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They attributed this largely to sound macroeconomic policies and the liberalization pursued over the last decade, both unilaterally and in the context of international agreements: greater exposure to competition from foreign goods and services has helped contain inflation, enhanced productivity and competitiveness and attracted investment. Members recognized that, as a result, Brazil has now moved unequivocally away from the import substitution model of earlier years. Although the relative importance of trade in the Brazilian economy probably remains below its potential level, Members underlined Brazil's already significant role as a trader and investment destination. Members commended Brazil for its active participation in the multilateral trading system, with several welcoming its support for the launching of a new round of negotiations. Some Members, however, encouraged Brazil to help strengthen, and to take fuller advantage of, existing multilateral rules and disciplines by joining the GPA and ITA. Some Members also asked about Brazil's still pending ratifications of the Fourth and Fifth Protocol of the GATS. Brazil's active involvement in preferential initiatives also attracted considerable interest. Mainly, Members sought information on current and future directions for MERCOSUR, particularly concerning the automotive and sugar regimes. They offered different views on MERCOSUR's meaning to third parties, some stressing the opportunities offered by a single large, regional market, and others raising questions about trade diversion. Regarding Brazil's domestic trade regime, an important issue was the myriad laws and regulations governing trade, with the widespread use of provisional measures identified as a particular source of difficulty. There thus appear to be room for simplification in this area to render the trade regime more transparent, suggestions including the adoption of a single trade law as Brazil had considered in the past. Members observed with concern that since Brazil's last Review in 1996 the average MFN tariff had risen to 13.7% as a result of the temporary three percentage points tariff increase; they took note of Brazil's reassurances that the increase would be eliminated at the end of this year. Members also observed that closing the often large gap between bound and applied rates would increase predictability for Brazil's trading partners. On certain applied rates apparently exceeding bound levels, the Brazilian delegation stated that all АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ tariff bindings were being fully respected. Questions were also raised on non-tariff measures, many focusing on Brazil's customs valuation and the role of minimum prices, as well as on the non-automatic import licensing regime. The use of labelling and sanitary and phytosanitary measures also were queried. Brazil's frequent resort to anti-dumping measures was a concern, with some Members observing, however, Brazil's support for stricter multilateral disciplines in the application of such measures. Members sought clarification on sector-specific support programmes, particularly for agriculture and manufacturing. It was observed that agricultural support, including to exports and credit provided under favourable terms, appeared modest, particularly relative to assistance levels in other producing areas. Nonetheless, even that support could affect world markets where Brazil is a major supplier, for example sugar and alcohol. Brazil is also a leading producer of automotive products; its special automotive regime having given rise to concerns earlier, the Brazilian delegation emphasized that all benefits provided to that industry had ceased at end 1999. Additional details were also sought on a number of issues, including: non-tariff import charges, including the Merchant Marine Renewal Tax; the Law of Similars; incentive programmes linked to local content requirements; export promotion and financial assistance, particularly PROEX; export taxes; competition policy; enforcement of intellectual property rights; market access in the services sector. Members expressed their appreciation of the written and oral responses provided by the delegation of Brazil to those and other questions during the meeting. I feel that this Review has met the vision for the TPRM expressed by Ambassador Graчa Lima in his opening statement, our discussion having enhanced transparency and understanding of Brazil's trade policies and practices through a collaborative quest. Members were appreciative of Brazil's efforts to implement wide ranging economic reforms and encouraged it to continue down this path. This will have to be buttressed no doubt by further improvements to the trade and investment regimes, especially to improve transparency and predictability. The Brazilian delegation reiterated its strong commitment to a rules based multilateral system, and I hope that Members will be able to support this commitment by extending open access for Brazilian exports. __________ -  PAGE 2 - (+HIgiŽ#.0239:;<>?B§§§§љ§іяьячяьі0JJmH0JJ j0JJUmH 565)*+IhiWXю я Ђ Ѓ A B Œ\]њћBˆќљііёююёьььььььььььььььшпп & FF ЦhЄ№$$@&$$@&)*+IhiWXю я Ђ Ѓ A B Œ\]њћBˆи%9fŒ+,!"#./0:;?@ABўћїѓўяыўчфсолиевЯЬЩЦУРНКДБББББББЏЏЏ­Џ F  '№џџF n№џџo№џџ ѓџџ ѓџџмєџџнєџџ'їџџ(їџџЦјџџЧјџџzњџџ{њџџ§џџ§џџйџџџкџџџ Уџџџ тџџџ жџџџ зџџџ чџџџ/и%9fŒ+,!"#./0?@ABіііііієєєєєєёєюыєєюG$$$ & FF Цh' 0А‚. АЦA!А "А # $ %ААаА K [4@ёџ4Normal $ ЦаCJmH F"F Heading 1$ & F6„а„0§Є№@&5;J2J Heading 2"$ & F7„а„0§Є№@& Цh:JBJ Heading 3"$ & F8„а„0§Є№@& Цh5FRF Heading 4"$ & F9„а„0§Є№@& Цh@@ Heading 5 & F:„а„0§Є№@&6.. Heading 6 Є№@&.. 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