

Contact points for technical cooperation

Article 67 of the TRIPS Agreement requires developed country Members to provide, on request and on mutually agreed terms and conditions, technical and financial cooperation in favour of developing and least-developed country Members. Developed country Members have agreed to notify contact points in their administrations for such TRIPS-related technical cooperation. A number of Members have also notified contact points specifically for technical assistance on TRIPS notifications (see paragraph 11 of document ).

The notified contact points are provided below.  No specific format has been established for use of the system, and it is up to representatives of Members to make use of the contact points as they choose. However, available on this link is a suggested format for directing an enquiry through the technical assistance contact point system; as an informal, suggested format only, it has no official status and does not suggest that any Member is obliged to use it or to respond to enquiries in any way.

  • (this data is maintained in e-TRIPS)