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Savings of US$ 40 million in 2001 as consequence of the Agreement with Merck Sharp Laboratory XZF$      ` FBrazilian MoH & Merck Agreement on ARV Price Reduction (March, 2001)&GF$ Z <64,8 % Price Reduction on Indinavir U$ 1.33/capsule U$ 0.47/capsule 59,0 % Price Reduction on Efavirenz U$ 2.05/capsule U$ 0.84/capsule$($'#$$$$#$$$$,)+"";Global Agreement for an Equitable Access to AIDS Treatment $<:* 6   Protection of local production of AIDS drugs legislation; International funding for developing countries acquisition of AIDS drugs Differential price policy of AIDS drugs for developing countries (equitable basis); Incentives and subsidies to the researche and development of new drugs for public and private institutions. International technical support to adequate use of antiretroviral drugs. 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