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According to the Economic Impact Study of the Travel Industry Association of America, travel and tourism represents a $582 billion industry (domestic and international spending), representing 2.2 % of the $8.9 trillion GDP in 1999. Tourism is the first, second, or third largest industry in over 35 of the 50 states in the United States. Total payroll generated by all travel and tourism in 1999 was $159 billion, jobs supported totaled 7.7 million, and tax revenues generated were $92.5 billion. Spending by U.S. domestic travellers has increased from $426 billion in 1998 to $446 billion in 1999, or a 5 % increase. International tourism for the United States represents the largest service export and the third largest export overall. It is also the largest U.S. service import. The United States is the world’s leading exporter and importer of tourism services, with annual receipts of $95 billion and payments of over $81 billion, including passenger fares. In 1999, the U.S. hosted 48.5 million international travellers, while 58 million U.S. residents travelled to other countries. The U.S. benefitted from the $ 95 billion in expenditures from international travellers in 1999 by generating a $14 billion trade surplus. International travel has generated a surplus consistently for the U.S. balance of trade since 1989. Until recently, the level of international visitation to the United States has grown faster than domestic (incountry) travel throughout the United States. Inbound Travel The largest international origin markets for the United States have been Canada (14 million) and Mexico (10 million). The overseas markets have been the stronghold of growth for the United States particularly the European markets. European markets have had steady marketing investments from destinations and industry businesses. At the same time, Asia has regained its position in providing strong growth for inbound markets and Japan alone has been responsible for the majority of the travel trade surplus. Overall, over the past few years the overseas travelers’ behavior patterns have shown some transitions. Variances do occur by region and by country. Overall, however, length of stay has decreased by nearly 4 days in the past five years to 15.2 nights for overseas visitors. (Overseas excludes Canada and Mexico.) Just slightly less than onethird of the overseas visitors came for business purposes in 1999, an increase of 11% from 1994. The proportion of visitors coming to the U.S. for leisure/recreation/holiday purposes has remained steady at 63% between 1994 and 1999. Additionally, visiting friends and relatives has increased from 29% to 34% over the same time frame. Another distinctive change we have observed in the United States is the dramatic increase in independent travel, that is, fewer package tours, particularly among the Asian travelers. In 1999 the average proportion of overseas travelers who used a package was 22%, down from 34% in 1994. Travelers from contiguous countries, Mexico and Canada, tend to demonstrate a direct reaction to fluctuations in currency exchange rates with the number of travelers, particularly auto travelers, decreasing measurably during disadvantageous rates of exchange. Outbound Travel Estimates by the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Tourism Industries Office show that international travel by U.S. residents continues to increase, recording a total of 58 million total outbound travelers in 1999. Spending by U.S. travelers abroad has increased from $76 billion in 1998 to $81 billion in 1999, including passenger fares. Mexico and Canada maintain the lead for top destinations with Western Europe as the leader in overseas destinations. In particular, the popular regional destinations for U.S. travelers were the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Italy. Two weeks is the average length of stay, but U.S. residents tend to spend less money than overseas visitors to the United States, thus tipping the balance of trade in favor of the United States. U.S. payments for outbound travel, excluding passenger fares, increased from $33 billion in1989 to almost $60 billion in 1999, an 82 percent increase. In the last few years the United States has had a deficit in the travel account with Mexico, Bermuda and the Caribbean, Hong Kong, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Africa (other than South Africa), and with Eastern European countries. In 1998 and 1999, the U.S. has had a deficit in travel with Asia (excluding Japan). Domestic Travel Domestically, U.S. resident travel within the country has consistently grown by an average 7% in person trips over the past 5 years. Newer destinations are appearing with the proclivity of adventure travel and cultural and heritage tourism product offerings. Domestically, more studies are focusing on distinctions in travel behavior and the marketing segmentation approaches to reach niche markets. According to the Travel Industry Association’s national travel surveys, the trend of more frequent trips of shorter duration or weekend travel is continuing. The average American family engaging in a two week vacation is severely inhibited by the ability to coordinate vacation schedules in a dual working household and the general malaise of time pressures from increased work loads. U.S. workers on average only receive thirteen days of vacation leave per year. Forecast Based on October, 2000 global economic conditions, the Tourism Industries Office forecasts an increase of 29% for international travel to the U.S. by 2003, topping 62.7 million visitors. Receipts are expected to attain over $136 billion. U.S. resident travel outside the country is projected to grow to 67.5 million travelers or 16% greater than the 1999 level. Payments generated are estimated to be $121 billion. This means that by 2003, the travel trade surplus for the United States will be $14.4 billion . ORGANIZATION OF THE NATIONAL TOURISM OFFICE FOR THE UNITED STATES Within the U.S. Department of Commerce, the Tourism Industries Office of the Trade Development Bureau in the International Trade Administration serves as the National Tourism Office for the United States. The Office is headed by a Deputy Assistant Secretary. The primary functions of the office are policy advocacy, technical assistance for expanding this key export and generation of economic and characteristic statistics on international travel to and from the U.S. The Tourism Industries Office works in conjunction with the Commerce Department’s Commercial Service for outreach and export promotion. This division offers 1700 trade professionals located in 80 overseas countries and 100 cities throughout the U.S. Its overseas presence covers 95 percent of the world’s export markets. The Commercial Service serves as the eyes and ears in market and is an invaluable professional force for corporate consultations and trade export guidance and assistance. ORGANIZATION FOR TOURISM STATISTICAL RESPONSIBILITIES The United States has a very clear division of responsibilities for the generation of travel and tourism statistics. Domestic travel and tourism flows and characteristics and trends throughout the United States are provided primarily through private sector firms. While U.S. federal government data are used by some of the private sector firms for economic impact estimates, the federal government has not reported on the impact of domestic travel in the United States since 1977. All of the domestic travel is based upon survey samples of the U.S. population. They range in their qualifying criteria so that mileage determinations, for example, vary by source. One survey collects travel data based on a 75 mile radius while another collects on a 100 mile radius. The maintenance of the U.S. statistical system for international travel and trade data is overseen by the Tourism Industries Office (TI). Under U.S. law, the Secretary of Commerce is responsible for collecting and publishing “comprehensive international travel and tourism statistics and other marketing information” and for designing, implementing, and publishing “international travel and tourism forecasting models.” (Ї10 of the U.S. National Tourism Organization Act of 1996). The Tourism Industries office generates information on both the inbound and outbound travel international traveler population for the United States. The data provided by this office is the result of interagency database coordination with the Immigration and Naturalization Service and the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). The Office also implements the direct authorization for the administering of a primary research survey of both the inbound and outbound international travelers, called the InFlight Survey of International Air Travelers. Tourism Industries produces approximately 1,100 different reports or analyses each year. For an idea of the information available, please visit TI’s web site at:   PRIVATE href="http://tinet.ita.doc.gov." MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor http://tinet.ita.doc.gov. Monthly, quarterly, annual and other ad hoc reports are available. The major and most popular reports produced by TI include: The Summary of International Travel to the U.S. This is a monthly report with yeartodate figures provided on nonresident arrivals to the U.S. as reported on the required INS I94 forms. This database is reorganized by TI to report a type of census of travelers to the U.S. based on residency to meet the UN/АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ standard definitions and classifications of travelers. It is the only source for country of residence estimates for international arrivals to the United States. The U.S. International Air Travel Statistics Report. These reports are provided monthly, quarterly, and annually. They provide international air traffic data for the United States and are the only source of U.S. outbound estimates. The InFlight Survey of International Air Travelers. These reports are issued on a quarterly and annual basis. This database provides numerous different reports on the travel characteristics, travel patterns and spending data on international travel to and from the United States. The survey data is based on a monthly sample of inbound and outbound travelers as they depart the U.S. The survey is primarily conducted on board the plane (inflight) as a self administered questionnaire, produced in 12 languages, including English. The Outlook for International Travel to and From the United States. TI issues two forecasts per year primarily on inbound arrivals to the United States. Forecasts are issued for the next five years for all world regions and almost 30 countries. The Economic Impact of International Travel on State Economies. This report provides the expenditures, payroll, employment and tax revenues supported by international visitors to the United States for all 50 states. Canadian Travel to the United States. This report analyzes Canadian tourism patterns and behavior to the United States and is produced annually using the Statistics Canada database collected from their International Travel Survey. The Travel and Tourism Satellite Accounts. A pilot study was released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis in 1998 to more accurately account for the impact of the travel and tourism industries on the U.S. economy. An updated estimate of these accounts was generated in 1999. The program is supported by the Tourism Industries office. CONCLUSION International tourism will continue to be a major source of income and employment for many countries and an important contributor to national economies around the world. The United States looks forward to a continuing high level of international tourism with minimization and removal of travel obstacles to benefit all countries. __________ -  PAGE 4 - #$Fy|I_L(M(O(P(y(z(•(Ў(Џ(0)_)+B+љ+-,.V. /I/ф/0Ь0і0s3~3€3‚3ƒ3‰3Š3‹3Œ3Ž3”3ќњќѕњѓючхчсюнннннннлзЮзЮЪЮзhmHjUhnH hnH 556>*B* jU jU6 5>*B*B*5B**$%CDEFyz{|œЅ€   ьќйщNWъдъдддвъъъаЮЮЮЩЮЮЧЮЮЧЮЧ & FJ"$ Ц#  p@ рА€P №Р! Ц#  p@ рА€P №Р!$%CDEFyz{|œЅ€   ьќйщNWY›§їьпвЦЙЌž‘„vi[NF6  їџџџ6   їџџџ.ъџџ6   .ъџџ№џџџ6   №џџџЃэџџ6   Ѓэџџьќџџ6   ьќџџ№џџџ6   №џџџђџџ6   ђџџё§џџ6   ё§џџёџџџ6   ёџџџoљџџJ  oљџџќњџџ6   ќњџџзќџџ6   зќџџрџџџ6  рџџџ 6 "WY›d › !Ѓ#„%Љ'ѕ(0)+љ+. /ф/Ь02'2r3s3~33€333‘3’3§ћ§ћ§§§§§§љљљљљљљћ§їєїїёяяї55$$›d › !Ѓ#„%Љ'ѕ(0)+љ+. /ф/Ь02'2r3ђънаУЖЉœ‘„wj]PC;.ѕџџџ6   ѕџџџ6  ˜яџџ6   )јџџ€№џџ6   љџџYёџџ6   ъљџџPђџџ6   сњџџkєџџ6   ќќџџUѕџџ6   ц§џџ4їџџ6  Хџџџoїџџ6   oїџџЛјџџ6   Лјџџрњџџ6  рњџџСќџџ6  СќџџRџџџ6  RџџџЩџџџ6  Щџџџ6  Оџџџ6  Оџџџr3s3~33€3Š3‹333‘3’3“3”3ўўўћћўў5  ’3“3”3§§' 0А‚. 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