Índice Analítico de la OMC

Trade Facilitation

El Índice Analítico de la OMC: Guía de las normas y usos de la OMC es una guía sobre la interpretación y aplicación de los Acuerdos de la OMC por los órganos de la OMC, artículo por artículo. Abarca la jurisprudencia del Órgano de Apelación, los grupos especiales y los árbitros de la OMC así como decisiones conexas y otras medidas importantes adoptadas por otros órganos competentes de la OMC.


Name of Article

DS reports




DS reports






Article 1

Publication and Availability of Information



Article 2

Opportunity to Comment, Information Before Entry into Force, and Consultations



Article 3

Advance Rulings



Article 4

Procedures for Appeal or Review



Article 5

Other Measures to Enhance Impartiality, Non-Discrimination and Transparency



Article 6

Disciplines on Fees and Charges Imposed on or in Connection with Importation and Exportation and Penalties



Article 7

Release and Clearance of Goods



Article 8

Border Agency Cooperation



Article 9

Movement of Goods Intended for Import under Customs Control



Article 10

Formalities Connected with Importation, Exportation and Transit



Article 11

Freedom of Transit



Article 12

Customs Cooperation



Article 13

General Principles



Article 14

Categories of Provisions



Article 15

Notification and Implementation of Category A



Article 16

Notification of Definitive Dates for Implementation of Category B and Category C



Article 17

Early Warning Mechanism: Extension of Implementation Dates for Provisions in Categories B and C



Article 18

Implementation of Category B and Category C



Article 19

Shifting Between Categories B and C



Article 20

Grace Period for the Application of the Understanding on Rules and Procedures for Governing the Settlement of Disputes



Article 21

Provision of Assistance and Support for Capacity Building



Article 22

Information on Assistance and Support for Capacity Building to be Submitted to the Committee



Article 23

Institutional Arrangements



Article 24

Final Provisions



Annex 1

Format for Notification under Paragraph 1 of Article 22

