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Fluent in either English, French or Spanish.ApplicationCandidates must fill-in the application form (see format in Attachment I) which is available at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/sps_e/application_e.doc" http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/sps_e/application_e.doc. Candidates should send only the application form electronically to: spscommittee@wto.org before 1 June 2012. Please write the title of the activity for which you are applying in the "subject" field of your email. Incomplete forms or forms sent after the deadline will not be considered.Results of the selectionOnly selected candidates will be informed about the results of the selection by July 2012. Administrative and logistical information will be provided in due course to the selected candidates. Selected candidates will be required to immediately provide their passport information, including number, place and date of issue, and date of expiry.   6stz  "   # ; > ? ܱܪܝvgS&jh_hB*CJUaJphh_hB*CJaJph&jhW1-hB*CJUaJphhCJaJh_hCJaJhhCJh h_hh_h5aJ haJh_haJ *h5+h6h_h5h_h56 *hh *hhh5CJaJ  6stzDkd$$Ifl0#-  t %0644 lap%ytPJ $IfgdPJ$ & F$Ifa$gdPJ,$a$gd $a$gdzfVM $IfgdPJ$ & F$Ifa$gdPJkd$$Ifl0#-  t %0644 lap%ytPJ :$IfgdPJ  o_VV $IfgdPJ$ & F$Ifa$gdPJkdX$$Ifl0#-  t %0644 lap%ytPJ  " obUUU  & F$IfgdPJ  & F$IfgdPJkd$$Ifl0#-  t %0644 lap%ytPJ > 5 obUUUUbH  & F$IfgdPJ $If`gdPJ  & F$IfgdPJkd$$Ifl0#-  t %0644 lap%ytPJ ( 3 4 5  $XYZ\]Դyqg^yqyZh=h_haJh_h56 *h5+h *hhh h_h *hh56hAh56hAh56>*aJh_h6aJh_h56aJhhCJh_hCJaJhehCJaJ&jh_hB*CJUaJphh_h0J;CJaJ  \ XYbRII $IfgdPJ$ & F$Ifa$gdPJkd\$$Ifl0#-  t %0644 lap%ytPJ  & F$IfgdPJYZ[\]ojjhgdkd$$Ifl0#-  t %0644 lap%ytPJ6&P 1h:prLl. 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