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First of all, I would like to emphasize on some points in regard with export competition: We believe that the extensive use of export subsidies by developed countries, with an aim to increase international competitiveness, has negatively affected the market prices and has led to unfair competition. However, developing countries have been unable to do so due to the budgetary constraints. Therefore, a desirable competitive trade environment calls for an elimination or substantial reductions in the export subsidies. With regard to food aid, we think every Member should consider the provisions of Article 10.4 of the Agreement and any aid should be implemented in grant form. The export credits is another issue that needs to be emphasized. Since the impact of export credits is similar to that of the export subsidies, Member countries should take some concrete steps towards the development of internationally agreed disciplines that will constitute the provisions of export credits, export guarantees and insurance programmes. Turkey's approach with regard to domestic support can be summarized as follows: The Agreement on Agriculture envisaged the reduction of amber box supports above "de minimis" level. The countries having abundant financial resources have intensively provided those supports, which in turn have negatively affected the international market conditions. In this respect, we propose the reduction or elimination of domestic supports above "de minimis" level for all countries while also suggesting an increase of this level for the developing ones. We are also looking for a flexibility to apply "de minimis" level on aggregate basis rather than on product basis. Regarding the Green Box measures we support the proposal of some other Members who previously presented their positions that Green Box measures should continue within the framework of Annex II by introducing clear definitions and set of rules in compliance with the spirit and the letter of the Agreement. Let me now dwell on market access. For Turkey, further tariff reductions can be considered when export subsidies and domestic support measures are substantially reduced or eliminated. Tariff reductions can be undertaken provided that special and differential treatment for developing countries is respected and strengthened. Uruguay Round approach can be adopted in the negotiations which has allowed reductions in each tariff line from the bound rates. On tariff quotas, Turkey shares the views expressed by many Members which have pointed out the necessity of introducing a discipline in tariff quota administration with a view to achieving transparent, predictable and non-discriminatory quota allocation. We also support the elimination of tariff quotas through the expansion of quota volumes and reduction in "in-quota" and "out-quota" tariffs over an agreed time frame. Another point regarding market access is the special safeguard clause. That mechanism which has been a transitional instrument for the countries that converted non-tariff barriers to tariff equivalents in the Uruguay Round, needs to be eliminated. The other item is the special and differential treatment granted for the developing countries. We consider this issue as an integral part of the ongoing negotiations and believe that special and differential treatment should continue and be strengthened for every developing country without any new sub-country definitions. The other topic I would like to elaborate on is the Peace Clause. In conformity with the objectives of the reform process we think that there is no essential need to continue with the provisions brought by the Peace Clause. Finally, non-trade concerns. It has become an important item for our discussions in this platform. We have heard different arguments in line with the needs of the various Member countries and we respect them all. However, considering some aspects of the multi-functionality concept and some arguments reviewed under this topic, we have some concerns. Our concerns mainly originate in the probability of introducing some new measures, which might hinder further liberalization in the commitments of the countries highlighting this issue. Nonetheless, we know the significance of the agricultural sector in each country's economy and fully understand the concerns. We expect that this argument by no means creates new barriers to trade but be analyzed realistically with its all aspects. G/AG/NG/W/102 (Proposal of India) We welcome the comprehensive and very well debated proposal of India. Since the problems of developing countries in agricultural trade after the Uruguay Round are similar to each other, Turkey observes the correct indications of India's concerns in this proposal. In this context, there are so many common points between Turkey's and India's proposals. We believe that those points should be taken into consideration during the negotiations in order to assure an equitable and balanced reform process. Turkey is pleased to note that, this proposal is totally in favour of strengthening of special and differential treatment provisions for developing countries. We understand the rationale behind the concept of "food security box" and consider its elements in the context of reinforcing those provisions. As it is also stated in India's proposal, Green Box measures have been widely used by АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ Members. In that sense, Turkey believes that the introduction of clear definitions and set of rules in line with the objectives of Annex II is needed. Therefore, Green Box measures deserve detailed assessment to determine their impact on trade and production without any prejudice to the content of that Annex. As a conclusion, India's proposal correctly reveals the expectations of developing countries in terms of establishing fair worldwide competition and achieving a balance between the developed and developing countries. G/AG/NG/W/101 (Proposal of Norway) We welcome Norway's constructive proposal. We will comment on some issues that are of particular interest to our delegation. Firstly, in line with the Article 20, Turkey considers the negotiations as an opportunity to discuss and analyze non-trade concerns in depth, aiming at identifying main elements and instruments to the benefit of the agricultural sector. From this point of view, Norway's paper contributes to the ongoing discussions. However, we would like to recall once more that non-trade concerns should not impede the reform process and the commitments of Members in this respect. Reform process includes the elimination of all trade-distorting measures at the end. Norway, by dividing the domestic support measures into two categories depending on the final market, undermines the fact that trade is a two way route where the domestic market of a Member country is an export market of another. In addition to that, this type of division would produce monitoring problems in practice for most of the Members. On the other hand, the concerns on inflation adjustment of domestic support commitments and the needs of developing countries in the area of domestic support are shared by Turkey. G/AG/NG/W/107 (Proposal of Egypt) We thank Egypt for their constructive proposal. This proposal correctly highlights the problems of developing countries. Turkey shares the view that the market access of agricultural exports of developing countries should be improved in line with the development and growth goals of them. Elimination of specific duties, reference prices, minimum entry prices and determining all tariffs in ad-valorem basis are among the essential issues that Turkey attaches importance. Turkey supports not only the establishment of a new discipline on tariff quota administration mechanism but also the elimination of all tariff quotas in a specific period of time. Turkey is also in the view of the elimination of special safeguard provisions. Regarding export subsidies and domestic support issues, Turkey shares the basic principle that fair market conditions should be established among Member countries. G/AG/NG/W/105 (Proposal of Morocco) We thank Morocco for the comprehensive proposal they prepared. This proposal indicates the main problems that developing countries have been facing within the implementation period. Turkey shares the view that, because of the distorting effects of domestic support and export subsidies it would be difficult for the developing countries to continue with further tariff concessions. Also in terms of the tariff structures, Turkey is in favour of ad-valorem tariff rates which are simple and predictable. Regarding the domestic support measures, there exists a common ground between the two proposals. Morocco suggests a progressive reduction of AMS with a view to eliminating them finally, whereas Turkey underlines the need for substantial reduction or elimination of domestic support over de minimis level. As for Green Box measures, Turkey agrees to the idea of introducing clear definitions and also proposes a new set of rules for that. We are also glad to see that Turkey and Morocco evaluate export subsidies in the same way and look for the elimination of them. __________ G/AG/NG/W/172 Page  PAGE 4 G/AG/NG/W/172 Page  PAGE 3 -<FJs‰РСбгчъJ T ] g ќ  /RS^јс!"’%З%И%p&и(у(џ)******6*7*=*>*?*@*N*њјєђяђђђјђэээщццщцщцщццтцннкнннкнmH jU6mH mH 5mH 6CJ5:CJ,>* 5:CJ,3 -:;<FGїђђк ађЖtађђž0ђђ~ $$–lж0+p#$$–l4ж+p# $$–l”ˆџ4ж+p# $d„ўЄ№$$$–l4ж+p#`$$$dh$ -:;<FGHIJcs‡ˆ‰ŠСвгшщъыьž?@Є Ѕ і ї   Ъ Ы @ A t u š › ОПBCыьчш./ъы12-./RS^_PQ‚ƒіїјžxy)!*!п!р!с!§§§ћ§§ћ§§љћ§љћ§§ћ§§§ћ bGHIJcs‡ˆ‰ŠСвгшщъыьњњьјњњфижгггггжжжжжжжжжжж$ $$–lж+p#$ ЦаТ@$$–l”`џж+p#$$ž?@Є Ѕ і ї   Ъ Ы @ A t u š › ОПBCыьчш./§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§јјј§§§§§§§§§§$$ъы12-./RS^_PQ‚ƒіїјžxy)!*!§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§*!п!р!с!"""€")#*#—$˜$щ$ъ$%%‘%’%З%И%p&q&:';'Е'Ж'((ъ(ы(§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§с!"""€")#*#—$˜$щ$ъ$%%‘%’%З%И%p&q&:';'Е'Ж'((ъ(ы(q)r)ѓ)є)ѕ)***** *!*A*B*C*D*E*F*G*H*I*J*K*L*M*N*ўўўќќўќќўќўќўќўќўў 4ы(q)r)ѓ)є)ѕ)*** *!*A*B*C*D*E*F*G*H*I*J*K*L*M*N*§§§§§њѓѓѓ§ььь§§§§§§§щ§§њ$ ЦаB#B Ца $' 0&P Аƒ. 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