ࡱ> WYVY bjbjWW %z==]        ~$\               ~ ~ r ~~ $P'8 ~TABLE 1Inbound tourism consumption by products and categories of visitors(visitor final consumption expenditure in cash) (net valuation)Same-day Tourists Total visitorsvisitorsProducts(1.1)(1.2)(1.3) = (1.1) + (1.2)A. Specific products A.1 Characteristic products 1 Accommodation servicesX 1.1 Hotels and other lodging services (3)X 1.2 Second homes services on own account of for freexxx 2 Food and beverage serving services (3) 3 Passenger transport services (3) 3.1 Interurban railway (3) 3.2 Road (3) 3.3 Water (3) 3.4 Air (3) 3.5 Supporting services 3.6 Transport equipment rental 3.7 Maintenance and repair services  4 Travel agency, tour operator and tourist guide services 4.1 Travel agency (1) 4.2 Tour operator (2) 4.3 Tourist information and tourist guide 5 Cultural services (3) 5.1 Performing arts 5.2 Museum and other cultural services 6 Recreation and other entertainment services (3) 6.1 Sports and recreational sport services 6.2 Other amusement and recreational services 7 Miscellaneous tourism services 7.1 Financial and insurance services 7.2 Other good rental services 7.3 Other tourism services A.2 Connected products distribution margins goods (4) servicesB. Non specific products distribution margins goods (4) services TOTAL number of tripsnumber of overnightsX does not apply(1) Corresponds to the margins of the travel agencies(2) Corresponds to the margins of the tour operators(3) The value is net of the amounts paid to travel agencies and tour operators(4) The value is net of distribution margins TABLE 3 Outbound tourism consumption by products and categories of visitors(visitor final consumption expenditure in cash)(net valuation)Same-dayTouristsTotal visitorsvisitorsProducts(3.1)(3.2)(3.3)=(3.1)+(3.2)A. Specific products A.1 Characteristic products 1 Accommodation servicesX 1.1 Hotels and other lodging services (3)X 1.2 Second homes services on own account of for freeXXX 2 Food and beverage serving services (3) 3 Passenger transport services (3) 3.1 Interurban railway (3) 3.2 Road (3) 3.3 Water (3) 3.4 Air (3) 3.5 Supporting services 3.6 Transport equipment rental 3.7 Maintenance and repair services  4 Travel agency, tour operator and tourist guide services 4.1 Travel agency (1) 4.2 Tour operator (2) 4.3 Tourist information and tourist guide 5 Cultural services (3) 5.1 Performing arts 5.2 Museum and other cultural services 6 Recreation and other entertainment services (3) 6.1 Sports and recreational sport services 6.2 Other amusement and recreational services 7 Miscellaneous tourism services 7.1 Financial and insurance services 7.2 Other good rental services 7.3 Other tourism services A.2 Connected products distribution margins goods (4) servicesB. Non specific products distribution margins goods (4) services TOTALnumber of tripsnumber of overnightsX does not apply(1) Corresponds to the margins of the travel agencies(2) Corresponds to the margins of the tour operators(3) The value is net of the amounts paid to travel agencies and tour operators(4) The value is net of distribution margins   "BFh&*Vo?`{ ; V     * . C c d i j n o s t y     ! C D P Y y CJOJQJhnH 5CJOJQJhnH CJOJQJhnH 5OJQJhnH 5OJQJhnH 56OJQJhnH OJQJhnH 5CJOJQJhnH D     TUVWXP$$6 ;o$,1$$$$6; ;o$,$1$$c d e f g h * + , - . 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