

technical barriers to trade

Thematic Session on Accreditation

TBT Thematic Sessions

08/03/2022 - 10am

澳门六合彩官网资料 Members and stakeholders will discuss how accreditation and related policies can be advanced to further reduce barriers to trade in goods.

Guiding questions:

  • How can accreditation and related policies of Members be advanced to further reduce barriers to trade in goods? How can the ILAC and IAF, and cooperation between accreditation systems, be leveraged to avoid such barriers?
  • How has accreditation landscape changed in the past 25 years since the TBT Agreement was drafted, and is there a need for further Committee guidance on accreditation considering this?
  • How can accreditation (and accreditation policies) help permit participation of CABs located in the territories of other Members in their CAPs on a national treatment basis, in light of multiple approaches to support a trusted accreditation regime?



FEI Yang

Director of international cooperation division, China National Accreditation Services for Conformity Assessment (CNAS) - (China)

Accreditation facilitates export of epidemic prevention products - China's recent experience


Lana Marashdeh

Director of the Jordan Accreditation System (JAS-AU) (Jordan)

Accreditation in Support of the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): The Jordanian Experience


Reinaldo Figueiredo

Chair, International Organization for Standardization, Committee on Conformity Assessment (CASCO) (ISO)

Global Acceptance of Conformity Assessment Results based on International Standards


Stacy Cho

Senior Policy Analyst, Standards and Conformity Assessment Program, Center for Devices and Radiological Health, U.S. Food and Drug Administration - (United States)

Accreditation Scheme for Conformity Assessment (ASCA) Pilot Program


Elisabeth George

Head of Global Regulations & Standards, Phillips. - (United States)

Value of Conformity Assessment, Perspective from the Medical Device Industry


Gillian Kelleher

CEO & President Kelleher Consultants LLC (United States)

The value of accreditation in the work of the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI)


Paul A. Moliski

Global Vice President of Accreditation, Intertek (United States)

Accreditation from the perspective of a Conformity Assessment Body.


Sugeng Raharjo

Director of Harmonization System and Accreditation, National Standardization Agency of Indonesia (BSN) (Indonesia)

Indonesia Accreditation Policy in Supporting The Acceptance of Export Product


Emanuele Riva

Accredia Vice General Manager and IAF Chair (IAF)
The importance of having data that demonstrate the value of accreditation


Andreas Steinhorst

Executive Secretary of EA (European co-operation for Accreditation)
The role of accreditation regarding the EU Single Market for Goods and International Trade


Mpho Phaloane

Executive: Accreditation at the South African National Accreditation System (South Africa)
SANAS and the acceptance of Conformity Assessment Results



Hélio Silva

Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Brazil to the 澳门六合彩官网资料


Ninth Triennial Review

  • Report, activities and background information are here.

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