

Case studies of notification authorities and enquiry points

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A.5 New Zealand


New Zealand (NZL)

Profile: National Notification Authority / National Enquiry Point

MAF Biosecurity Authority
PO Box 2526

Ph: +64 4 474 4100
Fax: +64 4 474 4133
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.maf.govt.nz/SPS

Type: Combined notification authority and national enquiry point

Staff: 2 (work part-time on notification authority and national enquiry point duties)

MS Word 97
MS Excel 97
Postal facilities

The New Zealand SPS Notification Authority and SPS National Enquiry Point is staffed by two officials, but the work of the notification authority and national enquiry point is only a small part of their jobs. Staff spend only around 10-15 percent of their time on the actual operation of the notification authority and national enquiry point.

  • Manager: Developing policies and procedures, staff training and management, liaison with other national and international agencies.
  • Technical Adviser: Day to day running of the notification authority and national enquiry point, routine liaison with other agencies, responding to requests, locating information.

New Zealand has found it both practical and efficient to have the same agency operate both the notification authority and national enquiry point within an existing agency. Since, the MAF Biosecurity Authority provides the bulk of its SPS regulations, New Zealand has found it to be an advantage in having the NA and NEP in this agency.

The notification authority conducts the majority of its work electronically — sending and receiving both notifications and notified draft SPS regulations. When, it is not possible to obtain documents or notifications through email or the world wide web, the next most common method of communication is via fax, the traditional mail system is very rarely used.

Notifications when received from the 澳门六合彩官网资料’s website are first logged and then distributed to key stakeholders and partners in government agencies. Industry groups are also alerted to SPS notifications that might be of interest through government publications.



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