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Ce graphique montre l'tat d'avancement global de ces mesuresn/a\Pour chaque mesure avec laquelle nous ne sommes pas en conformit, nous avons identifi les types d'actions / changements prendre. Ce tableau rsume ces rsultats par type d'action (e.g., x number and y percent of the 45 measures require legal/policy action; x number and y percent of the 45 measures require human resources/training action). a INSTRUCTIONS This Excel file contains two pages:  InputData and  PrintReport . Do not make any changes to the PrintReport page. The PrintReport page is set up to automatically calculate results based on the information you add to the InputData page. To Enter Data Go to the InputData page. Select your inputs from the dropdown list, where one is provided (for the columns  Comply ,  Category,  Time Required ). Put an  x or other mark in each  action required column where your workgroup has determined that action of that type is required for that measure. If no action is required leave the space blank. For example, if you determined that one or more legal/policy actions were required to comply with a measure, but no action required under any of the other categories (procedures, institutions, human resources/training, etc.), then insert an  x in the Legal/Policy column for that measure, and leave the remaining  action required columns blank. To Print the Report Print parameters are pre-set on both pages. Go to the InputData page. Select "Print". Go to the PrintReport page. Select "Print".  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