Questions couvertes par les comités et accords de l'OMC


Atelier sur le commerce et transfert de technologie
Lundi 16 juin 2014 10 h 00 — 18 h 00

À la 43ème session du Groupe de travail du commerce et du transfert de technologie, tenue le 4 juillet 2013, les Membres sont convenus d’organiser à l’OMC un atelier sur le commerce et le transfert de technologie sur la base d’une communication présentée par la Colombie, le Costa Rica, le Mexique et le Pérou (WT/WGTTT/W/19/Rev.2). Cet atelier aura lieu le lundi 16 juin 2014.

> Rapport de l'atelier

Voir aussi:
> (uniquement en anglais, ouvre une nouvelle fenêtre).

L’atelier s’articulera autour de deux séances, l’une le matin et l’autre l’après-midi, auxquelles participeront des Membres de l’OMC, des pays observateurs, des intervenants provenant d’organisations intergouvernementales et des représentants des milieux universitaires. Chaque séance comprendra trois/quatre intervenants et un modérateur qui facilitera les débats.

1.3. Le programme provisoire est le suivant:


Atelier sur le le commerce et transfert de technologie

Lundi 16 juin 2014 dans la salle W

10.00 — 10.15

Welcome Address by DDG Mr. Yonov Frederick AGAH

Session 1:  International Technology Transfer Collaborative Programmes



10.15 — 11.15

Trade and technology transfer for sustainable development and new trends in transfer of technology cooperation

Knowledge is now a key strategic resource for national economic development. Technology and innovation are recognized as crucial means towards sustainable development and shared prosperity.  The impact of technological improvement on economic growth and development results from a complex long-term process involving a number of factors and the interaction of actors both at the national and international levels.  In this context the role of international institutions, as well as the bridging function of governments in linking businesses, academia, research and development institutes cannot be overemphasized.  The panelists will look at how trade and the transfer of technology can contribute to economic development and environmental protection, and discuss new trends in international cooperation on technology transfer.

Moderator: H. E. Mr. Remigi WINZAP (Switzerland)


  • Mr. Frédérick BORDRY, Director for Accelerators and Technology, CERN (European Council for Nuclear Research)
  • Mr. Pedro ROFFE, Senior Associate, Innovation, Technology and IP — International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD)
  • Mr. Joachim MONKELBAAN, Senior Consultant, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
    > Presentation





11.15 — 12.00

Technological and R&D institutions activities related to trade and technology transfer

Research and Development play a crucial role in innovation, technology generation and its end use by forms.  Academia, research institutions, the private sector and the governments need to work hand in glove to promote innovation and technological initiatives to keep industry and the productive sectors in step with highly demanding global markets. The role of intergovernmental organizations and research institutes in this regard will be the focus of discussion in this segment.

Moderator: H.E. Mr. Gabriel DUQUE (Colombia)


  • Mr. Yax CANOSSA HUMBERSTONE, Director for Innovation and Quality, Ministry of Economy, El Salvador
    > Presentation

  • Mr. Hubert ESCAITH, Chief Statistician, Economic Research and Statistics Division, °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ



12.00 — 13.00

International agreements and their impact on trade and technology transfer

A number of regional arrangements (such as NAFTA) as well as international treaties and agreements contain guidelines or provisions on technology transfer (°ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ TRIPS Agreement, OECD Guidelines, etc.). What impact do these instruments have on actual flows of technology to developing countries, and on their trade opportunities, competitiveness, job creation and economic development? This segment will consider whether these international obligations and guidelines provide an effective framework for unhampered flows of technology to those who need it to pursue development goals.

Moderator: H.E. Mr. Abdul HANNAN (Bangladesh)


  • Ms. Hiroko YAMANE, Professor emeritus, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Japan
    > Presentation

  • Mr. Keith E. MASKUS, Professor — Arts and Sciences Professor of Distinction, University of Colorado in Boulder, USA
  • Mr. Juan Julio GUTIÉRREZ, Director for Policy and Planning — CONCYTEC/Peru
  • Ms. Jayashree WATAL, Counselor Intellectual Property Division°ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ
    > Presentation




Session 2:  Creating Enabling Environment for Trade and Transfer of Technology



15.00 — 16.00

Host and home countries conditions for trade and transfer of technology

Technological upgrading is a long-term process, involving a number of actors both in the host and the home country. Policies at every step of the technology transfer process can be of crucial importance. Part of this segment of the workshop will focus on home country measures aimed at promoting technology generation and incentivizing firms to build bridges with developing country firms resulting in the transfer of knowledge technical knowhow. The remainder of the session will examine the other side of the coin, namely the enabling environment (investment, trade, tax regimes) and the absorptive capacity (technical knowledge, skill and educations of workers) of host countries.

Moderator: Mr. François RIEGERT (France)


  • Mr. Robert D. ATKINSON – President, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, USA
  • Mr. Nagesh KUMAR, Head - UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) South and South-West Asia Office
    > Presentation

  • Mr. Xiang Yang GE –Partner, Head of Projects, China - Mayer Brown JSM, China
  • Mr. Michael LIM, Economist, Division on Technology and Logistics, UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)





16.00 — 17.00

How global and regional value chains, the FDI and non-equity modes of international production impact on trade and transfer of technology? Some National experiences.

Inflows of foreign direct investment have long been accompanied by new technologies, though the extent to which these spill over to domestic firms has been the subject of debate. The "unbundling" of industrial production, resulting in the rise of global value chains that often do not involve foreign ownership, has created new opportunities – and challenges- for technological upgrading. This session will look at countries' experiences with global and regional value chains and technology transfer.

Moderator: H.E. Mr. John OTACHI KAKONGE (Kenya)


  • Mr. Andreas MAURER, Chief of Section, International Trade Statistics Section, °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ
    > Presentation

  • Mr. Mahmoud ELGARF, First Undersecretary, Head of Technology & Industrial Development Sector, Ministry of Trade, Industry & Investment, Egypt



17.00 — 18.00

Cluster Policies and their role for trade and trade and transfer of technology. Promoting trade and transfer of technology in the services sector.

This segment will consider policies for promoting the development of business clusters and their relationship with trade and technology transfer. It will also examine policies aimed at promoting technology transfer linked to services trade.

Moderator: H.E. Dr. Abdolazeez S. AL-OTAIBI, Chairperson of the Working Group on Trade and Transfer of Technology (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)


  • Mr. Ruben SCHELLINGERHOUT, Policy Officer, Intellectual Property and Public Procurement, Directorate-General Trade, European Commission
  • Mr. Nick ASHTON-HART – Executive Director, Internet & Digital Ecosystem Alliance (IDEA)
  • Mr. Nagesh KUMAR, Head - UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) South and South-West Asia Office

Closing remarks
