ࡱ>  xzopqrstuvw@ bjbjFF b,,`$*P\ *hRZ(: OQQQQQQ$8RRuS+S+S+unnnS+&/ROnS+Onn"KF yZ`F70f[K**K_, n| X   uu*$NDn*N Annexe O Liste des pices Table des matiresPageAnnexe O-1 Liste des pices du BrsilO-2Annexe O-2 Liste des pices des tats-UnisO-25 ANNEXe O-1 liste des pices du brsil Pice n 1 du BrsilDraft Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes, 15 June 1992Pice n 2 du BrsilDraft Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes, 15 November 1993 Pice n 3 du BrsilRoger Thurow and Scott Kilman, "U.S. Subsidies Create Cotton Glut That Hurts Foreign Cotton Farms", The Wall Street Journal, 26June2002Pice n 4 du Brsil"Fact Sheet: Upland Cotton", USDA, January 2003.Pice n 5 du Brsil"Agricultural Policies in OECD Countries Monitoring and Evaluation 2003," OECD, 2003Pice n 6 du BrsilCCC Marketing Loan Write Offs (Gains) FY 1994-2002Pice n 7 du BrsilERS Data: Commodity Costs and ReturnsPice n 8 du BrsilCotton and Wool Situation and Outlook Yearbook 2002, USDA, November 2002Pice n 9 du Brsil"Cotton: World Statistics", ICAC, September 2002.Pice n 10 du BrsilCotton and Wool Outlook, 12 June 2003Pice n 11du BrsilCotton Outlook, 30 November 2001 and 5 April 2002Pice n 12 du Brsil"Cotton: Background for 1995 Farm Legislation", USDA, April 1995Pice n 13 du BrsilERS Briefing Room Cotton: BackgroundPice n 14 du Brsil"Survey of Cost of Production", ICAC, September 2001Pice n 15 du Brsil"Cultivating Poverty: The Impact of US Cotton Subsidies on Africa", Oxfam Briefing Paper 30, 27 September 2002Pice n 16 du Brsil"Characteristics and Production Costs of US Cotton Farms", USDA, October 2001Pice n 17 du BrsilYearly A Index PricesPice n 18 du Brsil"Prospective Plantings", USDA, 31 March 2003Pice n 19 du Brsil"Cotton this Month", ICAC, 1 April 2003Pice n 20 du BrsilCotton and Wool Outlook, USDA, 11 April 2003Pice n 21 du Brsil"Cotton: World Markets and Trade", USDA Foreign Agricultural Service, January 2003 EditionPice n 22 du Brsil"Cotton Marketing Weekly" dated 25 April 2003Pice n 23 du Brsil"Cotton: Total Accumulated Exports of Cotton by Country", USDAPice n 24 du Brsil"Provisions of the Agricultural Improvement and Reform Act of 1996, Appendix III: Major Agricultural and Trade Legislation, 1933-96", USDAPice n 25 du Brsil"1996 FAIR Act Frames Policy For 7 Years", Agricultural Outlook Supplement, April 1996Pice n 26 du Brsil7 CFR 1413, Deficiency Payment Program, 1993 EditionPice n 27 du BrsilSide by Side Comparison of the 1996 and 2002 Farm Act, USDAPice n 28 du Brsil1996 Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform ActPice n 29 du Brsil2002 Farm Security and Rural Investment ActPice n 30 du BrsilFederal Crop Insurance ActPice n 31 du Brsil7 CFR 1412: Production Flexibility Contracts for Wheat, Feed Grains, Rice, and Upland Cotton, 2002 Edition.Pice n 32 du Brsil7 CFR 1427.1100 at seq.: Cottonseed Payment Program, 2002 EditionPice n 33 du Brsil7 CFR 1400: Payment Limitation and Payment Eligibility, 2003 Edition Pice n 34 du Brsil7 CFR 1401: Commodity Certificates, in Kind Payments, and Other Forms of Payment, 2003 EditionPice n 35 du Brsil7 CFR 1412: Direct and Counter-Cyclical Program and Peanut Quota Buyout Program, 2003 EditionPice n 36 du Brsil7 CFR 1427.1 at seq.: Nonrecourse Cotton Loans and Loan Deficiency Payments, 2003 EditionPice n 37 du Brsil7 CFR 1427.100 at seq.: Upland Cotton User Marketing Certificates, 2003 EditionPice n 38 du Brsil7 CFR 1493: CCC Export Credit Guarantee Programs, 2003 EditionPice n 39 du Brsil7 CFR 400 Excerpts: Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, 2003 EditionPice n 40 du BrsilERS Briefing Room Cotton: PolicyPice n 41 du BrsilCongressional Hearing, "The Future of Federal Farm Commodity Programs (Cotton)", House of Representatives, 15 February 2001Pice n 42 du Brsil"The 2002 Farm Act, Provisions and Implications for Commodity Markets", USDA, November 2002Pice n 43 du Brsil67 Federal Register, N 203, 21 October 2002Pice n 44 du Brsil"Direct Payment and CCP Enrolment Report", USDA, 19 June 2003Pice n 45 du Brsil"Fact Sheet: Upland Cotton", USDA, June 2001Pice n 46 du Brsil"Cotton: Background and Issues for Farm Legislation", USDA, July2001Pice n 47 du BrsilG/AG/N/USA/43Pice n 48 du Brsil"Counter-Cyclical Payments under the 2002 Farm Bill", National Cotton Council, June 2003Pice n 49 du BrsilBrazils Questions for the purposes of Annex V Procedure, March 2003Pice n 50 du Brsil"Farm Services Agency Background Information: Non-recourse Marketing Assistance Loans and Loan Deficiency Payments", USDA, March 1998Pice n 51 du BrsilCotton Outlook, 1 February 2002: US Price MechanismPice n 52 du Brsil"Fact Sheet: Commodity Certificates", USDA, July 2000Pice n 53 du Brsil"NCC Delegates Focus on Farm Program Specifics", National Cotton Council, 31 January 2001Pice n 54 du Brsil"Farm Subsidy Limit Loophole Cost taxpayer Billions in Payments to Biggest Farmers", Environmental Working Group, 1 May 2002Pice n 55 du BrsilLoan Deficiency Payment and Price Support Cumulative Activity as of 6/11/2003, USDA, 13 June 2003.Pice n 56 du BrsilBruce Gardner, "American Agriculture in the Twentieth Century", Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2002Pice n 57 du Brsil"Crop Year Statistics", Federal Crop Insurance CorporationPice n 58 du Brsil"US Crop Insurance: Premiums, Subsidies & Participation", USDA, Agricultural Outlook, December 2001Pice n 59 du Brsil"Briefing Room: Farm and Commodity Policy: Crop Yield and Revenue Insurance", USDAPice n 60 du BrsilRMA Online, Crop Policies, 23 March 2003Pice n 61 du Brsil"NCC Summary of Key Provisions of Crop Insurance Reform Legislation", NCC.Pice n 62 du BrsilRMA Online Crops Covered under the 2002 Crop insurance ProgramPice n 63 du Brsil"Production and Price Impacts of US Crop insurance Subsidies: Some Preliminary Results"Pice n 64 du Brsil"Weak Demand Dampens Outlook for US Cotton", USDA Agricultural Outlook, November 1999Pice n 65 du BrsilUpland Cotton Domestic User/Exporter AgreementPice n 66 du 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EconCentral, National Cotton Council of America, 13 June 2003Pice n 69 du BrsilStep 2 Domestic and Export payments by US Fiscal YearPice n 70 du Brsil"Export News and Opportunities", USDA Foreign Agricultural ServicePice n 71 du Brsil"Fact Sheet: CCC Export Credit Guarantee Programs (GSM-102/103)Pice n 72 du Brsil"Fact Sheet: CCC Supplier Credit Guarantee Program"Pice n 73 du BrsilSummary of Export Credit Gurantee Programs, FY 1999-2003Pice n 74 du BrsilFarm Service Agency News Room, Release N 1532.03, 25 April 2003Pice n 75 du BrsilStewart, Terrence, The GATT Uruguay Round, A Negotiating History, Vol. IV, p. 24-25Pice n 76 du BrsilCCC Loan Deficiency Payments FY 1994-2002Pice n 77 du Brsil"Fact Sheet: Agricultural Assistance Act of 2003", February 2003.Pice n 78 du BrsilG/AG/N/USA/17Pice n 79 du Brsil"US Farm Program Benefits: Links to Planting Decisions & Agricultural Markets", Agricultural Outlook, October 2000Pice n 80 du Brsil"How Decoupled Is US Agricultural Support for Major Crop", American Journal of Agricultural Economy 82, August 2000Pice n 81 du BrsilIvan Roberts and Frank Jotzo, "2002 US Farm Bill: An Australian Perspective on its Impact", ABARE, Australian Commodities, Vol. 9, N 2 June Quarter 2002Pice n 82 du Brsil"USDA Baseline Projections", USDA, February 2003Pice n 83 du BrsilSchedule XX of the United States of America, part IV, Section II entitled Export Subsidies: Budgetary Outlays and Quantitative Reduction CommitmentsPice n 84 du BrsilG/AG/W/56Pice n 85 du Brsil"FATUS Export Aggregations"Pice n 86 du Brsil"FAS Agricultural Export Commodity Aggregations"Pice n 87 du BrsilTestimony of August Schumacher Jr., Under Secretary, Farm and Foreign Agricultural Service, USDA, before the Subcommitte on General Farm Commodities, Hearing on the Asian Financial Crisis, 4 88February 1998Pice n 88 du BrsilUS Budget for Fiscal Year 2003Pice n 89 du BrsilUS Budget for Fiscal Year 2002 Pice n 90 du BrsilUS Budget for Fiscal Year 2001Pice n 91 du BrsilUS Budget for Fiscal Year 2000Pice n 92 du BrsilUS Budget for Fiscal Year 1999Pice n 93 du BrsilUS Budget for Fiscal Year 1998Pice n 94 du BrsilUS Budget for Fiscal Year 1997Pice n 95 du BrsilUS Budget for Fiscal Year 1996Pice n 96 du Brsil"Iraqgate: Saddam Hussein, US Policy and the Prelude to the Persian Gulf War, 1980-1994"Pice n 97 du Brsil"Agricultural Export and Food Aid Programs", Congressional Research Service: Issue Brief to Congress, 14 June 2002Pice n 98 du Brsil"Guarantee Fee Rate Schedule Under GSM 102 and GSM 103"Pice n 99 du BrsilG/AG/N/USA/39Pice n 100 du Brsil"US Cotton and the Appreciation of the Dollar", USDA, Agricultural Outlook, April 2002Pice n 101 du BrsilBrazils Questions for the Purposes of the Consultations, 22November2002Pice n 102 du BrsilStatement of Administrative ActionPice n 103 du Brsil"1993 Cotton Management Economic Notes", University of Arizona, 27July 1993.Pice n 104 du BrsilCV and Selected Publications of Professor Daniel SumnerPice n 105 du BrsilStatement by Professor Daniel Sumner at the First Meeting of the Panel.Pice n 106 du Brsil"United States State Fact Sheet", ERS, USDA Data, 15 July 2003.Pice n 107 du Brsil"US and State Farm Income Data, Farm Cash Receipts, 1924-2001," ERS, USDA, June 2003.Pice n 108 du BrsilUnited For Profits, National Cotton Council Organizational Chart and Membership.Pice n 109 du BrsilTestimony (Full) of Robert McLendon, Chairman, NCC Executive Committee, Before the House Agricultural Committee. National Cotton Council (NCC)Pice n 110 du BrsilCotton Briefing Room: Farm Commodity Policy, Updating Base Acres and Payment Yields", USDA, 30 June 2003Pice n 111 du Brsil "The Six Year World Outlook for Cotton and Peanuts: Implications for Production and Prices."Bob McLendon, National Cotton CouncilPice n 112 du Brsil"Expected Payment Rates to Upland Cotton Producers for Calendar Years 2002 and 2003", prepared by the National Cotton Council, October2002.Pice n 113 du Brsil"Farm Bill: Fundamental Change in Farm Policy", Delta Farm Express.Pice n 114 du Brsil"US Debt Reduction Activities, FY 1990 through FY 1999," US Treasury Department, Public Report to Congress, February 2000.Pice n 115 du BrsilUS General Accounting Office, Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, US House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary, "Loan Guarantees: Export Credit Guarantee Programs Long Run Costs are High," GAO/NSIAD-91-180, 19 April 1991.Pice n 116 du Brsil"OMB Circular A-11"Pice n 117 du Brsil2 U.S.C 661 et seq.Pice n 118 du BrsilFederal Accounting Standards Advisory Board, "Statement of Federal Financial Accounting Standards N 19, Technical Amendments to Accounting Standards for Direct Loans and Loan Gurantees" in STATEMENT OF FEDERAL FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING STANDARDS N 2, March 2001.Pice n 119 du BrsilUS Federal Reform Act of 1990, adopted as Public Law 101-508, 5 November 1990Pice n 120 du BrsilGAO, Report to the Director, Office of Management and Budget, "Credit Reform: Review of OMBs Credit Subsidy Model," GAO/AIMD-97-145, August 1997.Pice n 121 du BrsilUS General Accounting Office, Report to Congressional Committees, "Credit Reform: US Needs Better Method for Estimating Cost of Foreign Loans and Guarantees," GAO/NSIAD/GGD-95-31, December1994.Pice n 122 du BrsilFederal Accounting Standards Advisory Board, Statement of Federal Financial Accounting Standards N 18, "Amendments to Accounting Standards for Direct Loans and Loan Guarantees" in STATEMENT OF FEDERAL FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING STANDARDS N2, May 2000.Pice n 123 du BrsilCongressional Budget Office, "Budgeting for Administrative Costs under Credit Reform." January 1992.Pice n 124 du BrsilAshoka Mody and Dilip K. Patro, "Valuing and Accounting for Loan Guarantees," 11 WORLD BANK RESEARCH OBSERVER, February1996.Pice n 125 du BrsilUS Budget for FY 1994Pice n 126 du BrsilUS Budget for FY 1995Pice n 127 du BrsilUS Budget for FY 2004Pice n 128 du Brsil HYPERLINK "http://www.europa.eu.int" www.europa.eu.int, http://mkaccdb.eu.int/miti/dsuPice n 129 du Brsil"USDA Issues $ 50 Million in Payments for 2002 Crop Cottonseed Program", USDA News Release, 5 June 2003.Pice n 130 du Brsil"Farm Program Payments and the Economic Viability of Production Agriculture," A Report to the U.S. Congress, August 2002, ERS, USDA. Pice n 131 du Brsil"The Effects of the 1996 Farm Bill on Feed and Food Grains", Vincent H. Smith/ Joseph W. Glauber, Trade Research Center, Policy Issues paper N 3.Pice n 132 du BrsilFruits, Nuts and Vegetables Share of Total Farm IncomePice n 133 du BrsilGuaranteed Loan Subsidy and Administrative Cost Chart Pice n 134 du BrsilBrazils Questions to the United States Concerning the support to upland cotton decided in MY 1992 Pice n 135 du BrsilAgricultural Assistance Act of 2003, in P.L. 108-7Pice n 136 du BrsilP.L. 106-113Pice n 137 du BrsilP.L. 106-224Pice n 138 du BrsilP.L. 107-25Pice n 139 du Brsil68 Federal Register 20331, 20331-20332Pice n 140 du BrsilPindyck, Robert S. and Rubinfeld, Daniel L., Microeconomics, 5 Edition (2002), Prentice hall, New Jersey.Pice n 141 du Brsil7 U.S.C. 5622Pice n 142 du BrsilAgricultural Outlook, USDA, May 2002Pice n 143 du BrsilAgricultural Statistics 2003, USDAPice n 144 du BrsilG/AG/R/31Pice n 145 du BrsilUS and State Farm Income Data, (United States and States 1997-2001), USDAPice n 146 du BrsilAcreage, NASS, 28 June 2002Pice n 147 du BrsilEstimate of Support Granted by Commodity via Counter-Cyclical Payments. 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Mendelowitz, Director, Trade, Energy and Finance Issues, National security and International Affairs Division, before the Task Force on Urgent Fiscal Issues of the Committee on Budget of the US House of Representatives, "Status Report on GAOs Reviews of the Targeted Export Assistance Program, the Export Enhancement Program, and the GSM 102/103 Export Credit Guarantee Programs," GAO/T-NSIAD-90-53, 28 June 1990.Pice n 153 du BrsilUS Department of Agriculture Office of Inspector General Financial and IT Operations Audit Report of the Commodity Credit Corporations Financial Statements for Fiscal Year 2000, Audit Report N 06401-14-FM, June 2001Pice n 154 du BrsilUS Department of Agriculture Office of Inspector General Great Plains Region Audit Report of the Commodity Credit Corporations Financial Statements for Fiscal Year 2001, Audit Report N 06401-4-KC, February 2002.Pice n 155 du BrsilUS Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service, "Notice to GSM 102 and GSM 103 Program Participants", 24September2002Pice n 156 du BrsilUS Export-Import Bank, "Comparison of Major Features of Programs Offered by Ex-Im Bank and Commodity Credit Corporation for Support of Bulk Agricultural Commodities"Pice n 157 du BrsilUS General Accounting Office, Report to the Chairman, Task Force on Urgent Fiscal Issues, Committee on the Budget, House of Representatives, "International Trade: Iraqs Participation in US Agricultural Export Programs", GAO/NSIAD-91-76, November 1990Pice n 158 du BrsilUS Department of Agriculture, Office of Inspector General, Financial and IT Operations Audit Report, "Commodity Credit Corporations Financial Statement for Fiscal Year 2002", Audit Report N 06401-15-FM, December 2002Pice n 159 du BrsilUS General Accounting Office, Report to Congressional Requesters, "Loan Guarantees: Export Credit Guarantees Programs Costs are High", GAO/GGD-93-45, December 1992Pice n 160 du BrsilUS Department of Agriculture, Office of the Chief Financial Officer, Credit, Travel, and Accounting Division, Agriculture Financial Standards Manual (May 2003) Pice n 161 du BrsilUS Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board, Federal Financial Accounting and Auditing Technical Release 3, "Preparing and Auditing Direct Loan and Loan Guarantee Subsidies under the Federal Credit Reform Act", 31 July 1999. Pice n 162 du BrsilGovernment Wide Audited Financial Statements Task Force on Credit Reform, "Issue Paper, Model Credit Program Methods and Documentation for Estimating Subsidy Rates and the Model Information Store", 96-CR-7, 1 May 1996 Pice n 163 du BrsilOffice of Management and Budget Annual Training, Introduction to Federal Credit Budgeting, 24 June 2002Pice n 164 du BrsilUS Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service, "Revised FY 2001 and FY 2002 Annual Performance Plan". 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Pice n 174 du Brsil"Income Protection Cotton Crop Provisions," USDA Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, 2000-321Pice n 175 du Brsil"Cotton Crop Provisions," USDA Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, 99-021Pice n 176 du Brsil"Course Grain Crop Provisions," USDA Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, 98-041Pice n 177 du Brsil"ERS Briefing Room: Farm Income and Costs: Farm Income Forecasts"Pice n 178 du Brsil"Facts About Texas and Agriculture," Texas Cooperative Extension, The Texas A&M University SystemPice n 179 du BrsilJunJie Wu, "Crop Insurance, Acreage Decisions, and Nonpoint-Source Pollution," American Journal of Agricultural Economics 81, May 1999Pice n 180 du BrsilKeith J. Collins and Joseph W. Glauber "Will Policy Changes Usher in a New Era of Increased Agricultural Market Variability?," Second Quarter 1998.Pice n 181 du BrsilUS General Accounting Office, Report to the Ranking Minority Member, Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, US Senate, Former Soviet Union: Creditworthiness of Successor States and US Export Credit Guarantees, GAO/GGD-95-60 (February 1995)Pice n 182 du Brsil2004 US Budget, Federal Credit Supplement, Table 8 Pice n 183 du BrsilUS Budget for FY 1992Pice n 184 du BrsilUS Budget for FY 1993Pice n 185 du BrsilCongressional Budget Office Staff Memorandum, An Explanation of the Budgetary Changes Under Credit Reform, April 1991Pice n 186 du BrsilCongressional Research Service Issue Brief for Congress, Agriculture and the Budget, IB95031, (16 February 1996)Pice n 187 du BrsilO.A. Cleveland Newsletter, 25 April 2003; O.A. Cleveland Newsletter, 8August 2003Pice n 188 du BrsilTestimony of James Echols, Chairman of the National Cotton Council before the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry of the US Senate, 17 July 2001Pice n 189 du BrsilCotton and Wool Outlook, USDA, 13 August 2003Pice n 190 du BrsilAffidavit of Marcelo Pinheiro FrancoPice n 191 du BrsilG/AG/AGST/USAPice n 192 du BrsilReestimated Guaranteed Loan Subsidy based on Original Budget Year Estimate.Pice n 193 du BrsilNet Lifetime Reestimates of Guaranteed Loan Subsidy by Cohort.Pice n 194 du BrsilUS Department of Agriculture Office of Inspector General Great Plains Region Audit Report, Commodity Credit Corporations Financial Statements for Fiscal Year 2001, Audit Report N 06401-4-KC, February2002Pice n 195 du BrsilUS Department of Agriculture Office of Inspector General Financial and IT Operations Audit Report, Audit Report N 06401-14-FM, Commodity Credit Corporations Financial Statements for Fiscal Year 2000, June2001Pice n 196 du BrsilUS Department of Agriculture Office of Inspector General Financial and IT Operations Audit Report, US Department of Agriculture Consolidated Financial Statements for Fiscal Year 1999, Report N 50401-35-FM, February 2000Pice n 197 du Brsilhttp://www.nedcor.co.uk/forfait-website/forfaiting.htmPice n 198 du BrsilVincent Whittaker, "The Quick Buck, International Finance and Forfaiting," 23 Thomas Jefferson Law Review (Spring 2001)Pice n 199 du BrsilTrade and Forfaiting Review, "Argentina Trade Finance to the Rescue" Volume 6, Issue 9 July/August 2003Pice n 200 du BrsilCongressional Record 107 CongressPice n 201 du BrsilNewspaper Articles on the Impact of Cotton Subsidies to African CountriesPice n 202 du BrsilAgricultural Outlook Tables, USDA, August 2003Pice n 203 du Brsil"US and World Agricultural Outlook," FAPRI, January 2003Pice n 204 du Brsil"USDAs Cotton Classification Overview"Pice n 205 du BrsilCost and Revenues of US Upland Cotton ProducersPice n 206 du BrsilData on Article 6.3(d) ClaimPice n 207 du BrsilCotton Lint: International Prices & Brazilian PricesPice n 208 du Brsil"Cotton: World Statistics," ICAC, September 2003Pice n 209 du BrsilYearly A-Index PricesPice n 210 du Brsil"Production and Trade Policies Affecting the Cotton Industry," ICAC, July 2002.Pice n 211 du Brsil"The Current State of the Farm Economy and the Economic Impact of Federal Policy on Agriculture," Hearing before the House of Representatives Committee on Agriculture, 14 February 2001. 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Westcott, Economic Research Service, USDA/ A.L. (Roy) Frederick (University of Nebraska)Pice n 224 du Brsil"Factors Affecting the US Farm Price of Upland Cotton," USDA, Cotton and Wool Situation Outlook, Special Edition, November 1998Pice n 225 du BrsilStatement of Bruce Gardner before the US House of Representatives Committee on Agriculture, 14 February 2001Pice n 226 du BrsilPrice Effect of the US Marketing Loan Program (Gardner)Pice n 227 du Brsil"The House and Senate Farm Bills: A Comparative Study," Food and Agriculture Policy Research Institute, March 2002Pice n 228 du BrsilFAPRI Analysis of Stricter Payment Limitations, FAPRI, 17 June2003; FAPRI Analysis of Stricter Payment Limitations, FAPRI, 24 June 2003Pice n 229 du Brsil"Agricultural Insurance Programs: Challenges and Lessons Learned," Jerry R. Skees, May 2000Pice n 230 du Brsil"Weekly Step 2 Certificates Values," National Cotton Council, 29August 2003Pice n 231 du Brsil"Elimination of Cottons Step 2 Threshold," National Cotton Council, 10September 2001Pice n 232 du BrsilSummary of Export Credit Guarantee Program Activity, FY 2003, GSM 102 Summary, 1 August 2003Pice n 233 du Brsil"Production and Trade Policies Affecting the Cotton Industry," ICAC, September 2001Pice n 234 du Brsil"Rethinking US Agricultural Policy: Changing Course to Secure Farmer Livelihoods Worldwide," Daryll E. Ray, Daniel G. De La Torre Ugarte, Kelly J. Tiller, Agricultural Policy Analysis Center, The University of TennesseePice n 235 du Brsil"What is the Impact of Removing Agricultural Support," IMF World Economic Outlook 2002," Chapter IIPice n 236 du Brsil"Market Access for Developing Country Exports Selected Issues," IMF and the World Bank, 26 September 2002Pice n 237 du Brsil"Rich Countries Should Show the Way to Trade: World Bank Urges Action to Further Open Markets to Developing Countries," World Bank, press release 2003/094/S, 27 September 2002.Pice n 238 du Brsil"Trade Distortions and Cotton Markets: Implications for Australian Cotton Producers," Cotton Research and Development Corporation, April 2001Pice n 239 du BrsilBrazilian Cotton Import TariffPice n 240 du BrsilInternational, US and Brazilian PricesPice n 241 du BrsilBrazilian and NY Futures PricesPice n 242 du BrsilA and B-Index Quotes from Major ProducersPice n 243 du BrsilBrazilian Export PricesPice n 244 du Brsil"Impact of Global Cotton Markets on Rural Poverty in Benin," Nicholas Minot and Lisa Daniels, 25 April 2003Pice n 245 du BrsilWorld Agricultural Supply and Demand Statistics, USDA, 12August2003Pice n 246 du BrsilInternational Agreement on Olive Oil and Table Olives, Official Journal of the European Communities L214 of 4 August 1987Pice n 247 du BrsilInternational Commodity AgreementsPice n 248 du BrsilInternational Sugar Agreement of 1977Pice n 249 du BrsilShare of the World Exports MarketPice n 250 du BrsilTotal Cost and Return in Various CountriesPice n 251 du BrsilMarket ReportsPice n 252 du Brsil"Counter-Cyclical Payments under the 2002 Farm Bill," National Cotton Council, September 2003Pice n 253 du BrsilCotton and Wool Outlook USDA, 9 February 2001Pice n 254 du BrsilMonthly US Spot Market PricesPice n 255 du Brsil"Farm Commodity Programs: A Short Primer," Congressional Research ServicePice n 256 du Brsil"Agriculture Policy and Farm Bill Briefing Book," Congressional Research ServicePice n 257 du Brsil"Cost of Farm Production Up in 2003," USDA, 6 May 2003Pice n 258 du Brsil"Loan Deficiency Payments and Price Support Cumulative Activity As of 8/27/2003," USDA, 1 September2003.Pice n 259 du BrsilNewspaper ArticlesPice n 260 du Brsil"2002 US Farm Bill: An Australian Perspective on Its Impact," ABARE, Australian Commodities, Vol.9 N2, June 2002Pice n 261 du Brsil"Lower US Cotton Consumption May Undermine Cotton Subsidies," 2002 Ag Perspectives, John Baize, 23 January 2003.Pice n 262 du Brsil"The Future of Brazils Agricultural Sector," USDA, Agricultural Outlook, May 1998Pice n 263 du Brsil"Argentina & Brazil Sharpen Their Competitive Edge," USDA, Agricultural Outlook, September 2001Pice n 264 du Brsil"Prejudice Caused by Industrialized Countries Subsidies to Cotton Sectors in Western and Central Africa," Louis GoreuxPice n 265 du Brsil"Cotton Sector Strategies in West and Central Africa," World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 2867, July 2002.Pice n 266 du BrsilTN/AG/GEN/4Pice n 267 du BrsilTN/AG/GEN/6Pice n 268 du BrsilWT/GC/W/511Pice n 269 du Brsil"Gross Domestic Product by Industry for 1999-2001," Robert J. McCahill and Brian C. Moyer; November 2002Pice n 270 du BrsilStatement to Commission on the Application of Payment Limits to Agriculture, Mark Lange, National Cotton Council, 17 June 2003Pice n 271 du BrsilAnalysis of the Market Value of Livestock in Adjusted Gross Revenue Insurance Pilot States and Counties.Pice n 272 du BrsilFact Sheet: Adjusted Gross Revenue, Risk Management Agency, USDA, February 2003Pice n 273 du BrsilData on US Price vs Planted AcreagePice n 274 du BrsilData on World Price, Production & ConsumptionPice n 275 du Brsil"US Cotton Supply Response under the 2002 Farm Act," Paul Westcott and Leslie Meyer, USDA, 21 February 2003Pice n 276 du BrsilReport of the Commission on the Application of Payment Limitations for Agriculture, August 2003.Pice n 277 du BrsilWorld Market Share DocumentsPice n 278 du BrsilO.A. Clevelands Newsletter, 26 September 2003Pice n 279 du BrsilStatement by Professor Daniel Sumner Pice n 280 du Brsil"Brief Review of Empirical Assessments of Production Impacts of US Upland Cotton Subsidies" by Professor Daniel Sumner.Pice n 281 du BrsilStatement by Andrew Macdonald Pice n 282 du Brsil"About the Liverpool Cotton Association," The Liverpool Cotton Association Ltd.Pice n 283 du BrsilStatement by Christopher Ward Pice n 284 du Brsil "Production and Trade Policies Affecting the Cotton Industry," ICAC, September 2003Pice n 285 du Brsil"Agriculture Fact Book 2001-2002," Chapter 3 American Farms.Pice n 286 du BrsilDirect and Counter-Cyclical Program Contract, Form CCC-509, USDA, Commodity Credit CorporationPice n 287 du BrsilMarket Revenue and US Government Payments to U.S. Upland Cotton Producers. Pice n 288 du Brsil"NASS to Update Acreage If Necessary," National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA, 29 September 2003.Pice n 289 du Brsil7 CFR 1412.606; 7 CFR 718.102, 2003 EditionPice n 290 du Brsil"Farmers Must File Acreage to Receive 2002 Payments," Kansan Online Ag Briefs; AFBIS Inc. Crop Watch, June 2003Pice n 291 du Brsil"Direct and Counter-Cyclical Payment Program," Farm Service Agency, USDA, April 2003.Pice n 292 du Brsil7 CFR 718.102, 2002 EditionPice n 293 du BrsilData for Acreage ChartPice n 294 du Brsil"The World Fact Book Benin," CIA.Pice n 295 du Brsil2004 U.S. Budget, Federal Credit Supplement, Introduction and Table 2Pice n 296 du Brsil"USDA Announces $2.8 Billion in Export Credit Guarantees," FAS Press Release, 30 September 2003Pice n 297 du Brsil7 U.S.C 5641(b)(1); 7 U.S.C. 5622(a), (b)Pice n 298 du Brsil"USDA Amends Commodity Eligibility under Credit Guarantee Programs," FAS Press Release, 24 September 2002.Pice n 299 du Brsil "Summary of FY 2003 Export Credit Guarantee Program Activity," USDA, Covering GSM-102, GSM 103 and SCGPPice n 300 du BrsilCalculation on US Rice Exports Benefiting from GSM-102, GSM-103 and SCGP. Pice n 301 du BrsilAdditional Results from Professor Sumners Model.Pice n 302 du BrsilRevised and Extended Data on Article 6.3(d) Claim. Pice n 303 du BrsilJohn C. Beghin and Holger Matthey. "Modelling World Peanut Product Markets: A Tool for Agricultural Trade Policy Analysis." Center for Agricultural and Rural Development (CARD), May 2003.Pice n 304 du BrsilJohn C. Beghin, Barbara El Osta, Jay R. Cherlow, and Samarendu Mohanty. "The Cost of the US Sugar Program Revisited," Center for Agricultural and Rural Development (CARD), March 2001.Pice n 305 du BrsilLarry Salathe, J. Michael Price and David Banker. "An Analysis of the Farmer Owned Reserve Program 1977-82." American Journal of Agricultural Economics, February 1984.Pice n 306 du Brsil"Supply Response under the 1996 Farm Act and Implications for the US Field Crops Sector," Lin et al., USDA, July 2000.Pice n 307 du BrsilChange in US and World Exports in Percent. Pice n 308 du Brsil"Decoupled Payments: Household Income Transfers in Contemporary US Agriculture," ERS, Agriculture Economic Report N 822.Pice n 309 du BrsilBarnard C., Nehring, R., Ryan, J., Collender, R. "Higher Cropland Values from Farm Program Payments: Who Gains?" Economic Research Service. USDA, Agricultural Outlook November 2001.Pice n 310 du Brsil"The Incidence of Government Payments on Agricultural Land Rents: The Challenges of Identification," Roberts, Kirwan and Hopkins, August 2003, American Journal of Agricultural Economics.Pice n 311 du BrsilSide by Side Chart of the Weekly U.S. Adjusted World Price, the AIndex, the nearby New York Futures Price, the Average U.S. Spot Market Price and Prices Received by U.S. Producers from January 1996 to the present.Pice n 312 du BrsilCotton Outlook Reports dated 7 June 2002, 27 September 2002 and 4October 2002. Pice n 313 du Brsil Analysis of Counterfactual Retrospective Scenarios and Prospective Scenarios of Elimination of Upland Cotton Subsidies in the United States using an elaboration of the FAPRI/CARD Modeling Framework Pice n 314 du BrsilSummary of Equations in the FAPRI/CARD Modeling System as Used for the Analysis of U.S. Cotton SubsidiesPice n 315 du BrsilDocumentation for the CARD International Cotton Model.Pice n 316 du BrsilStatement of Christopher Campbell- Environmental Working Group. Pice n 317 du BrsilEWG Database: Tables of ResultsPice n 318 du BrsilDiscussions Held With FSA Contacts in County and State Offices.Pice n 319 du BrsilFSA-578 Manual: Report of AcreagePice n 320 du BrsilCCC-478 Production Flexibility Contract. USDA, Commodity Credit Corporation.Pice n 321 du Brsil"Veneman Reminds Farmers to Complete DCP Sign-Up by June 2." Office of Communications News Room 460-A. USDA, 29 May 2003Pice n 322 du Brsil"Kansas City Administrative Office." Farm Service Agency, USDA.Pice n 323 du BrsilCosts and Returns of US Upland Cotton Farmers MY 1997-2002Pice n 324 du BrsilNCC Chairmans Report by Kenneth B. Hood, 24 July 2002 Pice n 325 du BrsilResults of Professor Sumners Modified Model Based on the January 2003 FAPRI BaselinePice n 326 du BrsilResults of Professor Sumners Modified ModelPice n 327 du BrsilCotton Marketing Weekly, O.A. Cleveland, 7 November 2003Pice n 328 du BrsilCotton and Wool Outlook, USDA, 14 October 2003Pice n 329 du BrsilCotton and Wool Situation and Outlook Yearbook, Table 16, USDA, November 2002.Pice n 330 du BrsilAgricultural Exchange Rate Data Set, ERS, USDAPice n 331 du Brsil"Description of Methodology Comparing the Analysis of US Upland Cotton Subsidies Under the January 2003 Baseline to Analysis under the November 2002 FAPRI Baseline," Daniel A. Sumner, November2003.Pice n 332 du BrsilNewspaper Articles on the Step 2 Program Pice n 333 du BrsilCotton: World Markets and Trade, USDA, October 2003Pice n 334 du Brsil"Additionality of Credit Guarantees for US Wheat Exports," M. Diersen et al., Agricultural Economics Report N 377-S, July 1997Pice n 335 du BrsilCanada, Gross Domestic Product by Industry 1997-2001Pice n 336 du BrsilSection 523(b)(10), Federal Crop Insurance Act.Pice n 337 du Brsil"Crop Year Statistics," Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, As of 11November 2003.Pice n 338 du Brsil"Adjusted Gross Revenue-Lite (AGR-Lite)," A Risk Management Agency Fact Sheet, USDA, February 2003.Pice n 339 du Brsil"Livestock Gross Margin Insurance Policy Questions and Answers," 03LGM-Question and Answers, RMA/USDAPice n 340 du Brsil"USDA Announces First Partial 2003-Crop Counter-Cyclical Payments," USDA Press Release, 17 October 2003Pice n 341 du Brsil"Ricelands Bell Urges Maximum Rice CCP," Delta Farm Press, 16September 2003.Pice n 342 du BrsilStatement of Professor Daniel Sumner 2 December 2003 Pice n 343 du BrsilResponse to US Statements about Access to Background Information about my US Cotton Policy Simulation ResultsPice n 344 du BrsilDiscussion of the US Critique of Third Party Studies of the Economic Effects of US Cotton SubsidiesPice n 345 du BrsilResponse to Further US Criticisms of the Annex I Model of the Effect of US Cotton SubsidiesPice n 346 du BrsilEmail Exchange between Professor Bruce Babcock and Dr. Joseph Glauber, 26 November 2003Pice n 347 du BrsilBrazilian Exports, MY 1999-2002Pice n 348 du BrsilBICO Export Commodity Aggregations (Quantities), USDA, FSA dated 27 November 2003Pice n 349 du BrsilComparison of U.S. and Brazilian Exports, MY 1999-2002 Pice n 350 du BrsilWeekly Step 2 Certificate Values, National Cotton Council, 28November 2003Pice n 351 du BrsilBICO Export Commodity Aggregations (Values), USDA, FSA dated 21November 2003Pice n 352 du BrsilValue of US. Upland Cotton Exports under GSM 102 by Country and YearPice n 353 du BrsilCumulative Loss from Upland Cotton Production MY 1997-2002 Without US Contract PaymentsPice n 354 du Brsil"Brazilian Soybeans Can Iowa Farmers Compete?" Iowa State University, December 2000Pice n 355 du BrsilUS Acreage Response to Futures Prices at Planting Time Pice n 356 du BrsilJanuary March Quotes of the December Futures Contract, Expected and Actual AWP and Cash PricePice n 357 du BrsilExpected and Actual Adjusted World Price and Corresponding December Futures PricePice n 358 du BrsilExpected Adjusted World Price and Marketing Loan Payments Pice n 359 du Brsil30 October and 25 November Cotton Futures QuotesPice n 360 du BrsilAdjusted World Price v Nearby Futures Price (1996-present)Pice n 361 du BrsilCotton Pricing Guide, July 2001Pice n 362 du BrsilSuspension of Anti-Dumping Duty Investigation: Cold-Rolled Flat Rolled Carbon-Quality Steel Products from the Russian Federation, Department of Commerce, 4 February 2000Pice n 363 du BrsilGlobal Steel Trade, Chapter 7: Avoiding Future Crises, Department of CommercePice n 364 du Brsil2003 US Budget, Federal Credit Supplement, Table 8Pice n 365 du Brsil2002 US Budget, Federal Credit Supplement, Table 8Pice n 366 du Brsil7 U.S.C. 5622Pice n 367 du BrsilSection 3203 of the 2002 FSRI ActPice n 368 du BrsilSecond Statement of Christopher Campbell Environmental Working Group, 1 December 2003Pice n 369 du BrsilBrazils Request to the United States for Farm Specific Planting and Base Acreage Data, 3 December 2003Pice n 370 du BrsilThe Difference between the Average World Price and the Nearby December Futures Contract PricePice n 371 du BrsilSimple Example of the Calculations of Marketing Lon Benefits (Probability Distribution)Pice n 372 du BrsilNegotiating History of Articles 6.3(c) and 6.5 of the SCM AgreementPice n 373 du BrsilLoan Deficiency Payment and Price Support Activity as of 12/3/2003Pice n 374 du Brsil"Crop Year Statistics MY 2002" Federal Crop Insurance CorporationPice n 375 du BrsilInformation Provided by Gerald Estur, ICAC.Pice n 376 du Brsil"About FAPRI," Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State UniversityPice n 377 du Brsil"About FAPRI," Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute at the University of Missouri.Pice n 378 du Brsil"About FAPRI," Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute.Pice n 379 du BrsilCARD Report, 40 Anniversary Commemorative IssuePice n 380 du Brsil"Food and Agriculture Policy Research Institute Receives USDAs Highest Honor," CARD Press Release, 9 July 2002.Pice n 381 du BrsilJeffrey D. McDonald and Daniel A. Sumner. "The Influence of Commodity Programs on Acreage Responses to Market Price: With and Illustration concerning Rice Policy in the United States." American Journal of Agricultural Economics, (85) 4 November 2003.Pice n 382 du BrsilCotton and Wool Outlook, USDA, 12 December 2003.Pice n 383 du BrsilBrazil and US Export Data on Export Quantities and Values by CountryPice n 384 du BrsilImport Prices from Various CountriesPice n 385 du BrsilDomestic Prices from Various CountriesPice n 386 du BrsilBrazil and US Export Prices by CountryPice n 387 du BrsilBrazil Export Prices v A-Index Prices by CountryPice n 388 du BrsilUS Export Prices v A-Index Prices by CountryPice n 389 du BrsilBrazilian Domestic Price DataPice n 390 du Brsil"Glickman Proposes Cottonseed Payment Program," USDA News Release, 29 February 2000.Pice n 391 du BrsilCost of Ginning and Value of Cottonseed per pound of Cotton LintPice n 392 du Brsil"William Duvanant Says: Overproduction Thwarts Cotton price Upturn," Western Farm Press.Pice n 393 du BrsilFutures Prices as of 19 December 2003Pice n 394 du BrsilAgricultural Outlook Tables, USDA, November 2003, Table 19Pice n 395 du Brsil"Trade Issues Facing the US Cotton Industry," Speech by Dr. Mark Lange, President and CEO, National Cotton Council, 6 January 2004.Pice n 396 du Brsil"Farm Groups Shocked at UC Economists Testimony in ϲʹ Dispute," Western Farm Press, 2 September 2003.Pice n 397 du Brsil"Report of the Commission on the Application of Payment Limitations for Agriculture," August 2003.Pice n 398 du BrsilWestern Farm Press, 7 January 2003 Pice n 399 du BrsilAcreage Discrepancies.xlsPice n 400 du BrsilList of Publications of Professors Babcock and BeghinPice n 401 du BrsilSecond Declaration of Andrew Macdonald, 27 January 2004.Pice n 402 du Brsil"Genetically Engineered Cotton Suffering from Production Problems," Organic Consumers Organization, 11 January 2002.Pice n 403 du Brsil"NCC will Intensify Emphasis for Quality, Yield Answers," Western Farm Press, 3 March 2001.Pice n 404 du Brsil"Benefits - BT Cotton," Monsanto Imagine.Pice n 405 du Brsil"Sample Costs to Produce Cotton Transgenic Herbicide- Resistant Acala Variety," San Joaquin Valley, University of California Cooperative Extension, 2003.Pice n 406 du Brsil"Cotton Cost-Return Budget in Southwest Kansas," Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extensive Service, October 2003.Pice n 407 du BrsilDocuments on Cost of Production Insurance Plan for Cotton.Pice n 408 du BrsilExport Import Bank of the United States, Standard Repayment Terms.Pice n 409 du BrsilEx-Im Bank Fee Schedule. Pice n 410 du BrsilExport Insurance Services.Pice n 411 du Brsil"The Federal Scoop: US Government Financing for Service Exports," Export America, May 2003.Pice n 412 du BrsilCotton and Wool Situation Outlook and Outlook Yearbook, USDA, November 2003, Table 16.Pice n 413 du Brsil"Agricultural Cash Rents," USDA, NASS, July 1999.Pice n 414 du Brsil"Agricultural Land Values and Cash Rents," USDA, NASS, August2003.Pice n 415 du Brsil"Agricultural Land Values," USDA, NASS, April 1999.Pice n 416 du Brsil"What is a Farm Bill?," Congressional Research Service, Report for Congress, 5 May 2001.Pice n 417 du Brsil"Commodity Program Entitlements: Deficiency Payments," USDA, May1993.Pice n 418 du BrsilWashington Post v. United States Department of Agriculture, 943 F. Supp. 31 (D.D.C. 1996).Pice n 419 du BrsilAllocation Calculations Based on Brazils Methodology and US Summary Data.Pice n 420 du BrsilAgricultural Outlook Tables, November 2003, Table 17.Pice n 421 du BrsilERS Briefing Room: Farm Income and Costs: U.S. Farm Sector Cash Receipts from Sales of Agricultural Commodities, USDA.Pice n 422 du BrsilFruits and Tree Nuts Yearbook, USDA, October 2003, Table A-2.Pice n 423 du BrsilVegetables and Melons Yearbook, USDA, July 2003, Table 3.Pice n 424 du BrsilAllocation Calculations Based on US Methodology and US Summary Data.Pice n 425 du BrsilDresser Industries v United States, 596 F.2d 1231 (5th Cir. 1979)Pice n 426 du BrsilCenter for Auto Safety v National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 244 F.3d 144 (DC Cir 2001)Pice n 427 du BrsilCNA Financial Corporation v Donovan, 830 F.2d 1132 (DC Cir 1987)Pice n 428 du BrsilUnited States Department of Justice at al. v Reporters Committee for the Freedom of the Press et al., 489 US 749 (1989)Pice n 429 du BrsilMetadure Croporation v United States, 490 F. Supp. 1368 (S.D.N.Y.1990) Pice n 430 du BrsilCampaign for Family Farms v Glickman, 200 F.3d 1180 (8th Cir. 2000)Pice n 431 du BrsilComparison of US and Brazil's Cash-Basis Accounting Methodologies for Purposes of the Item (j) AnalysisPice n 432 du BrsilCongressional Budget Office, Fact Sheet, row titled "Export Credit Guarantee Program, Subsidy Account"Pice n 433 du BrsilCalculations Acreage Based Methodologies.xls provided in electronic formatPice n 434 du BrsilCalculations Value Based Methodologies.xls provided in electronic format ANNEXE O-2 LISTE DES PICES DES TATS-UNIS Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-Unis2002 Farm Security and Rural Investment Act, Public Law 107-171, 116 Stat. 134 (13May 2002) (Title I)Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-Unis57 Federal Register 14,326 (20 April 1992)Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-Unis7 C.F.R. Part 1413 (1 January 1993) Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-Unis7 C.F.R. 1413.6 (1991 ed.)Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-Unis7 U.S.C. 1444-2 (1992 supp.) Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-Unis7 C.F.R. Part 1493 (2003) (excerpts)Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisOrganization for Economic Co-operation and Development, The Chairmans Revised Proposal for a Sector Understanding on Export Credits for Agricultural Products, TD/CONSENSUS(2000)25/REV4 (9 July 2002)Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisCairns Group, Negotiating Proposal on Export Competition, JOB(02)/186 (20November2002)Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisNegotiations on Agriculture: First Draft of Modalities for the Further Commitments, TN/AG/W/1/Rev.1 (18 March 2003)Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisMERCOSUR et al., Export Credits for Agricultural Products, G/AG/NG/W/139, G/AG/W/50 (21 March 2001)Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-Unis2 U.S.C. 661 et seq. (2003)Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisExamples of export credit guarantee program announcements issued pursuant to applicable program regulations (7 C.F.R. 1493.10(d), 1493.400(d))Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisSchedule XX United States of America, Part IV, Section II: Export subsidy reduction commitmentsPice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-Unis2002 Crop Cottonseed Regulations, 68 Federal Register 20,331 (25April 2003)Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisRegulations to disburse the 2000 crop cottonseed payment, 65Federal Register 65,718 (2November 2000)Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-Unis1999 Crop Cottonseed Program Regulations, 65 Federal Register 36,563 (8 June 2000)Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisUS Department of Agriculture, Upland Cotton Fact Sheet (September1992)Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisUSDA budget data (MY1999 & MY2000 marketing loan payments) (www.fsa.usda.gov/dam/BUD/estimatesbook.htm)Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisMarketing Year 2002 Loan Deficiency Payment and Price Support Cumulative Activity As of 3/12/2003Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisSchedule of current fees paid by an exporter participating in either the GSM102 or GSM103 programPice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-Unis Recently updated program documents for the Step 2 programPice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisThe Agricultural Market Transition Act, Title I of the Federal Agriculture Improvement Act of 1996, Public Law No. 104-127 (4April 1996)Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisThe Production Effects of Decoupled Payments, by Dr.JosephW.Glauber, Deputy Chief Economist, US Department of AgriculturePice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisCalculating the Per-Unit Rate of Support, by Dr. Joseph W. 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December 1997:1-2, 78.Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisUS Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service: Cotton Price Statistics (October 2003):18 (table 13)Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisDetailed Critique of Third-Party Economic StudiesPice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-Unis Year-to-date MY2003 A-index prices, dailyPice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisUS Department of Agriculture, unofficial marketing year 2002 marketing loan payments for soybeans corn, and wheatPice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisUS Department of Agriculture, Farm Services Agency, summary of marketing year 2002 enrolled direct and counter-cyclical payment base acres, upland cotton farmsPice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-Unis Comparison of MY2002 enrolled direct and counter-cyclical payment base acres for upland cotton to NASS upland cotton planted acresPice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-Unis Total US upland cotton planted acreage, MY2001-2003, by statePice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisUS MY2002 upland cotton exports to Argentina, Bolivia, and ParaguayPice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-Unis E-mail communication from S. Tokarick, International Monetary FundPice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-Unis Preparatory Committee for the World Trade Organization, Notification Requirements and Formats Under the ϲʹ Agreement on Agriculture, PC/IPL/12, circulated 2December1994Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-Unis US Notification, G/AG/N/USA/47, circulated 6 June 2003Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-Unis[Il n'y a aucune pice portant ce numro.] Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisExcerpts from Exhibit BRA-369Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisUS Freedom of Information ActPice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisUS Department of Agriculture, Decision under FOIA (11April2002)Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-Unis7 C.F.R. 1.14Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisUS Department of Agriculture, Farm Services Agency, FOIA Handbook (excerpts)Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-Unis5 U.S.C. 552a(b)Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-Unis Excerpt of BRA-316Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisDescription of electronic file "Pfcby.txt."Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisDescription of electronic file "Pfcplac.txt."Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisDescription of electronic file "Dcpby.txt"Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisDescription of electronic file "Dcpplac.txt"Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-Unis Graphical representation of scope and disclosure of Brazils modeling systemPice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-Unis Letter from Dr. Bruce Babcock (10 December 2003)Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisElectronic version of spreadsheets referenced in US Comments Concerning Brazils Econometric ModelPice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisElectronic version of spreadsheet referenced in US Comments Concerning Brazils Econometric ModelPice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-Unis 7 CFR 1427.13 and 1427.19 (2000 ed.)Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-Unis7 CFR 1427.13 and 1427.19 (2003 ed.) Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisUSDA Office of the Chief Economist, World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (11 December 2003)Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisUSDA, Economic Research Service, Fibers Yearbook, Appendix Table 2, Upland Cotton Supply and Use Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisUS General Accounting Office. Agriculture in Transition: Farmers Use of Risk Management Strategies. GAO/RCED-99-90. April 1999. Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisTotal open interest for all cotton futures contracts on the New York Board of Trade for 18December 2003 Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisTotal open interest for all cotton options contracts on the New York Board of Trade for 18December 2003 Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisDaily December Futures Closing Prices ($/lb) (New York Board of Trade)Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisStatement of Federal Financial Accounting Standards No. 18: Amendments To Accounting Standards for Direct Loans and Loan Guarantees In Statement of Federal Financial Accounting Standards No. 2, Appendix B: Schedule B, entitled "Schedule for Reconciling Loan Guarantee Liability Balances." Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisCalculations of "additional marketing loan facilitated revenue" realized per pound of cotton, MY 1998-2003 (partial year)Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisStatement of Federal Financial Accounting Standards No.2:Accounting for Direct Loans and Loan Guarantees, issued 23August 1993, pp. 187-267Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisChart of data from 1992 to 2003 (as of 30 November 2003) for GSM 102, 103 and SCGP with respect to: (i) cumulative outstanding guarantees; (ii) claims paid; (iii) recoveries made; (iv) revenue from premiums; (v) other current revenue, including interest earned; (vi) interest charges paid; and (vii) administrative costs of running the programmesPice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisCommodity Credit Corporation Consolidated Statement of Net Cost (Note 13) for the Fiscal Year Ended 30 September 2002Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisStatement of Federal Financial Accounting Concepts and Standards (May 2002), Appendix E, pages 1140-1141Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisInae Riveras, Brazils Mato Grosso to triple winter cotton area (Reuters 20040120)Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisChart, US Crops Cotton supply and utilization, and Baseline Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisO.A. Cleveland, Cotton Market Weekly, 1/16/04Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisCharts of US and Brazilian Export Unit Values to 7 DestinationsPice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisProduction, Yield, Trade, and Stocks Data, MY99-02Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisUSDA/FAS US trade data, MY99-03 Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisWorld Trade Atlas official Brazilian trade data, MY99-03 Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisStatement of the United States at the Dispute Settlement Body (9January 2004) on adoption of the reports in United States Sunset Review of Anti-Dumping Duties on Corrosion-Resistant Carbon Steel Flat Products for JapanPice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisUSDA Weekly Cotton Market Review 1/9/04Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisUSDA Weekly Cotton Market Review 1/23/04Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisCharts of Chinese (Domestic, Import, Export) Prices vs. A-Index Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisNY Board of Trade, NY Cotton Exchange, 27 January 2004 futures dataPice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisMemorandum from Larry Mitchell, USDA Farm Services Agency, to Various FSA Offices, Administrators, and Divisions on Release of Restricted Information under the Freedom of Information Act (18 September 1998)Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisUSDA Farm Services Agency, Notice INFO-16: Releasing Lists of Names and Addresses in Response to Requests Under FOIA (1December 1998)Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisContents of four corrected data files submitted on 28 January 2004Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisUSDA, Commodity Credit Corporation, 58 Federal Register 15755-15756 (24March1993).Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisData in response to Panel Question 264(a): Exhibit US-128 on a Fiscal Year/ Cash BasisPice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisData in response to Panel Question 264(d): Claim Payments/ Recoveries/ Reschedulings on a Fiscal Year/ Cash BasisPice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisUnited States Department of the Treasury Financial Manual I TFM 2-4600 (December2003)Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-Unis "Annual Review of Fees for USDA Credit Programs,"25March2003 and 8 April 2002.Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisUnited States Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-129 (November 2000), Table of Contents, General Information, AppendixA, Sections I and II.Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisCommodity Credit Corporation Realized Losses and Appropriations to Restore Such Losses for Fiscal Years 1992-2003Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisSummary of Principal Terms, Conditions, and Duration of Each Rescheduling Reflected in Column F of Exhibit US-128Pice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisPartially Corrected Calculations Allocating Decoupled Payments for Upland Cotton Base Acres to Upland Cotton Using Incomplete Annex IV MethodologyPice n  AUTONUM \* Arabic \s " " des tats-UnisReport of the Commission on the Application of Payment Limitations for Agriculture, Chapter 5 (2003) __________ WT/DS267/R/Add.3 Page O- PAGE 34 WT/DS267/R/Add.3 Page O- PAGE 1     178=>COP]^chirͽͲݲݲ݇ttplh@huhuhuCJaJh ~hy(hHzhThTmH sH hTmH sH h@h5\h@h@5\hThmH sH h@hT;CJaJmH sH h@h;CJaJmH sH hhR/CJaJhTCJaJh*h*CJaJh*&   278fqkd$$Ifl0Y#U0$4 la$(($Ifa$gd@$a$gdTgd"gd*gd^ 8^bch[ (($Ifgd@qkd$$Ifl0Y#U0$4 la$(($Ifa$gd@0(($If^`0gd@4 sf xx$Ifgd^'$xx$Ifa$gd "gdT"gd*qkd$$$Ifl0Y#U0$4 la 4 5 = > ? 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