ࡱ> q jbjbjt+t+ *AAAe]$    PZ,  PVVL2xT$Ԗ;;V  jP0  n2APPENDIX TABLES Table AI.1 Balance of payments, 1998-01 (HK$ million) 1998199920002001Current account34,283.093,447.070,960.091,525.0Goods and services17,885.070,614.062,205.068,498.0Credits1,633,997.01,634,696.01,896,947.01,812,069.0Debits1,616,112.01,564,082.01,834,742.01,743,571.0Merchandise trade balance-60,667.0-24,501.0-63,832.0-64,970.0Exports f.o.b.1,361,885.01,355,529.01,579,367.01,488,982.0Imports f.o.b.1,422,552.01,380,030.01,643,199.01,553,952.0Services78,552.095,115.0126,037.0133,468.0Exports272,112.0279,167.0317,580.0323,087.0Transportation85,074.089,230.099,513.0101,815.0Travel58,661.056,471.061,786.064,594.0Insurance services3,102.03,065.03,452.03,942.0Financial services16,324.019,206.020,859.019,739.0Other services108,952.0111,196.0131,971.0132,997.0Imports193,560.0184,052.0191,543.0189,619.0Transportation42,865.039,238.048,628.049,334.0Travel104,361.0101,889.097,402.096,057.0Insurance services4,600.04,975.04,111.04,048.0Financial services6,739.05,729.05,536.05,320.0Other services34,995.032,221.035,865.034,860.0Income28,762.034,777.021,768.036,137.0Credits362,719.0364,863.0416,774.0374,419.0Debits333,957.0330,086.0395,006.0338,282.0Current transfers-12,364.0-11,943.0-13,013.0-13,110.0Credits5,179.04,419.04,193.06,344.0Debits17,543.016,363.017,205.019,454.0Capital and financial account-31,514.0-83,374.0-57,863.0-85,717.0Capital and financial non-reserve assets (net change)-84,094.0-5,507.020,459.0-49,187.0Capital account-18,445.0-13,812.0-12,044.0-9,059.0Financial account-13,068.0-69,562.0-45,819.0-76,658.0Financial non-reserve assets (net change)-65,649.08,305.032,503.0-40,128.0Direct investment-17,192.040,511.019,976.0108,068.0Abroad-131,551.0-150,178.0-462,593.0-70,011.0In Hong Kong, China114,359.0190,689.0482,569.0178,079.0Portfolio investment171,052.0256,812.0190,782.0-309,317.0Portfolio investment assets197,444.0-197,347.0-171,627.0-305,178.0Equity Securities65,888.0-235,277.0-137,154.0-176,673.0Debt Securities131,556.037,929.0-34,472.0-128,506.0Portfolio Investment Liab.-26,392.0454,159.0362,409.0-4,139.0Equity Securities-16,314.0469,282.0366,060.04,650.0Debt Securities-10,078.0-15,123.0-3,651.0-8,788.0Financial derivatives25,550.079,225.01,661.039,108.0Other investment-245,059.0-368,243.0-179,917.0122,013.0Other investment assets928,125.0332,646.0142,354.0454,220.0Other investment liab., n.i.e.-1,173,184.0-700,889.0-322,271.0-332,208.0Reserve assets (net change)b52,581.0-77,867.0-78,321.0-36,530.0Net errors and omissions-2,770.0-10,074.0-13,097.0-5,808.0a Negative value means an increase in reserves. Source: Data provided by the authorities of Hong Kong, China. Table AI.2 Foreign direct investment inflows/outflows by major economic activity, 1998-00 (Per cent of total FDI) Sector description199819992000InflowsTotal (HK$ billion)114.4 190.8 482.2 Investment holding, real estate and various business services36.0 30.5 67.8 Wholesale, retail and import/export trades11.0 10.4 13.0 Banks and deposit-taking companies21.7 24.7 7.2 Financial institutions other than banks and deposit-taking companies1.4 7.8 4.1 Transport and related services3.0 2.1 2.5 Manufacturing7.0 8.1 1.0 Construction3.0 2.2 1.0 Insurance1.9 3.1 0.8 Restaurants and hotels3.7 0.7 0.8 Communications7.1 -0.2 -0.2 Other activities4.3 10.6 2.0 OutflowsTotal (HK$ billion)131.5 150.0 462.5 Investment holding, real estate and various business services58.8 28.1 71.3 Wholesale, retail and import/export trades-7.0 21.2 8.1 Communications3.7 6.1 3.9 Manufacturing1.9 17.1 3.5 Financial institutions other than banks and deposit-taking companies5.7 5.2 2.5 Banks and deposit-taking companies9.4 3.3 2.3 Transport and related services0.4 2.1 1.9 Construction5.9 3.8 1.0 Insurance2.3 2.9 0.6 Restaurants and hotels1.5 5.0 -1.7 Other activities17.3 5.3 6.5 Note: Individual figures may not add exactly to the total due to rounding. Source: Data provided by the authorities of Hong Kong, China. Table AI.3 Foreign direct investment inflows/outflows by country, 1998-00 (Per cent of total FDI and HK$ billion) Country199819992000InflowsTotal (HK$ billion)114.4 190.8 482.2 British Virgin Islands26.5 25.6 49.4 China17.7 20.2 23.0 Singapore0.4 3.1 12.5 Bermuda18.1 12.9 7.7 Japan0.5 3.5 5.2 United States5.8 10.0 3.9 Cayman Islands4.6 0.7 2.3 Netherlands11.5 12.7 1.5 Panama0.7 0.7 0.1 United Kingdom7.3 1.0 -8.6 Others6.9 9.4 3.0 OutflowsTotal (HK$ billion)131.5 150.0 462.5 China41.1 52.4 78.1 British Virgin Islands43.7 22.1 15.2 Bermuda1.7 4.0 2.7 United Kingdom2.9 -15.5 1.0 Singapore-6.4 2.7 0.8 Japan-0.6 0.4 0.7 United States1.0 0.7 0.6 Panama-3.0 0.3 0.5 New Zealand3.5 0.3 -0.2 Cayman Islands6.4 0.9 -1.3 Others9.7 31.8 1.9 Note: Individual figures may not add exactly to the total due to rounding. Source: Data provided by the authorities of Hong Kong, China. Table AIII.1 Goods subject to import licensing, 2002 GoodsPurposeResponsible authorityProcessing timeFeesValidityTextilesa, b As a surveillance for the HKSAR's textiles export control systemTrade and Industry DepartmentTwo working days For Special Import Licence (Textiles) applications are approved immediatelybFee for Import Licence (Textiles) Form: HK$40 Fee for Special Import Licence Forms: HK$4328 days Non-transferableStrategic commoditiescTo monitor the inflow of strategic commodities and to protect HKSAR's access to high technology productsTrade and Industry DepartmentTwo and a half clear working days for import applications covering strategic commoditiesNo feeSix months NontransferableRice To maintain a reserve stock for emergency purposes Trade and Industry DepartmentOne working dayNo fee Import licence forms: HK$26 per pad (containing 20sets)Six weeks Non-transferablePesticides Public health Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation DepartmentOne working dayNo feeSix months Non-transferablePharmaceutical products and medicines Public healthDepartment of HealthTwo working daysNo feeSix months Non-transferableRadioactive substances and irradiating apparatus Public healthTrade and Industry DepartmentOne working dayNo feeSix months Non-transferableOzone-depleting substances originating in contracting parties to the Montreal Protocol 1987 Environmental protectionTrade and Industry DepartmentTwo working daysFee: HK$940 Import licence forms: HK$28 per pad (containing 5sets)60 days Non-transferableDutiable commoditiesdTo collect the excise dutiesCustoms and Excise DepartmentWithin 14 working days Fee HK$950One year Non-transferable.Controlled chemicals (for substances listed in Schedules 1 and 2 of the Control of Chemicals Ordinance, Chapter145 only)To prevent diversion of controlled chemicals into illicit manufacturing of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substancesCustoms and Excise DepartmentWithin 14 daysFee HK$790One year. Non-transferableLefthand drive vehicles and outboard engines exceeding 111.9kW. (150horsepower)To prevent the use of these articles in smuggling activitiesCustoms and Excise DepartmentWithin 14 working daysNo feeSix months Non-transferableOptical disc mastering and replication equipmentTo enforce intellectual property rightsCustoms and Excise DepartmentWithin two working daysNo feeSix months Non-transferableTable AIII.1 (cont'd)Natural sand in excess of 100 kg.To protect HKSAR's beaches and seabedCivil Engineering DepartmentWithin two working daysNo feeSix months Permits are issued for a particular vehicle or vessel which could be used by different importersPlants, plant pests, and soilTo establish quarantine system to prevent the spread of plant pestsAgriculture, Fisheries and Conservation DepartmentTwo working daysNo feeTwo months Non-transferableEndangered species of animals and plantsTo protect endangered species and prevent their overexploitationAgriculture, Fisheries and Conservation DepartmentAt least two working days or more depending on complexityFor live animals: HK$420 (per species) For animals/ plant parts: HK$140 (per species)Six months Non-transferableLive animalsTo protect public and animal healthAgriculture, Fisheries and Conservation DepartmentAt least five working daysFees: HK$78 to HK$1,055eThree months Permits for regular importers of food animals into HKSAR from mainland China are valid for six months The validity of import permits may be extended for a month upon application at a fee of HK$140Wastef To ensure the legitimacy of waste trade and stop any illegal shipmentEnvironmental Protection DepartmentAt least 90 days before shipmentSingle shipment: HK$11,595 Multiple shipment: HK$18,430 A deposit, bond or financial guarantee is required; this is determined on a casebycase basisOne year (multiple shipment permit) Non-transferableFrozen or chilled meat and poultryPublic health and food safetyFood and Environmental Hygiene DepartmentOne working dayNo fee Licence forms: HK$26 per pad (containing 20sets)Six weeks Non-transferablea Traders registered in the Textiles Trader Registration Scheme, need to submit a notification, in lieu of licences. b The Special Import Licence (Textiles) Form covers imports of piece-knitted garments made from Hong Kong origin, knit-to-shape panels assembled outside HongKong for eventual exportation to the United States. c Strategic commodities include certain arms and ammunitions, explosives, nuclear materials, facilities and equipment, high-speed digital computers, memory devices made from compound semiconductors, sophisticated communication system and radio transmitting equipment, encryption equipment for information security, chemical weapon precursors and manufacturing facilities, certain biological agents, plant pathogens and related manufacturing equipment, and facilities and articles for a use relating to nuclear, chemical or biological weapons. d Dutiable commodities are tobacco, liquors, methyl alcohol, and hydrocarbon oil. e For a detailed list, see AFCD online information. Available at: http://www.afcd.gov.hk/quarantine/lsk/import/spfee.pdf. f A permit (from EPD) is required for import of any waste, unless the waste is specified in Schedule 6 of the Waste Disposal Ordinance; it is uncontaminated; and is intended for recycling or reuse. Source: ϲʹ document G/LIC/N/3/HKG/5, 2November2001. Table AIII.2 Standards and/or technical regulations applied in Hong Kong, China, April 2002 Ordinance/RegulationSummary of the legislationChanges since 1 January 1999Environment protectionAir Pollution Control Ordinance (Chapter311)To provide for the control of air pollution from stationary sources and motor vehicles.NilImport into Hong Kong, China of any quantity of asbestos known as amosite or crocidolite or any substance or item made with or containing amosite or crocidolite is prohibited, except if the substances form an integral part of the structure of fittings of a ship brought into Hong Kong, China for repair or breaking up.Air Pollution Control (Fuel Restriction) Regulations (Chapter 311J)To prohibit the use of high sulphur content solid and liquid fuel (sulphur content shall not exceed 1% by weight for conventional solid fuels and 0.5% by weight for conventional liquid fuels) for commercial and industrial appliances and require the use of gaseous fuel in certain areas of the territory.NilAir Pollution Control (Vehicle Design Standards) (Emissions) Regulations (Chapter 311J)To set out the emission standards for vehicles. Newly registered vehicles shall comply with the latest EU or the equivalent U.S. and Japanese emission standards.The emission standards were raised for newly registered taxis and certain classes of light goods vehicles to EuroII or the equivalent emission standards from 1July1999, and the emission standards for motor bicycles and tricycles were included into the legislation as from 1October1999. The emission standards were raised for (a)newly registered petrol private cars and certain classes of light goods vehicles to EuroIII and the equivalent emission standards; and (b) for newly registered diesel private cars to the latest Californian emission requirements from 1January2001. The emission standards for taxis run on liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) were included and the registration of diesel taxis was banned. The emission standards were raised for newly registered heavy diesel vehicles (including buses) to EuroIII and the equivalent emission standards from 1October2001, and for certain classes of newly registered light vehicles from 1January2002.Air Pollution Control (Motor Vehicle Fuel) Regulation (Chapter 311L)To set out the specifications of motor vehicle fuel to be used in motor vehicles and prohibit the sale of leaded petrol. The specifications are determined in accordance with relevant ISO/EN/ASTMa standards or Institute of Petroleum.The sale of leaded petrol and lead-containing fuel additives was banned from 1April1999. The benzene limit in petrol was tightened to not more than 1% by volume from 1April2000. The specifications of petrol and motor diesel were raised to support the introduction of EuroIII vehicle emission standards from 1January2001.Table AIII.2 (cont'd)Air Pollution Control (Dry-Cleaning Machines) (Vapour Recovery) Regulation (Chapter 311T)To control the emission of perchloroethylene (PCE) from the dry-cleaning industry through the imposition of PCE emission standard on new and existing dry-cleaning machines.This is a new regulation enacted in 2001.Specifically, the concentration of PCE inside the drum of dry-cleaning machines should not exceed 300ppmv.Noise Control (Air Compressors) Regulations (Chapter 400C)To stipulate noise emission standards for certain portable air compressors.NilCompliance with standards set out in Council Directive No. 84/533/EEC of the European Communities.Noise Control (Hand Held Percussive Breakers) Regulations (Chapter 400D)To stipulate noise emission standards for certain hand-held percussive breakers.NilCompliance with standards set out in Council Directive No.84/537/EEC of the European Communities or similar standards is required.Noise Control (Motor Vehicles) Regulation (Chapter 400I)To stipulate noise emission standards for motor vehicles including motorcycles. These are equivalent to those required in Japan and the European UnionThe noise emission standards for motor vehicles including motorcycles were tightened on 1 June 2002 to align with the latest noise standards adopted in the European Union and Japan.FoodPublic Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Chapter 132) and its subsidiary legislations (a) Colouring Matter in Food Regulations (Chapter 132H) (b) Food Adulteration (Artificial Sweeteners) Regulations (Chapter132U) (c) Food Adulteration (Metallic Contamination) Regulations (Chapter 132V) (d) Food and Drugs (Composition and Labelling) Regulations (Chapter132H) (e) Frozen Confections Regulation (Chapter 132AC) (f) Harmful Substances in Food Regulations (Chapter 132AF) (g) Milk Regulation (Chapter 132AQ) (h) Mineral Oils in Food Regulations (Chapter 132AR) (i) Preservatives in Food Regulations (Chapter 132BD) (j) Imported Game, Meat and Poultry Regulations (Chapter 132AK)To regulate the standards of food to ensure that food available for human consumption is wholesome, safe, and properly labelled.The permitted list of artificial sweeteners under the Food Adulteration (Artificial Sweeteners) Regulations was amended on 29November1999 to align it with Codex standard. The scope of prohibition in respect of sale of food containing certain chemicals in excessive concentrations and certain prohibited substances under the Harmful Substances in Food Regulations was amended on 31December2001 to bring it in line with Codex standards for veterinary drugs residues in food. Motor vehiclesRoad Traffic (Construction and Maintenance of Vehicles) Regulations (Chapter 374-A)To set out control of vehicle construction and maintenance.A few regulations mainly related to wheel guards and emission standards have been updated to align with the European Union and/or Japanese standards.Table AIII.2 (cont'd)Road Traffic (Safety Equipment) Regulations (Chapter 374F)To permit or require the provision or use of specified safety equipment (including seat belts, anchorage point, seats with integral seat belt anchorage, and protection helmets in compliance with specified overseas standards/design rules) by persons driving, riding in or on, or using, any class of vehicle and controlling the sale, hire or possession of such equipment.NilConstructionBuilding Ordinance (Chapter 123) and its subsidiary legislationTo provide for the planning, design, and construction of buildings and associated works; and to make provision for rendering dangerous buildings and land safe. The drafting of codes of practice and design manuals has been made with reference to available international requirements.Code of Practice for Site Safety Supervision was updated in 2000.Product safetyToys and Children's Products Safety Ordinance (Chapter 424)To prescribe the requirement for toys and children's products to comply with the applicable safety standards: European Standards EN71, ASTMF963, and International Voluntary Toy Safety Standard.The Schedule to the Ordinance was amended on 1January1999 with the adoption of the revised versions of three of the prescribed safety standards.Consumer Goods Safety Ordinance (Chapter 456)To stipulate that consumer goods shall comply with the general safety requirement.NilFire Service (Installation & Equipment) Regulations (Chapter 95B)To require testing of portable firefighting equipment e.g. fire extinguisher, fire blanket in accordance with a set of recognized international or overseas standards and approval by Fire Services Department before putting in use Hong Kong, China.NilElectricity Ordinance (Chapter 406) and its subsidiary legislationsTo prescribe safety requirements of all electrical products designed for household use and issue certificates of safety compliance. Starting from 2000, it is an offence for a person to supply an electrical product unless a certificate of safety compliance has been issued in respect of the product; and the product conforms to the specified safety requirements. The regulation accepts only the test reports or certification issued by specified certification bodies, which possess the capabilities and resources to test and certify the safety aspects of a specified class of electrical products for the purpose of the regulation, as proof of conformity.Under the Electrical Products (Safety) Regulation (Chapter 406G) enacted in May1998 to replace a previous regulation, all electrical products designed for household use and supplied in Hong Kong, China shall comply with both essential and specific safety requirements and shall be issued with certificates of safety compliance. The safety requirements are based on the relevant international or overseas standards relevant for the purpose of the regulation. Concerning the safety standards, IEC standards as well as relevant international/national standards that comply with the prescribed safety requirements of the EPSR are acceptable.Lifts and Escalators (Safety) Ordinance (Chapter 327)To ensure the safety of new brands/models of lift or escalator, written approval of the Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services is required before installation.NilTable AIII.2 (cont'd)Builders' Lifts and Tower Working Platforms (Safety) Ordinance (Chapter470)To ensure the safety of new brand/model of builders' lift or tower working platform, written approval of the Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services is required before installation.NilTelecommunicationsTelecommunications Ordinance (Chapter106) and its subsidiary regulationsTo make better provision for the licensing and control of telecommunications, telecommunications services, and telecommunications apparatus and equipment.The Ordinance was amended in 2000 to empower Hong Kong Telecommunications Authority to prescribe standards of telecommunications equipment and networks.Technical telecommunications regulations in the form of Hong Kong Telecommunications Authority (HKTA) specifications and regulations/exemption orders have been stipulated for the purpose of licensing and control of telecommunications, telecommunication services, and telecommunication apparatus and equipment. The specifications adopted are identical to or essentially in line with international standards.Dangerous goodsDangerous Goods Ordinance (Chapter 295) and its subsidiary legislationTo prescribe rules on classification, labelling, packing, and storage of dangerous goods.To align local rules with international standards in respect of the classification, labelling, packing, and conveyance of dangerous goods, the Fire Services Department is taking steps to amend the relevant legislation. The Dangerous Goods Ordinance was revised in March 2002; amendments to its subsidiary legislation will be made in due course. a International Organisation of Standardisation; European Standards; and ASTM International. Source: Information provided by the Hong Kong, China authorities. Table AIV.1 Assistance to agriculture and fisheries ProgrammeObjectiveTerms of the loan (interest rate, maturity, amount, etc.)Emergency Relief FundThe Fund is intended to provide prompt assistance to persons (including farmers, fishermen and other citizens) who are in need of relief as a result of a natural disaster such as tempest, typhoon, rainstorm, landslide, and flooding. Grants are made available to fishermen for repair or replacement of fishing vessels and fishing gear damaged for loss as a result of natural disaster, fire, boat capsize, shipwreck or explosion. Grants are available to applicants who are found to have suffered a loss to an extent that merits assistance.Money is granted to victims of natural disasters as ex-gratia payment rather than loan. During 2001/02, grants totalling HK$3,402,465 and HK$1,067,050 were released to farmers and fishermen, respectively. Kadoorie Agricultural Aid Loan FundLoans are granted to individual farmers, pond-fish operators and mariculturists for development and working capital.During 2001/02, 121 loans totalling to HK$9,035,000 were issued.aAgricultureVegetable Marketing Organization Loan FundLoans are granted to crop farmers for agricultural production and development.During 2001/02, 80 loans totalling HK$3,457,000 were issued.aJ.E. Joseph Trust FundLoans are granted to farmers' cooperative societies and individual farmers for use either as development or working capital. During 2001/02, a total amount of HK$5,050,000 (five loans to five cooperative societies and 46 loans to individual farmers) were granted.aFisheriesFisheries Development Loan FundFor building modern fishing vessels to fish in distant waters, for repairing / improving existing vessels, or for the purchase of new vessels.During 2001/02, 8 loans totalling HK$24,786,306 were granted. The interest rate is fixed at 6% per annum.Fish Marketing Organization Loan FundFor the repair, replacement or provision of fishing vessels, gear and equipment, including engines and navigational and electronic aids; and any other approved productive purpose (e.g. modification of a fishing vessel such as changing from trawling to long lining, which would improve the applicant's fishing business. During 2001/02, 55 loans totalling HK$7,917,000 were granted.b World Refuge Year Loan FundLoans may be granted to registered fishermen's co-operative societies or their members for any project deemed to be of social or economic benefit, either to the society or individual members of the society. During 2001/02, a total of three loans totalling HK$900,000 were issued.b Co-operative for American Relief Everywhere Loan Fund (CARELF)For the repair, replacement or provision of fishing vessels, gear and equipment, including engines and navigational and electronic aids; any other approved productive purpose (e.g. modification of fishing vessels) which will maintain or improve the applicant's fishing business. During 2001/02, no loans were issued under CARELF.b a Interest rates applicable to Kadoorie Agricultural Aid Loan Fund, J.E. Joseph Trust Fund, and Vegetable Marketing Organization Loan Fund as at 31 March, 2002: 0.09375% for a loan of less than HK$100,000 for development capital; 0.125% for a loan of less than HK$100,000 for working capital; 2.625% for a loan over HK$100,000 and less than HK$160,000; 5.125% for a loan of HK$160,000 and above; and 0.0625% for a corporate loan. b Interest rates applicable to Fish Marketing Organization Loan Fund, World Refuge Year Loan Fund and Co-operative for American Relief Everywhere Loan Fund as at 31 March, 2002 were 2.875% for individual fisherman and 1.375% for registered cooperative societies and their members. Source: Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department [Online]. Available at: http://www.afcd.gov.hk/web/text/ web/english/public_info/businese_info/loan/index.htm [4 July 2002]. __________ WT/TPR/S/109 Trade Policy Review Page  PAGE 3 Hong Kong, China WT/TPR/S/109 Page  PAGE 3 WT/TPR/S/109 Trade Policy Review Page  PAGE 82 Hong Kong, China WT/TPR/S/109 Page  PAGE 83 9FGm 2 T d v*+3hj <EKrs/0'(kswxy678뼶뱼@CJ @CJH* @CJH*5CJB*CJhnH 6B*CJhnH 6B*CJhnH 5B*CJH*hnH CJB*CJhnH 5B*CJhnH E9GHMRW\]mv}} $T($ 9($P$$r E8#$<<$ $9<<$$ & F9GHMRW\]mv ".:;þ{vqlgb^                "  .  67  @  I  R  [  no  x                   #pg $$$ E8# $T$ 9$P$$r E8# $T($  ".:;U_is}~  $ $$$ E8# $T$;U_is}~#-.6@JT^_nw|wrnid_Z                                  '  3  BC  O  [  g  s            "#-.6@JT^_nw $ $$$ E8# $T$ $"+,;Eհ $$$ E8# $T$"+,;EOYcdlv}xsnie`[  \  kl  v                                   %  -  @A  J  S  \  e  lm  w"EOYcdlvո $ $$$ E8# $T$ "*+>FNV^_nw|xsnid_[B  K  T  ]  f  mn  w                                   &  0  78  A  J  S" "*+>FNV^_nw̰ 9$$$ E8# $T$ $   2 < F P Z [ c k s դ 9$$$ E8# $T$   2 < F P Z [ c k s { |wrnid_Z    (  2  PQ  Z  c  l  u  |}                                  %  /  9  A"s { - 7 @ I S T d n հt 9$$$ E8# $T$ - 7 @ I S T d n x    ) 3 < E O P W b }xsnie`[                        9:  D  N  X  b  tu  ~                     "n x    ) 3 < E O P @ 9$$$ E8# $T$P W b m x  % 0 ;  9$$$ E8# $T$ $b m x  % 0 ; F G Y b m x |xsnid_[D  O  Y  b  l  |}                          !  +  @A  K  U  _  i  }~      "; F G Y b m x    $ $$$ E8# $T$   & 0 8 9 I S ] f o p |wrnid_Z          $  /  :  E  VW  `  h  q  z                              (  C" & 0 8 9 I S ] f o p  9$ $$$ E8# $T$ '(GT_juv8 9$$$ E8# $T$ $'(GT_juv+iu   &-45sy <      #  ,  EF  P  Z  d  m              6+iuw0E$$\%9#$<<$ 9<<$x$$ E8# $T$    &-45syuDl ($$$ %9# $($ 9($E$$\%9#$<($ 9<($ y>CHMNmrT$$ %9# ($$$ %9# $($>CHMNmrw|} +06;<EFGHI]dkrs .39>? 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