Charlas sobre cuestiones relativas a la OMC. Participación en foros. Servicios a los medios de comunicación y las ONG


Organizaciones participantes en la sesión de trabajo sobre la agricultura, 6 de julio de 2001

Simposio centrado en los problemas con que tropieza el sistema mundial de comercio, 6 y 7 de julio de 2001, Organización Mundial del Comercio, Ginebra, Suiza 


  • Afrimedia International

  • Agency for International Trade Information and Cooperation

  • Agriculture and Agri-food Canada

  • Antenne Suisse Réseau Afrique-Europe Foi et Justice

  • Association Marocaine des Semences & Plants AMSP

  • Boerenbond

  • Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners

  • Centre for European Reform


  • Confederation of the Food and Drink Industry of the EU

  • Consumers International


  • Dairy Farmers of Canada

  • Department of Trade and Industry, Republic of South Africa

  • Direction Generale des Douanes, Burkina Faso 

  • DTB Associates 

  • Eurogroup for Animal Welfare/RSPCA

  • FDF


  • FIVS


  • Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Environment Forum

  • Foreign Service Institute

  • Foundation for International Environmental Law and Development

  • Fraser Milner Castrain

  • Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland


  • Humane Society of the United States


  • IATP

  • Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy

  • Institute of Strategic Studies

  • International Federation for Animal Health

  • International Foundation for Environmentally Socially and Economically Sustainable Development

  • International NGO Forum on Indonesia Development

  • International Union Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Worker's Associations

  • IQ TechMedia Pvt Ltd

  • Irish Farmers Associations

  • JA Zenchu Central Union of Agricultural Cooperatives

  • JBC International

  • Latvian State Institute of Agrarian Economics

  • Ministry of Economy Poland

  • National Institute of Agriculture Extension Management

  • NGLS


  • Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

  • Oxfam Canada


  • Parlement Européen

  • Parliament of Denmark

  • Philippine Peasant Institute

  • Planning Commission India

  • Producteur Suisse de Lait PSL


  • Rogaland Research

  • Royal Society for the Protection of Birds

  • SEWA Nepal

  • ³§´Ç±ô¾±»å²¹°ù¾±³Ùé

  • South Centre

  • Strategic Development Initiative

  • Swiss Coalition of Development Organisations

  • The Research Institute for International Affairs

  • Times of Swaziland

  • Ukrainian-European Policy Legal Advice Centre


  • Union Suisse des Paysans

  • Universidad Mayor de San Andres, Bolivia

  • Universita' Cattolica Del S. Cuore

  • University of Bayreuth

  • University of Maastricht

  • Venezuela

  • War on Want

  • Wirtschaftliche Vereinigung Zucker

  • World Rural Forum

  • World Trade Institute

  • World Vision

  • WWF-UK

  • Zimbabwe Trust