
Résultats à l'exportation de services des pays les moins avancés et facilitation de la mise en œuvre des préférences notifiées au titre de la dérogation concernant les services pour les PMA

Le Conseil du commerce des services (CCS) est convenu d'organiser un webinaire dans le cadre des discussions pour examiner et promouvoir la mise en œuvre effective de la dérogation concernant les services pour les PMA, comme le prescrit la Décision ministérielle de Nairobi correspondante. Le webinaire a eu lieu les 2 et 3 juin.


2 June 2021

14:00- 14:30

Welcome by the chairman of the webinar

H.E. Mr Ángel VILLALOBOS, Permanent Representative of Mexico to the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ, Chairman of the Council for Trade in Services

Opening remarks

  • Dr Ngozi OKONJO-IWEALA, Director-General, World Trade Organization
  • H.E. Mr Ali Djadda KAMPARD Minister of Trade and Industry, Chad
  • Mr Emmanuel MUTAHUNGA, Commissioner External Trade, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives, Uganda

14:30-15:30 - SESSION 1

LDC services trade data

The first session provided an overview of LDC services trade. It presented the latest available data on LDC exports, as disaggregated as possible by sector and bilateral partner, taking into account relevant sources of statistical information. It also discussed the latest updates on the impact of COVID-19 on LDCs and LDC services trade, including anecdotal information. Finally, it highlighted efforts and initiatives to improve collection and dissemination of LDC services trade data.

  • Ms Barbara d'Andrea, Senior Statistician, Economic Research and Statistics Division, °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ
  • Mr Mohammad SAIFUL ISLAM, Joint Director (Statistics), Bangladesh Bank, Bangladesh
  • Ms Natalie JEFFERIES, Trade Production Manager, Office of National Statistics, United Kingdom
  • Ms Melike YALIN ALTUN, Expert, Turkish Statistical Institute (Turkstat), Turkey

15:30-17:00 - SESSION 2

Experience-sharing by exporters and importers of LDC services

In session 2, exporters and importers of LDC services shared their experiences. LDC service suppliers contributed first-hand information on their business and on accessing other markets, pointing to opportunities and challenges. Case studies of successful LDC exporters showcased the factors that have contributed to these suppliers' success. Importers of LDC services, through different modes of supply, shared their perspective.

  • Mr Kiran JOSHI, Founder & CEO, Incessant Rain, Nepal
  • Mr Larry KASANOFF, Chairman and CEO, Threshold Entertainment, United States
  • Mr Wahid CHOUDHURY, Founder & CEO, KAZ Software, Bangladesh
  • Mr Joseph MASENGESHO, CEO, InyaRwanda, Rwanda
  • Ms Awa DIOP, Directrice Générale, AD Center Services, Senegal
  • Mr Tim SARSON, Partner, KPMG, United Kingdom

3 June 2021

14:00-15:45 - SESSION 3

Government initiatives to support LDC services suppliers

In session 3, LDCs set out their domestic policies and initiatives to support LDC services suppliers and their integration in GVCs and to increase and diversify LDC exports. Members and other relevant cooperation partners presented their technical assistance and capacity building measures and initiatives to support LDC suppliers in taking advantage of export opportunities, including those provided by the preferences.

  • Mr Emmanuel MUTAHUNGA, Commissioner External Trade, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives, Uganda
  • Mr Amrit LAMSAL, Under Secretary, Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supplies, Nepal
  • Ms Paz VELASCO, Head of Sector for Investment Climate and Trade, European Commission's Directorate-General for International Partnerships
    Speaking notes
  • Ms Courtney EDWARDS, First Secretary, Australian Permanent Mission to the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ
  • Mr Steve TIPMAN, Executive Director, Trade Facilitation Office, Canada
  • Mr Alok SHUKLA, Minister (Customs), Permanent Mission of India to the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ
  • Mr Paulin ZAMBELONGO, Coordinator, Enhanced Integrated Framework

15:45-16:45 - SESSION 4

Lessons learnt and next steps

The concluding session discussed lessons learnt and pragmatic steps to increase LDC participation in world services trade.

16:45-16:50 - CLOSING REMARKS

Closing Remarks by the chairman of the Webinar

  • H.E. Mr Ángel VILLALOBOS, Permanent Representative of Mexico to the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ, Chairman of the Council for Trade in Services



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