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This means that available information on new and modified SPS measures never reaches many of the agencies or people who could make use of it. First question: Why is the existing system not used more effectively? In a few cases, countries still have not established notification authorities or enquiry points. But, in most cases, the problem is that they are ineffective. Some have never notified new or amended SPS measures. Others have notified only a few measures since 1995. Many do not seem to keep track of existing notifications or inform stakeholders in their countries about measures which may affect them. There are a number of contributing factors: Clearly some SPS Enquiry Points and Notification Authorities face problems in terms of: inadequate human and/or financial resources, ongoing difficulties to access Internet, low government salaries, staff motivation, etc. Coordination at national level is a major challenge. Too often, the various public sector agencies involved in SPS do not regularly share information with each other or work together effectively. Linkages and information exchange between the public sector and private sector is also weak. Second question: What is being done to strengthen the use of the existing mechanism and enhance transparency? The ϲʹ with the help of several developed country Members - is involved in various initiatives to enhance transparency. This includes the "Mentoring" system (launched in 2008), the development of the practical "step-by-step manual" (updated in 2009) as well as specific training activities as part of national SPS seminars under ϲʹ's regular technical assistance programme. Other organizations and bilateral donors also provide some support in this area. The STDF has funded - and is funding - various projects (e.g. SPS Initiative in the Americas with IICA, Sri Lanka and Paraguay, Benin, Tanzania, etc.) that aim to increase transparency by: improving SPS coordination at a national and regional level; improve linkages and coordination between government agencies and the private sector in countries. More information on STDF funding opportunities is available on the STDF website - including a Guidance Note for Applicants. The STDF recently published a scoping study on regional SPS frameworks and policies in Africa - developed and adopted by Regional Economic Communities (RECs) such as ECOWAS, SADC, UEMOA, COMESA and EAC. This study requested by the African Union Commission (AUC) should be seen as a first step to analyze the various existing and planned regional SPS frameworks in Africa and to guide future work in this area. Some of the study's recommendations relate to transparency. First of all, several regional SPS frameworks in Africa include transparency requirements in the form of SPS notifications to regional SPS bodies. Such multiple requirements for the notification of SPS measures should be avoided - as this may easily become an unnecessary burden on many African countries where resources are limited. An additional complicating factor is that most African countries are members of more than one REC. Instead, the study recommends that use should be made of existing transparency tools and mechanisms developed by the SPS Committee. That being said, it is suggested that RECs could help by receiving, screening and disseminating ϲʹ SPS notifications of interest to a particular region and by assisting their member states to formulate joint positions on topics of common interest. Second, the study recommends to make SPS-related information much more readily available to trading partners. As a first step, SPS webpages should be better organized and kept up-to-date, both at regional and national level. I would also like to mention that STDF is currently funding the preparation of a parallel scoping study to identify the factors that contribute to successful SPS coordination mechanisms at national level. A first draft is expected to be available by the end of this year and - of course - we will keep the Committee informed about this work. Third question: What have been the experiences and lessons learned? Increasing political awareness about the importance of SPS measures for trade where possible illustrated by cost-benefit analysis examples - is essential to provide an operational and effective framework for managing and coordinating work on SPS measures at the national level. Without this high-level commitment and support, institutional rivalries and limited incentives for inter-agency collaboration often obstruct efforts to promote improved coordination and transparency. Good coordination between the public and private sector is crucial. In some cases, chambers of commerce and other private sector groups already play a role in distributing information on SPS measures to their network of enterprises. By fostering better linkages with the private sector, notification authorities and enquiry points could reach a broader audience, encourage private sector feedback on new or amended SPS measures that are likely to affect them, and increase the impact of their work. By using the existing system in a pro-active manner - with involvement of the private sector - trade problems can be anticipated in a timely manner and solutions can be sought. Finally, future capacity building and technical cooperation activities should take into account the critical need forcreating networks and coordination mechanisms that ensure not only better information-sharing, but also more effective approaches on resolving substantive issues.      14>?@x Y c f k x } ϻyncXPXXPXhCJaJhhWCJaJhhZCJaJhh\CJaJhhBCJaJhh5CJaJhhn CJaJhh!=CJaJhh{CJaJhh _CJaJhho{CJaJhZ05CJaJhho{5CJaJhh5CJaJhhGI5CJaJhh _5CJaJ?@K L J K 4 5 m / 0 ] ^ (? & F gdplq & Fgdplq & Fgdplqgd G$a$gdZ0$a$gd G    J K L P \ ] q r | 1 E I J K [ ! 0 3 4 ԽԲߧ|pg||h5CJaJhha -5CJaJhh<CJaJhhqCJaJhho{5CJaJhZ05CJaJhho{CJaJhhU]CJaJhhMCJaJhhn 5CJaJhhn CJaJhhCJaJhh{CJaJhha -CJaJ$4 5 ] a l m  - . 0 S Z [ ] ^ g k '(Բynnynyychh CJaJhhU]CJaJhhqCJaJhhXPCJaJhh GCJaJhhXP5CJaJhhq5CJaJhhU]5CJaJhhOsCJaJhh<CJaJhha -CJaJhhn CJaJhhqCJaJhhBCJaJ&(.>?@M_vw  +W`defgxɾɳɨ߳tk_S_hhB5CJaJhh\5CJaJhZ05CJaJhho{CJaJhhTACJaJhh{CJaJhCJaJhhBCJaJhhqCJaJhha -CJaJhh5CJaJhhXPCJaJhh GCJaJhhqCJaJhh CJaJhh\CJaJ?@w fgRSbc`a & Fgdplqh^hgdB & F gdplqgdB & F gdplq^gdB & F gdplq & F gdplqgd GRdwxPQS ,6<Eaܻѻܻܥܥ||qqqqqhhTACJaJhz%CJaJhhBCJaJhhICJaJhhMCJaJhh5CJaJhhXPCJaJhhK(CJaJhh<CJaJhh{CJaJhhWCJaJhh\5CJaJhhW5CJaJ(abcmq 3Cab!)=NO ^_aov꾶Ԙꈐh<.CJaJhZ0CJaJhh5CJaJhh GCJaJhCJaJhz%CJaJhhz%CJaJhhVCJaJhhK(CJaJhhTACJaJhhBCJaJhhCJaJ55GI78<,#$.59>CGRxyz)4GϹĮhZ05CJaJhhTACJaJhh\CJaJhhVCJaJhhBCJaJhh GCJaJhh=CJaJhZ0CJaJhhTj?CJaJhhCJaJh<.CJaJ8ayz23 gdh^hgdBgdB & Fgdplq & Fgdplqgd G h^hgdTj? & Fgdplqf13 Ѿѳܨܳ{{{{hplqjhplqUhho{CJaJhhG:CJaJhhTj?CJaJhha -CJaJhhCJaJhhBCJaJhZ0CJaJhhA<CJaJhhVCJaJhhA<5CJaJhhV5CJaJ  & Fgdplq(. 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