Documents principaux relatifs au CACR

Type Titre Date Mots clés


Article XXIV of the GATT 1994 Territorial Application – Frontier Traffic – Customs Unions and free trade areas 1 January 1995 Article XXIV, GATT 1994
Understanding on the Interpretation of Article XXIV of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 Understanding on the Interpretation of Article XXIV of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 1 January 1995 Article XXIV, Understanding, GATT 1994
Enabling Clause Differential and more favourable treatment, reciprocity and fuller participation of developing countries (paragraph 2c) 28 November 1979 Regional or global arrangements, less-developed contracting parties
Article V of the GATS Economic Integration 1 January 1995 Article V, GATS
WT/L/671 Transparency Mechanism for Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) 14 December 2006 RTA transparency mechanism

Documents pertinents

WT/L/127 Committee on RTAs (CRTA) 6 February 1996 Mandate, terms of reference
WT/REG/1 Rules of Procedure for Meetings of the CRTA 2 July 1996 rules of procedure
G/L/834 (also WT/REG/16, S/L/310 and WT/COMTD/63) Notification Format for RTAs 8 November 2007 Notification
G/L/1295 (also WT/REG/28, S/L/418 and WT/COMTD/98) Template for Notifying Changes to An Existing RTA - CRTA 15 February 2019 Notification of changes

Autres documents

G/L/286 (also WT/REG/4, S/C/W/92 and WT/COMTD/16) (1) Reporting on RTAs – CRTA, CTS, CTD 16 December 1998 Reporting on RTAs
JOB/REG/4 Implementation reports under paragraph 15 of the Transparency Mechanism for RTAs (suggested informal guidelines) 4 January 2013 Informal guidelines on end of implementation reports


  1. Under current procedures followed by the CRTA and CTD, these documents have been discontinued although they have not officially been withdrawn. Back to text