Lpez Blanco was appointed Director of the International Office of Telefnica, S.A. In addition, he is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation Elcano Royal Institute for International and Strategic Studies (Patronato de la Fundacin Real Instituto Elcano de Estudios Internacionales y Estratgicos), the Bankinter Foundation for the Innovation and the IDATE Foundation. Mr. Srinivasa Addepalli , Senior Vice President, Tata Communications, India As Head of Global Strategy and Corporate Communications. Srinivasa Addepalli is responsible for strategy formulation and execution at Tata Communications, a leading global communications solutions provider. He manages all new strategic initiatives at Tata Communications, including growth plans, entry into new markets and mergers & acquisitions. He is also responsible for external communication, including media relations. He is a Director on the Boards of Tata Communications's subsidiaries in the Retail Broadband Transformation Services Businesses. Mr. Addepalli has considerable experience in developing strategies and business plans, particularly in the Indian telecom sector, both wireless and broadband. His previous experience includes a business consulting stint with the Tata Strategic Management Group (TSMG), focusing on the telecom and media industries. Subsequently, Mr. Addepalli joined the Tata Group Chairman's Office, with the responsibility for co-ordinating the various telecom activities within the Tata Group. Mr. Addepalli holds a Masters in Business Administration from the Indian Institute of Mangement (IIM), Ahmedabad, Asia's N1 business school. Earlier, he graduated with distinction in Electronics Engineering from the National Institute of Technology, Surat. Mr Gordon Moir, Vice President and Chief Counsel, British Telecom, United Kingdom. Chair, ICC Task Force on Internet and Telecom Infrastructure and Services Gordon is Chief Counsel and Vice President of BT Global Services. He sits on the management Board of BTs International division which operates in over 170 countries worldwide. His team is also responsible for developing regulatory policy and interfacing with regulators, governments and anti-trust agencies worldwide. Gordon is an anti-trust lawyer by profession, previously with the firm of Ashursts in London where he advised clients in a wide range of sectors, including media, distribution, entertainment and telecoms. Gordon is author of a number of works on EC law and institutions and anti-trust law and the co-author of the Encyclopaedia of EC law for Sweet and Maxwell. During his time in BT, Gordon has worked in Brussels, London and Asia Pacific. This included the well known litigation between Telecom New Zealand and Clear Communications and setting in place a regulatory environment in New Zealand. He was also involved in the acquisitions and clearances of a large number of major acquisitions for BT across the world including Infonet, Radianz and Comsat. He holds law degrees from Aberdeen University and a masters degree cum laude from the College of Europe in Bruges. He is chair of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Task Force on Telecoms and Internet Policy. He is married with one child, living (notionally) in Edinburgh. Mr. Eric Loeb, Vice President, International External and Regulatory Affairs AT&T Services, United States Eric Loeb advises on market entry regulatory strategy and regulatory compliance for AT&Ts international operations, and he supports AT&Ts team of international external and regulatory affairs advocates. AT&T provides wholesale services to over 220 countries and territories, and provides enterprise services to over 130 countries. In addition to obtaining government approvals to allow AT&T to operate in a jurisdiction, other responsibilities include efforts towards market liberalization, pro-competitive licensing procedures, reasonable compliance requirements, and policies to promote a secure and stable Internet. Mr. Loeb is based in AT&Ts Washington DC office. Prior to joining AT&T in 2002, Mr. Loeb had been the Global Regulatory Counsel for Concert Communications (a joint venture of AT&T and British Telecommunications). Before then he worked for British Telecommunications, and Hogan & Hartson L.L.P. in Washington D.C., after graduating with honors from the Georgetown University Law Center. He lives in Baltimore, Maryland with his wife and two children. Mr. Michael O'Connor, Investment and Business Development Officer, Orascom Telecom, Egypt Mr. OConnor has 17 years of experience in strategy formulation and economic and financial modeling in telecommunications and transportation sectors. He has held senior executive positions within OTH since its inception in 1999 and sits on the Investment and Executive Committees of the company. He is currently the Investment and Business Development Officer of OTH and manages all telecommunications Mergers and Acquisitions activities. Previously he was the Director of the Center for Economic and Financial Analysis at Science Applications International Corporation, one of the largest consultancy companies in the United States based in Washington, DC and San Diego, California. He holds a Masters Degree in Economics from Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. He also is a member of the Board of Directors of Wind Hellas, one of three mobile telecommunications operators in Greece. 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