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List of publications relating to the Trade Policy Review Mechanism

List of TPRM-related articles, books and other publications written outside the 澳门六合彩官网资料.

Abbot, Roderick (1993), “GATT and the Trade Policy Review Mechanism: Further Reflections on Earlier Reflections”, Journal of World Trade, Vol. 27 No. 3, pp 117-119.

Anderson, Kym (1995), “The GATT's Review of Australian Trade Policy”, The World Economy: Global Trade Policy 1995.

Arndt, Sven and Chris Milner (1995), “Editorial Introduction”, The World Economy: Global Trade Policy 1995.

Arndt, Sven and Chris Milner (1996), “Editorial Introduction”, The World Economy: Global Trade Policy 1996.

Balasubramanyam, V.N. (1995), “India's Trade Policy Review”, The World Economy: Global Trade Policy 1995.

Blackhurst, Richard (1988), “Strengthening GATT Surveillance of Trade-related Policies”, in Meinharf Hilf and Ernst-Ulrich Petersman (eds.), The New GATT Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations: Legal and Economic Aspects, Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, Deventer (The Netherlands).

Curzon Price, Victoria (1991), “GATT's New Trade Policy Review Mechanism”, The World Economy, Vol.14 No. 2, pp- 227-238.

Curzon Price, Victoria (1992), “New Institutional Developments in GATT”, Minnesota Journal of Global Trade, Vol.1 No.1.

Fane, G. (1996), “Indonesia”, The World Economy: Global Trade Policy 1996.

GATT (1989), “Trade Policies Review Division Established”, Focus: GATT Newsletter, no. 62, June.

GATT (1990), “Country Reviews Launched”, Focus: GATT Newsletter, no. 68, February.

Gunning, J. (1996), “Zimbabwe”, The World Economy: Global Trade Policy 1996

Holden, Merle (1995), “GATT Trade Policy Review — South Africa: 1993”, The World Economy: Global Trade Policy 1995.

Kehoe, Timothy (1995), “A Review of Mexico's Trade Policy from 1982 to 1994”, The World Economy: Global Trade Policy 1995.

Krenin, Mordechai (1996), “Israel”, The World Economy: Global Trade Policy 1996.

Krueger, Anne (1995), “U.S. Trade Policy and the GATT Review”, The World Economy: Global Trade Policy 1995.

Laird, Sam and Gary P. Sampson (1987), “Case for Evaluating Protection in an Economy-wide Perspective”, The World Economy, Vol. 10 No.2, pp. 177-192.

Laird, Sam and Patrick Messerlin (1990), “Institutional Reform for Trade Liberalization”, The World Economy, Vol.13 No.2, pp.230-249.

Mavroidis, Petros (1992), “Surveillance Schemes: The GATT's New Trade Policy Review Mechanism”, Michigan Journal of International Law, Vol.13 No. 2, pp. 374-414.

Leutwiler, F. et al. (1985), Trade Policies for a Better Future, GATT, Geneva.

Pelkmans, J. amd A. Carzaniga, “The European Community”, The World Economy: Global Trade Policy 1996.

Qureshi, Asif H. (1990), “The New GATT Trade Policy Review Mechanism: An Exercise in Transparency or “Enforcement”?”, Journal of World Trade, June, pp.142-160.

Qureshi, Asif H. (1992), “Some Reflections on the GATT TPRM, in the Light of the Trade Policy Review of the European Communities — A Legal Perspective”, Journal of World Trade, Vol. 26 No.6, December, pp.103-120.

Qureshi, Asif H. (1995), “Some Lessons from ‘Developing’ Countries' Trade Policy Reviews in the GATT Framework: An Enforcement Perspective”, The World Economy, Vol.18 No. 3, pp. 489-503 (May).

Qureshi, Asif (1996), “The Trade Policy Review Mechanism”, Chapter 5 in The World Trade Organization: Implementing International Trade Norms, Manchester University Press.

Robertson, David (1992), “GATT's New Trade Policy Review”, mimeo, Australian National University.

Spriggs, John (1991), “Towards an International Transparency Institution: Australian Style”, The World Economy, Vol.14 No.2, pp. 165-180.

Togan, Subidey (1995), “Trade Policy Review of the Republic of Turkey”, The World Economy: Global Trade Policy 1995.

Wonnacott, R. (1996), “Canada”, The World Economy: Global Trade Policy 1996.