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Invisible leakages: reduced multiplier effects, tax evasion, foreign exchange costs.LZEA&Reduced growth of revenues per touristMonopsonistic practices against developing country hotels. Anticompetitive practices resulting from vertical integration. Discriminatory access to networks and display bias in GDS/CRS. Anticompetitive practices in air transport. 3Issues of relevance for the GATS 2000 negotiations.Adequate coverage of commitments, to overcome current asymmetry. New disciplines to ensure sustainable development of tourism, covering anticompetitive practices. Full implementation of Article IV, to ensure effective access to and use of information.ZP V` f3f̙3f` 33` 333MMM` 333f` 3f3̙` f` 333ffff` ff3f!f3̙>?" dd@(?nKd@   @ `  n?" dd@   @@``PZP   @ ` `Zp>> t.( ? t$ t 0= "00  RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     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