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3.6 Enquiry Points

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Each Member has to ensure that an Enquiry Point exists which is responsible for the provision of answers to all reasonable questions from Members. The Enquiry Point also provides the relevant documents regarding

  • all existing and proposed SPS measures,
  • control and inspection procedures, production and quarantine treatment, pesticide tolerance and food additive approval procedures,
  • risk assessment procedures, factors taken into consideration, as well as the determination of the appropriate level of protection,
  • membership and participation in international and regional sanitary and phytosanitary organizations, as well as in bilateral and multilateral agreements and arrangements (including on equivalence), and the texts of such agreements and arrangements.

The name, address, telephone, fax number and e-mail address (if available) of Enquiry Point must be provided to the 澳门六合彩官网资料 Secretariat.

Click here to find out how to access notifications and lists of Enquiry Points or Notification Authorities on the 澳门六合彩官网资料 website.



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