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Examples of barriers to the implementation of the proposed measures: Inadequate structures to enable coordination and cooperation between relevant agencies; Lack of awareness of the ϲʹ proposals and requirements; Insufficient technically qualified staff and lack of designated personnel for specific activities. 3. Identified top technical assistance needs: Organisational re-structuring, administrative set-up and designing of operating procedures for trade facilitation organizations and related processes. Updating and amending and/or draft trade related laws and provide expert advice on the administrative legal framework; Institutional capacity building for trade facilitation e.g. for upgrading of national metrology standards, laboratory equipment and upgrading of various national laboratories; Training of designated personnel in all aspects of trade facilitation e.g. in the areas of laboratory testing, customs procedures for operation of the single window system, IT management systems, trade laws, etc. Accreditation of laboratories. 4. Some of the recommendations made for the way forward: That the existing Trade Facilitation Committee takes the responsibility to follow up on the recommendation arrived at by the participants during the ϲʹ Trade Facilitation Self-Assessment of Needs and Priorities Workshop. Review the existing mandate of the Trade Facilitation Committee in order to give them more power to ensure that heads of respective Divisions/Departments implement the recommendation made by the workshop. That the competent authorities ensure that the National Trade Facilitation Committee, which should involve all stakeholders (government, private sector, civil society etc.), elaborate on the outcomes of this workshop while taking account of developments in relevant processes (at the regional level and ϲʹ). Usefulness of the Self-Assessment: Seychelles (including the competent authorities and participants) found the assessment to be very useful. By identifying its current level of effort in trade facilitation vis--vis the ϲʹ proposed standards, and its priority needs (also in line with its economic and social development objectives), the country: is better able to focus its limited resources to areas of need and priority; can now develop concretised requests for technical assistance in the area of trade facilitation on the basis of a comprehensive work plan; - is better prepared for its accession to the ϲʹ and for future negotiations on trade facilitation (the assessment also assisted to better understand the implications of implementing the future Trade Facilitation agreement). The assessment has also helped key stakeholders to develop a better understanding of the proposals and an appreciation of the benefits that can be gained from implementing the relevant measures. It also generated more interest in the work of the ϲʹ (especially since Seychelles is not a full member country). Some participants had no prior knowledge of the ϲʹ and its work. In addition, it provided a forum where key stakeholders could interact and learn from each other, and hence see the linkages between the roles of their respective organisations. The results will assist our representatives to negotiate more effectively on the proposed measures, special and differential treatment and technical assistance and to assist in implementation of the final results of the negotiations. Next Steps A National Trade Facilitation Committee has already been established (before the assessment was conducted). This was done as part of the national structure for preparations of Seychelles accession to the ϲʹ. The Committee meets regularly. The results (including recommendations) of the assessment have been submitted to them for their consideration, including for further elaboration and continuous updating. The results will be reviewed and updated as the negotiations progress and there is plan to keep up with necessary reforms. Note of Appreciation The Government of Seychelles wishes to express its gratitude to the ϲʹ Secretariat, the US Government and the team of facilitators from USAID Trade Hub for Southern Africa for their support to the assessment, without which the successful outcome of the workshop would not have been possible. ----------------------------------------     PAGE  PAGE 1 :;<Q[   0 1 2 7 E M S g m x } ~       7 ȷȠȠȠȠȠȠȠȂ{{ h h h h%h h5h hU5 h hI h hQh hQ5h hI5h hI5>* h hEn h hU h hExh hKH* h hK h h~ih hU5>*h hfu5>*0;<  8 S h } ~  X $ & F ha$gd $ & F hL^`La$gd $ & F a$gd $ & F a$gd $a$gd }7 W  }W} &*/4<eбЧ h h.\ h hN h hEnh hU5>*h hfuCJ OJQJaJ h hfu5h h~5 h hfuh h%5h h5 h hU h h% h hh 7 }GH$ & F a$gd  $ & F a$gd $a$gd  $ & Fa$gd  $ ha$gd ePQ,-RS $ a$gdK$a$gdEx$a$gd  $<^<a$gd $ ^a$gd $ & F ^a$gd eVWXfrt !B OQ^+,PQRST|}~Ͼ綮碚hEGGjhEGGUhKh mH sH hKmH sH hExmH sH h hU5>* h hMch hMc5>* h h  h hmh  h hw h h.\ h hm:ST}h]hgd j7 &`#$gd j7$a$gd  $ a$gdKhKhEGGh@C0JmHnHuh j7 h j70Jjh j70JU21h:pfu/ =!"#$% @@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No List4 @4  j7Footer  p#.)@.  j7 Page Number.;<8Sh}~X} G H   e PQ,-RST}00x00x00000 0 0 0  000  0  0 000 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 00 00000x00 0 00000000 0 00 00000000x00}@00M}@00}@00}@00}@00}@00}@00}@00}@00d|FM}@00}@00@0@0}@00d|FM}@00 $$$'7 e S  '!!8@0(  B S  ?  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