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VII. Least-Developed Country Members

In recognition of the special needs and requirements of least developed countries (LDCs), their economic, financial and administrative constraints, as well as the flexibility needed to create a viable technological base, LDC Members have been accorded an extended transition period to implement the TRIPS Agreement. In parallel, the needs of LDCs for continuing technical and financial cooperation in order to realize the cultural, social, technological and other developmental objectives of the intellectual property system are also well recognized.

A needs assessment process has also been initiated in order to identify, communicate and meet the priority needs of LDCs for technical and financial cooperation to help them implement the TRIPS Agreement.

A mechanism has also been put in place for ensuring the monitoring and full implementation of the obligations for developed countries to provide incentives for the purpose of promoting and encouraging transfer of technology to LDCs.

1. Extension of Transition Period

  • Extension of the Transition Period under Article 66.1 of the TRIPS Agreement for Least-Developed Country Members — Decision of the Council for TRIPS of 29 June 2021 (IP/C/88)

2. Needs Assessment

  • The Aid-for-Trade Initiative and the Enhanced Integrated Framework (IP/C/W/544)
3. Technology Transfer for LDC Members
  • Implementation of Article 66.2 of the TRIPS Agreement — Decision of the Council for TRIPS of 19 February 2003 (IP/C/28)