Chaînes de valeur mondiales

Articles, documents et discours connexes

La liste ci-après comprend une sélection d'articles de recherche d'organisations internationales, d'initiatives de nature générale et de discours qui sont liés à la question des chaînes de valeur mondiale.




  • Trade in Value-Added: Concepts, Methodologies and Challenges (Joint OECD-°ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Note, 2012)
  • ARAUJO, S. (2009), “Vertical specialization and global value chains”, OECD, STD/SES/WPTGS (2009)16.
  • DeBacker, K. (2011), Global Value Chains: preliminary evidence and policy issues, OECD document DSTI/IND/(2011)3
  • Liapis, P. (2011), “Changing Patterns of Trade in Processed Agricultural Products”, OECD Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Working Papers, No. 47, OECD Publishing.
  • MIROUDOT, S., and RAGOUSSIS, A. (2009), “Vertical trade, trade costs and FDI”, OECD, TAD/TC/WP(2008)23.
  • MIROUDOT, S., LANZ, R., and RAGOUSSIS, A. (2009), “Trade in intermediate goods and services”, OECD, TAD/TC/WP(2009)1.


  • HIRATSUKA, D. (2010), “Characteristics and determinants of East Asia’s trade patterns”, in Hiratsuka, D. and Uchida, Y. (eds),  “Input Trade and Production Networks in East Asia”, IDE-Jetro.
  • IDE-JETRO (2006), “How to make the Asian input-output Tables”, Institute of Developing Economies, March.
  • MENG, B. and QU, C. (2008), “Application of the input-output decomposition technique to China’s regional economies”, Journal of Applied Regional Science, No. 13, pp. 27-46.
  • OKAMOTO, N. and INOMATA, S. (2011), “To what extent will the shock be alleviated? — The evaluation of China’s counter-crisis fiscal expansion —”, in Inomata, S. (ed), “Asia Beyond the Global Economic Crisis, The transmission mechanism of financial shocks”, Edward Elgar Publishing.   


  • DIETZENBACHER, E. and LOS, B. (1998), “Structural decomposition techniques: Sense and sensitivity”, Economic Systems Research, 10, 307-323.
  • DIETZENBACHER, E., ROMERO, L. and BOSMA, N.S. (2005), “Using Average Propagation Lengths to Identify Production Chains in the Andalusian Economy,” in Estudios de Economia Aplicada, vol. 23.   


  • WIPO publication (2017), “”


  • AYDIN, Y, Value added trade, global value chains, and trade policy: renewed push for trade liberalization, University of Antwerp (Centre for Institutions and Multilevel Politics), Belgium
  • WIGNARAJA, Ganeshan, “”, ADB Institute Series on Development Economics ISSN: 2363-9032
  • JONES, L., WANG, Z., XIN, L., and DEGAIN, C. (2014), “The Similarities and Differences among Three Major Inter-Country Input-Output Databases and their Implications for Trade in Value-Added Estimates”, U.S. International Trade Commission, Working Paper No. 2014-12B
  • DEAN, J,Measuring value-added trade: what’s in it for developing countries?, Brandeis University
  • ISAKSON, H, Value added trade statistics provides new insights on role of imports, exports, services and more, National Board of Trade, Sweden
  • BALDWIN, R. (2006), “Globalisation: the great unbundling(s)”, presented at the Economic Council of Finland.
  • DAUDIN, G., RIFFLART, C., SCHWEISGUTH, D. (2009), “Who produces for whom in the world economy?”, OFCE, No. 2009‑18
  • GROSSMAN, G.M. and ROSSI-HANSBERG, E. (2006), “The Rise of Offshoring: It’s Not Wine for Cloth Anymore”, prepared for the symposium sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City on “The New Economic Geography: Effects and Policy Implications,” Jackson Hole, Wyoming, August 24-26.
  • HUMMELS, D., ISHII, J., and YI, K-M. (2001), “The nature and growth of vertical specialization in world trade”, Journal of International Economics, Elsevier, vol. 54(1), pages 75-96, June.
  • IKENSEN, D. (2009), “Made on Earth – How Global Economic Integration Renders Trade Policy Obsolete”, The Cato Institute, December 2.
  • ISAKSON, H. (2011), “The importance of exports and services trade re-evaluated ”, Swedish National Board of Trade, .
  • ISAKSON, H. (2007), “Adding value to the European economy”, Swedish National Board of Trade.
  • JOHNSON,  R. and  NOGUERA, G. (2011), “The value-added content of trade”,
  • JOHNSON, R. C., and NOGUERA, G. (2009), “Accounting for intermediate production sharing and trade in value adde”.
  • KAWAKAMI, M. and STURGEON, T. (2010), “Global Value Chains in the Electronics Industry” in Cattaneo, O., Gereffi, G. and Staritz, C. (eds), "Global Value Chains in a Postcrisis World”, World Bank, Washington, DC.
  • KOOPMAN, R., POWERS, W., WANG Z., WEI, S-J. (2010), “Give Credit Where Credit is Due: Tracing Value Added in Global Production Chains”,
    > Presentation
  • MA, A.C., VAN ASSCHE, A. and HONG, C. (2008), “Global Production networks and China’s Processing Trade”, Journal of Asian Economics, Elsevier, vol. 20(6), pp. 640-654, November.
  • Sturgeon, T. and Gereffi, G. (2009), “Measuring Success in the Global Economy: International Trade, Industrial Upgrading, and Business Function Outsourcing in Global Value Chains” in Transnational Corporations Vol. 18 No. 2.
