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Given this background, the national TFNA workshop has: Enhanced national interest in TF related issues; Increased transparency and participation by all key stakeholders, in particular the private sector; Increased the understanding of ϲʹ TF negotiation process and proposed measures, as well as possible results outcome; Assisted in the self assessment of current situation vis--vis each proposed measure; Clarified and appreciated different roles and mandates of TF related national entities; Cemented the working and personal relationships and interactions between different TF related entities that would enhance future cooperation; Reiterated national negotiating positions; Emphasized the continuation of self assessment process to further identify TF needs and priorities; Confirmed the need to follow up on TF related TA and CB; and Alerted different national entities on the need to prepare for future implementation. The process: Initially, two Yemen national coordinators participated in the Regional ϲʹ TF Workshop for Arab and Middle East Countries, held in Doha, Qatar 18-22 March 2007, in preparation for future national TFNA activities in the region. The TFNA exercise took place in Sanaa, Yemen one year later. Advance meeting: The important initial high-level officials advance meeting took place on the morning of 15 March 2008, i.e. the first day of the activity. Key Government TF related agencies senior officials and several private sector representations participated in the meeting, at highest possible levels. Participants were fully briefed on the TFNA activity and later expressed their commitment to participate, through respective officials and technical staff. The meeting also confirmed the political backing for the success of this important exercise. Prior to this meeting, the local coordinators contacted all TF related entities, including private sector representations, to ensure their full participation in the advance meeting and subsequent 5-day intensive activity. On the final day of the exercise, preliminary findings of the national TFNA and priorities were presented to the high-level officials and participants gathering; many of the officials initially participated in the first day advance meeting. The TFNA activity was held at the Ministry of Industry and Trade. The Ministry provided meeting rooms, activity-related equipment, light lunches, coffee breaks refreshments, etc. Participants travel expenses were provided by their respective agencies. The Workshop: After the high-level officials meeting, the workshop commenced immediately. It was inaugurated by H.E. the Minister of Industry and Trade, who reiterated the importance of TF to the republic of Yemen, particularly to smooth and expedite movement, release and clearance of goods in different trade transactions. The three expert facilitators and the Geneva-based delegate provided clear overview and explanation on the ϲʹ TF negotiations as well as guidance on the TFNA exercise process. The three facilitators were selected from UNCTAD, WCO and ϲʹ. Their excellent knowledge on basic standards and proposed TF measures kept participants focused on the core objective of the exercise and maintained them on track throughout the 5 days. Despite facilitators active role, they remained impartial throughout the exercise. This has enhanced national ownership and resulted in quite professional and timely outcome. Participants conducted the workshop in Arabic language for better understanding and interaction. Two of the facilitators are fluent in Arabic, and simultaneous interpretation was provided for the 3rd. facilitator. Geneva delegate participation is also quite useful during this practical exercise, for not only future follow up and negotiations purposes, but also to enhance their understanding on different measures, as well as their respective countries TF status and needs. In addition to assist on motivating participants and the smooth coordination of daily logistical aspects of the TFNA exercises. Strong participation bykey stakeholders: Key national stakeholders were invited and participated in the 5-day workshop. Representatives from Customs, Taxation, Standards, Quarantine, Ports of entry, Central Bank, Private Sector, as well as several line Ministries such as Trade, Finance, Agriculture, Legal Affairs, Environment, Health, Transport, and Foreign Affairs, were present throughout the exercise. More than 46 Participants, from more than 14 different entities, actively participated in the 5-day exercise. Several female officials were also present throughout the exercise. Participants were divided among 3 working groups; one resource person facilitated each. Each group assessed different proposals, and later exchanged notes for further consideration. Participants worked long hours to conduct the assessment and drafting preliminary findings, on time. Most of the time was spent on actively assessing the needs and priorities measure-by-measure, and completing charts on each measure. 75 different measures were examined and assessed against current situation in Yemen. Preliminary findings suggest that only 18% are in near full compliance. The rest falls into partially, non- complied, or non-applicable measures. - Media coverage TFNA activity witnessed great interest and coverage by local audio, visual and printed media. Several interviews with officials and facilitators were conducted and broadcasted in printed media and on Television. Regional media also covered this important event. Recommendations and priorities: At the closing meeting, a final report was presented, where many impediments, related to financial, administrative, institutional, legislative, and infrastructural obstacles, were identified. Several recommendations were also proposed, including: revision of workshop preliminary results by all key stake- holders; Invite entities that were not able to participate in the exercise to provide their input accordingly; Activate the Trade Facilitation Committees meetings and functions; Expand TFC membership to include all TF related entitles, including the private sector; and Build effective communication between capital and Geneva mission. Emphasis was put on the following TA priorities: Secure needed funding to prepare for TA measures implementation; Secure the tools and equipment needed to facilitate trade; Implement sustainable TF related capacity building; and Rehabilitate the infrastructure related to TF measures, including borders posts. On the other hand, internal commitments were identified as: Commitment and support from highest levels of responsibilities; Activate and improve communication and coordination between different entities; Enhance partnership between public and private sectors; Enact and amend legislations related to TF, as necessary; and Identify and formulate capacity-building plans to address TF measures. Priorities for negotiations were also reiterated, including: Inclusion of S&D treatment and TA/CB as an integral part of negotiations outcome; Commitment only to be made where countrys development, financial and trade needs and administrative and institutional capacity are clearly present; Scope and timing of commitment should be subject to provision of TA/CB; and Exemption from Dispute Settlement Mechanism, especially where capacity is not acquired satisfactory. New developments and follow up: Since the TFNA workshop, the Ministry of Industry and Trade took an active role in following up with other key stakeholders on future steps to be taken. A letter was prepared, to convene the Transportation and Trade Committee. The Committee was initially established as TF Committee in 2001, with Ministry of Industry and Trade leading the process, as the focal point agency. Later, it was chaired by Ministry of Finance under the altered name, with similar functions, and Ministry of Transportation as the focal point Government agency. One of the positive outcomes of the TFNA exercise was to reactivate the Committees meetings and functions. As far as the workshops results are concerned, some TF related entities, have started an internal reviewing process to further examine the workshop preliminary findings. This process will continue during the coming weeks. TFNA and the accession process: As an acceding LDC, Yemen is grateful for this opportunity to self assesses its TF needs and priorities. Yemen was actually the first ϲʹ acceding country to conduct its TFNA. The exercise was similar to other TFNA activates, and the accession dimension was neither present nor clear throughout exercise. Therefore, it would be highly useful in future TFNA activities to be conducted in acceding countries, particularly LDCs, to consider this particular dimension. Nevertheless, we hope that the TFNA results would assist Yemen during the accession process, with a view to be considered favorably by our negotiating partners and benefiting from the provision of needed technical assistance and capacity building, as well as transitional periods for future implementation purposes. Finally, I would like to convey my delegations sincere appreciation to Annex D Organizations, donors and ϲʹ members for making this important activity possible, through the ϲʹ TFNA Project trust fund. Equally, I would like to extend gratitude to Norway, who also facilitated the participation of Yemeni officials in the NGTF, including this session. I thank you chair. * Presentation to NGTF, by Nagib Hamim, Economic Attach, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Yemen, Geneva, Friday 30 May 2008     PAGE  PAGE 1  !"#$%=Vuv{       V \ ] m n F N O P Q [ üüõîʮ哌~wlwhEh]B* ph hEh hEh4 hEhi\ hEh4X hEh shEh]5\hEhi\5\ hEhXo hEh hEh hEh. hEhS0hEhM5\hEhQ5\hEhS05\hEhXo5\ hEhy'#$   n Q  E  & Fgd]X^ & Fgd< & Fgd]`gd  & Fgd  & Fgd & Fgd4X & Fgd4h^hgdXogd$a$gdM$a$gdYC$a$gdS0gdS0+0P0[    ? \   & 1 : K M  : B b d e | ȶhEh4Zo( hEhyqhEh]B* ph hEh3hhEh4XB* ph hEhX hEhj hEhU hEhQm hEh hEh]X^ hEh hEh] hEh<7 e -?^=0.< & Fgd T ^`gd; ^`gd]E ^`gdU ^`gd3h & Fgdf hh^h`hgd3h & Fgd48^8gd  & Fgd  & Fgd]X^ & Fgd3h 3QU`),-=?@BMU`jyz )=aܹܲܫΫΫ΅΅΅Γ hEhU hEh hEhM hEh@chEhXo5\ hEhS0 hEh]E hEhY hEhqw4 hEh T hEhi\ hEh hEhXohEhS05\hEhMr5\hEh o(4 )[\]^!$<=]_%/0Q~-.ֳֳֳ֬ϥ뉐 hEhQm hEhg hEhhnz hEh; hEhc hEh[ hEh hEh] hEhS0 hEhk\ hEh4 hEhM hEhS hEh3h hEh]X^ hEhi\ hEhU4.28;<GKR{_qstuvy~*/0BDOPcdƿ|un hEhM hEhqw4hEh0B* ph hEh hEh#` hEh@c hEhY hEhYC hEhM hEh4 hEhS hEh i hEh( hEh[ hEh hEh0hEh T5\hEhS05\hEh45\+<u.X") * L C!!!1" & Fgd/ hh^h`hgd  & FgdS0 hh^h`hgd0gdS0 ^`gdw ^`gd@c ^`gd]E & FgdS0 ^`gd( ^`gd#`dety~4s{|.03'01;Spq|ȹֲ֫򝏝䝏 hEh[ hEhfO hEhg hEh9W hEhc hEhM hEh(hEh#`H* hEh#` hEh hEh4 hEh= hEh@c hEh i hEhY hEhM6"+,-.EFJVWXy'+7jk'+35ݾ hEh hEh]E hEh+ hEh} hEh!f hEh@hEhS05\hEh%5\ hEh T hEh hEh; hEh4 hEhS hEhM hEhg hEh065TWx/ !"Y_' ( ) ϳϺݺϥ֞thEh TB* Zo(phhEh}B* phhEhS05\ hEhMr hEh T hEhS0 hEh+ hEh, hEh,!D hEh7us hEhfO hEh hEh; hEh0 hEhyq hEh} hEh@c hEh*-) * , ? 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