ࡱ> ;=:y bjbj .${{rr8$<K(PPPPP+++'''''''$),' ++  'PP(777 "PP'7 '77bPVG)8/F.'(0K(6,-up-b-bT +r7=\t+++''R+++K(    -+++++++++r : Gateway Sweden Case Study to the ϲʹ symposium in Geneva, July, 2012 Background For more than 50 years a Customs Cooperation agreement has been applied for trade of goods between Sweden and Norway where only one administration, depending on stipulated location, handles either the exportation or importation on behalf of its respective neighbour. This agreement has not only catered for a firmly rooted foundation in managing increasing trade growth with swift release times but also in realising ones exportation is anothers importation and the need for horizontal view and solutions that embody the entire spectrum when it comes to accomplish our objectives with regard to Compliance, Risk Management, Trade Facilitation and Cooperation. Transformation from one stop shop into non-stop shop for authorised traders In the 2nd half of 2004, a further dimension of this cooperation were being launched where the customs cooperation, authorised traders, risk management, pre-arrival processing and post-clearance audit (PCA) were being merged and synchronised with sophisticated but widespread ICT solution to transform the traditional one stop shop into a non stop shop. Authorised exporters consignment could, if not selected (through pre-departure/pre-arrival information), pass through the border between Sweden and Norway without stopping and releasing the goods at the (authorised) premises of the trader in Norway and submit a periodic declaration afterwards both for export and import. Apart from the vetting process which entails among others the door-to-door accreditation of stakeholders involved (exporter, importer and freight forwarder), pre-audit and subsequent tailor made control programme based upon individual risk assessment, the set up also includes a technical solution based upon technology (WEB-based and telecom cellular) already being used irrespective whether the company represents large volume of business or SMEs. This horizontal solution caters for extended trade benefits in exchange of in depth accreditation, pre-arrival/pre-departure information processing, data storage for PCA and other collection and compliance tails for Customs as well as track and trace system for the other stakeholders involved. In a nutshell the ICT solution enabled transparency and fixed time stamps when goods are being loaded, crosses the border between the countries and eventually unloaded at the consignees premises. It could be noted that the ICT solution is based upon simple WEB based technology which interlinks Customs and traders. Simultaneous and automatically interchange is made with freight forwarders cell phone by special SIM card which automatically communicates the consignments position and status in the supply chain through the already established and widespread telecom network stations. Hence a low cost solution that makes use of global already existing infrastructure and equipment being used for other purposes on a broad scale irrespective of trade sector or regional environment. From a functional perspective this horizontal solution caters among others the following Customs Pre departure/pre-arrival information for Risk Management purposes Resource allocation where it is most needed by having access of relevant data well in advance PCA and compliance trails throughout the entire supply chain to verify that the level of compliance for being an authorized trader is maintained Avoid bottlenecks at the border crossing locations Providing legitimate trade with transparent, tangible and measurable benefits Uniformed treatment of legitimate trade Traders and freight forwarders Predictability Precision Speed Better ability to plan its logistics Track & Trace throughout the supply chain.     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