Ateliers à Genève sur le commerce et le développement (1)

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Semestre d'automne 2016
Horaire: 12:30 to 13:30 (2) Lieu: Maison de la Paix (2 Chemin Eugène Rigot) (3) 

(uniquement en anglais)




Tuesday, 13 September
Petal 1, Room S5
Professor Anton Korinek
(John Hopkins University)
Currency Wars or Efficient Spillovers. A General Theory of International Policy Cooperation
Tuesday, 27 September
Petal 1, Room S5
Meredith Crowley
(Cambridge University)
Decomposing exchange rate pass through: Evidence from Chinese exporters (with Song and Hang)
Tuesday, 4 October
Petal 1, Room S5
Professor  Carsten Eckel
(LMU Munich)
Is Bigger Better? Multi-product Firms, Labor Market Imperfections, and International Trade (with Stephen R. Yeaple)
Wednesday, 12 October
Auditorium A2
Professor  Miaojie Yu
(Peking University)
Outward FDI and Domestic Input Distortions: Evidence from Chinese Firms (with Chen, C., and Tian, W.)
Tuesday, 18 October
Petal 1, Room S5
Professor Manuel Garcia-Santana
(Pompeu Fabra)
From Final Goods to Inputs: the Protectionist Effect of Rules of Origin (with Conconi P., Puccio L. and Venturini R.)
Tuesday, 8 November
Petal 1, Room S5
Rohit Ticku
(Graduate Institute)
Trade Facilitation and Tariff Evasion (with C. Beverelli)
Tuesday, 22 November
Petal 1, Room S5
Professor Mathieu Parenti
Knocking on Tax Haven’s Door: Multinational Firms and Transfer Pricing (with R. Davis, J. Martin and F. Toubal)
Wednesday, 23 November
Petal 2, Room S8
Lucien Cernat
(European Commission)
Liberalizing global trade in Mode 5 services: how much is worth? ( with A. Antimiani)
Tuesday, 29 November
Petal 1, Room S5
Professor Peter Neary
(Oxford University)
Tuesday, 6 December
Petal 1, Room S5
Professor Reshad N. Ahsan
(Melbourne University)
Trade Liberalization and Intergenerational
Occupational Mobility in Urban India (with A. Chatterjee)
Tuesday, 13 December
Petal 1, Room S5
Yuan Zi
(Graduate Institute)
Trade Liberalization and the Great Labor Reallocation
Tuesday, 20 December
Petal 1, Room S5
Professor Eric Verhoogen
(Columbia Universtiy)


The workshop is a joint initiative by the Graduate Institute’s Centre for Trade and Economic Integration (CTEI), UNCTAD, the University of Geneva, and the World Trade Organization.  Its objective is for researchers in the Geneva region working in the area of trade and development to share work and ideas.
2. The workshop begins at 12:30.  A sandwich lunch, courtesy of the Graduate Institute’s Centre on Trade and Economic Integration, will be served from 12:00.
3.  Registration is required for each individual workshop, also for those having °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ accreditation.  To do so, please send an email to GTDW ([email protected]) at the latest one day before the relevant workshop