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Being one of many countries that heavily depend on imports and exports, Qatar attaches special importance to the issue of trade facilitation in the АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ. This has been manifested in the active role of the State of Qatar in the various activities held in the field of Trade Facilitation. In this regards, the State of Qatar hosted in March 2007 a workshop organized by the АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ on how to develop an appropriate task-force. The outcomes of the workshop have proved to be very helpful for all participants in preparing for TFNA workshop. Furthermore, the importance which the State of Qatar attaches to the issue of trade facilitation has also been manifested in the high level officials who have participated in TFNA workshop which held in Muscat on October 2009. The participants in the workshop included representatives from private sector, business associations and relevant government agencies in the State of Qatar. During the 5 days, the Qatar officials together with the participants from other GCC States were engaged on addressing the 46 proposals that currently on the table of negotiations. After having completed the national self assessment of its needs and priorities, the State of Qatar is willing to consider positively the proposals currently on the table. However, in the light of the complexity of those proposals and the importance of trade facilitation, the State of Qatar still need significant technical assistances in order to be able to implement any commitments that are made as part of current TF negotiations. In particular, TFNA showed that the State of Qatar is in need of technical assistance in the area like SPS, custom valuation and international standards. All in all, the participation of the State of Qatar in the TFNA workshop has: Enhanced Qatari participants understanding of the АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ trade facilitation. Increased the transparency with regard to varied roles played by other stakeholder. Emphasized the importance of regular interaction between State and non-state actors. Strengthened professional relationship between GCC officials in the field of TF. Emphasized the importance of improving coordination and interaction between capital-based official and Geneva delegates. Identified the country obstacles and barriers to trade. To continue the momentum which created by the TFNA workshop the Ministry of Business and Trade took an active role in following up with Qatari participants in the workshop on the future steps to be taken. Moreover, the result of self assessment workshop, as well as the document TN/TF/W165 have been translated into Arabic language and distributed to the other relevant national stakeholders who have not participated in the workshop. In this regard, a Working Group on the TF has been established within the Ministry. The main objectives of this Group are as follows: To follow the current negotiations in the TF and act as a focal point in the area of TF. Alert the relevant stockholders on the need to prepare for future implementation of various TF measures. Alert the policy-makers to enact and amend regulations and laws related to the TF as necessary. Identify future technical assistance requirements and capacity building plans to address TF measures. The State of Qatar expresses its deep and sincere appreciation to the АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ, Annex D organizations, donor countries and the three facilitators for their active role during the workshop, as well as Sultanate of Oman for its effective involvement by hosting and facilitating the organization of this FTNA Workshop. 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