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Generally, importers are required to submit an import declaration to customs after cargoes arrive from foreign countries and, subsequently, customs conduct documentary and/or physical inspections of the declared cargo, if necessary. Therefore, in principle, importers are unable to begin import procedures prior to the arrival of cargoes. The pre-arrival examination regime was established to manage these general requirements with certain flexibility in order to facilitate the movement of goods. Pre-arrival examination allows importers to submit pre-arrival import declarations before the arrival of cargoes so that customs can conduct documentary examination in advance. If it does not impede the pursuance of the legitimate policy objective under this regime, customs will notify traders before the arrival of cargo whether or not further documentary examinations and/or physical inspections are required and, if not, customs will then issue an import permit immediately after the formal import declaration is presented upon arrival of the cargoes. JAPAN'S EXPERIENCE IN THE AREA OF CUSTOMS Responding to the needs of effectively coping with the increasing volume of trade with limited human and financial resources, and to the request from the private sector to further expedite the movement of goods, Japan, in the area of customs procedures for example, introduced pre-arrival examination in 1991and had gradually improved the regime through trial run. This regime has become one of the major trade facilitation measures in Japan while maintaining adequate customs control and has been widely used by traders. In 2010, the usage rates of pre-arrival examination in Japan were about 36% and about 52% for sea cargoes and for air cargoes, respectively. In addition, the regime of pre-arrival examination is being used in other trade procedures such as food sanitation. A brief explanation of the pre-arrival examination in Japan Customs is as follows. A. Type of Cargoes Covered The pre-arrival examination can be applied to all types of imported cargo. The cargoes which benefit most from the use of the pre-arrival examination are those in need of quick processing. Documents To Be Submitted In order to use the pre-arrival examination, importers need to submit a pre-arrival declaration to customs, using the same form as a general import declaration form. Documents to be attached to a pre-arrival declaration are the same as the documents attached to a general import declaration, unless the Director-General of customs decides some of them are unnecessary at the time of the pre-arrival declaration. The items to be entered in a pre-arrival declaration form are the same as the items to be filled in the import declaration form, unless the Director-General of customs decides some of them are unnecessary at the time of the pre-arrival declaration. Timing of Submission Importers can submit a pre-arrival declaration at any time after the Bill of Lading (Airway Bill in the case of air cargo) related to the declared cargo is issued, and after the foreign exchange rate for the scheduled date of import declaration is announced. Import Declaration When the cargo arrives and all requirements are met for the import declaration under the Customs Law, such as the completion of procedures required under other laws and regulations, importers inform customs of their intention for a formal import declaration, together with all the necessary items or documents with a deferred submission at the time of the pre-arrival declaration. Then customs treat the pre-arrival declaration as a formal import declaration, after confirmation, and provide immediately an import permit as long as physical examination is not required. Implementation cost of Pre-arrival examination The significance of introducing the pre-arrival examination regime is merely to change the timing of the import declaration submission. In Japans experience, no legal nor organizational change were required. Moreover, the implementation of the pre-arrival examination regime does not necessarily require IT infrastructure although the use of IT can improve the efficiency of the operation of the pre-arrival examination. In the case of Japan Customs, pre-arrival examination is operated on both a manual and IT basis. Therefore, we believe that this measure can be implemented by using the existing facilities and resources of each Member with minimum costs for legislation and training of officials, and we recognize that the benefit of introducing this measure far outweighs the cost of introduction. Furthermore, Japan has been providing technical assistance in the area of customs procedures, including pre-arrival examination, to developing-country officials on our own initiative. THE Merit of Pre-arrival examination The availability of pre-arrival examination is of key importance to all traders since it does not only provide predictability as to how long the customs clearance would be, but also greatly contributes to expediting the movement of goods. According to the 9th Time Release Survey conducted by the Ministry of Finance in Japan in 2009, the average time required from carrying in of cargo to bonded area to Customs import permission with the use of this regime was 23.3 hours in case of sea cargo (48.0% less than the time without the use of this regime),and 0.9 hours in case of air cargo (95.4% less than the time without the use of this regime) (See Annex)3.      The dutiable price and tax amount are computed with the foreign exchange rate to be applied on the import declaration schedule date.  Current exchange rates against the U. S. dollar, Euro and other major foreign currencies are normally announced around Wednesday of the previous week. As soon as the documents to be submitted and items to be declared are ready, the pre-arrival declaration can be made as early as 10 days before the arrival of the cargo. 3 Time Release Surveys are implemented based on sampling conducted over 1 week with cooperation from trade-related agencies. The survey targets the time required from arrival of cargoes to the release of goods including carrying-in to bonded areas, import declaration to customs and import permission.     Page  PAGE 2 Page  PAGE 3 Page  PAGE 4 Page  PAGE 5 ANNEX1 Import Lead Time Reduction by Pre-Arrival Examination(sea cargo) ANNEX2 Import Lead Time Reduction by Pre-Arrival Examination(air cargo) (?@HIJKmnzb m n t < A O R { |   > ? 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