L'accès aux médicaments: Information en matière de brevets et liberté d’exploitation

Pour les organisations qui travaillent à mettre au point de nouveaux produits puis à les fabriquer et à les commercialiser à des prix abordables, il n'est pas facile de savoir si un médicament, un vaccin, un kit de diagnostic ou tout autre produit médical est déjà breveté ailleurs. Telle est la constatation faite lors d'un séminaire conjoint OMS-OMPI-OMC tenu le 18 février 2011. Programme et présentations ci-dessous:

Mise à jour: 22 février 2011

Voir aussi:

> ADPIC et santé publique
> L'OMC et les autres organisations




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Programme et exposés   
(en anglais uniquement)

09h00–09h30 — Opening Remarks:

  • Margaret Chan, Director-General, World Health Organization (WHO): remarks
  • Francis Gurry, Director General, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
  • Pascal Lamy, Director-General, World Trade Organization (°ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ): remarks


09h30–10h45 — Session 1: Access to medicines, patent information and freedom to operate — the context

  • Access and information needs from a public health perspective
    Speaker: Zafar Mirza, WHO
    > Presentation

  • Linking empirical data to policy processes: strengthening the base for policymaking on access to medicines
    Speaker: Antony Taubman, °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ
    > Presentation

  • Managing intellectual property for access
    Speaker: Anatole Krattiger, WIPO
    > Presentation

    Moderator: Hans Hogerzeil, WHO


10h45–11h15 Break

11h15–13h00 — Session 2: Patent information and freedom to operate:
Methodologies and sources of information — case studies

  • The patent status of medicines on the WHO model list for essential medicines
    Speaker: Stanley Kowalski University of New Hampshire — School of Law
    > Presentation

    Comments: Richard Laing, WHO
    > Presentation

  • Understanding the patent status of Antiretroviral Drugs — a Medicines Patent Pool/WIPO collaboration
    Speaker: Ellen 't Hoen, Medicines Patent Pool
    > Presentation

  • Global patent landscape on patenting activities in the field of vaccines
    Martin Friede, WHO
    > Presentation

  • A freedom to operate analysis of dengue vaccines
    The comparative role of IP in achieving access
    Speaker: Richard Mahoney, International Vaccines Institute
    > Presentation

    Moderator: Konji Sebati, WIPO


13h00–14h30 Lunch Break

14h30–16h00 — Session 3: Practicalities of patent information use — gaps and needs

  • Overview of patent information resources: WIPO experiences on legal status information
    Speaker: Lutz Mailänder, WIPO
    > Presentation

  • Access to medicines: patent information in pharmaceutical procurement
    Speaker: Sophie Logez, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS,
    Tuberculosis and Malaria
    > Presentation

  • Using patent information in managing practical access scenarios
    Speaker: Tahir Amin, Intellectual Property Initiative for Medicines, Access & Knowledge (I-MAK)
    > Presentation

    Moderator: Mathias Schaeli, Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual


16h00–16h30 Break

16h30–17h45 — Session 4: Panel Discussion: Strengthening the information base for access to medicine strategies — taking stock of experience and charting future directions


  • Rajiv I. Modi, Cadila Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

  • Eric Notegen, IFPMA / F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.

  • Gitanjali Sakhuja, UNICEF

  • John Kabare, African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO)

    Moderators: Anatole Krattiger, WIPO, and Antony Taubman, °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ


17h45–18h00 — Closing Session

  • Speaker: Marie-Paule Kieny, WHO
    Moderator: Johannes Christian Wichard, WIPO
