Pillar 4: Training and capacity building

Pillar 4 focuses on creating learning opportunities on Trade for Peace issues, bringing experts from the fields of trade, peace, security and humanitarian affairs to share experiences and build a knowledge base on the trade-peace nexus. The aim is to equip trade practitioners and peacebuilders with the training needed to use trade and economic integration as an instrument to promote inclusive and sustainable peace.

Trade for Peace Master's Course

In collaboration with the , the Trade for Peace Programme launched the first course on trade for peace at the Interdisciplinary Master Program in International & Development Studies (MINT) on 21 September 2022.

For 14 weeks, the course explores the trade-peace nexus from an interdisciplinary perspective, combining the study of theoretical frameworks and core concepts with practical experiences. Classes have been designed to provide a comprehensive approach to trade for peace, drawing on insights from economics, history, law and political science, with discussions led by distinguished lecturers from academia and the field of policymaking.

A full list of speakers and the syllabus is available in the .

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Upcoming collaboration with the Geneva Graduate Institute

The Trade for Peace Programme is in the process of developing training materials and modules on trade for peace, including a five-day Executive Education Programme in collaboration with the for mid- to senior-level policymakers from the trade, peace and humanitarian fields, and an e-learning course on trade for peace.


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