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This measure was implemented for many reasons, the most important of which may be summarized as follows: As part of a general Customs reform programme; Pressure from the trade and international partners to improve on the trade facilitation environment; Government policy to improve on the situation of trade facilitation in the country, which included the setting up of a Committee to Facilitate International Trade (FAL Committee); Time release studies and other studies indicated that Customs procedures were plagued by lengthy time release periods, arbitrary and excessive controls. What was the starting point? (i.e. were you already implementing this measure but made improvements or was it introduced as a new measure?) The measure was introduced as a new measure. Was it implemented as part of an overall reform program or on its own? The measure was implemented as part of an overall reform programme undertaken by the Customs administration, which included the replacement of the semi-automated Customs operating system with a fully automated programme (ASYCUDA++) and the purchase of a container scanner. How long has it been in place (how long have you been using it since it was reformed or implemented)? Since 2006. What benefits have been realized as a result of the implementation of this measure? (benefits for the government and/or traders what problems did it solve?) The risk management system has engendered numerous benefits for various stakeholders. These may be grouped into benefits for the government and benefits for traders, but it is also important to note that some of the benefits are crosscutting. Benefits for the government: Increase in revenue: the rationalization of controls has enabled Customs to better manage its resources by concentrating controls on consignments that are identified as high risk by the system. This naturally leads to greater efficiency in revenue collection and in the fulfillment of other missions of the Customs administration. Governance: the risk management system ensures that Customs controls are based on objective criteria that are established in advance. This helps to limit arbitrary controls and the issues of integrity that go with it. Performance monitoring: the system also generates performance indicators on Customs officers, Customs services and traders, thereby providing management with a rational basis on which to assess the performance and the level of compliance of the above mentioned. Benefits to traders: The rationalization of Customs controls leading to a reduction of time release periods and the cost of processing consignments through Customs; Predictability in the nature and level of controls that a consignment shall be subject to, as determined by its risk level; The existence of objective indicators produced by the risk management system that are used to assess the compliance level of traders and to determine whether they are eligible to benefit from certain Customs facilities (e.g. authorized economic operator). II. Framework: Describe significant amendments to laws and/or regulations that were required. (Were stakeholders consulted?) The most significant amendments involved Customs procedures. The amendments regulated the manner in which consignments with different levels of risk may be treated: Automatic release for the lowest risk levels green; Documentary controls only for the medium risk levels yellow; Documentary controls coupled with physical inspection red (first non-intrusive - scanner, then intrusive depending on the results of the scan) for the highest risk levels. Stakeholders have been consulted for some of the amendments. There is a Customs-Enterprise Forum where stakeholders have the opportunity to impact on Customs reforms and legislation, but there is no policy or rule requiring that they must be systematically consulted. Describe any changes to administrative policy or organization that were required? The most significant organizational change that was required was the creation of a Risk Management Unit, attached to the office of the Director General of Customs. This unit has the prerogative to collect all data and information necessary for its risk analysis. III. Implementation information: How long did it take to implement this measure? What aspects of the implementation process took the longest time? The process has been on since 2006 with the introduction of the ASYCUDA++ operating system. It is still ongoing and its different modules are being put in place progressively. At its inception, it was simply used to select the consignments destined for the different levels of control described above. Implementation of this phase took approximately 2 year. Subsequently, considering that the risk could equally come from Customs officers, a system of performance monitoring called Gazing into the Mirror was put in place. This module consisted in generating periodic reports in the form of indicators on the activities of those working in the system and based on data extracted from it. This information was made public, enabling everyone in the administration and the trading community to know about the deeds and misdeeds of each and everyone. This served as a catalyst for auto-evaluation thereby raising the level of governance and voluntary compliance. This phase lasted approximately 2 years. The current phase of implementation involves the signing and implementation of performance contracts between top management and subordinates officers on the one hand, and between Customs and traders on the other hand. These performance contracts are based on indicators released by the system which enable to measure the level of compliance, the time taken to process a consignment and other relevant parameters. This phase has been ongoing since 2010. Lessons learned: what were the biggest problems/issues and how were they overcome? Lessons learned: The main lessons learned has been the fact that 100% controls are not necessarily more efficient than selective controls based on risk assessment. Another major lesson learned is that a positive change of attitude and behavior, both from Customs officers and trader, can be achieved from non-financial incentives such as the honor factor of being seen by ones peers to be a good example of what is expected of a trader or an officer. Problems encountered: Resistance to change and lack of cooperation from other services, agencies and stakeholders: This obstacle was mostly overcome through communication and meetings with staff and stakeholders. Funding: The initial stages were finance from internal sources (budget of the Customs Administration) but as the project went on there was funding from the World Band to develop some of its modules. Expertise (Customs and computing experts) Experts from the administration continue to handle most of the tasks, but from time to time they benefit from external expertise, mainly from the World Bank and the World Customs Organisation (WCO). Describe any training or capacity building programs for government officials and/or private sector that were conducted. Since the programme was essentially developed internally, the project team did not benefit from any particular training programmes. On the other hand, the project team carried out a lot of training, sensitization and information activities with other Customs officers, traders and the private sector in general. The main purpose of such activities was to get them to understand the different modules of the system and to overcome the traditional resistance to change. What equipment, structures, software, etc. was required for implementation? Office space and furnishings; Computers, printers, local network cabling and routing; Software: ASYCUDA++, ORACLE, MYSQL. Did you require technical assistance? If so what kind? Yes: Research and publication; Customs and IT expertise. What were the factors crucial to success/ best practices? (What can you recommend to other countries that might undergo similar reform?) High level support (project was endorsed by Government as part of the wider Customs reform and modernization programme); Dedicated staff and appropriation of the project by the staff; Support from external partners (traders and other stakeholders) and international organizations (World Bank, WCO, etc.) Gradual implementation: the different modules were rolled out gradually and continue to be developed. Costs of implementation. If possible please provide a break-out of the costs. Be as specific as possible. (you can attach as an annex) There has been no specific budget for the project. It has been funded as part of the operating costs of the Customs administration. Nonetheless, it is possible to estimate that it has cost about One million US dollars to date. If possible please provide other useful information such as copies of laws, regulations, standard operating procedures/instructions, implementation plan with benchmarks, etc. (you can attach as an annex) It is useful to indicate that the project is an ongoing realization and the various modules of the risk management system are being implemented on a gradual basis.   @CKMPQTUVWnoֺ|iZJ=+"h&h&56CJ(aJ(mH sH h&5CJ(aJ(mH sH hPhmj5CJ(aJ(mH sH hPhmjCJaJmH sH %hPhmj56>*CJaJmH sH 3jh&56>*CJUaJmHnHsH tH u"hPhmj5>*CJaJmH sH "hPhmj5>*CJ8aJ8mH sH h&5>*CJ8aJ8mH sH h&5CJ8aJ8mH sH hPhmj5CJ8aJ8mH sH hih75aJmH sH hi5aJmH sH ABLMNOPRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`a$a$gdmj$a$gdmj$a$gd&$a$gdiao D E }} $If^gd[)? & F $If^`gd& n V$If^`Vgd[)? $Ifgdm8 $$Ifa$gdOb $$Ifa$gdOb$a$gdmjl'$a$gd& $a$gdb    D E ǵymamUmULAhkh;mH sH hk5mH sH hPh1t5mH sH hPh_5mH sH hPhm85mH sH hPhb[CJaJmH sH h&5CJaJmH sH hPh5CJaJmH sH hPhb[5CJaJmH sH "hPhb[5CJH*aJmH sH hPhmjCJ(aJ(h&5CJ(aJ(mH sH "h&h&56CJ(aJ(mH sH h-56CJ(aJ(mH sH  B      ! 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