Découvrir ce qui se passe à l'OMC

9 avril 2001

Mike Moore préside la cérémonie de remise des diplômes qui clôture le seizième cours de politique commerciale de l'OMC

Au cours d'une cérémonie qui s'est tenue à Genève le jeudi 5 avril 2001, le Directeur général, M. Mike Moore a remis leur diplôme aux participants au 16ème cours de politique commerciale de l'OMC, venus de 30 pays et territoires douaniers.

En félicitant les participants, M. Moore a déclaré: “Je suis sûr que vous avez acquis des connaissances qui serviront les intérêts de vos pays et de vos peuples”. M. Moore a ajouté qu'en dépit du fait que les places disponibles dans les cours soient limitées par le manque de ressources, ces activités ont une incidence significative sur le renforcement des capacités.

Au nom du groupe de participants, M. Ka-shing Au, de Hong Kong, Chine, a remercié le Directeur général pour le soutien au renforcement des capacités fourni par les activités de formation de l'OMC. M. Au a souligné la dimension humaine de ce cours, assurant M. Moore que les contacts étroits noués durant le cours, tant entre participants qu'avec l'OMC, resteraient des liens solides.

Le 16ème cours de politique commerciale de l'OMC, qui s'est tenu du 15 janvier au 5 avril 2001, sera suivi d'un cours similaire en français, qui débutera le 23 avril 2001.

La liste des participants figure ci-joint.

Liste des participants haut de page

Bahrain Mr. Waheed Jaffar Khalil SULTAN, Acting Director, Commerce and Company Affairs Directorate, Ministry of Commerce, Manama.

Bangladesh Mr. Md. Mizanur Mizan RAHMAN, Senior Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Commerce, Dhaka

Belarus Mr. Yury Pavlovich RABKO, Foreign Trade Analyst, Department Chief, Foreign Trade Policy Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Minsk

Belize Mr. David Maurice GOMEZ, International Trade Policy Advisor, Ministry of Budget Management, Investment and Trade, Belmopan

Brazil Mrs. Vera Figueiredo MALTA, General Coordinator, International Affairs Secretariat, Ministry of Finance, Brasilia DF.

Dominica Mr. Ricardo Marcus JAMES, Trade Officer I, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Marketing, Roseau

Ethiopia Miss Eftihia MARIO, Senior Economist, Trade Registration and Licensing Department, Ministry of Trade and Industry, Addis Ababa

Gambia Mr. Saikou SAIDILY, Acting Senior Trade Economist, Trade Division, Department of State for Trade, Industry and Employment, Banjul

Georgia Mr. Levan CHITEISHVILI, Deputy Head, International Relations Division, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Tbilisi

Hong Kong, China Mr. Ka-shing AU, Trade Officer, Regional Cooperation Division (APEC), Trade and Industry Department, Commerce and Industry Bureau, Kowloon

India Mr. Manoj JOSHI, Deputy Secretary, Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce, New Delhi

Jamaica Mr. Dale Elliott JONES, Foreign Service Officer I, Foreign Trade Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Kingston

Latvia Mrs. Ivita BURMISTRE, Attaché, International Economic Organisations Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Riga

Lesotho Miss Lineo LEBONA, Trade Promotion Officer, Department of Trade, Trade Promotion Unit, Ministry of Industry, Trade and Marketing, Maseru

Lithuania Mr. Raimondas ALISAUSKAS, First Secretary, Foreign Trade Policy Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Vilnius

Malta Mr. Dennis GRECH, Economics Officer, Economic Planning Division, Ministry for Economic Services, Floriana

Moldova Mr. Octavian Zaharia CALMIC, Deputy Head, °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Division, Ministry of Economy and Reforms, Chisinau

Saint Kitts and Nevis Miss Nicola Careen ST CATHERINE, Administrative Cadet, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and CARICOM Affairs, Basseterre

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Miss Sylvonne Henrietta JACK, Economist, Trade Division, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Consumer Affairs, St. Vincent, W.I.

Saudi Arabia Mr. Saleh SHOAIB, Assistant Commercial Attaché, Office of the Representative to the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ and Commercial Office in Geneva

Singapore Mr. Kevin Boon Hwa LIM, Country Officer (Asia-Europe Meeting), Policy, Planning and Analysis Directorate II, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore

Suriname Miss Thilde Jacqueline ELSTAK, Trade Officer at the Caricom Desk, International Economic Relations, Ministry of Trade and Industry, Paramaribo

Swaziland Mr. Newman Sizwe NTSHANGASE, Assistant Secretary, Political Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mbabane

Chinese Taipei Mr. Hsiu-chuan Alex CHEN, Staff Member, The Third (°ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ) Department, Board of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan

The Former Yugoslav Rep. of Macedonia Mr. Aleksandar DAMJANOSKI, Advisor of the Minister, Multilateral Division, Ministry of Economy, Skopje

Tonga Mr. Paulo S. KAUTOKE, Secretary, Ministry of Labour, Commerce and Industries, Nuku'alofa

Uganda Mr. Silver OJAKOL, Senior Foreign Trade Officer, Department of Trade, Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Industry, Kampala

United Arab Emirates Mr. Saeed Suwaid AL-NASIBI, Director, °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Division, Economic Affairs Department, Ministry of Economy and Commerce, Abu Dhabi

Viet Nam Miss Nga NGUYEN THI QUYIN, Head, °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Division, Ministry of Trade, Hanoi

Zimbabwe Mr. Samson MUTANHAURWA, Principal Administrative Officer, External Trade, Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Harare