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As part of the work toward this goal, the World Bank supports trade policy reform and implementation of Uruguay Round commitments by developing countries in several areas directly related to (1) accelerating transparency and modernization of customs, (2) regulatory reform and standards, and (3) expansion of transport access and infrastructure modernization among others.. The Bank's work program on trade specifically focuses on these areas from a development context as a primary objective. For example, the institution's project lending supports government institutional reform and infrastructure and facility modernization related to health, safety, or environmental goals. In addition, efforts are underway to more closely tie capacity building and development objectives with advantages of deeper integration into the world trading system. This paper provides an overview of the World Banks lending program related to trade facilitation. It is not a comprehensive review of all trade-related lending by the Bank in this area, but rather provides examples of how the Bank supports liberalization through projects which support facilitation measures. Part I sets forth the basic principles of trade facilitation that have been promulgated by the World Trade Organization. Part II provides an overview of the Banks lending in trade facilitation over the past decade. Part III reviews lessons in trade facilitation that have been highlighted from earlier lending projects. Part IV describes in detail seven trade facilitation projects that the Bank has started since 1998, all of them currently active in 2001. Part V briefly summarizes the challenges that the Bank and other organizations will have to address in the coming years. BACKGROUND: BASIC PRINCIPLES AND BUILDING BLOCKS There is no single definition of trade facilitation. The term generally refers to the simplification of procedural and administrative impediments to trade, such as customs administration, licensing procedures, standards and technical regulations, and barriers to the mobility of businesspeople. Several fundamental principles have emerged which serve as the basis for trade facilitation: transparency, due process, non-discrimination, least-trade restrictiveness. These principles are derived from the text of the Uruguay Round Agreements, in particular: Articles VIII and X of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Agreement, and the Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS). These principles are fundamental building blocks for reform and should form the basis of long-term liberalization efforts. This will require sustained efforts involving work to implement current trade obligations as a key priority. Article VIII addresses fees and formalities connected with trade. It sets out a ϲʹ members basic obligation to minimize the number and diversity of border measures that can have the effect of restricting or distorting trade. Such measures can include: fees (other than normal customs duties and taxes), quantitative restrictions, licensing, documentation requirements, and quarantine measures. Article X requires that members publish all of their laws and regulations that pertain to importation and exportation. Two additional parts of the Uruguay Round Agreements are central to trade facilitation and must be considered within the broader context of future liberalization measures. The Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Agreement requires that member states not promulgate technical regulations that create unnecessary obstacles to trade. This means that any technical regulation adopted by a member state shall not restrict trade any more than is necessary to fulfill a legitimate objective, such as protecting national security or the public health. Article 4.1 of the TBT Agreement mandates that member states work toward adopting internationally accepted standards. The Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standards (SPS) requires that sanitary and phytosanitary measures promulgated by member states be necessary to protect plant and animal life, based on scientific principles, justified by sufficient scientific evidence, and not be applied in a manner which would constitute disguised trade restrictions. THE WORLD BANKS TRADE FACILITATION WORK PROGRAM: SELECTED EXAMPLES Overview. In the six years since the implementation of the ϲʹ agreements, the World Bank has continued to be active in trade-related lending. Through the mid-1990s, trade-related lending focused largely on border liberalization measures, such as quantitative restrictions, duties, subsidies, export financing, and customs. More recently, however, bank policy lending has been targeted at second generation trade facilitation measures, such as privatization, public enterprise restructuring, and regulatory reform. These issues are becoming more important as tariffs fall and supply chains integrate production and trade around the world. In fiscal year 1999, 64 out of the Banks 212 lending projects had trade-related components, and twelve of those were entirely trade-related. The projects centered on a wide range of specific sectors, including public sector management, agriculture, industry, finance, and urban development. In adjustment lending, trade facilitation lending primarily covers reforms in customs, regulatory frameworks, and standards. During fiscal year 1999, the bank extended 15 adjustment loans with components addressing customs reform, 17 with components covering standards, and 14 with components dealing with legal and regulatory reform. Project lending focused on export promotion, legal reform, strengthening of trade-related public institutions, and support for new product development and marketing. In Fiscal Year 2000, there were approximately 232 lending operations for a total of $15.3 billion dollars ($10.9b IBRD and $4.4b IDA). Project lending in IBRD loans amounted to 59 percent of the total and adjustment loans to 41 percent. Estimates indicate that 13 projects totaling $650 million were focused on overall trade promotion and facilitation goals. In addition, the Bank supported projects targeted at privatization and reform of public utilities, financial institutions and other public entities in which privatization creates conditions in which trade expands. During FY 2000 and as of March 2001 in FY 2001, there were 18 projects primarily concerned with trade facilitation, and 16 other projects that had at least one trade-facilitation component. Understanding the Dynamics of Trade Facilitation and Development in the Asia Pacific. To further the development dimensions of trade facilitation and examine problems and prospects of trade facilitation in Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), the Bank, together with the Government of Canada and the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada, organized a workshop in Singapore in September 2000, focusing on new directions and the development challenge for APECs trade facilitation agenda. Two of the four areas that the workshop focused on were customs procedures, and standards and technical regulations. Themes that emerged from the workshop included: (1) the need to build on complementarities and synergies in trade facilitation across different sectors, which argues for a horizontal approach to facilitation issues within APEC, (2) the importance of involving the private sector in APECs trade facilitation efforts; and the developmental impact of trade facilitation and, (3) the fundamental role of technical assistance in helping less-developed economies implement facilitation measures. The Bank is currently considering projects to expand upon the work undertaken in the APEC region. Global Facilitation Partnership for Transportation and Trade. In June 2001, the Bank will host a conference sponsored by the Global Facilitation Partnership for Transportation and Trade (GFP). This initiative is a Bank-sponsored consortium of public and private sector organizations whose collective mission is to reduce or eliminate impediments to cross-border transportation, thereby facilitating trade and alleviating poverty. The principle objectives of the GFP include: the establishment of a comprehensive Facilitation Audit Framework, combining qualitative assessment with a simplified set of data on efficiency of trade and transport transactions; the definition of systematic approaches to measurement, based on a set of facilitation indicators on transportation and cross-border processes, to be systematically collected; the monitoring and publishing on a regular basis of data on these facilitation indicators; and any commonly agreed initiative aiming at promoting trade and transport facilitation programs through education, training, and targeted technical assistance activities. Among the projects initiated by the GFP is a trade and transport facilitation project that is being implemented in Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, and Romania simultaneously. This project, if successful, will substantially integrate the transportation infrastructures of these six Southeast European nations. TABLE 1: Selected Trade Facilitation Project Lending by the World Bank Country Project Name Trade-Related ComponentsDates Amount**TransitPoland Port Modernization Upgrading physical and managerial infrastructure of port facilities2001- $38Mozambique Rail and port restructuring Increasing port-rail system efficiency to accommodate freight2000- $100Honduras Rural and main roads Repair and improvement of trade corridors damaged by hurricane2001- $66Nicaragua Road rehabilitation Infrastructure improvement along international trunk road corridors2001- $75CustomsSix Southeastern European countries Transport facilitation Strengthen and modernize customs administration1999- $78.4Tunisia Export development Streamline and modernize customs procedures1998- $35StandardsTurkey Agricultural research Laboratories and residue control modernization1992-1999 Poland Agroindustries exporting Food processing facilities modernization1990-1995 Madagascar Rural development Livestock vaccination1980-1988 Guatemala National competitiveness Certification and product quality evaluation programs2001- $20***Hungary Municipal water Reduction of Danube River pollution to comply with EU standards2000- $88.9Regulatory ReformGuatemala National competitiveness Regulatory reform in the area of competition policy2001- $20***Algeria Privatization assistance Strengthening regulatory capacity to facilitate trade2000- $5India Telecommunications Strengthening regulatory framework to enhance private investment2000- Malawi Utility privatization Strengthening regulatory framework in telecommunications & electricity sectors2000- $28.9* Not available ** In US$ millions ***Represents total project loan, not individual component. LESSONS LEARNED FROM PAST BANK PROJECTS Every lending project undertaken by the bank presents unique circumstances, and this is certainly true in the area of trade facilitation. While it is difficult to draw universal lessons from these projects, there are certain experiences that will determine the success or failure of a loan in a particular context. Some of these lessons were learned in earlier trade facilitation projects undertaken by the Bank. Highly Successful Projects. In one example, a loan to Sri Lanka from for telecommunications reform was rated as highly satisfactory. The loan was approved in 1991 and the project closed in 1998. A key lesson learned in this project was that labor unions should be involved at the early stages of reform, and their concerns should be considered in order to reduce resistance to reform. Another lesson drawn from this project was that the successful private operation of value-added and other marginal telecommunications services creates new job opportunities. This may reduce staff fears of privatization as well as provide comfort to potential investors who observe a track record of commercial operations and the workings of a sound legal and regulatory framework. Third, full corporatization with private management and suitable regulation provides the autonomy needed to quickly expand service and to become more consumer-oriented and competitive. A transit facilitation project for Macedonia from 1995 to 1999 was likewise rated as highly satisfactory. The Customs Administration in Macedonia was recognized throughout the region for its customs reform process. Satisfactory Projects. A lending project in Morocco that took place between 1991 and 1998 for port revitalization was rated as satisfactory. One of the lessons drawn from the implementation of this project was that trade facilitation is too complex to be handled in a sub-sector project, unless a process is defined at appraisal, responsibilities are clearly apportioned, the objective is actively endorsed by key players, and private sector constituencies already favor the reforms.  A similar port modernization loan to Pakistan during that same time frame was also rated as satisfactory. The key lesson drawn from this project was that trade facilitation requires high-level support. Partially Successful Projects. A loan to Bolivia from 1990 to 1998 for private enterprise development was rated as partially satisfactory with specific components rated as follows. Among the relevant project components, the regulation component was rated as partially satisfactory while the privatization component was rated as highly satisfactory. Institution building is a long and complex process. Delays should not be viewed as conclusive evidence of implementation failure per se where a project is achieving substantive institutional change. Limited interventions in institution-building projects are acceptable only if they form one part of a larger program. Lessons Drawn from These Projects. While neither comprehensive nor conclusive, the foregoing examples do suggest some of the factors that contribute to a successful trade facilitation-lending project. Among those critical lessons are: involve the stakeholders at early stages, establish independent regulatory institutions, and privatize industrial sectors in order to allow competitive enterprises to develop. With these factors in consideration, the next section examines several of the Banks active lending projects in the area of trade facilitation. ACTIVE LENDING PROJECTS IN TRADE FACILITATION PROJECT 1: EXPORT DEVELOPMENT IN TUNISIA Objective. The lending project was designed to address, in part, Tunisias inadequate trade facilitation mechanisms. At the time this project was devised, Tunisia was facing significant competitive challenges as a result of accession to the World Trade Organization and the Free Trade Association with the European Union. Although its offshore sector had been doing well, traditional exports had been facing severe competition. This was due, in large measure, to significant weaknesses throughout Tunisias export infrastructure. Foremost among these problems was the clearance of goods from the docks. The average time taken to clear goods after they have been unloaded from the vessel was 8 days, and in some cases, 18 days. Not only were these delays costly in financial terms, but they made it impossible for exporters to quickly respond to sudden orders. Responsiveness was also impaired by high order execution cycle times, inefficient supply chains, cumbersome procedures, limited domestic infrastructure, and lack of stocks on hand in importing countries. Even in long-term buyer-seller relationships, Tunisian exporters were disadvantaged because they could not meet the short delivery times specified by buyers for each order. An enterprise that imported raw materials and processed them into finished export products had to go through 34 trade-related steps. Relevant Components. The trade facilitation component of the project provided support for investments and technical assistance to reduce transaction costs involved in trading activity, with special emphasis on customs procedures and electronic exchange of trade-related documents. For this purpose, a coordinating body (Technical Committee for Trade Facilitation), consisting of representatives of key agencies involved in trade facilitation, was established to implement the component. The procedures for external trade in Tunisia required the processing of documents by the Ministry of Commerce, various banks, the port authority, and customs, as well as the usual professional organizations such as customs brokers, shipping agents, and freight forwarders. Delays in clearance of goods were significant for imports. The key factors that slowed the process include time taken to submit and correct shipping manifests, manual processing of customs declarations, lack of training of customs staff, lack of proper equipment and facilities within customs for goods verification and analysis. Trade document processing in Tunisia prior to the implementation of the project was essentially a manual operation. Document exchanges had to be carried out via paper copies of customs documents. Those documents had to be delivered and in some cases, picked up again after several days for further processing. International experience has shown that information technology can significantly assist in reducing both costs and time delays for trade document processing. The lessons and experience gained from implementation of such technologies are reflected in the project design. The implementation of the action plan for this component would lead to simplified trade documentation processing. One single connection to a central server after implementation of the project will enable each participant to exchange forms and messages with other participants. Shipping manifests and customs declarations will be sent over the network, reducing processing agents time. Enhancements to the customs computer system will support international message/document standards for automation of manifest acquittal and processing of customs declarations. Training is a fundamental part of the reform process, and the customs training center would deliver courses to Customs agents and professionals within the trade community, on modem trade facilitation techniques supported under the project. Trade simplification mechanisms proposed under the project would make trade-related transactions more efficient and reliable than they are now. Improving the information exchange between cargo handling and clearance activities (for example, electronic pre-clearance of imports and exports; pre-scheduling of transport, containers, ports, and shipping facilities) would help to simplify and streamline cargo clearance process, and reduce the time needed to move goods through ports and handling facilities. In addition, by simplifying and streamlining customs and inspection procedures, the project would substantially reduce total cycle time for container movement. Lessons. Among the lessons learned from previous projects and incorporated into the current projects design, the most important is that regulatory and structural issues curtail private sector participation and competition in many segments of urban transport, thereby stifling entrepreneurship and private investment in cargo handling facilities. Related problems include the prevalence of inefficient transport sector monopolies, restrictive labor practices in ports, inefficient sector management, and inadequate financial sector development. The project's basic rationale is derived from cross-country experience showing that simultaneous actions that facilitate market access to small and mid-sized exporters and simplify the procedures involved in trade transactions are among the keys to success in export development. PROJECT 2: ROAD IMPROVEMENTS IN ESTONIA Objective. The primary objective of this project is to improve the competitiveness of Estonia's trade supporting infrastructure and services. Foreign trade represents a major part of Estonia's gross domestic product. Exports of goods and services reached 83 percent of GDP in 1997, while imports were 97 percent. Transport, transit, and trade play a significant role in the Estonian economy, accounting for 29 percent of GDP in 1997, compared to 19 percent for manufacturing. In 1998, transit traffic represented 70 percent of port and rail throughput and about 50 percent of turnover of logistic and transport companies. Estonian trade has been characterized since 1990 by increased trade with the European Union (EU). Estonia has progressed in privatization of transport services. The port of Tallinn is a landlord port, with leasing agreements for the private operators. The concessioning of a new container terminal is under evaluation. The railway operators are in the process of being privatized and the trucking industry is already private. The recent reorientation of trade towards processing of EU inputs for re-export enables Estonia to reach a new category of clients, more demanding quality-wise but also more rewarding in terms of value added. The quality and reliability of the logistic services supporting trade have become parameters by which Estonian companies will be increasingly evaluated. Administrative barriers arising from customs or standards requirements remain substantial. These barriers penalize Estonian companies in their effort to compete effectively and reduce the ability of Estonia to attract increased foreign direct investment. Despite improvements in customs administration, companies report that undue delays occur and that the non-acceptance of electronically transmitted documents as official documents generate a significant excess costs to trade. The understaffing of customs facilities, insufficient quality of communications systems with banks, and continuation of paper-based documentation remain important problems. The customs administration is proceeding with its plan to introduce ASYCUDA (a computerized customs information system introduced by UNCTAD and installed in about 70 countries). Relevant Components. The components of this project include trade facilitation measures to increase Estonias transit traffic and transportation to expand the level of value-added import-re-export activities by improvements in laws and regulations, public-private cooperation, access to capital, education and research on trade supporting activities, and easy access to global markets, including an Internet web site. The Bank-financed part of this component will include the hardware and software required to implement a pilot electronic data system for providing one-stop border clearances in Estonia. Achievements will be measured by the increase in transit traffic and the implementation of specific administrative actions related to trade facilitation. Performance indicators that the bank will focus on include whether Estonia's non-bulk transit traffic increases by 10 percent per year from 2000 to 2005, and the installation of a pilot electronic data interchange system by 2003. Lessons. The Bank has broad experience in transport projects around the world. From this experience it is important to ensure that existing systems are well maintained before investing in expanded systems, a factor incorporated into the work in Estonia in road operations. The experience with the Highway Maintenance Project indicates that Estonia is capable of implementing these projects and can manage the procurement and other requirements without major difficulty. The Estonian National Road Administration has become familiar with, and accepts, the use of economic analysis for making investment decisions for the road network, and the use of contracting for both maintenance and new construction. PROJECT 3: CUSTOMS IMPROVEMENT IN ALBANIA Objective. This project forms part of a regional program for trade and transport facilitation in Southeast Europe that aims to strengthen and modernize the customs administrations and other border control agencies in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, and Romania. The projects objectives are to reduce regulatory barriers and reduce smuggling and corruption at border crossings. The project is targeted at customs reform, strengthening interaction and cooperation between private and public parties at regional, national and local levels, disseminating information, and providing training to the private sector. It also includes financing of infrastructure and equipment at selected border crossings, and implementing, at pilot sites, an integrated set of new customs procedures, information technology, human resource management techniques, supporting infrastructure, and cooperation mechanisms for agencies at border crossings. The reduction in duty evasion and corruption would allow for an increase of government revenues and enable a moderate reduction in effective tariff rates while not forfeiting revenues. The Customs Directorate began to institute procedures to improve revenue collection and modernize into a self-sustaining service. In 1997, the Directorate implemented a pre-arrival intelligence system and a modernization and development program that included a valuation and reference file and the adoption of a new EU-compatible Customs Code in 1999. Despite this modernization, the actual implementation of customs procedures needs further attention to facilitate trade and transport activities. Stakeholders have indicated they have concerns about several issues, including changes in the legal system and regulations without advance notice, insufficient clarity and transparency of customs regulations, application of legislation at border points, coordination among border agencies, and interaction with the Government. At the same time, the Customs Directorate expressed concern regarding the need to revise the definition of responsibilities between Customs and Border Police and the lack of sufficient training in legislation and procedures by both trade operators and customs officers. Other problems remain, including inadequate infrastructure and equipment at border crossings, extremely deficient telecommunications services, and the prevalence of installations rendered unusable due to bombings in recent conflicts. The project will address the dual problems of modernizing Albanias customs law and upgrading its customs infrastructure. It builds on previous efforts and takes full account of ongoing EU support to avoid duplication. The project will combine resources from the Albanian Government, the Bank, and the United States. The project will seek improvements in border agency procedures, border infrastructure and equipment, and improvements in the business environment for transport and trade. In addition, the project will finance rehabilitation of critical roads sections on main corridors leading to Albanian borders. Relevant Components. The project consists of the following components: a customs services procedures reform initiative that includes monitoring and review of customs procedures, and enhancing interagency awareness and training; and a trade facilitation development initiative that includes provision of technical assistance and advisory services to trade and international transport participants through the Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Trade, improvement of communication between border control agencies and the trading community by using a virtual forum, and provision of equipment necessary to support information availability. Implementation of the project continues to be satisfactory, particularly with respect to the implementation of the financial sector reforms. Many of the lessons learned from an earlier project were incorporated into the current project and have been further strengthened in the proposed operation. These lessons include the need for strong borrower commitment and good coordination. Earlier projects also demonstrated the need for continuity of staff, from both the Government and the Bank, which leads to closer cooperation. PROJECT 4: RAILWAY IMPROVEMENTS IN MONGOLIA Objective. This is a multi-component infrastructure development project involving improvement of roads and railways in the land-locked country of Mongolia. The project was undertaken in order to assist Mongolia in developing the infrastructure necessary to support private sector growth, create markets, and create a climate conducive to foreign investment. One objective of this project is to expand trade by developing and implementing a financial accounting system for Mongolias railways. The Mongolian Railway system has been in transition from a production to a service oriented transport operator. Although physical infrastructure has been upgraded and a management information system has been put into place, obstacles to full-scale implementation remain because of the railway managements inability to grasp the extent of the structural changes required by these systems, and because there were no timely and reliable systems in place to determine which services comprising the rail operation, if any, were profitable. Relevant Components. To address these obstacles, the Bank will provide technical assistance to Mongolian Railways for the development and implementation of an off-the-shelf, but comprehensive financial accounting system which, when deployed with the management information system components already in place, will give the railway the ability to determine costs and revenues of individual services. In turn, this will enable the railway to design more efficient operating methods, make better use of its human and financial resources, and better allocate its traction and rolling stock to services in a more efficient manner than is now possible. In particular, the new financial accounting system will allow Mongolian Railways to transport more freight, particularly high revenue earning transit and export traffic, and thereby facilitate improved trade and economic growth. The design for the system should be completed by April 2002, and will be tested and implemented by April 2004. PROJECT 6: ACCOUNTING REFORM IN CHINA Objective. The overarching objective of the project is to assist the modernization of accounting in China. Bank assistance to China's accounting modernization program began with an earlier Bank project, the Financial Sector Technical Assistance (FSTA) loan (August 1992), which had a component for accounting reform. The present project builds upon and extends the work initiated in the FSTA project, in terms of the development of new accounting standards. It adds a major component that focuses on the establishment of a training institute for China's Certified Public Accountants and other financial professionals for continuing professional education. Key performance indicators for the present project for the Development and Dissemination of Accounting Standards component include: the preparation, finalization and publication of new accounting standards; the holding of dissemination seminars to foster the application of the new standards; the creation of a website to disseminate and publicize the standards and monitor their application; and study tours and training of members of the new Accounting Standards Committee. Performance indicators for the Strengthening of Certified Public Accountants and Other Finance Professionals component include: the establishment of the proposed National Accounting Institute; the development of training curricula for teaching courses at the Institute; the number of accounting and finance professionals attending courses at the National Accounting Institute in the initial years of its operation. Accounting reform bridges a number of sectors, financial institutions, and enterprises in all sectors of the economy. The lack of transparency in accounts, against an ill-defined accounting framework, has been a pervasive problem in financial institutions. Attention within the government to financial sector reform has accelerated, as a result of the regional financial crisis and the fear of contagion. While restrictions on capital flows have insulated Chinese financial institutions from external shocks, the crisis has served to alert authorities to the condition of these institutions, and the need for their strengthening. It is estimated that there is a high proportion of non-performing and possibly non-recoverable loans. Key to the improved performance of China's banks is the use of a more transparent system of accounts in China's enterprise sector, which will permit financial institutions to be better aware of the borrower's debt servicing capacity. With the abolition of the credit plan, the banks will finally have to assume the responsibility of making sound lending decisions. Accounting reforms are also vital for improving the governance of China's enterprise sector. Relevant Components. The project consists of two related components. The first component would support the continuing professional education of China's Certified Public Accountants (CPAs), and other finance managers and professionals, to familiarize them, on a large scale, with new accounting, auditing and business administration principles and practices that are generally accepted in market economies. The approach to be adopted is to establish a large residential continuing education facility in Beijing, the National Accounting Institute (NAI), which would offer a wide selection of short courses on specific accounting and business topics and issues for continued professional education. Such courses would include, for example, accounting practices, auditing techniques, taxation, professional ethics, computerized management systems, and various functional management topics. The facility envisaged could accommodate 1,500 persons at a time. Based on courses of around a week on average, the throughput of the institution would be around 350,000 student-days per year. The second component would consist of continuing support of the government's ongoing efforts to develop and promulgate accounting standards predicated upon internationally accepted accounting standards. The principal vehicle through which this is to be effected is the China Accounting Standards Committee (CASC). The establishment of this body was approved by the State Council in February 1998, and it was formally set up in September 1998. On October 6, 1998, the Ministry of Finance (MOF) issued a Notice of Establishment to all concerned institutions (No: MOF-K-(1998)34). The Committee is a permanent body, charged with a series of tasks that will include the researching, drafting review and evaluation of accounting standards; coordination of accounting activities with international accounting bodies; and formal responsibility for the proposed World Bank Accounting project component. By making accounts more transparent, reliable, consistent and comparable, the accounting reform envisaged in the government's program will benefit the enterprises themselves, their bankers, the government and regulatory agencies, individual and institutional investors; and prospective foreign investors. Outcome indicators for the Development and Dissemination of Accounting Standards are: Strengthened accounting standards in line with international standards; Improved knowledge of new standards among finance professionals in China, and accelerated use of new standards; More easily available information on accounting standards and their application; Greater capacity to prepare accounts in accordance with the new standards and in conformity with international practice. Impact indicators for the Development and Dissemination of Accounting Standards are: Knowledge of new standards by senior professionals throughout the country; Modernized accounting standards more closely aligned to international standards; Strengthened and more transparent financial statements, in both financial institutions and enterprises; and Strengthened financial performance of enterprises and banks and reduced risk. Lessons. There is only one relevant bank-financed project in the country, which took place six years ago. Two projects with similar components have been financed by the Bank in other countries, and offer useful lessons. In all three projects, the accounting components are small parts of larger projects and as such the 1P/D0 ratings do not necessarily reflect the performance of the accounting components. From these projects, the key lesson that emerges is that the drafting of standards is not enough; therefore, the project should include in its scope the finalization and dissemination of new standards. Most of the 25 draft new accounting standards have yet to be officially issued. Widespread general acceptance of the new standards also requires the provision of public information and guidelines on application, as well as the appropriate follow-up training of practicing accountants and auditors. The current project incorporates these lessons by giving a role to dissemination and rollout; both through programs of seminars and public knowledge in the first component, and through the CICPA/ NAI component. A second key lesson is the value of practical international experience in the development of accounting standards. The present project takes this into account by providing overseas training for the China Accounting Standards Committee, upon its establishment, and interchanges with associated international bodies, in addition to consultancy advice. The project team has also furnished the borrower with copies of the constitutions of Accounting Standards bodies in other countries. For the CICPA component, the Bank has provided the benefits of international consultation to the borrower, for the design of the training center and its curricula, and is also making provisions for specialized international consultant inputs on classroom design. PROJECT 7: STANDARDS IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA, SUPPORTED BY A TRUST FUND OF THE U.S. GOVERNMENT Background. This capacity building and research project represents a collaborative effort between the Bank, the African Economic Research Consortium, and various private sector organizations in region to address the impact of product and process standards and technical regulations on trade in Sub-Saharan Africa. It is being supported through a Trust Fund established by the United States government and U.S. Agency for International Development. The Bank will work with five countries in the region: Nigeria, South Africa, Uganda, Kenya, and Mozambique. The project grew out of a recognition that, as tariff and quota barriers to trade in agricultural, food, and manufactured products continue to decline, standards and regulations will figure prominently in debates about trade facilitation. The work will be extended, subject to resources, to other countries in the Africa region over the next several years. Standards and technical regulations are applied to mitigate against health and environmental risks, to prevent deceptive practices, and to reduce transaction costs in business by providing common reference points for quality, safety, authenticity, best practice, and sustainability. In practice, however, standards and technical regulations may be used strategically to enhance the competitive position of countries or individual firms. Depending upon the particular industry or market circumstances, standards and technical regulations can either raise or lower economic efficiency; promote or block competition; facilitate or constrain international trade; and enable or exclude the participation of the poor in remunerative economic activities. These issues are of particular importance to developing countries as they seek to strengthen industrial performance, increase agricultural productivity and competitiveness, and increase their net benefits from international trade. Several trends can be discerned which have significant implications for developing countries. First, there has been a proliferation of standards and technical regulations for agricultural and light manufactured products as awareness grows regarding food and environmental safety risks and as international competition intensifies. Second, an increasing proportion of such standards are being determined outside of the local economy, whether at the regional/trading bloc level or at the international level. Third, there has been an accelerated development of private standards with supply chain integrators, who set increasingly stringent product or process standards in order to differentiate their products and services and manage product liability risks. Although not well understood, these developments will have a substantial impact on developing countries, affecting their continued access to international markets, their challenges and opportunities to diversify product lines and compete in new markets, and how their citizens are affectedas consumers, wage employees, farmers, and business entrepreneurs. At the same time, developing countries face serious challenges in complying with international (or external market determined) standards and regulations. This involves not only their compliance with particular obligations under World Trade Organization (ϲʹ) Agreements, but also the ability of local firms and farmers to meet the product and process standards, which are set abroad by national and regional public agencies and/or private firms. These compliance challenges are especially serious when confronted by small-scale enterprises and small farmers. Objectives. This project was developed in order to help Sub-Saharan Africa meet these challenges. The Bank and its partners will undertake extensive policy-oriented research on the implications of standards and technical regulations on the trade prospects in Sub-Saharan Africa. The specific objectives of the work include: building awareness on the range, importance, and impact of international standards and technical regulations on Sub-Saharan Africas trade in agricultural and manufactured goods; analyzing African regulatory and certification systems in light of the SPS, TBT and other relevant international agreements; highlighting good practice models for implementing reforms and capacity-building; developing infrastructure upgrading plans for the five countries involved in the study, in order to expand their access to and use of international standards; and developing a database on standards and technical regulations that can be readily accessed. In addition to country studies, multi-country industry case studies will be undertaken in industries with high export potential, such as textiles, leather, wood, meat and fish, horticulture, beverages, and spices. The project could serve as an informative model for future policy discussions on trade facilitation. It will also include the design for a new Standards Access Africa network to deliver information on standards and regulations relevant to African countries which leverages the Banks Global Distance Learning Network. LESSONS LEARNED Trade facilitation is essential to further development and alleviate poverty. While there has been significant progress in lowering trade barriers at the border, such as tariffs, quotas, and other such measures, the implementation of the ϲʹ accords has revealed problems in meeting basic requirements. This is especially true in the case of the SPS and TBT agreements. However, these problems can be addressed by applying the lessons drawn from the Banks work in trade facilitation, as demonstrated in the foregoing projects and in countless others. Those lessons can be summarized as follows: Excessive regulation curtails private sector participation and competition, thereby stifling entrepreneurship and private investment. Wherever possible, countries should make use of information technology to streamline and simplify customs and other regulatory procedures. Those responsible for implementing trade facilitation projects should be flexible and ready to adjust activities in order to respond to changing priorities. Care should be taken to avoid overly optimistic goals and to develop realistic timetables for implementing trade facilitation measures. Detailed indicators, such as increasing outputs, government revenues, cost savings, consumer satisfaction, productivity gains, job creation, and more efficient public institutions, should be used to monitor performance. Improving the enabling environment through infrastructure modernization and regulatory reform increases the ability of a country to improve efficiency, and to attract and retain appropriate private investments. In the area of capacity building, emphasis on beneficiary's participation, intensive supervision, organization and coordination in the field are critical for timely and effective implementation of trade facilitation and reform measures. Ownership and political commitment are key to ensuring strong local leadership, availability of counterpart funds, and clear delineation of ministerial responsibilities. When developing new standards, training and other follow-up measures beyond the drafting should be taken to ensure that those who must apply those standards comprehend and accept them. CHALLENGES FOR THE FUTURE: CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS As can be seen from the foregoing discussion, the evolution of trade facilitation presents significant challenges in the coming years. As the above analyses of various lending projects suggest, substantial obstacles remain with respect to the implementation of the commitments to trade reform that have already been made in the ϲʹ. Funding to support modernization and reform. Foremost among these obstacles are the lack of modern facilities and training necessary to support customs and other government functions which facilitate trade. Development funding to address these needs is required. This does not only imply development lending or grants to the least developed countries. There is also a role for private sector assistance in meeting public sector functions. Priorities given available resources are clearly needed. Ensuring non-tariff barriers in technical regulations are addressed. Second, as the global economy integrates, and as more developing countries become part of the global trading system, the potential for trade barriers to arise in such non-traditional areas as regulations and standards governing products and processes becomes greater. Consequently, reform measures in areas beyond the traditional definitions of trade facilitation, which tend to focus strictly on border policies, must be undertaken. A coordinated approach across the ϲʹ to next steps in liberalization is critical. In particular, standards and technical barriers to trade are increasingly important to developing countries for several reasons. The production and export of manufactured goods by developing countries had more than doubled in 25 years, reaching 73 percent by 1995. Thus, developing countries do not predominantly rely on agricultural products or primary commodities for export any longer. At the same time, tariff rates and other traditional trade barriers have fallen. Third, as previously noted, global supply chains are integrating rapidly. These trends and others serve to highlight the importance of identifying and modifying trade-restrictive standards and regulations, and for ensuring that, in the future, standards and technical regulations promulgated for legitimate purposes do not themselves become trade barriers. The costs of modernization and infrastructure upgrading to meet ϲʹ commitments, including programs to facilitate access to information on international standards, exceeds the total development budget in many less developed ϲʹ member countries. As multilateral trade rules have expanded from border measures into areas of domestic regulation, requirements on international standards and how best to facilitate access to international standards are two questions that require innovative responses. Estimating the Economic Benefit of Reform. Customs and related revenue from regulations imposed at the border through licensing and other requirements continue to generate significant funds for developing country governments. In the least developed countries, this may total 30% of total government revenue. The average share of import duties in the OECD countries is .5% and in low income countries approximately 25.9%. Outlining the economic benefits of trade facilitation reform to highlight the systemic spillover impact of reform is critical to efforts to advance the liberalization agenda. The synergies of reform across these measures is a largely unexplored area in the economic literature based on empirical data and analysis. Donor Coordination and Country Ownership of Reform. Donor coordination in this area of technical assistance is clearly as important as in any other area of development and reform. There must be on-going coordination between programs such as the Integrated Framework, Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSP), and other initiatives of multilateral agencies. Mechanisms to ensure funding from bilateral donors is also clearly needed. In addition, national government ownership and commitment to reform, along with an institutional framework to ensure long-term progress is needed.  This paper is a draft to be revised. The conclusions and opinions are those of the author and do not necessarily represent views of the World Bank. Questions may be addressed to John S. Wilson, Lead Economist, Development Economics Research (DECRG), the World Bank, 1818 H Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. Phone: (202) 473-2065, Fax: (202) 522-1159, email jswilson@worldbank.org. The assistance of Marc Plotkin in preparation of this paper is gratefully acknowledged.  For a recent overview of trade and development, including work of the World Bank see; Leveraging Trade for Development: World Bank Role, prepared for the Development Committee paper, April 3, 2001 and Global Economic Prospects and Developing Countries, 2001, The World Bank.  Source: Wilson, John S. The Development Challenge in Trade: Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, submission by the World Bank to the ϲʹ, Document No. G/SPS/GEN/195 (July 12, 2000).  The text of the ϲʹ agreements are available at http://www.wto.org.  World Bank Report, Trends in World Bank Trade-Related Lending Part I, (May 4, 2000).  Ibid.  World Bank Report, Trends in World Bank Trade-Related Lending Part II (May 8, 2000).  Ibid.  World Bank Report, Trade in World Bank Project Lending FY 00 and FY 01 (March 26, 2001).  For additional background on the work, from a development context, see: Facilitating Asias Trade: A Role for Development Cooperation, Assanie, Nizar, Michel Hardy and Mariette Maillet, Canadian International Development Agency, discussion paper prepared for the APEC workshop on Trade Facilitation, September 6, 2000, Singapore, September 2000.  For additional background see: "Cutting Through Red Tape: New Directions for APEC's Trade Facilitation Agenda, Yuen Pau Woo and John S. Wilson, Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada. See also the World Bank website at:  HYPERLINK http://www.worldbank.org/standards www.worldbank.org/standards for conference papers and background material.  Global Facilitation Partnership, Memorandum of Understanding, available at www.worldbank.org.  Sources: World Bank Report, Trends in World Bank Trade-Related Lending Part I, (May 4, 2000); World Bank Report, Trends in World Bank Trade-Related Lending Part II (May 8, 2000); World Bank Report, Trade in World Bank Project Lending FY 00 and FY 01 (March 26, 2001); Wilson, John S. The Development Challenge in Trade: Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standards, Paper submitted to the Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standards of the World Trade Organization, Geneva (June 21, 2000).  World Bank, Sri Lanka Second Telecommunications Project, Implementation Completion Report No. 18746 (December 23, 1998).  World Bank, Macedonia Transit Facilitation Project, Implementation Completion Report No. 19408 (June 24, 1999).  World Bank, Morocco Ports Sector Project, Implementation Completion Report No. 18764 (December 28, 1998).  World Bank, Pakistan Karachi Port Modernization Project, Implementation Completion Report No. 18766 (December 30, 1998).  World Bank, Bolivia Private Enterprise Development Project, Implementation Completion Report No. 19075 (May 20, 1999).  World Bank, Project Appraisal Document on a Proposed Loan to the Republic of Tunisia for an Export Development Project, Report No. 18778-TUN (April 30, 1999).  World Bank, Project Appraisal Document on a Proposed Loan to the Republic of Estonia for a Transport Project, Report No. 19672-EE (February 23, 2000).  World Bank, Project Appraisal Document on a Proposed Credit to Albania for the Trade and Transport Facilitation in Southeast Europe, Report No. 20828-ALB (October 5, 2000). Source: World Bank, Project Appraisal Document on a Proposed Credit to Mongolia for a Transport Development Project, Report No. 21739-MOG (February 28, 2001). Source: World Bank, Project Appraisal Document on a Proposed Loan to the Peoples Republic of China for an Accounting Reform and Development Project, Report No. 18312-CHA (February 1, 1999).  World Bank Development Economics Research Group, Trade Facilitation and Standards Institution-Building in Sub-Saharan Africa, Statement of Project Overview and Goals (January 2001).  See generally Brian Rankin Staples, Trade Facilitation, (October 19, 1998) (Draft paper prepared for the ϲʹ 2000 Conference, Geneva, available at www.worldbank.org/trade.  Finger, J. Michael ; and P. Schuler. 2000. Implementation of Uruguay Round Commitments: The Development Challenge. World Economy v23, n4: 511-25  Wilson, John S. Technical Barriers to Trade and Standards: Challenges and Opportunities For Developing Countries, Paper submitted to the Technical Barriers to Trade Committee of the World Trade Organization, Geneva ( February 25, 2000).  Rege, Vinod, "Customs Valuation and Customs Reform," in The World Bank Trade Handbook, forthcoming, The World Bank.  Kubota, Keiko, Fiscal Constraints, Collection Costs, and Trade Policies, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper #2366, June 2000.  The World Bank is launching a survey of technical and regulatory barriers to trade in 19 countries in 2001. This Global TBT Database will include data to better evaluate the trade impact of technical barriers which relate to overall trade facilitation measures. 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ShresthaMinistry of CommerceCAMADBISHNU Navven GurungMr. Navin Gurung.UNCTADTsamalashvili GregoryTamar TchintcharauligrishaGeyushov UlfatVS Robin BUSSEDIMON $ ANDRON Kadirov A. AZIMOVMr Magoo Carl MorrowxAlexander JinoridzePaata Kilasonia Alexandr VaskoA.K.K.minnatMister XOksanaAlexey Iljashov ..Alexey Ilyashov .. - - ..  - .. Oleksiy IllyashovDPU Permanent Mission of UkraineaaKatya LazhintsevaKostenko TEST SYSTEM* Belyakov O.Irina Chebotarevaq |   hhhh!""""""""""""""""""" ""=!5!2= 58"""Jhij*-7R R R  R R V     R Q R R  !#:cc"0 0>4=8?0  o8 ,b, !:?240"7?!0 8>0=>>"4 '=/"2"" 7;="8""&/?5D /<=! #00"5D /<=! :0=0>#")4=:5=250"5!50goll"kqm"dWpkgc: c{"Scjlqt7  nz{Khqm  8RU"!L! M FRN"!N"!CRV" NaC LRX K 3FxA*<1<6<"!%7??-0"<519-?! <9:# a$="Fh">a?a# "2`!"2#2"7>Fh">a?a# "!8"2m?:2#<9!+<6<5?:8?7- 0<7?2978#7702 x"! :  & : S&  : :    S :    /P/P6  nz{Khqm# 8RU"!L! 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O" O@-<t#0  ORU JUQ %!QQFF* F$P3yL&I09 *9 33#J*$u$I01+_#zN#,&F &ISp l4421Suforde FallsMI55558 =0/Q\H *********MasterSAULslavaCompaqTemp Adrian CALMAC Compaq User Chris ChewmihaiTctemp14OleseaArtyoleg Virgil&COVIORELGrigore Vasilache Maria MirzacacademyPC_2 BordeniucPetersonuser19Project Implementation UnitObrien.usaid Burns and RoeMamuka Katukia MS OFFICE 4.2David A. MchedlishviliOracledemir Elene ImnadzeZofkaValdes Sorensen Tina MarrakchiSuarezAdmin_LH brian o'sheaALEXDanielLARISALarissa Deutsch$Aaicaeoei Aeaenaia? naao Aaiiaauaae?ICA!5@359 >B015=:>George N. Gamota, Jr.Alex 5Alex 3Andrey RozhnovDaewooVolkovTatiana Maidan Iryna Hladka Dzubenkos A A U.S. TreasuryPalaciosSerafino MarcheseSmeetsMelognoGomezPBlankFortinFournierLegerYeboah, DicksonYeboahDr. Dickson YeboahMailloux NimhaidinHardingFratemp7Trade DepartmentMcGrath Happy UsermfaHenry Tan, ACO/INDODCIS,MTIMTITrade Development BoardTDBS Premjith, 1CO/IE MicrosoftPERSONAL ASSISTANT IN MANILAOng Eng Chuan, 1CO/JITLE$ j Auto OpendRiDRV_D$ j4dRiDRV_E$ j5dRiD$ jD:\dp E$ = "E:\"ddi DCRExtn$encENC @reign Secretary Robin Cook. At a lunch hosted by Heseltine, and a dinner hosted by Asia House, DPM met many top Bish industrialists and businessmen. DPM also gave a talk at the guildhall on  Opportunities in a New Asia to busins leaders from the City of London. He also visited Scotland to tour Motorola and a Singapore SME, and Cambridge to I UK Ltd. In Cambridge, DPM and Mrs hosted a tea for Singapore students udying at Cambridge. 2 Lee b) Singapore-British Business Council (SBBC) 3 The SBBC held its 4th meeting in London Belfast from 31 Oct-1 Nov 96. Dingt he visit, members of the Council called on PM Major. Two seminars on IT/Software and Electronics forMEs held London prior the SBBC meeting. 4 The Council noted that arising thefforts of the SBBC, 50 new British SMEs were now active in the Singapore market. The Council reviewethe progress made on the IT/Software and Electronic initiatives, particularly the IT/Software initiative which has tan off well. It also explore other sectors for possible future cooperation. It also looked at the possiblity despatching joint trade missionso the emerging markets in Asia this year. 5 The British HC also reported of the British plans to launch a Brish week in Singapore in April this year to give a higher profile to UK-Singapore ties. This includes a Btish food festival and the possible visit of the Royal Yacht Britannia to Singapore. In this conjunction, the DTI is!Trade Deveur will form the next gernment. Unlike Major, Blair is in control of the party and his shadow Cabinet. Despite some rumblis within the ranks, including the trade unions, towards the direction Blair is taking New Labour, the party had, by d large, mantained its unity. In the run up to the general election, Blair also appeared to have scod some success in wooing big businesses to his side. Conservative Party 4 Despite a strong sw of unity at the Party Conference in October last year and signs of a economic recovery, including the return of the  fl-good factor , the Conservatives standing in the polls remains dismal. A series of high profile events hhlighting the party s and Cabinet s split over Europe, following the party conference, quickly re-inforcethe public s impression of Major as a weak leader, who is presiding over a deeply divided party. The much a waited ectioneering budget delivered by Chancellor in November 1996, which stressed fiscal prudence coupled th some talo-US relations are currently undergoing a period of re-adjustment and re-definition. The  special relatiohip had also suffered from the poor personal rapport between Major and Clinton. Britain s lack of commient to the Maastricht Treaty and in particular the single European currency, has marginalised Britain role in the future development of the European Union. The North Ireland Peace process is in a stalemate. 2 Britaiis taking an increasing interest in Asia. With the impending handover of Hong Kong in July 1997, it is rlooking at how it could re-position itself in Asia. Britain intends to preserve a military and strategic prence in the region through an enhanced British role in the Five Power Defence Arrangement (FPDA), and e membership which the UK hopes to have in the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF). Another key area of Britishoreign policy interest is the UN and its reforms. A Labour government is likely to pay greater attention to theFOREIGN POLICY OF THE UK Overview 1 Britain s influence in Europe hadeclined following the end of the Cold War. Its importance to the US has also declined. Germany is WXt quarter of 1996, the British economy grew by 0.4 %, similar to the rate achieved in the first quarter of 1995. Thihas been led by relative buoyant consumer spending and some pick up in fixed investment. 2 The batt against inflation and unemployme are the two success areas of theonservative Government. Inflation is expected at around 2.7% in 1996. This will however be slightly above the.5 % target set by the Chancellor Clarke beforehe general election in spring next year. Over the last four years, inflation had averaged 2 3/4 %. IMay this year, unemployment fell to 2.167 million, representing 7.7% of the wo force, the lowest in 5 years. Ts was below the EU average of 11.5%. 3 Due to a combination of revenue shortfall (VAT and the BSE crisis) and wker than expected economic growth, public sector borrowing is expected to exceed the Treasury s target of 24 billion pounds (3% of GDP) by several billion pound The Treasury forecast is 26.9 blion pounds. ties with this sentence. Unless it is extremely critical to have the sentence in the draft, I our ey areaer made reference to While the statement is factually accurate, thowever and sensitive sue within the itish Cabinet andties with this statementave the sentence in the draft, you may wish to consider deleting In addition, the word  differenPO Mrs hosted a tea for Singapore s Two seminars on IT/Software and f the SBBC, 50 new British SMEs were now active in sia carriers would follow SIA s example and place orr for the Rolls-Royce engine. HC added that the SIA order would not be the last. At the recent Farnborough air sh, S.A.L.E., a subsidiary of SIA announced thait was purchasing six additional Boeing 777 to be equipped with Rolls-Royce engine. There were also planso purchase additional air-buses. This would mean more additional purchase of Rolls-Royce Engines. 3 HC told HFoo Hui Hui, 2HD/PROJT" ani1this ***************ddiMAINdi ShellOpenvMAINlj iMAINdg-dg- gdgjFIRST SECRETARYdgd2gdgjfor HIGH COMMISSIONERdgdgjLONDONdTdows\temp\msgdetl.txtd sumdlg4gNRi FileSpec$ g%l;FILE$doi Delete_Filei DCRYP_FILE$dRddRi FileSpec$ j"dog+jNo Active filei MSGTITLE$)o*iLEnddR doiExtn$ g i FileSpec$l.ia$ g doi ActivePath$ iD$ngia$l g ia$l3Trade Development BoaveBoard BoardZ>DBt BoardRF so t Board ment Boardnt BoardxNrdardk] Development Boardrade Development Board opment Board eoardj ent Boardvmnpqt~-mmonwealth. Europe 3 Britain s role in thec6Trade Deve 1Trade Development5aUgKment BoaFP.DOCMicrosoft Corporation A:\DFP.DOC@HP LaserJet 4 Plus/4M Plusn the fiLuld recommend that it be deleted. PAGE  PAGE 2 $in line 8 of para 5 may be velopment Boardelopment BoardWX!Trade D lopment BoardDevelopment Board0 lE:ade Developmen, Opposition Leader Tony Blair and Shadow 6eign Secretary Robin Cook. At a lunch hosted by Heselt:, and a dinner hosted by Asia House, DPM met many top Bi0 )h industrialists and businessmen. DPM aH gave a talk at the guildhall on  Opportunities in a New Asia to busin`% leaders from the City of London. HeLso visited Scotland to tour Motorola and a Singapore SME, and Cambridge to 9  UK Ltd. In Cambridge, DPM aents R\dying at Cambridge. 2 Lee b) Singapore-British Business Council (SBBC) 3 The SBBC held  4th meeting in London!Belfast from 31 Oct-1 Nov 96. D ctronics forNEs held London prior the SBBC meeting. 4 The Council noted that arising thJltine that the two rounds of Singapore-UK air talks had gone on well ane PMOAspinall, SusanAuboinDicksonWeberCalderLlull Le Quang Lan Unknown BO THUONG MAIgagik-guser5AnnaGagikGovern d'Andorra Joan BLASISonialLaura Snia Llorens Burri, SarahkontostmeyerphMauritius MissionMauritius MissionMasamichi KonoHoneckWagerRoeMcCusker*.* Naveen GargATK07ATK08atko8mslmyeldahdtmCouncilPokoradi IstvanRickettLatrilleLamyFrankTrollietTrolliet, ClaudeOnionLonget Planchette AbdelMotaal CARLO PESSOGramegnaColauttiHartlerCOMMERCIAL COUNCELOR URKAN AliDTMdtm ILKER ERTASREGENT ZENCIRCIHAZINEVOLKANCenevre Javier SuarezLydonWernerBlanquart BarbaraCOLAUTTIWoodallArreguiTouretteOECD Paula EsserChristine PizziolYntemaEVELEIGH Lisa, SGEMarta Rivera ColominaMRLimMartiniMattooConwayJose Salicio-Diez CERN UserAlcobaMartinezJean-Pierre DabonkaramSecrtariat GnralASPROMAGANGA UtilisateurSecrtariat Gnral M3Dpartement du CommerceUDEACNYOBE MA RaphalAcerSIPhilippe GerbeCFP OMBE Thomas DAKAYI YANGA-ESSOudeacMr ABADAAdlungAdlung, RudolfGagliardi, MarianaMoralesMorales, Daniel O.B.1. CanobiENETMenetMilthorpIISGhiesuMugur UngureanAndrewGOSTGiorgio Arbini J E TaylorRodica ChiriliucAndreiAndrei Davidescu Dan Gheorghe#1090 Dave McInnesGodzilla & Suvorov Godzilla OborocGheorghe BragadireanuMusteata Sergiu BradisteanuUZER Alexandru Rishikesh Ray WalkerrFSSHyun Chong KimHamilton MisurelliTuthillMARegional ApplicationRiviere Eric White Risa SchwartzTedtmp01PrakashSampsonOSCARMalinsBrigitte MuttoniBrigitte DombreDanielle BusserCarmelita UhdeHelene Reyboubetisabelle jacquierjacquierkayili-lejeune iffetpellier Mary RichardsChoremiBeltronCOMPAQ DirectPlus CustomercibBraccoWolterPowellSAlbanellRenoufMesaUN UserBarbierFlorent DieterlenCazadeChambazMaiaMinistarstvo poljoprivredeProjects' Coordination UnitProject Coordination UnitRonald Bonfilio Armand SharraDavyVan Zanten, JohannaCivici Kym Anderson VuillemenotRaul A. TorresTctemp2Tctemp6Tctemp9Tctemp7Alexei MonsarratVincenzo FrancoFOE UserMark VallianatosCIELValued Gateway 2000 Customer Keith KriskoFieldFelliniHector Rogelio TorresCowellBaker & McKenzie@օKang Daniel FeslerSorensenLevitt UngphakornUngphakorn, PeterStephen Johnston birgit gochtCraig Burchell F. VlemminxC.J.W. BurchellCorp.Legal Dept Vivien HaigTricia JohnsonMichael BorrusJannelle ThurstonPatricia JohnsonPHD Francois Bar Franois BarChin UNAT DIRECT Steven Weber Mari MiuraDavid E. Spiro.Compaq Desktop CustomerCompaq Desktop CustomerInt'l & Area Studies:\USR\UH\PHD\OULTINE5.DOCFrancisco CasasC:\UH\PHD\OUTLINE#Center for Western European Studies Kjell HauskenEDVRuhr-Universitt BochumEileen M. Doherty Guerrieri Julie Holland Richard KOHLJ.P.FOffice of ResearchCII\PGI Sylvie RachedJeffrey K. MacKie-Mason Mette MorsingTerry O'CallaghanIRRCIROB$Industrial Relations Research CentreOC) R DIZudella Pimley-SmithDG XV -- Jacqueline MinorDG XV- Didier Boulouque Betty Lannoy Matt Trebon Bob VastineLINTHOUT FrancinecoursezCynthia Mochnacz-Hendaoui Ben JohnstonDAIMLER-BENZ OF NORTH AMERICANikolas BausbackDaimler-Benz AG Jeff Thinnes Kevin FeatherShawn M. JaroszPeter-Carlo LehrellAngelika Josten-Janssen David CreberPeter Palmgren!Aardvark Translation Services LtdPR-byrnMarietta Bernot William PiezMarietta E. Bernot Willi<x#(@$@<x' Ob  ! '  L |`)> 5w? |.,<%||  | &%87w] 8~`0V,0f$?172w?">e|>#>H|#|AaAx!A?@"pa >#>A|">8)165w!Cd~?C?C?! G~?0 p"|;icn bvDhr. G. WilbrinkAuthorized UserHRGHanns R. GlatzUser_9lisa schroeterJWernerEdongoRichardsJurinTKuitenShawKaramAdmin_JPCarrierKDanetFallTangCRBjunie J. Cherian James CherianWalshEngtemp2RPANWIN95INTERSERVICES DESKTOP USERDesktop SystemsabramjhPreben S. JensenDorothy McBrideRPRRP-RorerC.R.V.AdaverioJennifer FernaldJean-Franois Le Cadre JF Le CadreRichard Scheipe JF LeCadreRhne Poulence RorerFISONS John HartDigital IT ServicesS MOULIA Mlle BERTINpalmja lise geduldig Renee AdamsRhne Poulenc Rorere d w Desktop User Jennifer HaakJODY LYNN RYAN Linda WardBeverley SowderALISON RUBENSTEIN Rhone PoulencInformation SystemsMMWWilliam R. Ruffin Mike Randolph#Corporate Communications DepartmentMichelle AmoiaGerry J. Burke glanfkord Barbara Moore Bill FarranRichard TorritoOlvis R. SpencerJacques & Suzanne Robbins Anne ShoblockGERALD L. COOPER paul bloodCheryl P Statonrichard burtonJoanne Jo Ann HylerBeth Le Bretonmichael leonard Gary PraschilBruce Ur Rhone-PoulencDanielle Weber-Soares David WohlBarbara GriffinBarbara A. GriffinSherri A. Childs MARIANN PEROPatricia Llewellyn mark schiavoPatricia M. LlewellynKaren WieszczekPhillipe Cohet Jon NicholsGladys Lankford Your NameAuthorized Gateway Customer Suzanne Geiss John W. Sadlo Hans C. 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WilliamsFINANCE DEPARTMENTartment epartment Department ns Departmentions Departmentations Departmentications Department Suzanne FitchHJRhone Poulenc AgroRP/INTRhne Poulenc Ag Co.jboyne Rob PartridgeK. S.Jane A. Marchioni Barbara LoseyJudith Kranetz-Stershic Karen RanbomClaire BoccellaJim Blum PAT BLAINERPI Human ResourcesMichael PhelanKaren P. Felix Craig Imamura Donna CappJoann E. LauffLaurent DECORYJohn David MATTHEWS J Beer-GabelLABORATOIRES BIOGALENIQUEJean Loc BERTRANDRIVALIN BrigitteRHONE POULENC RORERSPECIArprGandonNomLE CAERLinda B. Allenr p r..E.PacaudFRANCOISE MOREAU CAROGateway 2000 Licensed UserMichele KearneyuiM.Pierre Denisserge mathonetC.R.V.A.SELF ASSURANCE QUALITERPR CROIX DE BERNY nadia peviani angelo galliRhone Poulenc RorerDeborah JenkinsG WrightCLIET IsabelleD HilleClive BLATCHFORD BOULANGER Vincent BELIN M.VINCENTJeffrey S. Cohen Jeff CohenJames NewberryIPP Nick LambertINTERNATIONAL PIPELINE PROJECT european teamSamantha RobertsBT Bob Hughes Sam Appiah Sudha Matta Paul Taylor Martin Neilan Clive Brooker Rosan McCall Chris BarhamRosemarie Hicken Kath Renshall Allen Moxham Chris Roberts Ross BenzevalJoe Branchflower Duncan GrantAndrews Julie Curry Peter ForrestCarsten-Jens Claussen StamatiadisXXX (Fill in XXXs please !)BECKER PhilippeRhne-Poulenc RorerMaria Rachelle Sonia SouzaEveline Messina MERLE MAREE Colin Tindill Paul JENNINGSDANYDEPARTAMENTO DE INFORMATICA Fabio BonettoCRISTINE BLANCMARIE - PAULE RICHARDFrancois Bompart Marc SURTEES Dick RileyP.Q.AAlain CURAUDEAURHONE-POULENC RORERUtilisateur RPRAndrew Parsonage Julie Cronin Tricia Barber Linda ConnopMichael Harris Sarah Howlett Paul MannionR.P.R.Gateway 2000 Licensed User.PERIC Phil Bagge Annick MELLIXRICHARDScroix de bernyPharmacologie FonctionnelleC.R.V.A RHNE-POLENC RORERSODIPC.R.V.A RHNE-POULENC RORER M. LE-LIBOUXLEBESGUEAveril LaucknerGUERBET GCA LanesterSCOTTI Drug Safety Tom ReevesGestionnaire de Programmesend userCRVA ARCHIMBAUD.Y Jean ChantalFREROT, GEORGES INFORMATICADIRECCION DE RECURSOS HUMANOSCROIX DE BERNY M.PIOLINIDRUG SAFETY ENDUSERStewart Mittnacht, Jr.R P RCarolyn RusselloLEWELLENMAIGNANThierry DECELLEBEJUITBruno BOUTOUYRIER. FLEEROscaRD GOBIN, AgnesSelenia Rivera Susan BarrD. StamatiadisHEMINGWAY-FROSTR BEJUITgimonaMichel AUBENEAUJosephine E. Veney Gordon Walton INTERSERVICESRhne-Poulenc InterservicesHMRDiana M. D'AmicoRecherches PharmaceutiquesMicrosoft UserRU27820BABOUCHERU29559DUFOUR RECHERCHESLeroySERRE F. PeterlongoN.N.CLAIRE TOURLANDACALOR JEANNE Roussel UclafCURTET Mark G. Ellerbob grefAndrea Gelhart G K Pharm Ulrike Plank Mme MARCHAND CIS-Technical Operations SupportMichael AinleySandra Perrott Ian Bohemen Liz Groves Jane Pennjpenn Lotti Griffin Alison Monk Paul Mattock J-F PEYRONELBRICARDDSIDVERDIERMOURENPHARMACOCINETIQUERU22871CAZIN MireilleRossella DaverioPhilippe ChavanneVincent Moras - RP-RorerSheryl WilliamsLinda WassermanstonefCPL TERRI PEDONE J.C. DelumeauCharlie WilkinsChristiane LINGART 8550HTB21181 John ORSATO Chris Bagshaw  ~`  S rdaverioNancy A. FranzoniMark H. Feingold DowElancoRPIRick RoundtreeSamantha Clouder Stefan SommerINTChristopher Bourdon Hoechst AGReserve Mirjam Buss HiServ GmbHDubravka Hunjadi-Klein Votre nomELIENMR.Christian DIDIERscoriTsukushi TAGAWARhone-Poulenc China Marc LADREYTJacques RONDEAURPGZAndrew SolomonCharles A. Brunsnlawson Rhne-Poulenc David DouglasGuntrumSIPSTeTT3TbT4T;T@TATFTCTETcTGTKTLTdTOTPTQTRTTTUTVTXTZT[TfT3# JL BERTRANDgFgFgFgFgFgFgFRobert KillingsworthRegnierFlanagan NiMhaidinKingeryOttenIMFAllbeurychristsbarbaelMCHANEMAAdministration centraleOlivier DauchezOffice of Human ResourcesSaf Stern@icss@unhq Yash TandonOpleUPCIReto MalacridaEvans Deen KaplanJames StringhamBrigette WaleniusRambod Behboodigaspamobarlibepassage1Maurits Lugard Anneli LemmerCzako HainsworthPerrin Czako, Judithworldcom business centrephillipUN J. MAHLAULE Dr. M. Mabugu Emma Thomas AboutahirCORREA Julian ArkellOliver L. Murillo John Roth Bonnie JessupDr. A. E. Montgomerykelly grovehillsMTSD TextBridgemonty----Dr A E Montgomery CarzanigafallaMarcel GoldbergMelbourne Business SchoolKarsentySheldonKabirniasoncklu karhu auliRenard,Francois TRAN Van ThinhTRN VAN THINHTRAN van ThinhTrn van Thinh MR . TRANTRN Van-ThinhpetermaySchroderUniversit de GenveGrangeDaniel L. Bethlehem Sangman Kwak Glen HowardChristopher GreenwoodEsptemp2sptem14LangJacob Werksmanphilippe sands Tim Hargrave PibouleauSpp CIEL Geneva FriedheimEconomic Affairs DivisionEDWINI KESSTEKessieSharpJoseph H.H. Weiler jhh weilerRichard N. Hildahlfrederik schutyserLibraryJacek JankowskiAnne-Marie SaquetBAEF (Anne-Marie Saquet)Saquet Anne-MarieSaquetYolande Daeninck Tom Schamp Donaat De VosPeter Van den BrandeAziz Kinetics GroupBarbara GarrisonChemistry Dept Chris MoyerLeonid ZhigileiBarbara J. Garrison-IIIBarbara J. GarrisonBarbara J. Garrison IIVicki L. De HulluChemistry DepartmentDe Vos CA UllensVuillemenot, JoelleLuis Manuel Portero SanchezTamara ThompsonholmesM.Bowman/D.HunterAlysha E. TaylorFernand Deschenes StadelmannElisabeth Barsk-Rundquist pancho&conniejansebeAndrea Mastromatteo Don ReganSalvatore CosentinoMarongs|7 NN Alysha TaylorMelaku Geboye DestaDesta, Melaku GeboyeBarr Verhooselkoku1 jS`NMirandaElizabeth Rodrguezcarmoni jSu`NKeiichiKeiichi Higuchi C L Oliver jS)$/A11971YRwMasaruKitamuraL}V#/0' apec-noc ec-' O 8b0u KOMATSU[?b}RSP[RO;u[ 4ETSUYA 3ENDAInformation Centerj ru yd~wa0....$aggye{a yaPbxayapyuAST Computer UnitSupportOFFICE TECHNOLOGYMINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRSJakkrit SrivalipRasaRn BrockdorffDJRJDZB A. Pingel7usYqQ TS;u[Suw,gw䅕N v9jY0L000 L}V#6qOwWё qgN/e^ miR0000`1X0000,ginstall1EROCALICCJoseph H. Alhadeffhardy_m./;, komatsubara,./NN&-6000 Van Der Valk Teresa Peters David Fares0000 T NfAGCM James Palmer ee,g5*h_g>yFUNlRxvzOToshihide WATABEVlN e,g`1XQtzvTSOKAWAI_K8lNKQΐAndr000 00000000iThomas and Davis Katsuro NagaiBardinKoulenJeffrey L. Gertler Piet EeckhoutKuijperEndersAntonio ParentiberzpieStrategie si sintezaAlvesMasahiro HayafujiAcharyaRIIAMatthew Tickle / EEPMr Richard Head Carol CokerRohini Achayranoni Fawzi &IniVivienne SeigleIldioemStamnasVEAYQGran KarreskogVeronica Ezeyza AlvearHesstamasSequeira SorensenT Ivan AlvesrhinamaOffele HartmutHaitze Siemers dewar marionlaetjeajoelsriGeorgios KiriazisryansteMatthias JrgensenamarastLennardSanchez SoopramanienSchool of European Studies John KingeryStefleaJdegrawWautersLaw School Systems Alan Matthews Niamh Gaynor*Technical Services Faculty Of Business QUTZhen YeyezhenMatthews Aziz McMahon ORLA SHEEHANUna Nic Giolla ChoilleTELE DANMARK ERHVERV A/SEoghan NillHealy & Assoc.Institute of EconomicsNadine MonnichonDiIoriode Nigris MaurizioSurname, FirstnameHotte, Edward (FAORAP)Gateway Licensed UserH. Gorg Frances Ruane Holger GoergSilvy Blanquartvliethuclarkemusquph R. BlondeteeckhjsCristian EspinosaWangRlQ[yl*gwofwmqhyzxlkStephanie & Keiji Ohshitaẽ[sycRuanBin"~Nc[H3Christy Martin liuxiangwendrKubler R.E. van EschFerreiraMackuGeorgiev Will KeenanIFAGE Brigitte RubyChristina O'ShaughnessyAlexander NTOKOUNECERichard VloskyDr. Elvin T. ChoongDavid H. CohenDr. Richard P. Vlosky Dr. Chang Jeff Chang!Forestry, Wildlife, and Fisheries R. J. AMADOPaveena McLeanMarta GonzalezCATIEccb Ann Christie Olivian PitisRenee Fontenotc00g12Mauricio AmadoRenee J Fontenot Pat Lefeaux Lydia BlalockCommerce Division John Punches Rado GazoDupuy, Christopher A. Jim L. ChambersAllan Stratton mark debosierAntoinette DeBosierTeacherRene'e J. FontenotrjfmkRenee J. Fontenot Todd ShupeCOSMT Roman KuceraUrbanov JitkaKangurMr David J MarshD: Varcin AnkeUnidad de InformaticaROCIO CARDENAS BANCO CAPITAL Gosta Roos KalampasutWorld Bank UserEniko Rouhani, JeanneMika VepslinenKazi A. Rahman Cosgrove-SackALMEIDAMaridor Stephenson MacfarquharUnctad Dowlatchahiequipe informatiqueONU Kris Miller K. MillerBaudatCaroline LambeinCarolineJan H. 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SomervilleNew York Cotton ExchangeHans van MeijlHerdis Skov MatthewsEconomics Department John KevanyProf. John KevanyPublic Health and EpidemiologyMICHAEL KALISZERjeremy shoham.Fiona O'ReillyZfKf/ARCult/ERICArtsJaroslava Perlakiov Sekretatit Jn JanoMDSVPIng. Robert Sndor Phare Program Ivan KRENEYPre-installed UserJohn Fingleton Cathy LennonJaroslava Perlakiov Sekretatit Jn JanoIng. Robert SndorDr. N.A.BreakwellDr., RNDr. Toma RatingerJacques DelorsBrendan KearneySchwartzArregui, Susana Tina WinqvistGoldingLeenacitLeena ShrivastawaEDP Unit Ulrike LangelUNON-ITSLiuGustavo Olivares Laura DachnerPatricio GraneUNON PETER MIYAKE Mark HalleSamara R. GriffinBel-Amakeletch TeferiRiley Memorial FoundationRichard Ridgway John Randall WINDOWS 95ChanMICROSOFT WINDOWS gerald moore Julio Delgado Silvia Ripani Barbara GinnStephen A. Dembner ITTO Staff Chisato AokiMahy, Norton (AFF) Stephen RoseEMEAAFPRRNEDouglas S. MeadeFAO-RNEgenovese Deodoro RocaAnibal PEREIRA John GarnettBroucks Wright Pinco Pallino.Hlne Jasinski - Computer Training Group, AFPPaul vander HeydenNetwork ManagerJohn B. Roth Jr. Olman SerranoAna Maria BravoNelly Herrera y Jorge Salinas Marcia RuizSandrita Perret DuranJohannes Wrann HartmannnilipardoGRMNetwork Administrator cangtao zhouIBM 755CShui BinAlain Decharnat Jrgen Hvid Thanh NguyenInformation Services Ravi PrabhuCarol J. Pierce ColferUniversity of Illinois Susan Braatz D. ArdillYLKIHarijanto SuwarnoLembaga Ekolabel IndonesiaRobert L. Griffin John Hughesz*%L&Hasbrouck WrightMansencal, P (AFF) Ugo MarchettiRobinson Tony WadeDavid BenfieldD. Baugh (AFF)APFEReid, John (AFCN)Peter R. BregyHelen JasinskiHlne JasinskiIlona de BorhegyiSmith Ian M. SmithMarcoux, Alain (SDWP)ENGH, Ida-ElineRUGGIERO-SIENA, Donatellageorge martinekueneman Erik NielsenCompaq Customer Nacy HartJulio de CastroNoel B. Murphy ComputingE.D Riddell James...Lawrencia AdamsLUNO MBeauregardJeff TschirleyGlasgow University Hal KibbyM.LiptonHardakerJ Brian Hardaker R.Bergevoet&Inst. f. Landw. & Grtn. BetriebslehreCarmela C. JanagapAbbieChristine V. CasalComputer Network ManagerEmma-Ruth del RosarioFAO RAPJoseph A. Gartner&Marc Moens, Agricultural Officer, TCILKHLChristine QuestedChristine Quest Tony FormanJoseph A Gartner MS-OFFICE-43Nakannabo Marc&BATCHO SERVICE SUIVI & EVALUATION PPEA)>MICROSOFT WORD 6.0 USER Macfarlane%%VERRAStaff Seminario Fred TurnerOSMRDan RopeRobert Carlson Tim Pivetz Sean J Curran alice winklerStephen M. Woodruff Fred Conrad Linda StinsonKathleen Elizabeth Turnerofo Frank Ptacek John Hakim sandra k zak TONYA BANKSMichael Durginkonny_cLoretta Marie Dumas-Turner Walter Lane Karen HassmerMarybeth Tschetter Steve Wright Karin Smedley Bill CookKay FordChristine JacksonLindon Scott PinkertonRichard F. KamalichDavid H. Richardson Dan GinsburgCharles FortunaLeanna McEnearney David UglowpboardSteven HendersonSteve GranditsMary Lynn SchmidtRob CageCPI Cost WeightsLorraine Adlerchambers Young Chun Young I. ChunLAN User Support CenterDiv. of Administrative Services Jim Sheehy Larry L HuffSean Joseph Curran Douglas StangResearch & Analysis Craig Offutt Steve LashickBruce Montgomeryu Bob GuernseymRobert McClelland david johnsonStephanie Shipp Nancy Loester Paul Hsen Arthur K. YaoGeoffrey PaulinCarolyn M. PickeringLucinda WalkerAdriana SilbersteinConsumer Expenditure Desktop IV Johnson, JanSean Joseph Curran ?asdafsComputel FAO BUJUMBURA Hans PageNILE BASIN WATER RESOURCES)> Le guellecCARD / Economics.H}lne Jasinski - Computer Training Group, AFPDouglas J. GrahamPRISMA5Prog. Salv. de Inv. Sobre Desarrollo y Medio AmbienteCl}ment San SebastianHiemstra HeerschaprutaA.P.C.Maurizio Guadagni Robert Lacey Uso Interno James SmyleGlobal Environment FacilityMathew Lachesnez-Heude, ENVGCGLORIA MAYORGA VILLALTA Gerold WyrwalMichalis Ketselidis InformatikRisto P`ivinen Don NearhoodEFI SecretariatRLACdpuNgopya&Inst. f. Landw. & G`rtn. Betriebslehre Morton Satin David SimpsonHughesSOFTWARE HUNTER!Walter Lane00Marybeth Tschetter + dSean J Curran%%??%?Ernringslinjen, UiO EMBAGUATEPatrizio WarrenDrigoKostas G. StamoulisisDr. Ralph-M. RIDDER Dan RosenholmHolger A. KrayMZESRisto Pivinen ABE JAKE BURKEEMROCherif F. MattaWHO/EMROFAORNE Yousef AqelDireccion GeneralVincenzo Caputo Fabrizio Zodo John Perfect Maggie Gill MantzarlisWalter MarzoliICPPGRsuzanneDaniela Chiodi-Tron AlvarezSergio FerraroPace, Giuseppe (AFCD)Demography ProgramPest Management Jerry Cooper Garry Hill ALI-MAHER IBRAHIM o  ''~TESTrne-fao Rui SILVAHEfatchimaCentre suisse du cinma Dieter BohnetDS//Water Division Min. EconomiaNicolas BourlonMountain ADGR'S OFFICECSIROCNP GADO DE CORTERosemary NewshamDPIRosemary A. HookRobert LambeckCanberra Laboratory Pat MatherCOMMONWEALTH GOVERNMENT Sara Farrell Simon CookColin ChartresJames Murray ScottHamish Cresswell Guy GeevesCanberra LaboratoriesCarberryMay Ling Goode Brian Keating Linda FosterPoulton Peter T. HickErnest H. NickelMinesite Rehab.Malcolm J Wright Mark D Raven CHRISTINA LIPeter HairsineLesley Geldenhuys Tony MILNES Chris Harford Terence LiJim Cox R L McCownRoger K. Jonesmoran Mary SiggersTeresa Schafer ALLAN GREENPLANT INDUSTRY this user Brian Sawford Niall Byrne Helen Rodd Jan CooperILRISusanilradjr scott Alan Teale Tony Hill Brian Perry Neill Jonker Anne LeitchDAPdennisRosemary Newsham Bill WinterLarkin Roger Daviscsiro Ian Elsum Denis Dalylizzie Stuart GordonDr. Hume White%Victorian Institute of Animal Science Ian RussellLyndon Bruce KurthBLIS PROGRAM MANAGERForestry House AM O'Connellemlyn williamsACLEPDr Ravendra NaiduH.J. Di Greg DavisColin JohnstonHEATHER WEBSTER Anita Park John HoltChemistry Laboratory Peter Maninscannon Trish TaylorA.J. Ringrose-VoaseJ. HuangYu Sheng Bern Chapman Mac Kirby Allen KearnsPhilip J. Davies Youzhi WeiRonald W. L. Kimber Carole MenpesFerntree Computer Corporation Dini Redwinupstill Helen RoddLisette Ackhurst Sue Harvey Alf EkstromChris ThompsonSue ChamberlainKim L Phillips David HarrisKim Hill Kim L HillCOAL PREPARATION Michael HoodPeter J. Mullins Ian Craig Brian MyersVal Snow Warren J Bond David SmilesIan HollingsworthDMPEminerals Selwyn Tucker Rhyll Reed John Thomson Debbie PowellDr Lionel Pullum MARIA CATANIA Helen HammondPat KubiliunasConstruction MaterialsAHURI Jeff SymonsQED Vic DeebleNCECBayside LinkagesWARREN Paul WilliamsStephen Grubits David McKayDavid Howard Leslie John CrawfordWELSHSteve Lawrence Beulah GrayTeresa Fitzgerald Trina M LauADMINAndrew Crawshaw Graeme HedleyChristian Doblin Keith Weller Paul GottliebDenise Sthradher Vicki Tutungi Phil HaseldenVinceFire TechnologyAngelo Delsante Steve Moller Molly Athaide John Whitlock IT ManagerDivison of Minerals Leonie Baker CSR LimitedHRL Jim Cox SIROVision GroupVickie Williams Peter Rummel Ron Johnston Geraldine Tim BartonDCETHyland van Ommen Peter Lilly Tim McLennan Deirdre Tribe Division of Exploration & MiningPaul MaconochieDEM Alan ScottGITC License CSIRO Ken & WendyWrightGITCDept. of Computer Science M.F.SpillmanKirsten Verburg Holger MeinkeMichael CahillLeona JenningsBiological SciencesGeorge RaymentDirectorKeith L. 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Europeo-Latinoamericanas Diego Maximiliano PablosMarcelo Panelli CsarAlberto CimadamoreCliente IBM AptivaEstimado Cliente de CompaqAlicia PinottiWhitney BelkerJoo Bosco M. MachadoAbimvel Paulo Ochoa&Alexandra Evans - Proexport Colombia -ELizabeth RiverosClara Ins Ramrez VillamilJ G PRicardo Markwald SECRETARIA1 Pesquisa1SISMOCOLRicardo Schembri Michael HartSELA Gerardo NotoUSER8WordDr. Luis Alberto RodrguezSonia Zerpa H.Cliente PreferidoMARIO VACCHINOFridel Descailleaux cora romeroAna Margarita GonzlezLorraine WalkerYomaira Hernndez Ysa FigarellaA. Bayas Carmen PazAmparo PachecoFrancelina HurtadoPatricia LarrosaManuela Tortora Lucila Rumbao Norma PortelaClara Salswash Clara NuezClara Salswach Carlos Lago Javier GordonAna Mercedes Castellanos Cora RomeroCarmen Mercedes Ramos Mary Mogolln Jaesin YooBenito Snchez AguileraMario Vacchino Ana J. Ruz Martha Aponte Maxine Harris Nelly SotoLisette Carrillo Carvajal Antonio Leone Ana Mndez DELIA SOSAMara Elena BerthGerardo O. Noto Allan WagnerLUCIAA NANCY TORRESGerencia de Comercial.DOCMIRIAM ESCOBAR%C:.DOCMIRIAM ESCOBAR)C:.DOCMIRIAM ESCOBAR A:.DIng. Jos Daniel Fernndez F.GABRIEL DOBSON Luisa Irureta ANA CASAVERDE PEDRO NIETOGabriel DobsonGustavo MrquezAuthorized CustomerLaura Gonzlez Aurelio GmezO.R.I.T.Ral Bolvar G.Horacio Duhalde Miriam K.Ileana PiangoJosefina:\MSOFFICE\WINWORD\CAPV.DOCMIRIAM ESCOBAR%C:\MSOFFICE\WINWD\IMPACTOS\CAPV.DOCMIRIAM ESCOBAR)C:\MSOFFICE\WINWORD\IMPACTOS\ANX-CV.DOCMIRIAM ESCOBAR)C:\MSOFFICE\WINWORD\IMPACTOS\ANX-CAPV.DOCMIRIAM ESCOBAR A:\CAPV.DWalkerJulin Villalba GARCIA VICTOR Marion Sosa RAMON GARCIASQUO VADIS C.A.Richard SaavedraANA TERESA ECHEVERRI PEGGY GARCIADarioLuciano Guivant ViolakjhProfa. Dra. Neide Almeida FioriFaculty Of BusinessPierina GermanPierina HermanJohnMaria Beatriz Nofal NORA L. NOFALUsuarioMaria Leichnerunq desconocidoroselyLucyLaboratorios Bag S.A.nagarniLuis Fernando Panelli CesarAlberto MARIO POSSAS Luis MacadarArmando y BodilflacsoGreater ColumbusLATORRACA FACUNDO MINISTERIOGerardo Gariboldirb Gisela GarciaAssoc. of Caribbean States. Denise LewisRiyad Insanally Joseph ReidC & A St. ClairodpemVirgilio ParedesacerLic. Walter RiveraACS Acer userSMITHSFIELD FARMS1Oficina Planeacin Informatica Evaluacion GestinMauricio ReinaHctor Fernando GarznMINCOMEXOpenViewGuillermo Padrn Luis G. Fernandez & Juan M. PinoJesus CarvajalMINISTERIO DO MEIO AMBIENTECGMILair Csar VasconcelosCpia de AvaliaoIPEASRGRAPHWarton MonteiroGustavo Medeiros FreitasJoo Paulo R. Capobianco CatherineEdnaRose SAA - CGMIdionelxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxWilfredo Cebrian Pratsadolfo JUAN SILVAIVON GUERRA DE HERRERA RAE SMITH COPYEVENTOSACERCharmaine HannonAnthony St. ClairNigel AugustusSabreFrancisco Madrid FloresProteccin Civil Panam ALBERTO LOPEZCOPYEVENTOS LTDAMISAEL HURTADOCOPY EVENTOS LTDAshEvery & AnyoneZully y Alvaro EDMUND ROJAS Maria Woodsop Csar VegasGisela Garcia-RiveraMRECICEMBAJADA ARGENTINA!A satisfied Microsoft Office User Julio MillerEmbajada ArjentinaEMBAJADA ARGENTINAGustavo Stefanelli Taitu A Heron Norman Girvan EDGAR VIEIRARonald RobertsTomas Tapanes Bello Usuario SIECAAST Preferred CustomerUsuario de Acer Aspire Acer NoteIsabel de BlandingCODETELMinistry of Foreign Affairsauthorised userValerie Pantin ChakmatiMario M. Garcia TpanesJuanitaLiliana Garca CastilloannetteLUIS A. BARRERASIAIHERNAN G. CHAMORRO SAUCEDOLUIS A. BARRERAS CAIZO Hctor CondePlan Nacional de I+DBriceidaYOLANDACOLABORACION INTERNACIONAL H. ARANGOCHIRINODSSkathleen mastrianiModesto FernandezModestoACYT Acer End UserHECTOR NAVARRO VEGAPatricia Rodrguez DazBarbara Garea MoredaAgencia de Ciencia y TecnologaMaritza GonzalezMario M Garcia TpanesMario Pedro Rio MaestreDPID Omar RiveroJorge Reyes EstvezMargarita Umaa ElizondoSECTURNCCMercedes SilvaTelecomunicaciones PrivadasMartha Evelyn MenjvarDivisin EducacionalTelasco PulgarPersonalMarco Antonio Conde S.Maria Eugenia Cceres JureguiTOMAS AYALA H.AbejaFUCEEdwin VillegasMinisterio de EconomaCentro de ComputoIng. Orlando SchoenstedtUniceaCmara de IndustriaISMENIA PEA ORELLANAPENTIUM-166MMXEnrique Garcia Unregistered LANCER GARCIA Rubn MuizElio ArencibiaOrlando Jesus Trujillo BuergoDireccin de Europa OccidentalAmerica LatinaMIOSOTISSEP)SECRETARIA DEL TRABAJO Y PREVISION SOCIALLIC. BIEBRICH. ExecuTrainSECRETARIA PRIVADAC. Marcelino Tuero Cliente IBM`"Marco Antonio PalaciossercomiRicardo Antequera ParilliCARLOS CORRALES SOLANOCommonwealth SecretariatSCTLyndellMariella Lange Miguel CearaMinistry of Foreign Affiars SUZANNE MILLSAngela ApplewaitheLIBRARY Fay Durrant DR.ALVARADOLaura de AguileraUSUARIOHeriberto BonillaFederico Valerio De Ford Estacion_88Lic. Hector RuanoMinisterio Comercio ExteriorMinis. de Comercio ExteriorUsuario de Acer Note Light"CAMARA DE INDUSTRIAS DE COSTA RICAPaula Velasquez-LangeMario F. EstradaLAPTOP#1rmoralesSERGIO JORGE PASTRANASergio Jorge e Ismael ClarkDaniel Piedra Herrera Ysaely KennyMIN. RELACIONES EXTERIORESreyesTheira Guzmn de AmmonDIR. DE SERV. INFORMATICOSSecretara deTurismo JOSEPH REIDDENNIS CHAVARRIA MIKE MUOZGRAN COMISION INTERNACIONALottoHERIBERTO BONILLAZully Ramirez GamboaRaignor RollockshgatoOFICINA DE ASUNTOS REGIONALESS.R.E.Alvaro Santiz CastillasDeandreis, Daniel FEDERICOMCIESAJuan Jose EchavarriaRegional DepartmentsRubens LOPES BRAGAALCEU VAN DER SANPaulo Roberto de AlmeidaDINFOR(========================================Microtec - DigitalmbesbetoJos Renato - Carmen LciaKristian P. FernandesAlvaro Luiz Vereda Oliveira&SECRETARIA DE PLANEJAMENTO DIPLOMTICOLUSINETE CARLOS DA SILVA DINFOR/DCDMilaufsmVentura & Seitenfus Sergio Adornoanpocs DesconhecidoCac e Val]eria Ivan & RafaelAlbertina Buss VolkmannGiseliaHenrique Carlos de O. de Castro Jess SouzaAPPLIED COLORIMETRY LABORATORY Robert Wegner & Liene F. BarbosaLiene Frana BarbosaCYNTHIA ANDERSEN SARTIInstituto VictusMULTIRIO P.C.FariasRaa e EtnicidadeGeorge FonsecaCPDAttico Incio ChassotSindicato dos BancariosFernando Biazus-----------------------------Larcio da Cruz LoureiroLeandro Httl DiasCOPROJwin_95 Gelsa KnijnikAnna Carolina RegnerABCDDepto de Sociologia.KAREN Alba ZaluarSBIxxMARIA CECILIA M. TURATTIInstituto de Pesquisas SociaisGeovani Jaco de FreitasgiseliaFundaao alexandre de gusmaorviannaVanda ScarteziniLuiz Afonso Simoens da Silva$Idelette Muzart - Fonseca dos Santos NascimentoADRIANA DREIZYN de KLORFundao Alexandre de GusmoComputerFRANCISCO ORTIZtrositoPedroHADIL FONTES DA ROCHA VIANNAhadilPedro P. Palazzo de AlmeidaPaola Valenzuela Alcides CostaValerie CSA - UEMsssLuiz Otvio Pimentel MRE-GABINETEMaria aparecida Ps-GraduaoPROF: ROBERTO JOSE DE OLIVEIRACedec Thomas Pogge< B I O S - Informatica.>Adriano G. de Lima Ana BarberaBeto Adolfo Lopez Gerrit Jansen Rosa BorgesMarge McKinnonPC168086PC176010CEDEC PAULO ELIAS MS-Word 6.0Luiz Carlos Veloso GouvaHomeHOME@DinforMREMRE - GABINETE Maria SilviaFlrida Cristvo LopesYves CharloultRoberto Patrocnio SilveiraJoao Pedro Correa CostaCOORDENAO DE INFORMTICACarlos Hugo Suarez SampaioAbelardoMPOMinistrio da FazendaAdriana ResendaQueens' CollegeSarquis J.B. SarquisgvPersonal ComputerAudo Arajo FaleiroNLCIFTGerenciaGABRIEL ALVAREZMARLENE TEIXEIRA RODRIGUESGabriel Omar Alvarez supervisorCaren Addis BotelhoMario Cesar Vidalitoi jose melloKassia CaldeiraNORONHA ADVOGADOSRubervalMAREvalria alpino bigonha salgadoValeria Alpino Bigonha Salgado-Grupo Supervisor de Qualidade e ProdutividadeAntonio CarapebaFIA deise leobet#Lus Cludio Villafae Gomes SantosFMunidroit unidroit UNIDROITUnidroitLorenzDE SEUMEFMestrePETERSMMMiMXMfW2MfV2MfT2MfMf'Mf+MM˓MfMfMMfTMMMMMfKMF#MFMMMfMf&MfMfMFM&BM&CMƗzMXzMWzMYzMƕzMƛzMnzMZzMbzMMszMtzMozM_zMhzMfzMƄzMzzM{zMƀzMƅzMƋzMƇzMƈzMƎzM4M4MzM6sM7sMsMsMEsMFsMzMzMFKMfRM[M\MS\M&5 M&4 MIMCM!ƷRM!JM!JM&DM&LM&IM&6M&BM!ƱRM\M&:M&;MƌzM!ƳRM!ƲRM0"MF$KMF%KMF(KM]*M`*M^*M[*M*Ma*M*MF{KMFzKMr*Ms*Mu*M*M*Mw*Mx*My*MMM!LM!LM'fzM"fZM#M%/CM%+CM$ĊM$M$M1 tM2fRM2fRM2fRM(-M(foM(fM(fM(M(fM(!M(fM()M(fM(*M(fM(fM(fM(f3M(fM(fM(fM(fMariela MarchisioArturo Alvarez HEBE ZUMARANalberto pfeiferAntenor Pereira Madruga FilhoSECRETARIA DE PLANEJAMENTO DIAna Patrcia Cruz FrancoGutoNPDUmarioIFCHGuido F. S. SoaresxxxxGRANOPERSONALITG Amui, MiguelNCGonzalo Martnez Adriana BezCUATROmonica FILOSOFIAZuny Jorge SariegoCanon INNOVA BOOK UserIICA **********cnpmaClaudini Csar TagliaferroI.I.C.A.:\WINDOWS\WINWORD6\CAMPAAS\JORCARD1.DOCDEPARTAMENTO DE INRMATICA)C:\WINDOWS\WINWORD6\CAMPAAS\JORCARD1.DOCDEPARTAMENTO DE INFORMATICA)C:\WIOWS\WINWORD6\CAMPAAS\JORCARD1.DOCDEPARTAMENTO DE INFORMATICA)C:\WINDOWS\WINWOR\CAMPAAS\JORCARD1.DOCDEPARTAMENTO DE INFORMATICA)C:\WINDOWS\WINWORD6\CAMPAAS\JORCARD1.DOCPARTAMENTO DE INFORMATICA(C:\WINDOWS\WINWORD6\CAMPAAS\COMPSEC.DOCDEPARTAMENTO DINFORMATICA(C:\WINDOWS\WINWORD6\CAMPAAS\COMPSEC.DOCDEPARTAMENTO DE INFORTICA(C:\WINDOWS\WINWORD6\CAMPAAS\COMPSEC.DOCDEPARTAMENTO DE INFORMATICAA:\COMPSEC.CIng. Jorge A. Cardenas MoralesC:\RESPALDO\DOC\COMPSRIO.DOC@EpsonRAMON ROSAS VELAZQUEZCoordenao de Informtica Gina Joseph Suzanne Mills>A>;LAB2> $ 2 >AB0- 8:5 Estacion_112Miguel Ceara HattonAptiva A15 UserCarlos HidalgoCPCCP.Users#Couva/Pt. Lisas Chamber of CommerceShastri RamtahalUsuario Autorizado Carlos Davila Pedro UreaDr. Simon Molina DuarteKaddouhJuan Carlos Estrada CARLOS LOPEZ NEDERLANDIris Otero LoisigaDIRECCION DE POSTGRADOCentro de Capac. Informtica&DIRECCION DE INVESTIGACION Y POSTGRADOLUZ MARINA SEQUEIRA HURTADO,Direccin de Investigacin y Postgrado - UCACarmen SotomayorTELEMATICA Y ELECTRONICAIris Otero Loisiga Horacio RoseTELEMATICA Y ELECTRONICA"Centro de Capacitacion InformticaAna Patricia ElvirVINYL Y ARTES GRAFICASAelita Moreira V.Direccin de PostGradoElizabeth Monge de Borgen*Vicerrectora de Investigacin y PostGrado Luz MarinaU.C.ATelematica Y Electronica ALICIA LOPEZTelematica y Electronica Delta LabsALFREDO WILSONILEANA IBARRA HERRERAIdiomasDepto. telematica y ElectrnicaIrina Smirnova-GodoyNorlan Aguilar SilvaCentro de Capac. InformaticaRicardo Freddy Urbina Rocha C.M.DATATEX TRANSMISION DE GOBIERNOS LOCALESDr. ROBERTO JIMENEZ.Aythroised UserEric Maitrejean Ernst & Young P.A. Buxo ERNST & YOUNGLOGICAL COMPUTER SYSTEMSBobby Ackbaralipentium Caira CudjoeData Processing ServicesTimothy D. MessickLynette I. PriceAdrienne E. CorbieJanice Lawton DavidErnst & Young LLPCarol E. FuhrmannRegistered UserRobert P. WolfangelKenneth J BozziKaran KastnerRobert I. GlassmanHarris Horowitz Training RoomTara StevensonBenjamin SilverITSDeirdre HarrisonAnn D. AntrobusCheri B. SvobodaCharles L RatnerKim S. VogelsangerWilliam J. ArnoneBecky A Mendez Clyde TestMarissa D. Rinonos Julie NeringCharlene AmeryCameron BorelliCTSGHerbert J. HarriottFor Internal Use OnlyREGISTERED USERTSSDiane R. HarrisThomas TompkinsSteve Robinsonj d Nora HannaSuzanne K. LowingJ D Thomas Hallet Nancy AmyRoger McFaddenMcFadden Roger Brian C. DrabKerry NewberryJane Kleymeyer Monica Saigal Dan GilbertJeffrey R. YoungGary Hershorin National MCPeter S. GreisCBIVaughan Merlyn Rudy RugglesMarilyn Gillette Don PocekC Weston John HerndonJames F. CarberrydcoutrNEMCSandra P. MeehanChuck ShamblenStephen A. BrentDeborah S. SchieberRoman E Kniahynyckyj Amy B. Test Michel Dory Jian DongEllen M. ScanlonEliot S. MeadowMichael MontfortDiane P. Herndon Lorraine Bell Jane A. RohrsDennis J. BotzerHoward L. Eisenberg register userCarlos H. Franoc t & Young LLPJulie A. MillerWEST MCBarrington Womens ClubJoe McLaughlinSheely RichardSMC Nguyen Chuong Paul S. Myers Bruce AzumaNATIONWIDE INSURANCEMetLifeEast Great Lakes John Malone Danny Blonienericbl Mark BoraoBrian D. Eustis Paul H. MoorePennzoil Company Jeff BalentinJeffrey Park JonesEDSJeff Balentine Bill Dahm tim schuehlerRJ Peggs Bob Lockhart Karen MillerRandee GreenleafWest Cindi WatkinsRod BrindamourRonald LinfordAndrew KeesingMark P RichardsonDavid N. HookerBarbara L. Sullivan Diane VivinoErnst & Young, LLPEdna RodriguezJerry Weinstein Donna NufrioKaren Manteneri - E&Y LLPTimothy R. Corman Mark TrippelClara Mortimer Teresa Manco Eliot Meadow Lynda CarterDr. James A. RodegheroWright, Denise Norma Barrett Asif HussainMargaret Walsh Jim DohertyJoane Reynoldsb96613Kelley ConneranWest MC AlliedSignalDouglas S. EthierWest MC - Phoenix Perhay, John greg gauerm g Fred McLeanWilliam HostrawserB.ArlenMISAlthoff, David M. AmeritechTechnology ServicesErnst & Young Milwaukee Stephen RugerMark R. YujuicoJeff Venturini Tim AlexanderJohn M KarpielManagement ConsultingErnst & Young, UserArthur AndersenNortheast Utilities Angela Smith Joseph Scary Phil Wisoff Karen RambalaSara S. Walker Sea SnakeNalco ChemicalNARASIMHA M. RAORobert L. WetegroveNALCO CHEMICALNorm Taylor - R&D LaboratoryNalco Chemical CompanyRaymond CunninghamJeffrey Patrick Chamberlain Kent E MolterLouis A. RanieroSusan E. MazzettiKatherin LandermanJames S. GambleSuzanna MusickSteve J. GagnonHenrica C. VanderaaBetty R. Hollingshead Rachel BlattRichard S. Bobrow Jay J. Levine Linda D. MoadKathleen R. AntuzziYolanda R. ReyesJudy A. Farnsworth Darcy Guffin Eugene SassoScott C. Gawel Mark DoyleKathleen M. ArnoldMelanie A. BlackadarPaul R. SchultzMaureen Nevin Duffy Tina Lane Sandra HoppsRandall RussellE&YRobert S. O'Malleyglenn kapetansky Whittman hartRebecca M. Quackenbush Doug WaltersGreis Ellen Braun Matt MatthewsScott Smith Sheila Mike MinorCharles L. Gold Peter GreisDebbie AlbertiniCarmela D'AngeloJudith Nativ Meyers Bob DunadoVicki Montalto Jerry WetzelLucia V. BarzellatoMichael JosephCreighton R. CastleMeegan M. ReillyJohn MorrisseyBarbara L. GreenElizabeth G. ColeJohn C. DonovanBritt K. ByromPeter D. LuicdoKarin J. LeungMichael MizeurMark S. ChapinErGBM de Guatemala, S. A. LOIS ARAGONAPLAdriana Partidas Daboin RantequeraRicardo Alberto AntequeraRicardo Antequera HernandezEduardo BaqueroRICARDO ANTEQUERA HERNNDEZRicardo Antequera Yvely Gillen Rafael Vera Mery EsayagRicardo Alberto Antequera H Pat SmithSylvia L. McCorriston Bruno Bressan Palico MilleLilian Koharic Julio Lago"Antequera Parilli-Rodriguez & AsocRedondoBCIElvarelaHector R. FigueroaMinistry of Forign Affairs IanHo-a-Shuneeca brathwaite Moore, JoannaJOANNAMInter American Development Bank Unknown UserTufts Managed Care Instituteneecab Ria JordanDavid L. Rogers David RogersFeroza Lalsingh Sharon White Lisa CarterSylvie REFROZOsylvie.SLUCKIsylvie123stein Mr LacroixSluckiPADOVANIGRETABernard QUERTIGNIEZteleformTELEFORMLV2I Robert DAMERYRocket ScientistChristine MaxwellCaroline ReissAudibert, AlexandraAlexandra AudibertPROMESDLir1ir4ir2KATOCHIANOS G.Popa Claudiu SabinDiana Bugaianu KOPE ADRIANpdir'\RODICA\UNIX.DOC@HP LaserJet Series II Gabriela Stan magda feyChitacumarianaABFLORIN PENCIUCsysnetsysnet05Sysnet05dana Radu Bercarudorin Adrian KpepaulaadrianDorinSysnet LaboratorymichiGRAFICir7 Angel Musat Iulia MirescuCyber3SwedenJean-Claude MarotCOMYNGE David BrosternoharraIRM IT SupportMINIST. RELACIONES EXTERIORES Wilson PeresAna Mara Labb Andrew Bishop carlos garcia Lisa E. Foss HilligossRichard T. HilligossSECOFIHotel Barcel Playa TamborSOLUCIONES INTEGRALES S.A.HORACIODra. Ana J. PiaggiDra. Ana I. Piaggi Adolfo SaglioGosisSala "B"Secretaria de Ciencia y Tecnicajuan Helena Hirata Alan Slusher ReseracherConsortum Gradate SchCONSORTIUM GRAD. SCHOOLRhoanRaj ThamotheramHilary SutcliffekeystoneGeneral SecritariatAWAOral H. WilliamsRobert StewartDianna Annick PAQUETAndrea Koulamah-GabrielJacqueline Emmanuel-AlbertineJacqueline Emmanuel-AlbertinieCARICOMMarylyn AlexanderValerie Joseph-Thomas Derek BrowneMaurizio Bussolo Michele Lowe MICT/SECEXOSPAV CARLOS MEDINAAna Mara VillcisRepresentante de Ventas1MARIANAP Mariana PintoFERANMarcelo A. SchoetersJuliaValued Wal-Mart AssociateMara Familia Barr John Barr"DANCO TALLERES METALURGICOS S.R.L.AgusJULIADocencia e InvestigacionA.R.N._Hernn Gugliotellaricardo Isabel PieroMara OFarrell Carola VernetPatricia Mazzucco Joseph Hyon1254EWWEmery Global LogisticsEMERYCF INC.MicroAge Customer Emery EXOConsolidated Freightways, Inc.ImationCF IncJames Yamaguchi1398125800000800108611301245130311730929120612221252 10480847 Sistemas12211175 126812020342SISTEMAS Pablo Rueda1318Legales1284119611061139 10421262115911201257814 125311791009 12600821140700011335JORGE A. FIORITO1342133999990802084712041263 1062Alejandro LastraRon RutherfordJulia HardmeierCristian J. P. Mitrani Javier Gomez6683135600581320 ADP Systems13121058JR1009131411281323 Bret Van Earp Jack GrayTescorp1157RFsRFr Susana RuizLedesma-ClavellDanco Sandra PavnSofia Marta Torre Paula RadeffsalinasAgustn Adriana AresBoston Cia. Arg. de Seg. S.A. Pat ConnollyIrlicht MartinAndresAgustin Matt FiferDanco Ingenieria joachim hill Anja Brassel Meike GsellGordanaGordana Uzelac Anita BerresAnita Beate BrunsWolfgang Sutterlti Volker HeynTorsten SchwarzPetra & Maggie G.Gluschke Teresa Schlaxuzelacroeder Karin Wolff Uwe PawelskiWolfgang SutterlxtiwinVioletaPyCRANGOVernica GonorazkyRalfpersonalRegina HernndezPaulaIns GugliotellaPabloBacchetta MarcMaurer Esptemp19MarziseitedaRobertsNOBLE NOEHRENBERGRaemySeOPEY A.CATHERINE CARNIE Joseph Saba Anne WinterGlobal Programme on AIDSMonika, GehnerUNAIDSMs S.P KristofferssonLoretta HarrisParisi Heloise UNAIDS/CSUnaids......unaidsCountry Programme Adviseroar Eva RodriquesElizabeth BenomarBertozziWilliam HeywardDr Roland MsiskaElizabeth MattJohn KromodimedjoOdinsen, Odd A. Gabi SamarineMrs Guetaneh Sophie Theresa Ryle Faustin YAO Mark WallaceJoseph Perriens Stuart KingmaSally Ager-Harris Aditya ManeStefano M. Bertozzi I.T. Manning Peter Piot first draftKigundu, Miss M.World Health Organization Helen F. BuckRKI, Fachbereich 4!Ms Marie-Laure Granchamp, GPA/AMIZ[kzF Jones, GaretOA & R er-Harris IUNAIDS15Ms S.P KristofferssonUNAIDS0Ms S.P KristofferssonSally Ager-Harris0unaids UNAIDS00Loretta Harris p06UNAIDS UNAIDS0NAIDS 8Bertozzi UNAIDS00&6UNAIDS Binod Mahanty Tamar RENAUDHORTONMarie Laure GranchampCADDELL M. Miller Tim BrownAndrew Caddell J. Wenger!D. Honorio-Leonor, Programmer GPVRudi Tangermann$Jean-Marc Olive, Medical Officer EPI'Dr Jean Marc Olive, Medical Officer EPI A. Garnett"Elisabeth Girardet, Admin Asst GPVGlobal Programme on Vaccines GPV Staff E. Girardet-Global Programme on Vaccines and Immunization.Global Programme for Vaccines and ImmunizationP. Bevin AMATO_GAUCIPol Crown StarAlan Gifford IsemongerMargarita SilvaBIOSCAR E. Y. W. MattMarthe Mpendubundi TIMBERLAKE Perrins JosAnne V. Reeler, Ph.D.NAPERRYPrincess Lilia Prince Dmitry Prince IgorPrincess IrinaPrince VladimirStephen BrowneMatti LappalainenDmitry ChernobayDEWKyrill Olena SkrypkaPeter L.Malakhov Ivan Kochnev Ian TownrowFomenkoLilia SidorenkoMr. Yevgeny I. KozlovPrincess Julia Bo Wingard A. KalnievaHOLLAND RichardBogdan Lisovich Prince VitalyAlexander KirushaFARUK CENGIZ TEKINDAGUN_CIDP Victor RepinVladMike Savchuk Olga ..Malykin & RusanovVitaly by DoubleGroupAlexander BalvaGUNEdik S.Ostrovsky A.S.Jos Antonio Izazola Licea.Hctor Macas Daz Heidi MacLeanNLRPjjjT0 ` 2 h%B!@6j PMa lDE_ROECKOHR Freda KardishREELERNDOWA RODRIGUESJACOBS Monique MunzMULLALLYWATTERS, Joanne laura shafnerCherney BUENCAMINOWALKER Dweggah, M.V.KALEEBAHans Knutagrd01-01625ENGINEERPanos Institute RAVELOJAONAZVP7424GVAHRU18GVAHRU5Stefano BertozziBertozzi, StefanoDiLauroMAnkerMGateway Licenced UserFERENCICSABADr. Dwip KitayapornMENDOZAMAKINWAmayada youssefAdedamola AdeyemiJIMENEZTAWILAHPSYCHOLOGIE SOCIALE Annette HornMarisa MinenezKVALVAAGLISLESamantha Bell-ShiersPEELMERCADOCOSTANZOMCCAUL Farhan Shekh Panos-London Kunda DixitDonald Maclean Tim Kellyuit5200Geert AllegaertMATTHORN LILLESTOELPhilippe Gasquet COLICCHIOPATTOUProfessor John HarrisFrancis P. Crawley Sally LaevensAnita Lubello-JonesESPARZA PMC FranceNOCK PATTERSONhaysMCKILLOP Greg BarkerMarcello Fabila RIc CavenDr Peta ColebatchAACM Melbourne Brian VenzRobert F McKillop BERGSTROM PN-DST/AIDSFrancisco de Paula Castro Neto JUCA FILHOCoordenadoria de InformticaihpFrancisco Inacio BastosbiaCarlos Gerbase ParticularCEIRosanaMargareth Caminhas & CiaMaria do Carmo PoleziFesbeSuzanaSoluo Informtica Ltda.Presidncia da RepblicaprMIRDiviso de Estudos TcnicosJOSE VALMIR PAULINO DIASSuperinteressanteLuiz Dal Monte NetoSuporte Editorial 4 Lola JacobsenLinda Lee JohnsonFIOCRUZ DEMO COPYManoel MarteletotesteMINISTERIO DA SAUDE"  CN-DST/AIDSTROPICALMESTRADO EM MEDICINA TROPICAL$Arlindo Viana Martins da Cunha FilhaGilvam de Almeida SilvaRaldoandrehelena maria moreira CN-DST e AIDSjulioFabio MoherdauiROSARIO FERNANDEZ FREDDY WERNEL Jorge Sanchez Karen CodeAuthorized UW EmployeeRobert S. Thompson, MDUniversity of Washington Jerry Learn Jim MullinsDepartment of MicrobiologyASDARACELI SANCHEZALFONSO LESCANOMinisterio de SaludAlexandre Bitar RodriguesSESMaristela Arantes MarteletoCoeli Coeli MendesGERNCIA DE BIOLOGIA MDICALuiz Henrique Alves PintoDAVID LINHARES DA ROCHA M. Marteleto GSIS - Seo Informtica Pessoal!Grupo de Recursos Humanos - APESS!GSIS/Seo de Informtica Pessoal#GSIS - SERV. DE INFORMATICA PESSOAL!GSIS/SEO DE INFORMTICA PESSOALJose Fernando Assoni CN DST e AidsgilvanFABIO MOHERDAUI CN-DST E AIDSJERUSA MARIA FIGUEIREDOassoni microsoftVALMIR & MARCIOljldfdfdsfdjfdsAntonio Sergio de MirandaDEPUTADO NELSON MEURERDSPFABIAN MOZO P. BTS TURISMOBahia Othon Palace Hotel"Euripedes Constantino Miguel FilhoTSELuiz Querolim Neto MICROTECNICAAluminio PENEDO LtdaESCOLA NOVA LOURENO CASTANHOCOMPUTADOR - SUYAMAMinisterio da SaudeSECRETARIA DE SALUDSimon Mifsud LL.M. Barr.Jean-Pierre Naert Cimad GroupUsing It Raoul Boyle Peter Hulm Mme LAURENTPostmaa Bb le chatDavid Fitzsimons roger bioscaONUSIDABOONTOGRINLINGLLADOSCorinne MarclayCLERO Majorie OpuniKAHANE weverling Paula SoperLisbeth BarclayKIGUNDUgshawWILSON J. WEEKERStawilahjBRIAN GUSHULAK SANDRA FORDLen LEONARD DALLYPierrePAINES francoiseOKWERAPERRIENSHRDDGIBSONDominique MathiotPAULINEHOPKINS D. Bramley*WERNETTEBOLVENKEL_PRIORPawana KhumtrakulClient PrferMSOFFICECountry Programme AdvisorErnest MassiahEND-USERADOTE MICHELLINEMark AurigemmaMukadiBUNDP Geoff MantheyE.B. DoberstynDr. E.B. DoberstynAdelina D. GuanlaoDe Lind van WijngaardenPacific Computerinformation & computer unit CITY HUNTERRural Women Health ProjectDFCSPostgraduate Training UnitDEBSKolshornDr.Gertrud Schmidt-EhryDr.Gertrud Schmidt-Ehry / GTZTSIFreie Universit?t BerliniujhiujkWendelkreyerBlackDr.Gertrud SCHMIDT EHRYSanchaisuriya, P \BATCH.DOCFreie Universitt Berlin%GOTTWALD SEIFERT & PARTNER / WckerWagner:>Dr. Chhom Rada UnichannalDr. CHHOM RADATOSHIBANATIONAL CENTER FOR HIV AIDSOK DARA 017-816.217Maurice BERTHA GOMEZ Julio Juncal SCHWARTLANDERPARKERDavid PattersonUlrika GustafsonBonnie Bernstrm Mark PrebblePierre R. DASENBLAISE KONANicsystem AT&T SSI USERlornajoncathyaLorna M. MorrisonMichael J. DalboL&GAFlorence MeyerJean-Pierre De LeuUSER4 Mark Richards Denny BondJohn J. Mariano Carole KoiRobert Gleason Paul Fitting Nancy FreemanFRANK & RALPHIE DEAN W. SLUSARKWill Patterson Mike KirklandR. Paski Paul HerveyPaul K. HerveyTrish DoughertyAT&TS. Wallace Dawson, Jr. Rajiv Keny Jim Ayers GREG KIRBY Herb MooreManfred D. KildrenKramerssi Jonathan Liss Dick MuiseWord for Windows v6.0 Carol Arnavas M. Powers Sharon VighDebbie Micchelli Lisa Campoli Janet Robertstcsc Bruce O. Rein J.L. EwaldLorna Morrison Matt Blaha Robert Paski Richard Muise Scott BrownBasavaraj V. HiremathNeal S. Bergano Peter RungeJonathan M. Liss Joel Schesser George Decker George Betts Alain Isnard John C. WebbGeorge C. Witt Dwight TuttleDimitrios StroumbakisPaul J. Snyder IIIJ Swider Sara L. PrattS. Kher Tony Fong T. A. Sochor Tim SochorAmy PulsRob Stix Barbara DeanWalter J. SlusarkR.J. Rue chungshin maTat LeeAli Adl Robert Stix Greg BubelMichael SandersShirish N. Kher Marc Jean Kifle Mariam Matthew BlahaOUEDRAOGO MADISYMPOSIA CONSULTSYMPOSIAGENERAL SERVICES NIEMINEN_SOLABHLwilsonattobral Soul City Cathy MathewsSue HARRY DUGMOREALISON MOULTRIEELEN439 Gus Silberme Bobby HeaneyT.W. 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Reeler WhitesideHoffEWEEKERS JacquelineICMHStuart C BallinHeather HoulihanPatricia ZimermannSIMMONDSBUCKCARDENAS Julia Wegner Gao YunPeng Qin ChengCorporate Secretariat Adam ShayneSally S. Salvador Hiromi Nakano Agnes SoucatLAMBORAY Derek Mullen Premier Class Kidi BebeyLICENCETACKBARRIEREBKF/96/008/PNUDGUPTAOMS/AFROGloriose NZINAHORAFARZAabdlposte 5 VanHoltenMYANA BOUGUERMOUHbendibunicefUNADSAwa Marie Coll-Seck Barrire-CKEANEVANROEY Lene Blegvad Bai BagasaoMikkelsen, HenningALBAN win95_work lamborayjSPAngela Trenton-Mbonde\CPAHamandNPEUMichel FOUQUET Andrew ShihBHARTIVINEETA DEEPAK OBERZAUCHERR.C.W. Hutubessy Deane FamilyAmy L. FairchildRoy RosenzweigManisha Bharti Dean BakkerCARLACruzSHERRY PORTOCARREROINSPI.N.S.P.MLC Lizbeth LopezUsuario MicrosoftS E PS.E.P.O.E.M.juan Eugenio Hernandez AvilaRicardo GarcaJorge Daz Polanco#Instituto Nacional de Salud Publica,Centro de Investigacion en Sistemas de Salud Dawn Marshall Veta BrownJOSE ANTONIO IZAZOLA-LICEAPHAMDOANBOYLE Computer RoomDra. Patricia Uribe ZigaZelaya, Dr. EnriquePROMODEM FranciscoKatherine G. BollandFrancisco Castro ZELAYA GARZONBRUNTpeterOLga BasurmanovaRUZOL -------------Man!"@0A=8:>2 235=89 $54>A5528G>;O45=:> 048< @ U 43G<<A 0:A8<>20;048A;02 (5@HC;LA:89DmitryDr. Siegfried LangeSiegfried LangeIrmgard Wessoleck Maria Linden Hermann Herzofice==0;5:A0=4@ 80=8= 0BC;8A -. .nnn Zbgniew PlutaSOOIPPWlodzimierz Podmiotko Anna BoszkoOlga Ikanowicz ?JIrina DolininaNatalia&Veronika MaalufMCNNo Sergeno nameSylvia Anadon-Atkins ?a?ooi Na?aae Aeaenae STEGEN_R VOGL JiriVOGL BOURGUELAT Robert Piper.?8<0E;048<8@ . 0:59025; (84;>2A:89 0;5=B8=0!5@68: 03>@=K9- ( 8 2B>@ Dima profy ( #00/:>25=:> 8B0;89Traude Kastner0@8O 8 8B0;898E09;5=:> 048< ;L8= ..20=>2 =4@59 >@8A>28GCH:5B>2 ;5:A0=4@<8B@89 . 528=;5=08A?.Nikolai N. 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Zverevas??m?? riednerMarie-Christinegei Helen WardCDSC - Catchpole, MikehowardAidrian Renton Hilary MonkDominique HausserVanja TULEVSKI Chris FitchMargreeth-Elin-WouterDr Neil McKeganey Hazel Mann Helen Cesari NIDA_EmployeeAMillsShara GodiwallaLIFESPANJames W. SturgesK.MorrowJames M. Fitterling, Ph.D. Barry Zack La Preciocita Ellen SilberJennifer Changmglantz Greg Manning greg manningJimmy Dorabjee Luke SamsonLuke.@89 525=G0=K9 @8=0 0@OVANS.Temirbulatov#?@02;5=85 @538AB@0F88ABC'0F8>=0;L=0O :><8AA8O ?> F5==K< 1C<030<09@0B 0=K15:>2kjr 0=K15:>2#?@02;5=85 4>?CA:0 08H52 ..Christopher MayznerValery ZaichenkoViktor DanderferVit %0A5=>2 A8; 0;010520 SLGalina ShalgimbaevaERLAN M. ORYNBASAROVNatasha LitvinovaEnvironment and Safety 1 Mary SpringerContracts and ProcurementGeology & Geophysics 1Geology & Geophysics 3M.Mukashev, HR Dept. ManagerKazakhstancaspyshelf Finance 1Interpretation 1Saparkhan Kesikbaev Timur Bikbaev0=K15:>2 09@0B <0=35;L48528GGeology & Geoplysics 3stalkerDamirfolder]VTTCTEMPLATETCOUNTIsabek SatybekovStanislav Karpovich43G<<A8XMINMODAVERAGECOUNTNOTORPRODUCTIFSIGNSUMTRUEDE ALPHABETICARABICCAPSCARDTEXT CHARFORMAT DOLLARTEXTFIRSTCAPHE OWER MERGEFORMATO8NALORDTEXTROMANUPPERABSROUNDDEFINEDINTANDFALSE XMINMODAVERATORPRODUCTIFSIGNSUMTRUE09@0B 030<handre Katalov1 43G<<A0x#-+'  `.,,RC 43G<<A;0x#-+'  `.,,RCddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddNUPPERABSROUNDDEFINEDINTANDFALSEMAXMINMODAVERAGECOUNTNOTORPu Bishkek cy, 10 October, 1997 To: Regent Central Asia Fund 904-906 Asia Pasific Finance Tower 3 Garden Road Central Hong Kong Ms.incie Chan Settlement Department From: New Century Projects Financial Company Ltd. Dear Ms. Vincie an: We are sending you the updated Trade Cofirmation from our company. We are so sorry that theprevious one was not understandable or wrong written. We are sure that in our future deals we won t have such misContracts and tN*UCTIFSIGNSUMTRUEalkerA:\Bishkek city.docO Contracts and & & ]25M% O-R6 <eContracts and DD1$$+ #RR $$ 61$D[[mH *******************************************,x mH 5CJ5CJ ********************************Y Yuri Kaputin Moe Lindsay IT DepartmentGennady BenthenGold Olga Zisman Irina GostevaOlga A. 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PROMOTA DM Tav MorganEXE DOCPROPERTY ALPHABETICARABICCAPSCARDTEXT CHARFORMAT DOLLARTEXTIRSTCAPHEXLOWER MERGEFORMATORDINALORDTEXTROMANUPPERABSROUNDDEFINEGula KolbayevaKOCHKORBAEV ULUKBEK Mr. J.D.PellOffice of Computer ServicesVlad TaganskiyOOO&National Bank of KySUDNHP LaserJet 5P43G<<A;0x#-+'  `.,,RCenawFNTANDFALSEMAXMINMODAVERAGECOUNTNOTORPRODUCTIFSIGNSUMTRUE LaserJet 5P/5MPOOOOO(OOOOO)#" +"*asdfh David HepburnBugubai Apylovandytim6C=CH52 0@K=15: ;8528GUser17qwe Nick Markarovsmm;5:A0=4@ . 5;>:;>:>2==0 02;>2A:0O<8B@89 .. $54C;>2 Andrew Lanin5@5B5==8:>2 .. u3$  +tBuck-in Alexei5@A>=0; 10=:04;0@8A0 "5@5E8=0Mr. N.M. BakeevOLV@06=8: 8E08; 6` Ft)S~OvY92HU9 <9 N9 ^9 V ]8(r&1 u3  +tK(r& Sp; u3) 69 3"9 #9 (&235=8OallkunzmyeamancCarl Bro ManagementSam FredrikssonTuvo PiirainenChristiane ViedmaKrommenacker, Raymond KrommenackerPollockCarrier, Jean-GuyBatesHKKhalid M. KhalidJean-Guy CarrierLockhart brakelandJODIKreierVittorio Gassman winsome hill bill walshLittlelaneanebrunialnettlxaKramsAdministrateurcJennifer Kwai Pik NGAIPatrice ClausseKen Philip Bower Kenneth Fan Janet SpettelValued Sony CustomerODAMag.Helge SchnerHilton Buenos Aires Souh ConvCRCEEmmanuel John ManfredikkaKLOSOWSKA Kasha Steve LusterU_GDSAnthony FouracreMarkuys PikartusuarioHarry Featherstone Peter WilsonCQ kenji itohNEEDHAM & GRANTWangu Mwangi-Greijn Wendy Suenmarcela guimaraes JoanAnn HainsDanielle Maillard-Lejano Robert ReillyUNHCRMichael HagertyRoger Wilkerson Von Kundra Matt Rosler Alec FrankElsa Kronhoffer Tato SalgadoUsuario Visita Moncef Khanetl3Hkan Bjerking" " " Hkan Bernt NilssonAndrew CummingsUNITED NATIONSsabrina john ruggieav Minta NixonJean-Claude PAJONKGEMJannie AGEORGESS.R.P.C. Markku OivoD.M. van Solingen M. GrosjeanIan Mark Belfield Schlumberger Dave EllisNick Primavesi Adam Bazire Henri DumontEM SMGArnaud de MontgolfierS.Ede Lee MettersPearl Holcroft C.GonsiorO. LacquemannemoreauKarine SENANEDJBignottiSRPCSPT Joan Parker Julie SniderJerry HuchitalSchlumberger DowellAlex AlexanderH.Looy C.v.PetegemLocation ManagerBobbie IrelandGeoQuest - Michael GreenbergGeoQuest Knut Bulow AquisitionsCarol Prochnow Chris Stoller SLIM Systems John G. PoundMehrzad MahdaviIvanna AlbertinS.Sharma Susan Herron Martin HydenEnduser Peter Philiphhhhhh%PT. HITEK NUSANTARA OFFSHORE DRILLINGFLORENCE Bowen RobertsIPMSchlumberger SurencoComputer and Network SystemsJoseph C. Atnip F. STEPHAN%SCHLUMBERGER INDUSTRIES, S.A. DE C.V.Schlumberger, MCSGordon R. Mowat Soft Net S.A.Nelson SprejerGuillermo BorioEduardo J. Rodrguez Trina LeeJustine HarveyPeter B Redmond Quinnsonia Dowell User Dowell DFCgwfOmnesVincent I. PolleyDianna MancusoDarlene Johnson Mark CarterxyzJonathan ScarfAmenAGAMCCMNico van Belle B. du CastelSchlumberger EmployeeAdministracin de datosYPF SA G. Wassenaarleguen Bob ProchnowKathleen JohnsonGeorge SteinkeSWANAnnika JoelssonDrgerRolf Natschack A. LambertMarie-Caroline SchweringSchlumberger LimitedWANLIE KIEJaniston Tarigan Bob Edgar EdmundsonSheila D'Souza Veronica LoatPeter Kaasjager Joe Bates ANIS AHMAD Amin Amin John BouchardGulf Coast AreaOCPJorge Lopez de Cardenas Tom Zimmerman Al SalsmanMary Ann WatsonAlison Lindsay Mathew Lodge Glen BishopLinda D. Phillipssdlkfj JM Rouylou Tseng, TonyMontrouge - PWB180cKintore Investments Lloyd StrineMichael A. MontgomeryLonnie R. FarrPatricia T. Phillips JPW Grace Alex Nixon E.P. Busso Noel O'Dowd Peter McHugh Ussama OsmanKathryn Alessandrini Ploce-officeAshot VartanianKawinzi HeinemannelliotttroncosoCynthia Panlilio Edgardo YuLOGs WFP KIGALI Bob BrooksMartha FitzpatrickBriandonna mischefskiRich Schillbach Rob PerryramhelpdeskCOMPAQ PREFERRED USERFrancesca PrincipinireidmireilleWFPP.A.M. BURUNDIIMAGW F PWORLD FOOD PROGRAMMEWORD FOOD PROGRAMME Karin Manente Adrienne NavalmDonna Ducharme Paolo GrilloAdrienneOsman Jim Rogers pizzinellElizabeth McGregor Amir AbdullaSONSOLES RUEDAS scarcellaFSIS Toshiba satellite200cds 02Nicolas OberlinshortleyGabriela TroncosoCATSvAdministracin de datosCpq12dpaYGDPA Georg Kell Ioan Ferascudc191skEdward MortimerPaolo VacchinaMarilyn AlfredUNI-ILAInternKathleen CampbellHAMAYOONHamayoon MubtakirPhothong ChanthanakhoneUN Coordinator's OfficeUNDP-AFGKhalid Bakhtiar Bruce MaslinPenny InformticaCSU Steve BrethLenahancsu RAJAPAKSA A U Mirani Heyzer INFORMATION SYSTEMS SUPPORT UNITInformation systems unitChristine Kalume Information Systems Support UnitA TemuISU Loaner Unit 2Helen van Houten Jan Beniest Rob Swinkels John Corbett David MoffatCSUWS Mala RanawakeNeelanganie HidellarachchiGAIA Jan GerardsIIMI@d." @5  =I>U_ Turialai WafaRahimaSOPHIE Gulalai HabibMiroslava AmiriGul Mohammad Fazli Alan Brimelow PentiumIIAH-AMIRI Lilly Seraj SUSAN MANUELWFP7/PAKbunkerUNWFPHelmut W. RauchUNWTPBenwellFauziaCampbellBorton Grunewald Gary Iveson Lesley HarrisComputer Support DepartmentCHR OperationsamcvicarJFlynn jappletonI S DeptSMeeCHRIS STAMMERSMaurice Herson Francis BoonComupter Support DepartmentOxfam EmergenciesTeresa Garlake Mike Walton John PalmerMervyn Hourston Computer DeptBeverley HumberstonePatrick R R ChapmanJOLDROYDJOSEFA LEDESMARichard Turner Fred Wessels PC SUPPORT Pete CranstonPC Systems Support Person, IST compuchip PERU 2021 Nick FaheyComputer DepartmentDaniel SimpsonComputer Support Dept jill collingeJonny GutteridgeJulian H. Kitching Jutta BlauertDr Doom Simon Zadek Danyal SattarEd MayoIFES Liam MahonyAlex MacGillivrayAny Authorised User Ian Chandler Rachel Edge Sally KosterCorporate HR Operations Adrian SellOXFAMStichting Oxfam International Dave TuckerBrian D Mooney (the rebel MD)PC174035 Peter Baas Bernice Champ David TuckerRobert Campbell MESH CUSTOMERSHOEBMarketing - Human Resources R. CastroResources Unit J A HAWKINSKaren Brooks-SaxlValerie Houillon Craig Pullen Graham SmithJim CoeHeather Davies David DoigHeinz SteingrverPC174010Jannie van den BergPC174021Mirella van HestHans BreekveldtMarco van der BruggeAlleNOVIBPC129018MSOFFICE 4.3 USER Simon StockerAugusto MurilloYvette S MASKELL Sue SmithJITESH K BHATT Emma HallettJUDY HENDERSONClaudia AcevedoIntermnPC173021PC174006Lucille GoodwinOxfamChrisKrishnan Krishanthi Paul Barker Fiona BaggettJuanita Williams PC SupportOxfam Midlands Regional OfficeOxfam in Ireland I. FERNANDEZ Erik TodtsCAREM Tate Chris MinchinCharles Hughes Carol Price Joanne DraperMohga Kamal Smith Ilana BenadyMcKenzie amolineux David Waller Janet SlyComputer Support DeparetmentOD - Emergencies Sally JohnsonJlunnonPeter Williamsoxfam Joop Peerboom Mary Hanton Charles LaneDPPC Ivars GolstsAKWASI OWUSU-BI Selma Nasreendppc Rik HepworthYasuhisa Matsumura Aaron FlemingMeadows Ritu Kumar PC Support. Ethan Mhlanga Africa DeskAngie Paterson Sol Picciotto Dr Doom oxfam international User name Mohga SmithMatthew Benjamin Hobbs Internal UsePurchasing DepartmentBuComputer Department0 LEthancwalkerCONSTANTINO CASAS BUENAS Ann BurgessBSD Ben RogalyDEV/SOC Computer LaboratoryHeinz Steingraverpc170001Ricardo Wilson GrauPC173004 Herman AbelsInterm n Rosa Borgers Carla HerJulie ShoenbacherPC130017pc175059Harry de VriesTon VrijenhoekMies van der PuttePC176003pc175071pc175035pc148003pc168015Ver. Fondswerv. InstellingPC168026 pc175073.inf Annemie Maespc173010PC168079PC174040Carmelita SmithPC174002pc173020PC173014pc173002Monique van de VijverMarina van Dixhoorn DesconocidorfkGURCHARAN SACCSNoone Paul VieveenRob van Bentumpc175015pc175032PC176008PC180012PC168055Laurien van den HovenPC175080pc173005PC173006PC168077Hanjo EsselmanprofileComputer Support department Peter Smith Tom Foalejffolkes Elsa Dawson Graham ThomheathermpauldtuckerRobert Highman Barry FloydCompaq Computer CorporationMicrosoft OfficeADHIELAUDINLAUDDINgclarke Rizal MalikAspirejamet IMAM PRAKOSOABDUL REINA ASMEDIMicrosoft Windows Mbak yaniIwan IPJPMUOxfam UKYANILBHKAPPALA IndonesiateguhBUDIarie STARsys ComptgraoFinance DirectorSMERUSmeru The World Bank EAST ASIA#INSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION ASUS P-6300CD T.J. Keusters T J KeustersAsiambutcherPT OXFAMJames BANU Oxfam GBjma Jo Zaremba Sybout Porte demo versiondemoPreferedSarah Geilsekey Allen Brown scollings smcwilliamoxfammstation leonora zefiwin98PC175047pc174045PC174007ITNNsbanerji Quynh TranEdmund Frederick Cairnsbloomer suwilliamsPC173022PC168020 Simon Haleedawson HAROLD BROWNFionaFKRISHNANkishorAutomatiseringNicholas StocktonErnstLrhowell%Programme Representative Oxfam GB SSSApplied SciencesOCHAMaria Luisa Ng Yvon MadoreElizabeth Langdon Arachu Castro Lance ClarkPSE Sarah Lushino OCMB SARAJEVOidndrSPDRP UNDHA-SPPO Susan Bonetto MR.A.C.PARIKHPatriciaPiero Calvi ParisettiImelda PanguitoJeanette Moskovits Herve LecoqOUNSRamesh RajasinghamB.I.Hall Helen LewisHilary PilkingtonDavid ChikvaidzeNinon ThermidorUN userElizabeth Kramer Gillian WicoxDaniel LadouceurUNICEFOLS INFORMATION ANTHONY RABYAllera BaiocchiLI LingIOMBOE Hans-Petter Andrew Toh Scott Weber Donald AlfordDonald AlfordSr. Claudio OsorioRolf CARLOSSAA PAIVA RobertLiDziunik AghajanianMarGUNNARSSON MarieOLAUSSON Marie Denis NihillRobert G. PaivaDALL'OGLIO LucaMAROOFI Yahya M. MAXWALD Rudy Els KockenKhabirKatrin Von Der Mosel Diana CammackRegional Gender AdviserWorld Food Programme Marijke MooijstillAelionProgramme Assistant*Lilian Khofi_Development Section Secretarysti48 213.759 540.17 c f 173.4246 521.4173 m 178.7357 530.3921 183314 540.0902 194.2232 546.706 C 190.5741 538.5043 6.0741 530.3793 184.5296 520.6667 c 181.4587 501.3552 PROGRAMME ALIMENTAIRE MONDIALWFP - KISANGANIMicheline LUKAKUZM / WFP Kigali%Zlatan Milisic / WORLD FOOD PROGRAMMEJPMMaroto Susan LobostiMonika Sandvik-NylundNTWKS40Bridgette Beckford FAO/TCOR/Mora Lisa DoughtenTamba M. BaldehMushtaq KhattakPeter Swarbrick Ayaka Suzuki alta haggartyBertrand J. de Fondaumire Sheila Grudem Shuichi ODAKAtullsUNDP Bosnia and HerzegovinaSituation Centre Thomas Linde Wendy Cue CCS8236161STX COMPUTER SYSTEMSV.I.D.A.Genevive BegkoyianFernando Larrauri Angela MartzPaul A. Lefevrevijaya ramachandran Robbert DroopJUSTICECohen, Richardwhite1Joann B. StedmanHarvey J. Stedman Joann StedmanO'Harakaren lowe raftusThe College BoardNAFSAEnrollment ServicesGloria NathansonInformation System Bill Stein Karen HeaneyMargaret RedmanJoanne O'BrienETS gale zagoreos ann willardFrank J Romano Mark Grant Gail Muller Greg Martin Fred NickolsNatasha ZhukovaVladimir BrillerAdmissions and Records Jeff Tanner Angela LongMilena Aguilar OuedraogoOSAKWEPulatGripariBOI SaverimuttuRemi Parmentier Mission JaponOshikawaRatahein Venil Ramiah public 20hbsRamiah Patrick Petit Berndtson Tina Youngjkushan p_murugaiyanDra. Hebe VessuriAna Mara CettoDr. Luis de la PeaFUTURSJEANmallaaa MURUGAIYAN YVONNE MEHLBrandon Frankel Mario Bertero#International Social Science ConcilNG_ISSC1Clarissa Formosa-GauciUNESCODominique MICHETMs. BERLINGERY, IOMTravail demand D. MICHETWork assignmentActivit raliser Article IPoun ONGNotePilarMarie Paule Roudilmarie ALCATEL NVANS-HQ T MARJORAMLEMOINE H. MatsuzakaSergei NovikovJayaweera, WijayanandaMonica CrutescuCinda Yates GaincheCelia Clars Gimeno Javier PinedaMnica Bertran EnrichMILANImilaniBoulieCarmen Portilla Velazco J.M. BewersYONTEN-computer Cecilia Preda L. HaxthausenCLT Howard MooreUNAMScience SectorJean-LucNOUSS cap_gemini5 MARIE Rejane Ghada Awamat Damlamian,J M.P. Klein D. HargerKRAVETZ, AnnickREGIONAL BUREAU OF UNESCO cap_gemini1vessurilefKongresszusi Kzpont Simone MoreauAmalie Reinholt-Gauthierhjghj */*/*/*/*/* Fawzia TALOUTHalley Movement Pawan D SinghEcole Suprieure de GestionwindowsmborBenito RighettiVincent LeogardoFrank Rijsberman Bill Cosgrove Eloise LohSC/HYDICSU IFIP StaffProf T R G Gray Ron FraserDiana RosenbergCarol Priestley Hans Zell Philip HirscheacROMNguyen Thanh Binh Anders Thuren Paul Mason All Staff ofGiles RowbothamLIAISON INFORMATIQUENeil Pakenham-Walsh Mike Humphrey Le Dinh TienMicrosoft (Thailand)VietSoft Group Le Hoang HaiISCJon Sigurdson. 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Pollak DiSilvestroMercier, ClaudeColumbia CollegeBEAULISAndersonbeckmheGrivelMatthias FingerTAMIOTTI Andrew WarnerJansenKatrina RodwellNZ Nanny Service Rod MeharrynznannyHelene De SpongKay Hall Roger Lalolialice Walter RyderAveryDVideo Production Magalhaesgusselu Fay-BarnettgospastDOG Tislenkoff Glen Howard.Dr. Sznsi Gyrgy Prog Server Roslyn WalkerRoslyn Prof ALSTON Andrew ByrnesComputing CentreComputing ServiceCIPL, Faculty of Law Eva BreivikGlen Howard RCILJames Crawford Abram ChayesSHI WEI Julie BoucherFaculty of LawNorah GallagherEmanuela GillardSam WiedermannHarold K. JacobsonHarold JacobsonISR University of MichiganPwCPeter PiliounisAltenburger & PartnerPPCjdw02Elihu Lauterpacht Joseph WeilerJames Pattersonasterix schreinerGarvin VisitingProf.CSdarrowKlaus BosselmannSANDSKenneth W. RobertsAndrea BianchiPELLET Vaughan Lowe SCP MIGNARDNagy BoldizsrPierre Bodeau LRCILRui de Sousa e Filipa SousaMatthew CravenInstitut fr Vlkerrecht Inge BurgessAndreas L. 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