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III.8 and XVII of the GATT 1947 and Art. XIII.1 of the GATS): Procurement By governmental agencies Of products or services For governmental purposes (and not with a view to commercial resale or use in the production of goods for commercial sale)Ё>jЙYЙЊ # ѓ•ЭŸЈGP and General PoliciesЁЊ  ŸЈqCompetition Maximization of competition Advantages: Better quality Lower prices Efficiency of public expenditure ЁL (> џў >Њ r  ŸЈЅPreferential policies Reduction of competition Direct assistance to certain domestic enterprises/industries Types : Price preference margins, offsets, set-asides ЁPџў=9Њ І ѓЃдŸЁЊ ŸЈB II. Overview of АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ Work in the field of Government ProcurementЁ0@" @" ѓŸЈ:Government Procurement and the Multilateral Trading SystemЁ;;ŸЈŽ Government procurement historically excluded from key principles of multilateral trade agreements: - Goods (1947) : GATT Articles III:8 and XVII:2 - Services (1994) : GATS Article XIII:1 But growing awareness of (i) need to have sound national procurement systems in place, and (ii) trade restrictive effects of discriminatory procurement policies (such as preferences, offsets, set-asides) ЁjZc!Z]ZЬ!ZZ‚‚ѓsМŸЈ"АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ Work on Government ProcurementЁ##Њ # ѓyПŸЁЊ Ÿ € III. Plurilateral Agreement on Government Procurement ( GPA )Ё0>" >" ѓŸЈ Nature and MembershipЁŸЈOPlurilateral - not all АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ Members bound 13 Members (counting EC with its 25 member States as one member) All traditional developed countries except Australia and New Zealand PLUS Israel; Hong Kong, China; Korea; Singapore Countries acceding to the АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ Regularly requested to seek accession to GPA as condition of accession to АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯЁdjГ" zNj€z€€N€ѓdHŸЈ StructureЁ  ŸЈ9Text of Agreement : Article I - XXIV Appendix I Entities (Annexes 1 - 3) Services, construction services (Annexes 4-5) General Notes Appendix II to IV : Publications for Intended Procurement/Post-award Notices Permanent List of Qualified Suppliers in case of Selective Tendering Procedures Laws, regulations etc.Ёv0ZUZ&ZZ0‚ U€&‚ Ž€‚ѓiJŸЈ Main PrinciplesЁŸЈˆNational Treatment / treatment no less favourable than that accorded to any other Party Basic transparency obligations (publication of laws, regulations, etc) Provisions to ensure fair and transparent procedures Exceptions General exceptions (Article XXIII) Derogations from Article III (General Notes) Developing countries (Article V) Offsets (Article XVI) Special and Differential TreatmentЁLпZ‡Z#Z€#€Њ' Xѓ{\ŸЈEnforcement: Key FeaturesЁŸЈCore principles for mandatory domestic bid challenge system: non-discriminatory, timely, transparent and effective procedures review body interim measures Corrections Application of АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ Dispute Settlement, supplemented by some specific rules due to plurilateral nature of GPAЁL=ZjZmZ=€j€m€ѓ‘ЫŸЈ Ongoing WorkЁ  Њ  ŸЈ7Negotiations under way since 1997 Revision of the text to introduce improvements (simplify it and facilitate the accession of new members) Negotiations commencing in 2004 Extension of coverage among all Parties on the basis of mutual reciprocity Eliminating any remaining discriminatory measures and practices Ё^"i "i ‹Њ 8 ѓzРŸЁЊ ŸЈ- IV. Transparency in Government ProcurementЁ0," ," ѓТŸЈMandatesЁ  Њ  ѓŠЪŸ @Post Cancњn:  July 2004 Package Ё!!Њ&   ŸЈRNo substantive results at MC in Cancњn Three options for Singapore issues: Negotiations, Studies, or Cessation of work Option selected: transparency in government procurement (and competition and investment) no longer forms part of the Doha Work Programme. Consequently, no work towards negotiations within the АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ during the Doha Round. ЁNKZ,ZмZK,кЊ&   - ѓ}СŸЁЊ ŸЈ) V. Government Procurement and the GATSЁ&*" (" ѓXАŸЈ!GATS Negotiations: Basic ElementsЁ""ŸЈFBasic transparency obligation in GATS Art. III applies No market access or non-discrimination obligations (cf. GATS Art. XIII:1), except for financial services for members having adhered to the Understanding on Commitments in Financial Services (cf Section B.2.) Mandate in GATS Art. XIII:2 to hold multilateral negotiationsЁN7ZZаZZ>ZG€ѓ[БŸЈ GATS Negotiations: State of PlayЁ!!ŸЈ‰Dealt with by Working Party on GATS Rules established by the Council for Trade in Services Interlinked with other topics (i.e. emergency safeguards and subsidies) covered by WPGR Scope of the mandate (coverage of market access ?) Potential overlap with WG on Transparency no longer exists Several proposals made to define modalities how to cover GP in GATS schedules Limited Progress to date Ё>ˆZ’rZ“rZŠ€ѓЅеŸЊ ŸЈ0 Telecommunications and the Plurilateral GPAЁB“" ’" - Њ 1 ѓЉйŸЈ!Coverage of Telecom Operators (1)Ё""Њ " ŸЈ Only few GPA members cover telecom operators: Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Co (not for procurement of public electrical telecom equipment and of services related to operational safety of telecommunications) Korea Telecom (except purchases of common telecom commodity products and telecom network equipment) Bezek (Israel): limited to US goods and services, but willing to negotiate opening of telecom sector with other GPA members on reciprocal basis Example of broader coverage under bilateral agreements: EU-SwitzerlandЁ@.Z—ZGZ.—GЊ&5  в ѓЌмŸЈ!Coverage of Telecom Operators (2)Ё""Њ " Ÿ XWithdrawal of NTT and Korea Telecom from GPA proposed, but pending because of objection by other GPA members Basic question = definition of  effective elimination of government control or influence in Article XXIV:6(b) GPA: ownership legal status exposure to effective de jure/de facto competition ?Ё(сLсLЊ - ѓІжŸЈ+Coverage of Telecommunications Services (1)Ё,,Њ , ŸЈŸLegal basis: Appendix I, Annex 4 of the GPA Details of coverage: Canada: electronic/voice mail, on-line information and data base retrieval, electronic data interchange, fax services EC, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland : telecommunication services, except voice telephony, telex, radiotelephony, paging and satellite services Hong Kong, China: value-added telecom services, basic telecom services, telecom-related services. But: subject to exclusive license Japan: limited to electronic/voice mail, on-line information and data base retrieval, electronic data interchange, fax services, code and protocol conversion, on-line information and/or data processingЁ„AZ_ZAo0ltХЊ   ѓЈиŸЈ+Coverage of Telecommunications Services (2)Ё,,Њ , Ÿ JDetails of coverage (cont d): Korea: limited to on-line information and data base retrieval, electronic data interchange, fax services Singapore: limited to electronic/voice mail, on-line information and data base retrieval, electronic data interchange US (only country following negative list approach): enhanced (value-added) telecommunications services No specific comments undertaken by: Israel Netherlands for ArubaЁG$d ne$Њ І ѓЇзŸЈExceptions in General NotesЁЊ  ŸЈТCanada: non-application to EU EC, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland: application on reciprocal basis only; exclusion of contracts awarded by covered central and sub-central entities in connection with activities in the field of telecommunications Hong Kong, China: commitments on telecommunications services subject to terms of licence held by Hong Kong Telecommunications International Ltd until 30 September 2006 for certain exclusive services Japan: non-application to Canada for procurement by sub-central and other entities Korea: non-application to Canada for procurement by sub-central and other entities; reciprocal coverage of telecom services US: reciprocal coverage of telecom servicesЁ’УZ/ГЗNw*Њ У ѓЎоŸЈWThresholds Applying to Procurement of Goods and Services (Except Construction Services)ЁXXЊ X Ÿ ЌCentral entities: 130.000 SDR Sub-central entities: 200.000 SDR, except for: Israel (250.000 SDR) Canada and US (355.000 SDR) Other entities: 400.000 SDR, except for: Canada, Israel (355.000 SDR) Japan (130.000 SDR) Korea (450.000 SDR) Possibility to apply discriminatory sanctions for procurement below thresholds  example: in 1993, US bars EU suppliers from bidding for contracts concerning purchase of telecom equipment below thresholds, EU applies counter-sanctionsЁРMZ1Z)ZEZыZ1E9Њ з ѓЏпŸЈ>Summary Overview: Coverage of telecommunications under the GPAЁ??Њ ? ŸЈ•Purchase by entities listed in Appendix I, Annexes 1 to 3 (central, sub-central and other entities) Of telecom equipment and telecom services, to the extent listed in Annex 4 (services) and not otherwise excluded Subject to the application of reciprocity / exclusive licensing / non-application clauses contained in Notes to Annexes and General Notes Above thresholds fixed individually by each GPA memberЁ––Њ – ѓЊкŸЈLink between GPA and GATSЁЊ  Ÿ HBasis: broad coverage of telecommunication services under GPA Reality: access to government markets often limited because of general restrictions applying to the supply of services maintained under GATS Reflected explicitly in certain GPA members notes to Annex 4 or in their General NotesЁ@>X%Њ % ѓЋлŸЈ4Negotiations on Coverage and Discriminatory MeasuresЁ55Њ 5 ŸЈ­Handling of pending notifications proposing withdrawal of telecom operators ? Inclusion of new entities ? 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