Article 27.3b, traditional knowledge, biodiversity

The TRIPS Agreement requires a review of Article 27.3(b) which deals with patentability or non-patentability of plant and animal inventions, and the protection of plant varieties.

Paragraph 19 of the 2001 Doha Declaration has broadened the discussion. It says the TRIPS Council should also look at the relationship between the TRIPS Agreement and the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, the protection of traditional knowledge and folklore.

It adds that the TRIPS Council’s work on these topics is to be guided by the TRIPS Agreement’s objectives (Article 7) and principles (Article 8), and must take development issues fully into account.

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Background and the current situation on Article 27.3(b), traditional knowledge and biodiversity

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Secretariat documents 

Summaries of issues raised and points made:

  • The TRIPS Agreement and Convention on Biological Diversity. Paper IP/C/W/368/Rev.1, revised 8 February 2006
    > Download: 78 pages in Word 595KB, pdf 158KB
    IP/C/W/368/Rev.1/Corr.1, 9 March 2006
    > Download: 12 pages in Word 258KB, pdf 69KB
  • Review of Article 27.3(b). Paper IP/C/W/369/Rev.1, revised 9 March 2006
    > Download: 36 pages in Word 479KB, pdf 233KB
  • The protection of traditional knowledge and folklore. Paper IP/C/W/370/Rev.1, revised 9 March 2006
    > Download: 29 pages in Word 370KB, pdf 183KB

Replies to questionnaire in implementing Art.27.3(b):

  • Review of the Provisions of Article 27.3(b): Illustrative List of Questions Prepared by the Secretariat — Revision. Paper IP/C/W/273/Rev.1, 18 February 2003
    > Download: 56 pages in Word 296KB, pdf 320KB
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Documents circulated under the 2001 mandate of the Doha Development Agenda

(Document numbers are hyperlinks to Word files in . Left click to open the documents in a new window; right click to download the files directly.)

Document no Communication from Title Date
(also circulated as WT/GC/W/633) Director-General Report on Issues Related to the Extension of the Protection of Geographical Indications Provided for in Article 23 of the TRIPS Agreement to Products other than Wines and Spirits and those Related to the Relationship between the TRIPS Agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity 21 April 2011

Brazil, China, Colombia, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, Peru, Thailand, the ACP Group, and the African Group

Draft decision to enhance mutual supportiveness between the TRIPS Agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity 19 April 2011

Albania, Brazil, China, Colombia, Ecuador, the European Communities, Iceland, India, Indonesia, the Kyrgyz Republic, Liechtenstein, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Pakistan, Peru, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, the ACP Group and the African Group + Croatia + Georgia + Moldova Draft Modalities for TRIPS Related Issues 19 July 2008,
24 July 2008,
25 July 2008,
29 July 2008

(also circulated as

Director-General Report on Issues Related to the Extension of the Protection of Geographical Indications Provided for in Article 23 of the TRIPS Agreement to Products other than Wines and Spirits and those Related to the Relationship between the TRIPS Agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity  

, and (also circulated as + and )

Brazil, China, Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, South Africa, Tanzania, Thailand, Venezuela, least-developed countries (LDC) Group and African-Caribbean-Pacific (ACP) Group + African Group + Sri Lanka Appropriate action to be taken/decided by the General Council on TRIPS & CBD 28 May 2008, 13 June 2008 and 10 July 2008
Japan The Patent System and Genetic Resources 17 October 2007
Peru Combating Biopiracy — the Peruvian Experience 14 September 2007
Norway The Relationship between the TRIPS Agreement, CBD, and Protection of Traditional Knowledge — Amending the TRIPS Agreement to Introduce an Obligation to Disclose the origin of Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge in Patent Applications — Answer from Norway to Questions Posed by Switzerland in the TRIPS Council 7 May 2007
Peru Response to Comments Contained in Document IP/C/W/469 Relating to the Peruvian Communication IP/C/W/458 2 November 2006
Brazil Response to Questions Raised on the Draft Amendment to TRIPS — Article 29bis 26 July 2006
, , , , , , , , and  Brazil, India and others Doha Work Programme — The Outstanding Implementation Issue on the Relationship between the TRIPS Agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity — Revision (Also circulated as WT/GC/W/564/Rev.2 and TN/C/W/41/Rev.2) 5 July 2006
Norway The Relationship between the TRIPS Agreement, the Convention on Biological Diversity and the protection of traditional knowledge — Amending the TRIPS Agreement to Introduce an Obligation to Disclose the Origin of Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge in Patent Applications (Also circulated as WT/GC/W/566 and TN/C/W/42) 14 June 2006
Japan The Patent System and Genetic Resources 13 June 2006
Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador, India, Sri Lanka and Thailand Submission in Response to the Communication from Switzerland (IP/C/W/446) 21 March 2006
United States Article 27.3(b), Relationship between the TRIPS Agreement and the CBD, and the Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Folklore 13 March 2006
Brazil, India and others The relationship between the TRIPS Agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the protection of traditional knowledge:
Technical observations on the United States submission IP/C/W449
18 November 2005
Peru Analysis of Potential Cases of Biopiracy 7 November 2005
United States Article 27.3(b), relationship between the TRIPS Agreement and the CBD, and the protection of traditional knowledge and folklore 10 June 2005
Peru Article 27.3(b), relationship between the TRIPS Agreement and the CBD and protection of traditional knowledge and folklore 8 June 2005
Switzerland The relationship between the TRIPS Agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the protection of traditional knowledge and folklore and the review of implementation of the TRIPS Agreement under Article 71.1 30 May 2005
Brazil, India The relationship between the TRIPS agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the protection of traditional knowledge. Technical observations on issues raised in a communication by the United States (IP/C/W/434) 18 March 2005
India, Brazil, and others The relationship between the TRIPS agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the protection of traditional knowledge — elements of the obligation to disclose evidence of benefit-sharing under the relevant national regime 18 March 2005
Peru Article 27.3(b), relationship between the TRIPS agreement and the CBD and protection of traditional knowledge and folklore 19 May 2005 (original 8 March 2005)
India, Brazil, and others The relationship between the TRIPS Agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the protection of traditional knowledge — elements of the obligation to disclose evidence of prior informed consent under the relevant national regime 10 December 2004
US Article 27.3(b), relationship between the TRIPS agreement and the CBD, and the protection of traditional knowledge and folklore 26 November 2004
Switzerland Further observations by Switzerland on its proposals regarding the declaration of the source of genetic resources and traditional knowledge in patent applications 25 November 2004
, with , , , and Brazil, India and others Elements of the Obligation to Disclose the Source and Country of Origin of Biological Resources and/or Traditional Knowledge used in an Invention 21 September 2004 to 10 February 2005
Switzerland Additional Comments By Switzerland on its Proposal Submitted to WIPO Regarding the Declaration of Source of Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge in Patent Applications 26 June 2003
and India, Brazil, and others The Relationship between the TRIPS Agreement and the CBD: Checklist of Issues 2 March 2004
African group Taking Forward the Review of Article 27.3(b) of the TRIPS Agreement 26 June 2003
India, Brazil, and others The Relationship between the TRIPS Agreement and the CBD and the Protection of Traditional knowledge 24 June 2003
Switzerland Article 27.3(b), the Relationship between the TRIPS Agreement and the CBD, and the Protection of Traditional Knowledge 18 June 2003
US Access to Genetic Resources Regime of the US National Parks 28 January 2003
EC Review of Article 27.3(b) of the TRIPS Agreement, and the Relationship between the TRIPS Agreement and the CBD and the Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Folklore — “A Concept Paper” 17 October 2002
and India, Brazil, and others The Relationship between the TRIPS Agreement and the CBD and the Protection of Traditional Knowledge 24 June 2002
US Technology Transfer Practices of the US National Cancer Institute’s Departmental Therapeutics Programme 25 March 2002


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