ࡱ> q ,bjbjt+t+ `AAy]DDDDDDD$hhhhP\hR,(TLn$2PRRRRRRRRRRRRR$TVvR-DFFFvRDD,FJDDPRhhDDDDFPRr"2E DDPRlҋlehhQvAPPENDIX TABLES Table AII.1 Major trade- and investment-related legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria AreaMain legislationMain legislation on exports and importsCouncil of Ministers Regulation No. 233 of 8 November 2000 on foreign trade regimes of the Republic of Bulgaria (published in SG No. 93/14.11.2000, in force from 1.1.2001; amended SG No. 58/29.06.2001; No. 112/ 29.12.2001; No. 28/19.3.2002; No.86/10.9.2002; No. 110/22.11.2002) Order No. 717 of 27 December 2000 of the Minister of Finance on the Administration of Tariff QuotasAgriculturePlant Protection Act (published in SG No. 91/ 10.10.1997, amended in SG No.90/15.10.1999, No. 96/9.11.2001)Anti-dumping and countervailingCouncil of Ministers Regulation No 287 of 4 December 1996 on protection against dumped or subsidized imports (published in State Gazette No 106/1996)BankruptcyCommercial Law (SG No. 63/1994, amended SG No. 83/1996, SG No. 100/1997, SG No. 70/1998, SG No. 84/2000) Law on Bank Insolvancy SG No. 92/27.9.2002CompetitionLaw on Protection of Competition (published in SG No. 52/8.5.1998, Decision No. 22 of the Constitutional Court of 24.9.1998 SG No. 112/29.9.1998, amended SG No. 81/14.9.1999, SG 28/19.3.2002, SG No. 9/31.1.2003)Customs free zonesState Decree No. 2242 on Free Zones (published in SG No. 55/17.07.1987, amended SG No. 4/13.01.1989, No. 84/1.10.1993, No. 26/26.03.1996, No. 15/6.02.1998, No.89/3.08.1998, No. 153/23.12.1998)Export controlsCouncil of Ministers Regulation No. 274 of 29.11.2002. For adoption of the Implementing Regulation of the Law on Control of Foreign Trade Activity with Arms and Goods and Technologies with Possible Dual Use (published in SG No. 115/10.12.2002)ForestryForestry Act SG No. 125/29.2.1997, amended up to SG No. 10/18.02.2003 Restitution of Forests Act SG No. 110/25.11.97, amended up to SG No. 16/18.02.2003Foreign investmentLaw on Foreign Investments (published in SG No. 97/1997; amended SG No. 99/1997; No. 29/1998, No. 153/1998, No. 110/1999, No. 28/2002)Government procurementPublic Procurement Law (SG No. 92/2000, amended SG No. 97/2000, 43/2002, 45/2002) Decree on awarding of public procurement contracts below the thresholds set out in Article 7 (1) of the Public Procurement Law, adopted by Council of Ministers Regulation No. 59 of 24.4.2000 (published SG No. 36/2.5.2000; amended SG No. 16/20.2.2001, Decision of the Supreme Administrative Court No. 1537/8.3.2001SG No. 25/6.3.2001)Intellectual property rights (IPR)Law on Copyright and Neighbouring Rights (published in SG No. 56/1993; amended SG No. 63/1994, No. l0/1998, No. 28/2000, No 77/2002) Patent Law (published in SG No. 27/02.04.1993, amended SG No. 83/1996, No. 11/1998; No. 81/1999; No. 45/2002, No. 66/2002, No. 68/16.07.2002)PrivatizationPrivatization and Post Privatization Act (published in SG No. 28/19.03.2002, amended SG 78/13.08.2002)Consumer protectionLaw on Consumer Protection and Trade Rules (published in SG No. 30/02.04.1999) SafeguardsCouncil of Ministers Regulation No 300 of 16 December 1996 on safeguard measures on imports of products in the Republic of Bulgaria (published in State Gazette No109/27.12.1996)ServicesCommercial Law (published in SG No. 48/18.6.1991, last amended SG No.96/11.10.2002)Table AII.1 (cont'd)BankingHYPERLINK "/bnb/home.nsf/vWebPagesByCategoryEN/07DC4A91B878D276C2256B500034E454?OpenDocument&count=-1&EN"Law on the Bulgarian National Bank (published in SG No. 46/10.6.1997; amended, S No. 49 and 153 of 1998, No. 20 and 54 of 1999; No. 109 of 2001; No. 45 of 2002) HYPERLINK "/bnb/home.nsf/vWebPagesByCategoryEN/1872EAB6E8F8B3E0C2256B500036D0A0?OpenDocument&count=-1&EN"Law on Banks (published in SG No. 52/1.7.1997; amended SG No. 15, 21, 52 and 70 of 1998; No. 54, 103 and 114 of 1999; No. 24, 63, 84 and 92 of 2000, No. 1 of 2001, No.45, 91 and 92 of 2002, in force from 28.12.2002) Foreign Exchange Law (published in SG No. 83/21.09.1999, amended in SG No.45/30.04.2002)InsuranceLaw on Insurance (published in SG 86/11.10.1996, last amended SG No. 8128.2003)SecuritiesLaw on Public Offering of Securities (published in SG No. 114/30.12.1999, last amended in SG No. 31/04.04.2003)TourismTourism Act (published in SG No. 56/2002)Telecommunications and transportRoad Transport Law (published in SG No. 82/17.09.99, in force from 17.09.99, amended in SG No. 11/31.1.2002, No. 45/30.4.2002) Telecommunications Act, 1998 (SG issue 93, amended issue 26, 1999; amended issue 10, 2000; amended issue 64, 2000; amended issue 34, 2001; amended issue 42, 2001; amended issue 96, 2001; amended issue 112, 2001) Postal Services Act (published SG No. 64/4.8.2000, last amended SG No. 26/21.3.2003)Small and medium-sized enterprises Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Act (published in SG No. 84/24.09.1999, last amended SG No. 28/19.03.2002)StandardsLaw for National Standardization (published in SG No. 55/18 June 1999, in force from 19.09.1999, amended, SG No. 108/14.12.2001, No. 112/29.12.2001, No. 13/5.02.2002 Law on Technical Requirements for Products ( SG No. 86/01.10.1999, amended SG No.93/01.10.2002, amended SG No. 18/25.02.03) State aidState Aid Act(published in SG No. 28/19.3.2002 in force from 20.6.2002)Tax systemValue Added Tax Law (published in SG No. 153/23.12.1998, last amended SG No.117/17.12.2002 in force from 1.1.2003) Excise Tax Law (published in SG No. 19/2.3.1994, last amended SG No. 118/20.12.2002 in force from 1.1.2003)Source: Information provided by the Bulgarian authorities. Table AII.2 Status of notifications to the ϲʹ, as at June 2003 ϲʹ AgreementDescription of requirementPeriodicityDocument of most recent notificationAgreement on Agriculture (Article 10 and 18.2)Export subsidiesAnnualG/AG/N/BGR/6, 14 March 2003 (Article 18.2)Domestic supportAnnualG/AG/N/BGR/7, 26 March 2003 (Article 5.7 and 18.2)Special Safeguard provisionsAnnualG/AG/N/BGR/8, 11 April 2003Anti-Dumping (Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of the GATT 1994)(Article 5.8)Anti-dumping actionAs appropriate G/ADP/N/100/BGR, 20 February 2003(Article 16.4)Anti-dumping action Semi-annualG/ADP/N/98/BGR, 14 March 2003(Article 16.5)Competent authoritiesOnce, then changes G/ADP/N/14/Add.11, 18 September 2000(Article18.5)Laws and regulationsOnce, then changesG/ADP/N/1/BGR/1, 21 March 1997Agreement on Rules of OriginArticle 5 and para 4 of Annex IIChanges in lawsAd hoc G/RO/N/27, 24 February 2000Customs Valuation (Agreement on Implementation of Article VII of the GATT 1994)(Article 22.2)Laws and regulationsOnce, then changesG/VAL/N/1/BGR/2, 17 January 2000Import Licensing Procedures (Article 7.3)Replies to questionnaires on procedureAnnualG/LIC/N/3/BGR/2, 8 May 2002Import Licensing Procedures (Article 1.4(a) and 8.2(b))Laws and regulationsOnce, then changesG/LIC/N/1/BRG/1, 21 March 1997Agreement on Preshipment Inspection(Article5)Laws and regulations Once, then changesG/PSI/N/1/Add, 21 March 1997Rules of Origin(Article 5 and paragraph 4 of Annex II)Preferential rules of originAs soon as entry into forceG/RO/N/27, 17 January 2000Agreement on Safeguards(Article 12.1(a))MeasuresAd hocG/SG/N/6/BGR/5, 16 September 2002(Article 12.1(b))MeasuresAd hocG/SG/N/8/BGR/1, 16 May 2002(Article 12.1(c))MeasuresAd hocG/SG/N/10/BGR/2, 3 February 2003(Article 12.4)Provisional Ad hocG/SG/N/7/BGR/2/Rev.1, 23 September 2002(Article 12.6)Laws and regulationsOnce, then changesG/SG/N/1/BGR/1, 21 March 1997( Article 9.1 footnote 2)Developing country measureAd hocG/SG/N/11/BGG/1, 27 December 2002 Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures(Article 2.1 GATT))SubsidiesAnnualG/SCM/N/25/BGR, 28 May 2003(Article 25.1 GATT 1994 Article XVI:1)Specific subsidiesAnnualG/SCM/N/16/BGR, 21 March 1997(Article 25.11)Countervailing measuresSemi-annualG/SCM/N/93/Add.1, 1 May 2003(Article 25.12)Countervailing MeasuresOnceG/SCM/N/18/Add.11, 18 September 2000(Article 32.6)Laws and regulationsOnce, then changesG/SCM/N/1/BGR/1, 21 March 1997Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade(Annex 3 (c))Acceptance of code Once, then changesG/TBT/CS/N/62/Rev.1, 3 November 2000Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures(Article 7, Annex B)SPS regulationsAd hocG/SPS/N/BGR/3/Rev.2, 20 February 2001Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights(Article63.2 and Decisions of the TRIPS Council of 21 November 1995 (IP/C/2-5))Laws and regulationsOnce, then changesIP/N/1/BGR/P/1, 26 February 1998(Article 69)Contact pointsOnce, then changesIP/N/3/Rev.4/Add.2, 24 August 2000Agreement on Trade-Related Investment Measures(Article 6.2 and Decision of the TRIMs Committee of 30.9.96)Publications in which TRIMS may be foundOnce, then changesG/TRIMS/N/2/Rev.1, 21 March 1997Agreement on Government ProcurementDecision of the Committee on Government Procurement 1994 of 24 February 1997legislation OnceGPA/49, 15 May 2001General Agreement on Trade in Services(Article V:7(a))AgreementsOnce, then changesWT/REG1/, 17 October 2002(Article III.4 or IV.2)Ensuring/contact pointsOnce, then changesS/ENG/78/Rev.4, 18 March 2003International Dairy Agreement(Article III:1 and III:3)Diary market dataBi-AnnualIDA/STAT/15, 23 April 1996Source: ϲʹ Secretariat. Table AIII.1 Tariff quotas for import with zero or reduced rate of duty for 2003 (Opened in accordance with the Schedule of Commitments and Concessions of the Republic of Bulgaria, attached to the GATT 1994) Order No.Tariff numberDescriptionQuota quantityBound rate of duty (%)Other terms and conditions(tonnes)1ex 0202High quality beef, frozen, answering the following definition: Beef cuts obtained from steers (novilhas) aged between 20 and 24 months, which have been exclusively pasture grazed, have lost their central temporary incisors but not have more than four permanent incisor teeth, which are of good maturity and which meet the following beef carcass classification requirements: dressed weight of not more than 327kg, a compact appearance with a good eye of meat of light and uniform colour, and adequate but not excessive fat cover, the cuts bearing the letters sc. (special cuts) or an sc. (special cuts) label as a sign of their high quality will be boxed in cartons bearing the words high quality beef. 1,00002 ex 0201 30 00 0 ex 0202 30 10 0 ex 0202 30 50 0 ex 0202 30 90 0Other high quality boneless meat, fresh, chilled or frozen, answering the following definition: I.Beef quarters, wholesale cuts, boneless primal and subprimal cuts or portioned steaks from carcasses possessing the following characteristics: (a)minimum external white fat covering over the ribeye muscle at the 12th rib of 0,4 inch to 0.9 inch; (b)Carcass weight of 600 to 850 pounds; (c)Minimum ribeye area at 12th rib - 9 square inches; (d)Maximum age - 30 months. Carcass must have no visible ossification of cartilage buttons over tips of spinousprocesses associated with the 1st through 11th thoracic vertebrae ; (e)Minimum intermuscular fat intermingled in lean of longissimus (ribeye) muscle at the 12th rib as shown by photographic standard (equivalent to modest or fat content of lean of 6.0 minimum, wet tissue basis, for longissimus). Note:This will not apply to other muscles of carcass. (f)Colour:Lean must be a bright, cherry red colour at time of cutting of carcass; (g)Fresh chilled carcasses or cuts must be at a temperature (internal or ribeye muscle) of less than 4 degrees C when packed for shipment. II.Carcasses or any cuts from cattle not over 30 months of age which have been fed for 100 days or more on a nutritionally balanced , high energy feed concentration ration containing no less than 70% grain, and at least 20 lb total feed per day500103ex 0201 10 00 0 ex 0201 20 20 0 ex 0201 20 30 0 ex 0201 20 50 0 0201 20 90 0 0201 30 00 0Fresh or chilled, boneless or with bone in meat of bovine animals: carcases with weight over 240kg and half-carcases with weight over 120kg; compensated quarters with weight over 120kg; unseparated forequarters with weight over 110kg and separated forequarters with weight over 55kg; unseparated hindquarters with weight over 130kg and separated hindquarters with weight over 65kg 1,000104ex 0202 10 00 0 Bone-in beef cuts, frozen: carcasses with weight over 240kg and half-carcases with weight over 120kg 2,0001050202 20 30 0 0202 20 50 0Bone-in beef cuts, frozen: forequarters and hindquarters, separated or unseparated 10,2008.5Allocation of the quota : EC - 8149 t, Other - 2051 t 6ex 0202 20 30 0 ex 0202 20 50 0Bone-in beef cuts, frozen: unseparated forequarters with weight over 110kg and separated forequarters with weight over 55kg, unseparated hindquarters with weight over 130kg and separated hindquarters with weight over 65kg 1,000070202 30Boneless beef cuts, frozen 4,1001080207 12 10 0 0207 12 90 0Meats of fowls, not cut in pieces, frozen 20055 min 650 usd/tne90207 14 10 0 0207 14 20 0 0207 14 30 0 0207 14 40 0 0207 14 50 0 0207 14 60 0 0207 14 70 0 0207 14 99 0Cuts and offal of fowls, frozen 1,30055 min 650usd/tne100210 11 Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof with bone-in, of swine 50015Table AIII.1 (cont'd)110210 12 Bellies (streaky) and cuts thereof, of swine 50015120210 19 Other meat of swine 50015130402 10 11 0 0402 10 19 0 0402 10 91 0 0402 10 99 0Milk and cream in powder, granules or other solid forms, of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 1.5 % 20015140405 10 11 0 0405 10 19 0 0405 10 30 0 0405 10 50 0 0405 10 90 0 0405 90 10 0 0405 90 90 0Butter and other fats and oils derived from milk; dairy spreads 1,50030150406 10 0406 20 0406 30 39 0Cheeses and curd 3,00017.5Allocation of the quota: EC - 2000 t, Other - 1000 t160406 90 excluding 0406 90 29 1 0406 90 29 2 0406 90 29 9 0406 90 50 1 0406 90 50 9 0406 90 99 1Cheeses for processing Other cheeses 40025170701 10 00 0 Seed potatoes 1,80018180703 10Onions and shallots 50025190713 10 10 0 0713 10 90 0Peas /Pisum sativum/ 17510200713 20 00 0 Chickpeas (Garbanzos)30010210713 33 10 0 0713 33 90 0Kidney beans, including white pea bean /Phaseolus vulgaris/: 72035220713 39 00 0 Other beans 10035230713 50 00 0Broad beans /Vicia faba var major, Vicia faba var. equina, Vicia faba var. minor/50015241003 00 90 1Barley for brewing industry 10,00015251005 90 00 1Maize for forage100,000 5261006 30Semi-milled or wholly milled rice, whether or not polished or glazed 5,00012.8Allocation of the quota: EC - 2880 t, Other - 2120 t 271601 00 10 0 1601 00 91 0 1601 00 99 0Sausages and similar products, of meat, meat offal or blood; food preparations based on these products 2,00040281602 49 1602 50Prepared and preserved meat of swine and meat of bovine animals1,10034Allocation of the quota: EC - 900 t, Other - 200 t 291701 11Raw cane sugar 250,0005301704 10Chewing gum, whether or not sugar coated 90035311704 90 10 0 1704 90 55 0 1704 90 65 0 1704 90 71 0 1704 90 75 0Liquorice extract containing more than 10 % by weight of sucrose but not containing other added substances; bonbons 52535Table AIII.1 (cont'd)321704 90 30 0 1704 90 51 0 1704 90 61 0 1704 90 81 0 1704 90 99 0Sugar confectionery not containing cocoa 1,60035331806 20 10 1 1806 20 30 1 1806 20 50 1 1806 20 70 0 1806 20 95 1Chocolate3,50035341806 31 00 0Food preparations containing cocoa presented in blocks, slabs or bars, filled 1,00035351806 32 10 0 1806 32 90 0Food preparations containing cocoa presented in blocks, slabs or bars, not filled 15035361806 90 11 0 1806 90 19 0 1806 90 31 0 1806 90 39 0Other chocolate products 800 44035 40371806 90 50 0 1806 90 60 0 1806 90 70 0 1806 90 90 0Other chocolate products 2,85040381905 31 1905 32 1905 90Sweet biscuits, waffles and wafers 1,30040392004 10 10 1Frozen prepared potatoes in packages 1.5 kg or larger, not put up for retail sale 80010402103 20 00 0Tomato ketchup and other tomato sauces 3040(hl)412208 20Spirits obtained by distilling grape wine or grape marc 13,60040422208 40Rum and tafia 4040 min 42 (/ hl432208 50Gin and Geneva3040 min 36 (/ hl442208 90 57 1Tequila and Mescal 1,020 40 min 20 (/ hl452208 90Other distilled spirits5,10040 min 20 (/ hl Source: Information provided by the Bulgarian authorities. Table AIV.1 Summary of main sector-specific commitments under GATS Sector or subsectorModes of supplyCross-border supplyConsumption abroadCommercial presencePresence of natural personsTelecommunication servicesVoice telephone services (CPC 7521) - for public use - non-public useMarket Access: BTC has exclusive rights for facilities based services until 31 December 2004 and for public voice telephony until 31 December 2002. National Treatment: NoneMarket Access: None National Treatment: None Market Access: BTC has exclusive rights for facilities based services until 31 December 2004 and for public voice telephony until 31 December 2002. National Treatment: None Market Access: Unbound except as indicated in the cross-industry commitments. National Treatment: Unbound except as indicated in the cross-industry commitments. Market Access: Connection to public telecommunications network is not allowed until 31 December 2004 National Treatment: NoneMarket Access: None National Treatment: None Market Access: Connection to public telecommunications network is not allowed until 31 December 2004 National Treatment: NMarket Access: Unbound except as indicated in the cross-industry commitments. National Treatment: Unbound except as indicated in the cross-industry commitments. Telex Services (CPC 7523) and Telegraph services (CPC 7523)Market Access: BTC has exclusive rights for facilities based services until 31 December 2004 and for telegraph and telex services until 31 December 2002. National Treatment: NoneMarket Access: None National Treatment: NoneMarket Access: BTC has exclusive rights for facilities based services until 31 December 2004 and for telegraph and telex services until 31 December 2002. National Treatment: NoneMarket Access: Unbound except as indicated in the cross-industry commitments. National Treatment: Unbound except as indicated in the cross-industry commitments.Packet-and circuit-switched data transmission services (CPC7523); On-line information and data base retrieval; Enhanced/value-added facsimile services; Code and protocol conversion; Telecommunications and related services; paging services; mobile data servicesMarket Access: None National Treatment: NoneMarket Access: None National Treatment: NoneMarket Access: None National Treatment: NoneMarket Access: Unbound except as indicated in the cross-industry commitments. National Treatment: Unbound except as indicated in the cross-industry commitments.Facsimile services (CPC 7521)Market Access: Only through use of BTC's international network National Treatment: NoneMarket Access: None National Treatment: NoneMarket Access: Only through BTC's international network National Treatment: None Market Access: Unbound except as indicated in the cross-industry commitments. National Treatment: Unbound except as indicated in the cross-industry commitmentsLeased circuit services (CPC 7523)Market Access: BTC has exclusive rights for facilities based services until 31 December 2004. Sale and lease of capacity of leased circuits is not allowed National Treatment: NoneMarket Access: None National Treatment: NoneMarket Access: BTC has exclusive rights for facilities based services until 31 December 2004. Sale and lease of capacity of leased circuits is not allowed National Treatment: NoneMarket Access: Unbound except as indicated in the cross-industry commitments. National Treatment: Unbound except as indicated in the cross- industry commitmentsTable AIV.1 (cont'd)Mobile services - Analogue cellular voice - digital cellular voiceMarket Access: Only through use of international network of BTC until 31 December 2002. National Treatment: NoneMarket Access: Only through use of international network of BTC until 31 December 2002 and according to the international NMT450 and GSM agreements National Treatment: NoneMarket Access: Only through use of BTC infrastructure until 31 December 2002, except in the case if BTC is not able to provide, the necessary infrastructure in the limited period of time specified in the licence. National Treatment: None Market Access: Unbound except as indicated in the cross-industry commitments. National Treatment: Unbound except as indicated in the cross- industry commitmentsSatellite services and VSAT-services for public use Market Access: BTC has exclusive rights for public voice telephony until 31 December 2002. National Treatment: None Market Access: None National Treatment: NoneMarket Access: BTC has exclusive rights for public voice telephony until 31 December 2002. National Treatment: NoneMarket Access: Unbound except as indicated in the cross-industry commitments. National Treatment: Unbound except as indicated in the cross- industry commitments VSAT-services for non public use Market Access: Connection to the public telecommunications network is not allowed until 31 December 2004. National Treatment: None Market Access: None National Treatment: None Market Access: Connection to the public telecommunications network is not allowed until 31 December 2004. National Treatment: NoneMarket Access: Unbound except as indicated in the cross-industry commitments. National Treatment: Unbound except as indicated in the cross- industry commitmentsConstruction servicesBuilding Completion and finishing work (CPC 517)Market Access: Unbound National Treatment: UnboundMarket Access: None National Treatment: NoneMarket Access: None National Treatment: NoneMarket Access: Unbound except as indicated in the cross-industry commitments. National Treatment: Unbound except as indicated in the cross-industry commitments. Construction work for buildings (CPC 512) Construction work for civil engineering (CPC 5131, 5132, 5135) Market Access: Unbound National Treatment: UnboundMarket Access: None, except that market access is limited to natural persons subject to recognition of their technical qualifications and accreditation by a professional chamber in the Republic of Bulgaria. Accreditation is subject to the following criteria:Market Access: When a project is of national or regional significance, foreign persons are to provide the services only in partnership with, or as subcontractors of, local services suppliers. This does not apply to projects put up for international auction and won by foreign service suppliers.Market Access: Unbound except as indicated in the cross-industry commitments. Market access is limited to natural persons subject to recognition of their technical qualifications and accreditation by a professional chamber in the Republic of Bulgaria.Table AIV.1 (cont'd)Assembly work (CPC 514) Installation work (CPC 5161, 5162, 51641, 51643, 51644, 5165)recognition of technical qualification in Bulgaria, experience in the field of construction, and project work in the last two years. National Treatment: NoneAccreditation requirement. The main scope of the foreign person's activity to be the relevant services; experience in the field of construction; projects performed during the last two years; staff and technical capacity; bank references from a first rank foreign bank. Services must be supplied through employees under the conditions specified for presence of natural persons. National Treatment: NoneAccreditation is subject to the following criteria: recognition of technical qualification in Bulgaria, experience in the field of construction, and project work in the last two years. National Treatment: Unbound except as indicated in the cross-industry commitments.Distribution servicesCommissions Agents ServicesMarket Access: Unbound National Treatment: UnboundMarket Access: None National Treatment: NoneMarket Access: None National Treatment: NoneMarket Access: Unbound except as indicated in the cross-industry commitments National Treatment: Unbound except as indicated in the cross-industry commitments.Wholesale Trade Services (CPC 61111, part 6113; part 622)Market Access: Unbound National Treatment: UnboundMarket Access: None National Treatment: NoneMarket Access: Licence required for specialized wholesaling services. Access may be limited subject to an economic needs test. National Treatment: UnboundMarket Access: Unbound except as indicated in the cross-industry commitments. National Treatment: Unbound except as indicated in the cross-industry commitments.Retailing Services (CPC 61112; part of CPC 6113, 6121, 631, 63292 and 63927)Market Access: Unbound National Treatment: UnboundMarket Access: None National Treatment: NoneMarket Access: Licence required for specialized wholesaling services. Access may be limited subject to an economic needs test. National Treatment: NoneMarket Access: Unbound except as indicated in the cross-industry commitments. National Treatment: Unbound except as indicated in the cross-industry commitments.Franchising Services (CPC 8929)Market Access: Access is granted to juridical persons only. National Treatment: NoneMarket Access: None National Treatment: NoneMarket Access: Unbound National Treatment: NoneMarket Access: Unbound except as indicated in the cross-industry commitments. National Treatment: Unbound except as indicated in the cross-industry commitments. Financial servicesLife insurance services and Pension funds; Non-life insurance servicesMarket Access: Unbound except for services supplied by foreign suppliers to foreign persons in Bulgaria National Treatment: UnboundMarket Access: Insurance contracts can be concluded only with suppliers with respect to their activity in Bulgaria National Treatment: None Market Access: National Treatment: Market Access: National Treatment: Table AIV.1 (cont'd)Reinsurance and retrocession; Life and non-life insuranceMarket Access: None National Treatment: NoneMarket Access: Unbound National Treatment: UnboundMarket Access: Reinsurance service suppliers cannot be set up for the supply of both life and non-life reinsurance. Foreign persons can supply insurance services only through participation in Bulgarian insurance companies with no limitation on equity participation Licences required. National Treatment: Reinsurance funds as well as own capital must be invested in Bulgaria and may be transferred abroad only subject to permission of the Ministry of Finance. Market Access: Unbound except as indicated in the measures applicable to all sectors and subsectors in financial services National Treatment: Unbound except as indicated in the measures applicable to all sectors and subsectors in financial servicesInsurance Intermediation ; Services auxiliary to insurance Market Access: Unbound National Treatment: Unbound Market Access: Unbound National Treatment: UnboundMarket Access: Only trade companies, registered in Bulgaria under the Trade Law and licenced by the National Insurance Council may conduct intermediation activity. Services auxiliary to insurance have to relate to insurance National Treatment: UnboundMarket Access: Unbound National Treatment: UnboundBanking and other Financial Services (excluding insurance) Market Access: Unbound National Treatment: UnboundMarket Access: Unbound National Treatment: Unbound Market Access: Foreign Banks must be duly authorized. Acquisition of : shares representing 5% or higher of the voting rights of an established bank; or acquisition of participation in non-financial enterprise by a bank of more than 10% of the capital of the enterprise is subject to authorization by BNB. Exclusive service suppliers status may be granted as to deposit and money transmission services provided to budgetary financed institutions National Treatment: None except for those in market access: Market Access: Market Access: Unbound except as indicated in the measures applicable to all sectors and subsectors in financial services National Treatment: Unbound except as indicated in the measures applicable to all sectors and subsectors in financial servicesTable AIV.1 (cont'd)Travel and tourism servicesHotels and restaurants (CPC 641, part 642, part of 643) Travel agencies and Tour Operator's services (CPC 741) Market Access: Unbound. National Treatment: Unbound.Market Access: None National Treatment: NoneMarket Access: None, except that suppliers are to be established as companies incorporated in the Republic of Bulgaria with no foreign equity participation ceiling; subject to tourist service licence issued by Committee on Tourism; number of foreign managers is not to exceed number of managers who are Bulgarian citizens, in cases where state and/or municipal share in the equity capital of a Bulgarian firm exceeds 50%.Market Access: Unbound except as indicated in the cross-industry commitments and taking into account market access limitations on commercial presence. National Treatment: Unbound except as indicated in the cross-industry commitments, but taking into account market access limitations on commercial presenceThe provision of tourist guides services is to be effected through authorized foreign persons. National Treatment: NoneLand transportation servicesMaintenance and repair of road transport equipment (CPC 6112); Storage and warehouse services auxiliary to road services (CPC 742)Market Access: Unbound National Treatment: UnboundMarket Access: None National Treatment: NoneMarket Access: None National Treatment: NoneMarket Access: Unbound except as indicated in the cross-industry commitments. National Treatment: Unbound except as indicated in the cross-industry commitments.Maintenance and repair of rail transport equipment (CPC 8868)Freight transport agency services (CPC 748); Other supporting and auxiliary transport agency services excluding local pick-up and delivery (CPC 749). Market Access: Commercial presence required. National Treatment: NoneMarket Access: Commercial presence required. National Treatment: NoneMarket Access: Foreign persons can supply services only through participation in Bulgarian companies (with 49% limitation on equity participation) and through branches. National Treatment: NoneMarket Access: Unbound except as indicated in the cross-industry commitments. National Treatment: Unbound except as indicated in the cross-industry commitments.Source: ϲʹ documents GATS/DCS/W/BGR and USITC (1998). __________ WT/TPR/S/xx Trade Policy Review Page  PAGE 6 Bulgaria WT/TPR/S/xx Page  PAGE 6 WT/TPR/S/121 Trade Policy Review Page  PAGE 134 Bulgaria WT/TPR/S/121 Page  PAGE 135 %&2-UVWb W X k WXlz{|defjCJU jCJUB*CJOJQJB*CJ<CJOJQJ<CJCJmH @CJ CJOJQJCJ5CJOJQJ5CJGin%| $x$$x$ # p@ P !0$$T440 _# $<<$ # p@ P !$ & F in%&2VWb  W X k þ|xsnie`      B  KL  @  PQ    &'       5      @  `a      @  X       #%&2VWbP/$$T40 _# 1$$T40 _# $x$ # p@ P !1$$T40 _#    W X1$$T40 _# /$$T40 _# $x$ # p@ P !W X k \ Slvv $x$/$$T40 _# $x$ # p@ P !1$$T40 _#  k \ SWXl{|#$.~-.O½~~~~~~     $  %&  {    8  CD            2  UV         1WXl{a/$$T40 _# $x$ # p@ P !1$$T40 _# $(x$ # p@ P !{|#|\p aa$x$ 1$$T40 _# $x$ $x$ # p@ P !1$$T40 _#   "#$.~,-.O 57<=%&'{|)*E¿ۻ뻸CJ5CJCJ6CJ B*OJQJB*CJCJmH  5CJmH 5CJ CJOJQJ@CJCJ jCJUjGCJUH#$.~lN1$$T40 _# 1$$T40 _# $x$ # p@ P !1$$T40 _# -.O(L1$$T40 _# 1$$T40 _# $x$ # p@ P ! ; мuPF/$$T40 _# /$$T40 _# '$ & Fx$$x$ # p@ P !/$$T40 _# ; 56Cx <=M^e%&'5IY{|)*8M`EFGVk~  M b u !! 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