Charlas sobre cuestiones relativas a la OMC. Participación en foros. Servicios a los medios de comunicación y las ONG


Organizaciones participantes en la sesion de trabajo sobre comercio y desarrollo, 7 de julio de 2001

Simposio centrado en los problemas con que tropieza el sistema mundial de comercio, 6 y 7 de julio de 2001, Organización Mundial del Comercio, Ginebra, Suiza 


  • Agency for Humanitarian Technology


  • AMSP

  • Arab Bangladesh Bank Ltd

  • Association for International Development and Collaboration

  • Bureau Arthur Dunkel

  • CII

  • Danish Broadcasting Corporation

  • ePoor.org


  • Finland

  • FIVS

  • Forum Environment and Development

  • Georgetown University

  • HSUS


  • IDPD

  • IDRC

  • IISD

  • Institut du Droit de la Paix et du Développement

  • Institute of Southeast Asian Studies


  • Japan Wood-Products Information and Research Center

  • JBC International


  • Kanagawa University

  • Labour Education and Research Network

  • Labour Research Service

  • Philippines Peasant Institute

  • Podium

  • Rainforest Alliance

  • Research Institute for International Affairs, Korea

  • Romanian Competition Council

  • Ruddy, T.

  • Russian Forum for Sustainable Development

  • SDI


  • SEWA Nepal

  • Simon, P.J.


  • ³§´Ç±ô¾±»å²¹°ù¾±³Ùé

  • South Centre

  • Tebtebba Foundation

  • The Consensus Building Institute

  • Traidcraft Exchange

  • TWN

  • Ukranian-European Policy Legal Advise Centre

  • UNI

  • Universitaet Bochum

  • Université Pierre Mendès France

  • University of Genoa

  • University of Sussex

  • University of Wisconsin

  • War on Want

  • WTI

  • Yale Center for Environmental Law&Policy

  • Zimbabwe Trust