ࡱ> q mkbjbjt+t+ AAf]$<<<<PL< LK M M M M M M $0$q q K <<K >6!b ;"K `+<<f VAPPENDIX TABLES Table AI.1 El Salvador: exports by product Description 1995199619971998199920002001Total exports (US$ million)9851,0241,3541,2571,1641,3411,214Memo: Maquila exports are not included in total exports nor used for the breakdown below 647 764 1,055 1,185 1,333 1,609 1,652(%)Total primary products61.258.861.153.449.950.344.1Agriculture58.353.356.047.342.743.035.6Food57.152.455.146.642.142.434.90711 Coffee, not roasted37.633.138.125.621.022.29.50611 Sugars, beet or cane, raw3. Food preparations, n.e.s. Sugar confectionery0. Non-alcoholic beverages, n.e.s. Crustaceans, frozen2. raw materials1. and other minerals0. metals2. Aluminum and aluminum alloys, worked2. Fuel oils, n.e.s. Lubricants0. and steel1. Cold-reduced, flat-rolled steel products Medicaments, n.e.s. Soap1. Detergents, other than soap1. semi-manufactures8. Containers, etc. of paper2. Paper and paperboard, cut to size or shape, n.e.s. and transport equipment2. machines0. non-electrical machinery0. machinery and tractors0. machines and telecommunication equipment0. electrical machinery2. products0. transport equipment0. Household linen1. Cotton yarn, other than sewing thread1. Underwear, nightwear, etc. consumer goods4. Plastic containers, etc. Footwear, n.e.s., with uppers of leather0. UNSTAT Comtrade database. Table AI.2 El Salvador: imports by product (US$ million and %) Description1995199619971998199920002001Total imports2,6282,6702,9623,1083,1283,7953,866Memo: Maquila exports are not included in total exports nor used for the breakdown below 473 551 764 847 955 1,153 1,161(%)Total100100100100100100100Total primary products27.533.832.431.533.535.133.3Agriculture16.820.119.819.720.818.219.2Food14.817.016.816.518.516.216.70989 Food preparations, n.e.s. Maize, other, unmilled Milk, concentrated, sweetened1. Durum wheat, unmilled1. Oil-cake, oilseed residues0. raw materials2. and other minerals0. metals1. Crude petroleum3. Fuel oils, n.e.s. Motor gasoline and other light oils0. Propane, liquefied0. and steel2. Flat-rolled iron or zinc plate Flat- and hot-rolled iron products Medicaments, n.e.s. Other types of plate, sheet, etc. Polyethylene0. semi-manufactures11.99.99.810.510.69.210.16414 Kraft paper and paperboard, uncoated1. and transport equipment30.126.326.527.527.726.524.5Power-generating machines0. non-electrical machinery7. Sewing machine parts0. machines and telecommunications equipment5. Line telephone etc. equipment1. Parts, data processingetc. machines0. electrical machinery3. products12. Passenger transport vehicles4. Goods vehicles4. transport equipment1. consumer goods6. UNSTAT Comtrade database. Table AI.3 El Salvador: exports by country Country1995199619971998199920002001Total exports9851,0241,354.91,2571,1641,3411,214Memo: Maquila exports are not included in total exports nor used for the breakdown below 647 764 1,055 1,185 1,333 1,609 1,652(%)America66.770.768.377.783.485.888.5United States17.519.319.221.521.324.118.7Canada1. America47.650.948.355.861.361.269.4Guatemala20.720.619.522.523.424.026.6Honduras7.19.510.011.814.716.815.2Nicaragua6. Rica7. Republic0. (15)30.927.929.618.314.211.36.6Germany14.515.517.511. Kingdom0. Europe0. USSR0. Federation0. Europe0. East0. Asia2. Asia0. Africa0. Africa0. UNSTAT Comtrade database. Table AI.4 El Salvador: imports by country Country1995199619971998199920002001Total imports2,6282,6702943,108.03,1283,7953,866Memo: Maquila exports are not included in total exports nor used for the breakdown below 473 551 764 847 955 1,153 1.161(%)World100100100100100100100America78.180.981.179.081.581.480.1United States44.240.041.438.537.534.834.3Canada0. America33.339.939.039.643.145.744.8Guatemala10.810.510.911.211.812.911.3Mexico5. Rica3. Antilles0. (15) Europe0. USSR0. Federation0. Europe0. East0. Asia8., Rep. of1. Taipei1. Asia0. Africa0. Africa0. Source: UNSTAT Comtrade database. Table AIII.1 Participation of El Salvador in international IPR agreements Agreement, convention or treaty (latest Act to which El Salvador is a party)Date on which El Salvador became a party Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (Paris)February 1994Brussels Convention Relating to the Distribution of Programme-Carrying Signals Transmitted by SatelliteNot a memberBudapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent ProcedureNot a memberConvention Establishing the World Intellectual Property OrganizationSeptember 1979Geneva Convention for the Protection of Producers of Phonograms Against Unauthorized Duplication of Their PhonogramsFebruary 1979Hague Agreement Concerning the International Deposit of Industrial DesignsNot a memberLisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and their International RegistrationNot a memberLocarno Agreement Establishing an International Classification for Industrial DesignsNot a memberMadrid Agreement for the Repression of False or Deceptive Indications of Source on GoodsNot a memberMadrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of MarksNot a memberNairobi Treaty on the Protection of the Olympic SymbolOctober 1984Nice Agreement Concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of MarksNot a memberParis Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property (Stockholm)February 1994Patent Cooperation TreatyNot a memberRome Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting OrganisationsJune 1979Strasbourg Agreement Concerning the International Patent ClassificationNot a memberTrademark Law TreatyNot a memberTreaty on the International Registration of Audiovisual WorksOctober 1984Vienna Agreement Establishing an International Classification of the Figurative Elements of MarksNot a memberInternational Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of PlantsNot a memberGeneva Act of the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs (not yet in force)Not a memberPatent Law Treaty (not yet in force)Not a memberWIPO Copyright Treaty (not yet in force)March 2002WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (not yet in force)May 2002 Source: ϲʹ Secretariat, based on WIPO information (available at: http://www.wipo.int/treaties/general/parties.html#1) Table AIII.2 El Salvador's IPR enforcement regime Civil and administrative proceduresJurisdiction over cases For civil procedures, commercial courts. For administrative procedures, the Intellectual Property Office of the National Registration Centre.Persons with standing to assert rightsFor civil procedures, right holders and licensees and their representatives, as well as collective management entities. For administrative procedures, right holders and their representatives, collective management entities and their representatives, users of the works and any person claiming to have a legitimate interest.Collection of evidenceThe obligation to produce evidence lies with the complainant. Before an action can be brought, the Law requires the display before the court of objects constituting evidence. The administrative authorities have no authority to order, at the request of an opposing party, a party to a proceeding to produce evidence which lies within its control.Identification and protection of confidential informationThe courts, judges and secretaries may not disseminate documents presented during the proceedings, except under signed authorization by the party and subject to a court order. Information on third partiesThe judge, as soon as the case is brought to trial at first instance, may order a party, at the request of the other party, to answer interrogatories, in which case the third parties involved in the infringement of the rights in question must be identified, together with the channels of distribution used. Specifically with regard to marks and other distinctive signs, the judicial court has the power to order the infringer to provide any information in his possession concerning persons involved in the production or marketing of the infringing goods or services and their channels of distribution (Article 90 of the Trademarks Law). The administrative authorities do not have such authority.Indemnification of defendants wrongfully enjoined Any complainant who is unable to prove his case at first instance or who abandons his action shall be ordered to pay the costs and any party who not only fails to prove his case or substantiate his claim, but in fact acted with intent or is unfit, shall also be ordered to pay damages. Persons requesting prudential measures in connection with copyright infringements must file the corresponding complaint within eight days, failing which they shall be liable for damages. The application of immediate precautionary measures is provided for in cases of infringement of industrial property rights, with the possibility of making such measures contingent on the provision of a sufficient security. It is also stipulated that if the action for infringement is not brought within ten working days following the imposition of the measure, the measure shall cease to have effect and the complainant shall be liable for damages. The judge has the authority to order the payment of a security for potential damages resulting from the display in court of the goods proving unfair competition, in particular in cases of misuse of distinctive commercial signs.Available remedies For copyright and neighbouring rights: preventive seizure of the liquid revenue obtained through the unlawful use; preventive seizure of unlawfully reproduced copies; suspension of the unauthorized reproduction, communication or distribution activities, as appropriate; and prohibition of the import or export of unlawfully reproduced copies by order to the Directorate-General of Customs Revenue. For patents, utility models and industrial designs: as a precautionary measure, immediate cessation of the infringing acts; preventive seizure, withholding or deposit of infringing goods and the means used predominantly to commit the infringement. For distinctive commercial signs, indications of source and appellations of origin: seizure of the infringing goods, including packaging, wrapping, labelling, printed or advertising materials or other materials resulting from the infringement, and the means that served principally to commit the infringement; prohibition of the import of the goods, materials or means in question; attribution of ownership of the goods, materials or means in question, in which case the value of the goods shall be deducted from the amount of the damages; such measures as are required to prevent the repetition of the infringement; cessation of the infringing acts; compensation for damages; and publication of the sentence and notification thereof to interested persons at the cost of the infringer (Article 90 of the Trademarks Law).Criminal proceduresJurisdiction over casesCriminal courts and judges.IPRs for which procedures are availableViolation and aggravated violation of copyright; violation of the privileges of invention; violation of distinctive commercial signs; breach of trust; exposure or disclosure of an industrial secret.Authorities responsible for initiating proceedingsAttorney-General of the Republic.Standing of private persons to initiate proceedingsThere is a public right of penal action for offences against intellectual and industrial property upon request by a private person; in this respect, such offences shall only be prosecutable as criminal offences on application by the victim or, in case of incapacity, by the victim's legal representative or guardian.Available remediesIn general, violation of intellectual property rights may be penalized with prison sentences of between one and three years. Sentences for aggravated violation of copyright and neighbouring rights can range from three to five years. Sentences in cases of breach of trust or exposure or disclosure of an industrial secret are of between six months and two years. Provisional measuresPrior hearing of the other sideSuch prudential measures as are necessary for the urgent protection of rights, to be imposed without notice to the infringer. The judge may order, with immediate effect, such precautionary measures as are necessary to ensure the effectiveness of the infringement proceedings or the recovery of damages. It is not necessary to name the person in respect of whom attachment is requested to order such a measure. Initiation, ordering, and maintenance of measuresAny right holder who considers that his right has been violated may ask the judge to order such prudential measures as are necessary to protect that right.Available remediesFor copyright and neighbouring rights: preventive seizure of the liquid revenue obtained through the unlawful use; preventive seizure of unlawfully reproduced copies; suspension of the unauthorized reproduction, communication or distribution activities, as appropriate; and prohibition of the import or export of unlawfully reproduced copies by order to the Directorate-General of Customs Revenue. For patents, utility models and industrial designs: immediate cessation of the infringing acts; preventive seizure, withholding or deposit of infringing goods and the means used predominantly to commit the infringement. For distinctive commercial signs: prohibition of the import of merchandise as long as it displays a misused mark; prohibition of the import of merchandise as long as it displays a misused advertising slogan or sign; prudential court orders, including the preventive seizure or confiscation of the merchandise in question. For indications of source and appellations of origin: prudential court orders, including the preventive seizure or confiscation of the merchandise in question.Border measuresSuspension of release into free circulation The intellectual property right holder may ask the judge to prohibit the import of any products which infringe that right. Such a measure will be ordered by the judge once he has established the ownership of the right by the complainant and such other circumstances as are provided for in each particular case.Procedures for suspension of releaseDirect application to the judge to issue the corresponding judicial order to the Directorate-General of Customs Revenue, which issues a circular for distribution to all Customs posts in the country instructing them to restrict the entry of the infringing goods.Ex officio actionsCustoms authorities do not have the authority to act ex officio.Available remedies Customs authorities do not have the authority to impose border measures on their own initiative and must act on judicial order. Remedies include: for copyright, prohibition of the import or export of unlawfully reproduced copies; for patents, utility models and industrial designs, preventive seizure, detention or deposit of the infringing goods and the means predominantly used to commit the infringement; for distinctive commercial signs, prohibition of the import of merchandise as long as it displays a misused mark or advertising slogan or sign; for indications of source and appellations of origin: prudential court orders, including the preventive seizure or confiscation of the merchandise in question.Source: ϲʹ Secretariat, based on ϲʹ document IP/N/6/SLV/1 of 13 June 2000. Table AIII.3 IPR legislation StatuteDateCoverage and remarksMain dedicated intellectual property laws and regulationsIntellectual PropertyLaw to Promote and Protect Intellectual Property RightsLegislative Decree No. 604 of 15 July 1993, published in Official Journal No. 150, Volume 320, of 16August1993Literary, artistic, scientific and industrial propertyRegulations under the Law to Promote and Protect Intellectual Property RightsExecutive Decree No. 35 of 28 September 1994, published in Official Journal No. 190, Volume 325, of14October 1994Literary, artistic, scientific and industrial propertyIndustrial PropertyLaw on Trademarks and Other Distinctive Signs Legislative Decree No. 868 of 6 June 2002, published in Official Journal No. 125, Volume 356, of 8July2002. Marks, trade names, commercial advertising slogans or signs, emblems, geographical indications and appellations of origin.Law to Protect the Emblem of the Red CrossLegislative Decree No. 789 of 26 January 1994, published in Official Journal No. 56, Volume 322, of 21March1994Decree-Law on the Use and Registration of Coffee and Balsam BrandsLegislative Decree No. 48 of 29 May 1934, published in Official Journal No. 124, Volume 116, of 7June1934Implementing Regulations for the Law on the Use and Registration of Coffee and Balsam BrandsExecutive Decree of 14 November 1934, published in Official Journal No. 258, Volume 117, of 24November1934Decree on Use of the Phrase "Blsamo de El Salvador" as an Appellation of Origin Legislative Decree No. 162 of 14 December 1935, published in Official Journal No. 281, Volume 119, of 20December 1935. This Decree amends Legislative Decree No. 42 of 30 May 1938, published in Official Journal No. 116, Volume 142, of 2 June 1938Decree Prohibiting Unauthorized Use of the Emblem, Official Seal, Name or Initials of the United Nations (Organizacin de las Naciones Unidas - ONU)Legislative Decree No. 1105 of 14 July 1953, published in Official Journal No. 138, Volume 160, of 29July1953CopyrightLaw on BooksLegislative Decree No. 808 of 16 February 1994, published in Official Journal No. 54, Volume 322, of 17March 1994Other Laws and Regulations1983 Constitution (Articles 2, 103 and 110.3)Decree No. 38 of 15 December 1983, published in Official Journal No. 234, Volume 281, of 16December1983 (entry into force: 24December1983)Recognizes and guarantees private property rights. Recognizes intellectual and artistic property rights for the period of time and in the form specified by the law.Commercial Code (Articles 5 and 570-585)Adopted by Legislative Decree No. 671 of 8 May 1970, published in Official Journal No. 140, Volume 228, of 31 July 1970 (entry into force: 8 August 1970)Regulates distinctive commercial signs. Law on Commercial Procedures (Article 9)Approved by Legislative Decree No. 360 of 14June1973, published in Official Journal No. 120, Volume 239, of 29 June 1973 (entry into force: 7July1973)Establishes the procedure for protection of a registered trade mark.Civil Code (Article 570)Approved by Legislative Decree No. 7 of 23 August 1859, published in Official Gazette No. 85, Volume 8, of 14 April 1860 (entry into force: 1June 1860)Recognizes copyright and industrial property rights.Criminal Code (Articles 226, 227, 228, 229, 230 and 231)Adopted by Legislative Decree No., 1030 of 26April1997, published in Official Journal No. 105, Volume 335, of 10 June 1997 (entry into force: 18June1997)Establishes the penalties applicable to intellectual property offences.Commercial Registry LawAdopted by Legislative Decree No. 271 of 15 February 1973, published in Official Journal No. 44, Volume238, of 3 May 1973 (entry into force: 11May1973)Regulates the registration of patents for invention, commercial and industrial patents, copyright, marks and trade names.Regulations to the Commercial Registry LawApproved by Executive Decree No. 33 of 4 May1973, published in Official Journal No. 82, Volume 239, of 7May 1973 (entry into force: 15 May1973)Regulates the procedures and requirements for registration of intellectual property.Investment Law (Article 3(h))Adopted by Legislative Decree No. 732 of 14 October 1999, published in Official Journal No. 210, Volume345, of 11 November 1999 (entry into force: 19November 1999)Recognizes intellectual property rights as assets or investment resources.Consumer Protection Law (Article 14)Adopted by Legislative Decree No. 666 of 14March1996, published in Official Journal No. 58, Volume 330, of 22 March 1996 (entry into force: 30March 1996)Waives the obligation to print the formula or industrial secret for product processing on product containers or packaging.Regulations on the Central American origin of merchandise (Article 5)Executive Decision No. 482, Resolution No. 6-92, of 30June 1992, published in Official Journal No. 123, Volume 316, of 6 July 1992 (entry into force: 14 July1992)Regulates appellations of origin pertaining to Central American goods.Source: ϲʹ Secretariat, based on ϲʹ document IP/N/1/SLV/1 of 3 March 2000. __________ WT/TPR/S/111 Trade Policy Review Pgina  PAGE 8 El Salvador WT/TPR/S/111 Pgina  PAGE 8 WT/TPR/S/111 Trade Policy Review Page  PAGE 112 El Salvador WT/TPR/S/111 Page  PAGE 111 ?@pq?CDIJZ2Un :Trx$j{o x s > W u ! ? 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