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O  l P Tf3d޽h ? ̙33y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +0N0  (    0SZ \- Publication of technical regulations Law of the P.R. China on Legislation, Law of the P.R. of China on Standardization, Law of the P.R. of China on Metrology, Law of the P.R. of China on Product Quality, Law of the P.R. of China on the Inspection of Import and Export Commodities, Administrative Regulation of the P.R. of China on Certification and Accreditation, etc. Department rules are available on related websites; ~(&$  Zfd޽h ?"` ̙33y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +0N0  (  ^  0(:<C Z Using electronic tools in the work of: Notification of TBT Measures -.,  l  0A  ??<    Zf3d޽h ?"` ̙33y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +p0N0 w@(  +  0lK< k Using electronic tools in the work of: offering TBT enquiry services D/=.=l  0A "?? "  Zfd޽h ?"` ̙33y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +0N0 (    0[<7w  fUsing electronic tools in the work of: Commenting TBT notifications - Receive comments on China s Notification; - Communicate with regulatory agency for reply; - Transfer TBT notifications to stakeholders; - Dealing with comments on other Member s Notifications; - Sending comments to related Enquiry Point; - Receive reply from other Members; T,P,?  Zf3d޽h ?"` ̙33y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +0N0 F(    0o<   Using electronic tools in the work of: - Technical cooperation with partners - Carry out technical study tour to other Members visits to Enquiry Points of US, EU, Japan, Korea Australia, Brazil, Chile, Sweden, Switzerland etc. - Receive visitors on Enquiry Point s work from private and public sectors of US, EU, Vietnam etc. 0h- $.3    Zfd޽h ?"` ̙33y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +{ 0N0 (    0<  J Using electronic tools in the work of: - Popularization of TBT knowledge - Cooperation with major media such as CCTV,  China Daily ,  The Guomen Times  ,  The China Quality Newspaper etc. - Training courses for related government officials and personnel of enterprises. x..   Zfd޽h ?"` ̙33y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B + 0N0 (    0<f  y Using electronic tools in the work of: - Maintenance of the TBT-SPS website www.tbt-sps.gov.cn - for the implementation of the principle of transparency; - an official network in China being most authoritative and professional on technical measures to trade; - with rich storage of contents and database; - provide time and practical services to users. x..v  #T0}  Zfd޽h ?"` ̙33y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B + 0N0 XP(  X X 0|  Using electronic tools in the work of: - Maintenance of the TBT-SPS website www.tbt-sps.gov.cn Authoritative: - Designated by AQSIQ, the network contains a complete set of TBT notification information in bilingual forms provided by China ϲʹ/TBT Enquiry Point; Practical: - Timely information on key issues of technical measures of domestic and importing Members for importers and exporters; d $fB L$T0l X Tf3d޽h ? ̙33y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B + 0N0 @h)(  h h 0\ͯ,   Using electronic tools in the work of: - Maintenance of the TBT-SPS website www.tbt-sps.gov.cn Timely: - Risk alert information related to Chinese exports @ HI%T0l h Tf3d޽h ? ̙33y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B + 0N0 0d)(  d d 0$Y   Using electronic tools Maintenance of the TBT-SPS website www.tbt-sps.gov.cn mutual-action - introduction on Agreements of the ϲʹ - on-line enquiry making, - on-line information feedback, - on-line information retrieval - on-line subscription - on-line discussion on issues relating technical measure on trade - on-line submission of comments on notifications` L/./&T0l d Tf3d޽h ? ̙33y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +0N0 \F(  \ \ 0<Y  Use of electronic tools Maintenance of the TBT-SPS website www.tbt-sps.gov.cn Comprehensive - large amount of information on quality inspection - about 40 technical databases - over 6 000 moveable network pages - available of TBT notifications of all ϲʹ Members - information about various technical regulations, standards, risk alert message and related news - storage of over 80 billion characters - linkage with other websitesR ~t )T0l \ Tf3d޽h ? ̙33y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +0 N0   T(      0  @`   Conclusion 1.Full attention by the central government - Instruction of the State Council Budget for financial support 2.Clear working procedures Strictly adhere to TBT rules b'--O-f* ffffz   Tfd޽h ?"` ̙33y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B + 0N0 @((  (L ( 0 p`  6 Conclusion 3. Solid infrastructure Internal Local Area Network sharing data Quick access to Internet at all time 4.Active participation in TBT activities TBT Committee Meetings Special Meeting on Information Exchange J+-0- f(f! f fffl ( Tfd޽h ? ̙33y___PPT10Y+D=' = @B +0N0 p(    6\5  0 ] Thank you6 Pf `f`  0 ;  `   : <Z  Bd޽h ? ̙330  (  X  C      S < 0   " H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.e 7/.:0  (  X  C      S , 0   " H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.e 7/.G0  (  X  C      S  0   " H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.e 1.>0  (  X  C      S . 0   " H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.e 1.J0  (  X  C      S 5 0   " H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.e 1.I0  (  X  C      S H 0   " H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.e 4.L0   (  X  C      S X 0   " H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.ec6.H0 0 (  X  C      S k 0   " H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.ec6.O0 @ (  X  C      S 8 0   " H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.ec6.P0 P (  X  C      S  0   " H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.ec6.Q0 ` (  X  C      S te 0   " H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.e8.@0 p (  X  C      S ï 0   " H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.e8.D0  (  X  C      S 0د 0   " H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.e8.C0  (  X  C      S | 0   " H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.e8.A0  (  X  C       S   0    " H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.e8.60  (  X  C       S d  0    " H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.e8.80  (  X  C       S 1  0    " H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.e8.0   (   X   C        S B  0    " H   0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.e8.'x} |յ'T `CT ""GjZ@ \z@}\ZV jEo HO[UX+~kǙs9ڳ{מ5{̡6w IC&I"Y˾'QPRJEn:1whcۜ!)EY|c|=Rlץ*5bzBt:"'Opޞw Ý <' 쨶C~U%4$s B/N/dB|  G.vWrpӛ7E5@|!@10 hoF#J<~ڄzB50 Ue@t֜ÿ0?)_mt7n#0St,9&0Մ៹~k7d?ڟmEq}/z@ >@_* :oa h;^p^] 'o$p~4W%/rnp^z~N?bp۫ .㴾fN;qh˜x>%]Եm#_xNmx69Ǵ9I !gMD %vM.[E),J摱?9:c_gSi]*zg}fCr;\Sa F"<5 HuJn{w;@ڞǹ'L5yswT-.q/WsonDCzP`$ORU,kL=)k0.[KWvH7%:tLt8&r+ūhS[Jb!/╿sLD-F}qOߝпȷ+sENM >gJړ1@k vWX:mرj::_WM R^c#yXKy"ZݿxW>(.9Ej2 G^&[,d ]a;nƿ8txNjj'߈Q"{NdDIV4ֈh[(to$CVϞ}״$ !2(QZ*EBIZ*D] Q7 H3m|U@t2 עP4{Q?NעPvҢP2!uFzx]^'kaYK mODjOt*eN p!x_\rr =ݞPC$(pU)B58tޑ et8JNOelq8J:R)v[l.CSIp6s@!ybKpڧ_.@9G.zG[@(h#-5nljW SRse:fn"O߯\*Q fG>ɡu+Ym:SFad7-ͤ=?#2ݨ }!775+J >R g~c :PYdlR.WDI{!,#B55e Wv*Ʌ`plJ'q  +#;H\\DABihr۴HknBPې}xQgg{8TK5N i?G}zAT&)YH5hQ?Dh.OPCaʽa/黽՜W-2s8 mu lV{+=,S/u:kW%U"Byڳ&3ݨ|_;H9Hs0k@ lgck e1kR#u@[T⋒u4g8N.ᩀ2G&k>:6C]FsdFCΑaՆù'*'(D"#.7iOzIsł9n12Ka:G)YM-Ҧvˤ&uMmSԕ6uMhSmjMͰT҂qmm|kb'u,$nVc-LW[ᨍ[m͛GL3bK,9Wyb}˺}eM1iVlb#@3Ѿeٽ۲7,ilb2*-aL`˰,Q T2Sre9ǰ@YeXh߲ehX ,2,0QLwX}eI5,ilbbT1L'˧Z4fa! 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