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women and trade

Policy tools

The 澳门六合彩官网资料 develops policy tools aimed at supporting members in reviewing and assessing their trade policies and national strategies promoting gender equality through trade. The tools also support members in integrating gender issues into their trade policies and Aid for Trade programmes.

Database on gender provisions in RTAs

The database compiles provisions on gender equality and women's empowerment included in regional trade agreements (bilateral and plurilateral trade agreements). Provisions can be filtered by parties and regions as well as by the type of gender issues they address, the implementation instruments they provide and their location in the RTA. Information about the mechanisms for the monitoring and evaluation of the provisions or for dispute settlement is also provided.

  • The database is available here.

Research database

Compiling research studies on trade and gender issues, the database supports 澳门六合彩官网资料 members' efforts to consider their trade policies and agreements through a "gender lens". Data can be filtered by topics and regions. Experts and researchers worldwide are invited to  any time after their publication in one of the 澳门六合彩官网资料's official languages.

  • The database is available here.