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What for? Facilitate domestic coordination. To assist in the implementation of the different trade facilitation measures. V[ p\ s   #The proposal does not deal with ...:$***# Who the stakeholders should be. Who should coordinate the process. The legal structure of committee. Up to each member to decide. !Suggestions from the last meeting""(.    A Counterproposal: Replace "shall establish" by "shall maintain";  ABA  Counterproposal: Add: "or designate an existing mechanism, body or committee" after "mechanism" so that the paragraph reads: "In order to facilitate the process of domestic coordination of trade facilitation needs, priorities and implementation, Members shall establish a national committee or a similar mechanism on trade facilitation or designate an existing mechanism/body/Committee, with the objective of assisting in the implementation of the Agreement on Trade Facilitation."; ,Q2b  *Counterproposal: Rephrase sentence to read: "In order to facilitate the process of domestic coordination of trade facilitation needs, priorities and implementation of the Agreement on Trade Facilitation, Members shall establish a national committee or a similar mechanism on trade facilitation."; ++ )    Other issues "  Notification to the ϲʹ Committee?? Relationship with the proposal on border coordination, if any, Possible colaboration with other National or Regional Committees Role of regional and international organizations in providing TA/CB  ^                            Thank you  <    #  ` 33` Sf3f` 33g` f` www3PP` ZXdbmo` \ғ3y`Ӣ` 3f3ff` 3f3FKf` hk]wwwfܹ` ff>>\`Y{ff` R>&- {p_/̴>?" dd@,|?" dd@   " @ ` n?" dd@   @@``PR    @ ` ` p>> OG(    6y  `}  ['Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre( (:  04|  `  vCliquez pour modifier les styles du texte du masque Deuxime niveau Troisime niveau Quatrime niveau Cinquime niveau4 w  0  ^ `  X*  0䇐 ^   Z*  0 ^ `  Z*H  0޽h ? 3f3ff80___PPT10.,pW "Modle par dfaut L0 0 (   r  S ( `   H  0޽h ? 33___PPT10i.,?+D=' = @B +"  P|(    S (t9 <$0     S $uwq,<$0  H  0޽h ? 33___PPT10.,0C+02t\D' = @B D' = @BA?%,( < +O%,( < +D' =%(D' =%(Dd' =A@BB BB0B%(E' =1B B`BPB1:Bhidden*3>+#.= `B<*D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+#.<*%(D' =-o6Bplus(in)*<3<*D$' =%(D' =%(Dt' =A@BB7BB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+#.<*6%(D' =+4 8?fCB#ppt_w*0.70BCB#ppt_wB*Y3>B ppt_w<*6D' =+4 8?\CB#ppt_hBCB#ppt_hB*Y3>B ppt_h<*6D' =-g6B fade*<3<*6D$' =%(D' =%(Dt' =A@BB7BB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+#.<*7M%(D' =+4 8?fCB#ppt_w*0.70BCB#ppt_wB*Y3>B ppt_w<*7MD' =+4 8?\CB#ppt_hBCB#ppt_hB*Y3>B ppt_h<*7MD' =-g6B fade*<3<*7MD$' =%(D' =%(Dt' =A@BB7BB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+#.<*Nq%(D' =+4 8?fCB#ppt_w*0.70BCB#ppt_wB*Y3>B ppt_w<*NqD' =+4 8?\CB#ppt_hBCB#ppt_hB*Y3>B ppt_h<*NqD' =-g6B fade*<3<*NqD$' =%(D' =%(Dt' =A@BB7BB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+#.<*r%(D' =+4 8?fCB#ppt_w*0.70BCB#ppt_wB*Y3>B ppt_w<*rD' =+4 8?\CB#ppt_hBCB#ppt_hB*Y3>B ppt_h<*rD' =-g6B fade*<3<*rD$' =%(D' =%(Dt' =A@BB7BB0B%(D' =1:Bvisible*o3>+#.<*%(D' =+4 8?fCB#ppt_w*0.70BCB#ppt_wB*Y3>B ppt_w<*D' =+4 8?\CB#ppt_hBCB#ppt_hB*Y3>B ppt_h<*D' =-g6B fade*<3<*+p+0+ ++0+ +b   `|(    S _}9M <$ 0     S h `<$ 0  H  0޽h ? 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"2 Trade Facilitation)!&".-՜.+,D՜.+,    IOn-screen Show '   ArialBaskerville Old FaceModle par dfaut+National Committee on Trade Facilitation Origin of the proposal Proposal What the proposal entails$The proposal does not deal with ..."Suggestions from the last meetingCounterproposal: Add: "or designate an existing mechanism, body or committee" after "mechanism" so that the paragraph reads: "In order to facilitate the process of domestic coordination of trade facilitation needs, priorities and implementation, Members shall establish a national committee or a similar mechanism on trade facilitation or designate an existing mechanism/body/Committee, with the objective of assisting in the implementation of the Agreement on Trade Facilitation."; +Counterproposal: Rephrase sentence to read: "In order to facilitate the process of domestic coordination of trade facilitation needs, priorities and implementation of the Agreement on Trade Facilitation, Members shall establish a national committee or a similar mechanism on trade facilitation."; Other issues Thank you  Fonts UsedDesign Template Slide Titles h 8@ _PID_HLINKSA   _msocom_3PC:\Documents and Settings\rosenow\Local Settings\Temp\DropOL\_anchor_3','_com_3_rosenowrosenow  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz|}~Root EntrydO)Current UserSummaryInformation({PowerPoint Document(DocumentSummaryInformation8