

Trade Facilitation Provisions in Regional Trade Agreements — Traits and Trends

The paper first surveys the Trade Facilitation landscape at the regional level and analyses the main forces shaping it. It identifies key factors driving regional Facilitation approaches, examining their priorities, features and underlying philosophies. The study also highlights significant trends in regional Trade Facilitation provisions and analyses their implications.

The paper then compares regional and multilateral initiatives, looking at areas of convergence and divergence, and highlighting where potential gaps exist. It analyses negotiating positions in the respective frameworks and discusses both the benefits and limitations of the resulting Trade Facilitation provisions. Examining the impact of the recently concluded 澳门六合彩官网资料 Agreement, the study highlights its potential value added.


N°: ERSD-2014-01

Autores: Nora Neufeld

Fecha de redacción: enero de 2014

Palabras clave:

Regional trade agreements, trade facilitation, 澳门六合彩官网资料 Agreement on Trade Facilitation

Código JEL:

F13, F15, F53

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