
Graphiques - Commerce mondial des produits agricoles

Ces graphiques présentent des chiffres et des tendances clés pour le commerce des produits agricoles, au sens de l'Accord de l'OMC sur l'agriculture (1), ventilés par région, pays/territoire et par grandes catégories de produits. Les données sont des estimations de l'OMC (calculées à l'aide des données communiquées par la Base de données Comtrade de l'ONU, complétées par des données miroir pour les économies non déclarantes). Les chiffres concernant le monde et l'Europe n'incluent pas le commerce intra-UE.

World trade of agricultural products, by geographical regions and broad categories of products (Billion US dollars)

Select the period covered by the chart with the "year range" selection. Select the category of products in the filter (all products, horticulture, primary bulk products, processed products, semi-processed products). It is also possible to customize the regions covered by clicking on the corresponding name to remove/add it on the chart. Chart pies with regional breakdowns appear when clicking on the corresponding dot in the chart.

Year range



Filter by category of products

The HS codes corresponding to these categories are available on the definitions tab of this Excel sheet

World trade of agricultural products (Billion US dollars)

Select the flow (imports/exports) and the year on the world map below by using the corresponding scroll-down menu filters or by clicking on the corresponding dot in the summary chart on world trade. Individual economy-level data appear on the map when pointing on the corresponding country/economy.

Filter by type:

Filter by year:

World exports of agricultural products, by groups of products (Billion US dollars)(2)

Filter by groups of products


  1. This definition is different from the one used elsewhere (like the World Trade Statistical Review, the stats.wto.org-database and the dashboard presentation under "merchandise trade") that is based on SITC definitions and includes (inter-alia) also fishery and forestry products. Back to text
  2. The definition of groups of products and the average tariff estimate by group of products used in this chart come from the World Tariff Profiles report. The trade data are sourced from the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Analytical Database. Back to text